Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa – Vṛndāvan: Part three delved into the Judaic role and influence on the Geopolitical sphere and how their policies and programmes of social change were acculturated into Western thought and social systems. Part Four will look more closely at the relationship between Judaic thought and its inculcation into modern Social Theory and thought. The view point of this discourse is not to seek compromise in a pluralistic / interreligious sense nor is it seeking to find similarities to aid in religious syncretism. However, it does not seek to nullify the Judaic faith but to place it in perspective of not only the Geopolitical sphere but also from a pragmatic logical perspective regarding its place as a bonafide religious doctrine.
Before going into the presentation it is important to note that the Judaic view of history is very different from other historic accounts as it mainly hails from Rabbis and Scholars gaining insight from their mystical tradition as opposed to substantiated fact. They believe that their connection as the chosen people affords them direct contact with God who reveals to them mystically the knowledge and information they require.
Therefore the Judaic account of history is different from the Vedic account. Judaic scholars believe that one of the sons of Abraham went to India to convert it to Monotheism and thus gave birth to the Monotheistic tradition of India and the Brahminical culture. The Judaic Kabbalist Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel (1604 – 1657) claims in his book ‘The hope of Israel’ that portions of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel were sent by God to all parts of the world in order to spread the Judaic faith and influence globally. They claim that their influence extended as far as the Inca people of South America, the Indian subcontinent, Russia, China and Japan.
Judaic scholars claim that Judaic influence in India began in the first century BCE then again in the fifth century CE. These of course contradict the Vedic history which has its own historic account that comprises the Vedic literature which clearly shows its history without reference to influence from the ten lost tribes of Israel.
It is interesting to note that the account from South America came from an anecdotal account of a ‘marrano’ or a Jew who has converted to Christianity but practices Judaism in secret. The other historic accounts are also born of mystic speculation centuries later and are not based on any historic evidence and only sporadic accounts from various Rabbis and individuals. However they are now ‘urban legend’ within the Jewish community who even go to the length of conducting tours to India, Africa, China and Japan so that modern day Jews can go to the lands of their forefathers.
However, their ‘in house’ account of history may be mystically revealed accounts of their Scholars and Rabbis whose believability is rather dubious, their influence, however, on the Geopolitical sphere is a well documented and demonstrable account of so called modern history. The work of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers of the Frankfurt School is without parallel in modern history. Their genius in incorporating the work of Sigmund Freud displays their brilliance in designing an almost fool proof process to systematically degrade the Western Cultural Society and effectively push on with creating a Secular Humanistic Society which is Godless and impersonal.
Freudian Thought in Relationship to Judaism
Freud was a non religious (secular) Jew who believed that the truth of a person lay below the surface and it was only through psychoanalysis via the doctor patient relationship that the truth can be revealed. Freud in effect secularized Kabbalistic thought and Secular Humanistic thought within the field of Social Science which was a very important development for the Marxist Social Engineers who had found a way to link their Judaic thought with modern scientific fields which gave them a type of scientific credibility in the Academic world.
In Judaic mysticism the truth or knowledge of the Kabbalaḥ can only be revealed orally from an experienced teacher (Tsadik or Rebbe) who has delved below the surface of the material to search for its underlying meaning. The Kabbalaḥ historically was an oral tradition due to this knowledge acquiring process and has only been written down in order to preserve it. The Kabbalistic theme is the basis of psychoanalysis. “Things are never what they appear to be. Truth must always be sought below the surface in which the defining principle of psychoanalysis is ‘that everything is something other than what it seems to be or than what the authorities say it is…”
Freud’s Jewishness was essentially opposed to Biblical (Mosaic) law as well as the Rabbinic tradition which expounded the law. For Freud, Law leads to guilt and guilt precipitates neurosis. In spirit, both mysticism and psychoanalysis are a protest against any central place being given to Law.
Freud’s last work “Moses and Monotheism” presents that Moses was not a Jew (Israelite) but an Egyptian. This work has been widely discredited as not being based on substantial historic evidence by Biblical scholars. However much of ancient history is marked by speculation and evidence is scant and piecemeal at best and subjected to heavily biased interpretation. Kabbalistic thought suggests that everything is something other than what it seems… or what the authorities say it is…
Freud postulates that the Biblical Moses was Akhenaten the Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled Egypt in 1336CE who is known to be the first Monistic Pharaoh. Akhenaten is said to have forcefully pushed aside the Polytheistic worship of the Egyptian Gods of the people replacing it with the worship of Aten or Aton. Freud claimed that it was Akhenaten, also known as Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt and it was through him that the Mosaic Laws were given by God.
By claiming that Moses was a goyim (Freud was known to despise Gentiles/Goy) he effectively made a Goy responsible for the Mosaic Law and for the ‘guilt’ that the Jewish people bear from his other postulate that Moses was murdered by fanatic idol worshipping Israelites. It was this human guilt, Freud claims, that underlies the pain of neurosis. Neurosis arises when disharmony occurs within what Freud called; the id or primitive instincts, ego or conscious mind, and superego the unconscious mind or conscience.
The aspects of id/ego/superego can be also seen as; id = nephresh / ego = ruach / superego = neshamah. The id is the animal or instinctual aspect of the soul. The ego is the ruach or the moral intelligence aspect and the superego is the mind and intelligence. Within the mind and intelligence are the ‘chāyaḥ’ and the ‘yeshidah’ which are the higher aspects of the Jewish soul which link it with God.
The Christians, Freud believes, who bear the guilt of murdering Jesus, by him dying for their sins, are held within the restraints of the Law in the form of the Ten Commandments and as the Western Cultures are based on the religious and social mores of Christian values and law then they too bear the guilt that is acculturated within. Freud emphasised psychological factors over biological factors in the acculturation of guilt born neurosis in mankind and therefore emphasised racial memory being acculturated into the historic accounts of a people.
He believed however, that psychoanalysis has taken on a religious duty within Western Society by absolving sins against the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law which perpetuated guilt by acculturating Laws into Society that mankind is not able to comply with. Freud believed that the analyst represents the superego or conscience, as a non punishing conscience born of communal morality, in which the patient sees the analyst as the superego or conscience or parent. However the analyst is not blamed for they are removed from any responsibility, not being involved in the patient’s neurosis, and subsequently bears no blame. The blame however is placed on the parents who corrupted the child / the law who suppressed them and the Western Culture who taught them to fear God and his law. The Analyst in modern Society has assumed the role of the Priest and has therefore successfully severed the link between religion and the mental health of the members of Western Society. This is evidenced in the Catholic Church embracing Psychoanalysis into its Priesthood thus affording it a certain status within the Church.
Freud transformed the; Parents responsibility to nurture the child; the Laws responsibility to protect the person; the Priests responsibility to hear confession; Western Cultures responsibility to free the person and facilitate peace – into the Analyst who was now the nurturer, confessor, protector, and freer of the bonds that religion and western culture have placed on the individual.
Kabbalaḥ and Judaic Mysticism
The Judaic thought coming from Abraham, Moses and other early prophets displayed a very rudimentary philosophical understanding of theology. As the early Sadducees, Pharisees and Rabbis began to be influenced by Greek (Hellenic) and Gnostic thought the Judaic theology began to mature and develop as it sought ways in which to explain the simplistic and vague concepts presented in the early Toraḥ. This laid the foundation for the Judaic metaphorical interpretative process as they could not reconcile the literal interpretative process with the Biblical accounts.
One foundational concept that was originally given in Genisis was that God created man in His image. This has been interpreted in many different ways by early scholars of the Toraḥ through to the early Kabbalistic scholars in the Zohar and by Lurianic thought, as well as the Talmudic scholars. In the early Judaic theology there coexisted two concepts of God. One believed that the Biblical text should be taken ‘as it is’ or by its literal interpretation and the other believed that some of the text, especially those regarding the depiction of God as a person, is to be taken metaphorically.
The metaphorical (the impersonalist school) idea won out in the end as it was championed by the early Judaic philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) from Middle Ages who codified Jewish law in the Talmud. Thus the notion that God has form is now outlawed and therefore not acceptable to the Judaic followers of God. With the literal meaning of text vilified, and considered heretical, the metaphorical interpretation now lent credence to the Kabbalaistic speculative interpretative process which is typical of the Judaic scholars who endlessly extrapolate their ancient text to explain a multitude of interpretations, all which are considered valid, as well as explaining every inconsistency or lack so that the Judaic philosophy is relevant in the modern context.
Adam or man was created in the mind of God which did not infer that man was created as an image or replica of God but man was created by what God ‘imagined’ man to be; the archetypal image of man as existing in the mind of God, which He made flesh out of earth and breathed life into it. Thus this explanation explained away that man had a form similar to God’s by speculatively interpreting God’s word as metaphorical and not literal.
The main influence on the development of Judaic theology is the Kabbalaḥ which was developed in the 12th century CE. The earliest work is Sefer haBahir (Book of Brilliance) which is said to be basically a Gnostic textual interpretation of the Toraḥ and other books of Judaic thought. Gnosticism is to know God or a higher being through mystical or esoteric means. Gnosticism has influenced many theological schools of thought such as Christianity and especially Judaic thought via the Kabbalaḥ.
In Kabbalistic thought, the Messiaḥ (a human person) is thought of as Toraḥ or text. Later, holy men are also regarded as Toraḥ. Freud’s idea regards each person as Toraḥ; each person needs interpreting and psychoanalysis. This idea is also found in the Zoha, a well-known mystical interpretation of the Toraḥ, which suggests the metaphor of persons as ‘texts’ requiring interpretation.
In stark contrast of this attitude of interpretation is that the words of the latter day Rabbis and Scholars of Judaic thought must be taken at face value or directly but the words of God can and should be taken allegorically or metaphorically. In using metaphorical interpretive process in understanding God’s word the Judaic theologians utilize the God is ‘immanent’ in the mind of man ideology which translates to; if the ‘faithful’ decree it must be taken ‘a priori’ and higher than the actual word of God. This interpretive process is non-different to the ‘Age of Reason’ speculative philosophers who believe that reason or meaning is derived by man alone.
Freudian thought and practice even though ‘claiming’ to be non religious is linked ideologically back to a Kabbalistic impersonalist mystical interpretation of human thought and rationale which is largely metaphorical in orientation.
Judaic Understanding of the Soul
The ability of the ‘Age of Reason’ or Transcendentalist philosopher to describe the nature of the soul took a sharp increase with the work of Madam Blavatsky of the Theosophical society when she went to India to learn about the nature of the soul. Subsequent to this visit, Rabbinical thought began to use the Vedic Advaita school of thought’s interpretation of the soul to embellish their own explanations. Due to Blavatsky coming from the impersonalist orientation she was more interested in the impersonal understanding of God and so the work of the Theosophical Society greatly influenced the Rabbinical thought in attempting to clarify their ideologies.
By using the more detailed descriptions of theology found in the Vedic knowledge of India the Judaic scholars were better able to explain the embryonic ideologies found in the Abrahamic theology to give it a sense of substantivity in the modern academic fields. However, they utilized only the aspects of Vedānta that suited their purpose, taking them out of context of the totality of truth found in Vedantic knowledge and practice.
The Jewish understanding of balance in life or yoga (union with God) is when man is free of darkness or dark thoughts and actions and seeks to act in accord with Gods law or Toraḥ. The sin of Adam was that he betrayed this union with God when he broke with God’s law. God in the Jewish sense is comprised of both male and female aspects. When Adam sinned, the male (complete whole) aspect of God was separated from the female (incomplete whole – lack) aspect by the female aspect being trapped on earth in man being sinful and therefore ignorant of God’s plan, as when Adam sinned against God.
The consequence of Adam’s sin was that man was exiled from Eden as punishment for this separation of Gods male and female aspect. Similarly the Jews in their various Diaspora (forced by God) migrations are considered to be in exile. Their mission is to transmigrate to all countries of the world with the intention to influence mankind to follow God’s Law thus freeing all the sparks of God trapped in goyim populations.
The Judaic understanding is that every living entity possesses the soul spark of God and the only difference being that the Jews possess additional sparks, transmitted via their mothers, which imbibe them with extra qualities to be able to relate and comprehend God. Although this understanding is not shared by all Judaic philosophers, many of whom believe that all humans possess all aspects of the nephresh or soul but it is only those who understand God through his Toraḥ that can become one with the light of God. The Toraḥ is the light of God in the material creation and therefore the only way to achieve liberation. All souls have the ability to receive Gods light in this way by developing the aspects of the soul called the chāyaḥ or the desire to know God, the purpose of creation and the Yeshidah or the actual point of uniting with God; however this truth can only be revealed through the study and acceptance of the Toraḥ as Gods word.
Therefore the goal of human life is to release these sparks so they can merge with the light/force which is God or in the Vedic sense the Brahman or impersonal aspect of God. In Judaic thought man even though created in God’s image, does not have form, only man incarnate has form. God is ‘potential’ and we are the ‘actual’ aspects of God. The potential has no form. The ‘actual’ form is Adam, who God breathes his life airs, nephresh, into, which due to Adam’s sinning disconnected him from God – the ‘potential’ from the ‘actual’. The unification of the two aspects of God, the ‘potential’ aspect of God and the actual aspect of God is only through receiving Gods light from the Toraḥ.
At this level the Judaic understanding differs from the Vedic understanding which describes the jīvātmā or soul transmigrating through different bodies incurring karma due to contravention of God laws until it finds salvation by learning to follow the laws as given by God. In the Vedic understanding the Jīvātmā is given a material body, the sthūla śarīra, or ‘incarnate’ body and a liṅga śarīra, or the subtle body, which is described in Judaic thought as the lower aspects of the soul such as the nephresh of the instinctual or behavioural aspect of the soul or the ruach, the moral or emotional aspect.
The jīvātmā is separate from the gross and subtle body which is given by karma through the process of reincarnation. It is essentially qualitatively but not quantitatively identical to God. It is a miniscule portion of God which is eternally separate and distinct from God and therefore possesses individuality. In the Vaiṣṇava sense merging into God is considered a lesser and unwanted relationship with God. The Vaiṣṇava’s belief is the jīvātmā is capable of having a personal relationship with God in the spiritual world.
The jīvātmā is a distinct consciousness, as in the ‘dwaita’ school of thought known as ‘qualified dualism’ also known as the Vishishtadvaita of Rāmānuja Acharya. Here the entity which is encapsulated in the gross, sthūla śarīra; and subtle, liṅga śarīra body, is distinct from God. The understanding of the nature of the soul in Vedānta, sees the soul as being a conscious entity which is entirely different, acintya bheda abheda tattva or simultaneously one and yet different understanding which is different from the Judaic thought which sees the soul as being a spiritual spark which is given by God and is the same as God.
The soul in the Judaic sense is the female aspect of God. They believe that God is one and cannot be separated therefore He cannot lack anything. It is the complete whole. However, the aspect of God that exists in the earthly realm is the female aspect or that aspect that lacks. God is the giver, being whole, and the soul or nepresh is the receiver or the aspect that lacks. The higher aspect that exists in the nepresh or soul is the chāyaḥ and the yeshidah. These aspects are the aspects of the soul which give it the ability to contemplate that which they lack, and the ability to receive the light of God. When the soul inquires of this lack through the study of Toraḥ and contemplation on God they gain the ability to know Gods plan through an understanding of lack schooled in the idea of receiving God’s light through the Toraḥ that the soul is able to unite with God.
The Jews who believe that they are God’s sole chosen people believe that at the time that God delivered the Toraḥ to Moses that God’s light entered into the nephresh, souls, of those who stood there and who subsequently ended up following the Toraḥ. This is where the chāyaḥ and yeshidah aspect of the soul entered into the Jewish people of today and is passed on by the mother (female – lack) aspect of mankind, Adam.
The Judaic belief is; because humans do not know God’s law they follow their own manmade laws and so that part of humanity, which is God, is disconnected from him, God, until it follows his law (Toraḥ) and finally allows that part of him which is trapped in humanity, to again be reunited or ‘merge’ in ‘yoga’ with him at the time of death.
This is the same for animal and vegetative life forms. The spiritual sparks are also trapped in these forms of life and if they are killed according to God’s law, kosher killing, their sparks are also released from bondage in material bodies and return to unite with God. As the Judaic God allows for the slaughter of animals for food, meat eating is sanctioned by Judaic law and is not considered barbaric or lacking in kindness to animals, for their souls or spiritual sparks are released to unite with God in the form of kosher killing.
The Vedic understanding is very similar however differs from this view as you who are reading this paper, never changes, you exist eternally as a distinct separate entity and you change bodies according to your level of consciousness. Sometimes you are incarnated in an animal / plant / insect or Demi God body but essentially you are the same person just transmigrating through different bodies according to your level of consciousness. You are qualitatively the same as God but not quantitatively the same as Him. Being qualitatively similar and yet separate you have the opportunity to either ‘unite with or become one with’ Him by merging in with Him in a temporary state (you will eventually take material form again) or you can achieve liberation from this material bondage and unite (yoga) by having a personal intimate relationship with Him personally in the spiritual realm. You will forever remain a separate entity in relationship with God.
The Judaic understanding of the soul is similar to the Brahmavādī path which although a bonafide system of transcendentalism is nevertheless a lesser path which is not ultimately liberating from the bonds of material nature. Souls or jīva’s who are liberated to this impersonal aspect of God must again return to this material world in order to learn the precise way in which to escape this bondage.
In the Judaic understanding the creation and dissolution of the material worlds is constant as God who desires to be known and understood continually creates and destroys the world thus allowing his creations to know of him and know that He exists. Whereas in the Vedic thought God eternally exists in the spiritual realm of which this temporary material manifestation is going on however He gives the jīvātmā the opportunity to join with Him in the spiritual realm forever in an eternal lovingly reciprocal relationship with Him.
The essential difference being with the understanding of unification in both the personal and impersonal sense is what differentiates both religious doctrines. On the one hand we have the personal unification process of the dwaita or qualified dualism (God is similar to the soul) where the unification of God with the soul is distinct and personal where the individuality of the soul remains intact and in pure loving relationship with God. On the other hand the unification is ‘becoming one’ or there is a merging of the soul with God and the separate relationship is lost, the individuality is lost. This understanding where there is a merging or becoming one with God is given in the adwaita or dualistic (God is the same as the soul) impersonal school of thought in Vedānta.
The mission of the Vedantic Vaiṣṇava is to give knowledge of God to others so that they can free themselves from the bondage of material existence and attain personal loving union with God. The idea of merging with God in an impersonal way is abhorrent to the Vaiṣṇava tradition.
The Soul or Spirit
There is a difference between the understanding of the soul and spirit in the Judaic and Vaiṣṇava concept. The Judaic concept sees the spirit as being Brahman or the life force / breath of God. Whereas the Vaiṣṇava conclusion is that there is a distinction between the two, the life force or prāṇa is not the soul however it is the light or force of Brahman as distinct from the gross material body. The life force animates the material body but is not the jīvātmā who is the knower or the conscious entity that inhabits the body and is the knower of the field of activity of that particular body.
Jewish Conversion to Other Faiths
The idea that the totality of the spirit sparks of God, which are separated by Adam’s sin and encapsulated in a kellipot, in both Jew and Goyim and therefore need to reunite is understood to be via the process of Tikkum Olam. Many Jews believe that it is their mission to enter into many fields of thought, religions and cultures in order to change (religious syncretism) them to accept or modify in such a way so as to come more in line with Judaic thought and eventually Judaic Law so as to liberate more trapped sparks of God so God can be whole.
“Following in the footsteps of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, as well as Śrī Ramakrishna (and for the same reasons as they) HaKohain formally converted to Islam, Roman Catholicism and Hinduism — not, as he says, to become a practicing member of any one of these, but to metaphorically gather together the “Holy Sparks” from all of them into a single “Divine Flame” within his own person, thereby contributing to the inner Kabbalistic Reunification of God. (Yakov Leib HaKohain – Modern day Kabbalist/Religious Syncreist)
The idea of Judaic mysticism is that God or his light (female aspect) that is trapped in this world inside the various Kellipots or evil husks of ignorance, that encapsulate God’s light holding it on earth, easily lends itself to the formation of a mission that is both religious and simultaneously Geopolitically imperialistic in nature. Therefore the more that Jews follow the Toraḥ and get gentiles to follow the Noahide Law, the more these sparks or portions of God may be released back to him.
The Messianic time is when the Judaic people have been successful in their mission to ‘Judaically’ acculturate all the various gentile countries of the world and they again return to their promised homeland in Israel. The fact that the State of Israel has already been established when their mission is not yet completed is the subject of great debate and controversy in the international Jewish community who have divided into factions. There are the Zionist’s, who the more orthodox Jews believe have gone against the will of God and prematurely established Israel. Then there are those Jews who believe that they should have waited till the coming of the Messiaḥ.
The fundamental basis for Freudian and Marxist Communistic ideologies is completely in accord with the Judaic mission of Geopolitical world domination through changing the world view of the various cultures into accepting God’s immanence in nature and man, from both the Judaic theologically impersonalist perspective as well as the ‘Age of Reason’ philosophical/psychologically developmental perspective.
The development of the philosophy of Humanistic thought which sees the use of the ability in man to reason truth from his own devices or through non empirical ‘a priori’ speculation is not incongruent with the Judaic theological thought. The rapid introduction by the Frankfurt Schools Social Engineers ideologies into mainstream academic, social and religious thought displays the power and ability of the Judaic Social Engineers and therefore requires further investigation.
The argument that no one can be absolute in their reasoning comes from the ideology that there is no absolute truth. That truth is relative and exists in the various rationalizations of man. This infers that the more obscure, sophistic or verbosely bewildering the argument the more likely that it will be accepted. This understanding is that truth is ‘a priori’ or is something that must be accepted as fact or accepted as the truth without undergoing any process of verification or substantiation. This places man centric reason, logic and argument on the platform of ‘word jugglery.’
The various speculative schools of Philosophy over the centuries have relied on this logical process in order to have their postulations accepted as genuine philosophic thought. The Frankfurt School authors operate under this very same principle where their verbose and bewildering postulates have been accepted by both the Academic Community as well as the general community as unsubstantiated truth.
Theocracy or governance under the law of God assures that there is an absolute truth that is above the speculative minds of man otherwise there will be irresolvable conflict within human society as the various self interested parties will be involved in disputes based on speculative theories which have been fabricated in the mind of man. This is evidenced in the multitude of ‘isms’ and schools of thought vying for followers and power in existence in today’s modern world.
The intent of the Marxist Communistic Judaic Social Engineers was to introduce the multitude of impersonalistic schools of thought that was aimed at severing the ties of mankind to a God centric perspective so they could begin the systematic degradation and dismantling of the social structure of Western Society and Humanism. It proved to be an excellent tool to use to achieve this objective.
Humanistic Thought
Humanism is the school’s of thought that posits the theory that all human experience is based on the human perspective (subjective) in attempting to understand themselves, the work of God and Nature. As Humanistic thought systematically took hold of the Education System the idea that the ‘work’ of God was redundant in modern thought and the educational process became increasingly secular.
Humanistic thought being the basis of the educational system meant that the youth formed their world view based on the premise that religion was superfluous to a person’s life and that their own powers of reason have been suppressed by being indoctrinated by their respective cultures, religious school of thought, which rendered the individual incapable of making their own decisions or forming their own opinions.
The educational ethos of Western secular schooling has taken over the older traditional educational systems that were religiously orientated. In the present day more or less in all secular countries the old traditional private religious schooling systems are now fully converted over to the secular humanistic ethos and consequentially religion no longer plays a role in the educational development of the child, youth or adult.
Critical Theory
Critical Theory is the ideology that all cultural mores must be challenged by the process of ‘negative criticism’ or to look at cultural and societal value structures, patriarchal society, the family, gender roles, religion etc and to challenge these value structures and cultural mores by seeking out any perceived ‘rational contradictions’. They see that modern scientific processes of verification and falsification are redundant in the modern context and that human reason born from the mind and intelligence of modern man is far superior.
They introduced the idea that a Utopia is entirely possible. So long as it was constructed on their rules and logical process, which purportedly allowed man to intellectually rise above the cultural, religious and a scientific world view that required hard evidence. They proclaimed that humanity could live in a world of ‘ideals’ that transcended the reality of cultural religious and evidentially based science.
The influence of the Frankfurt School authors took on two basic strategies; The Generation Gap of the 60’s which sought to separate the Youth from the Adults by not only age but also mentality. The older generation stood for Traditional values whereas the younger generation stood for free thinking, change and revolution. Then there was the ‘Gender Gap’ of the 90s which sought to polarize the male and female genders. Their idea was to refute the role of a man as the dominant gender and ‘pit’ the female gender against the male in order to produce radical changes in social mores and eventually laws. The idea of the Frankfurt School Cultural Marxist agenda was that by introducing this argument into Western Society they would be able to eventually breakdown the family tradition and subsequently make it possible for them to effect the changes in society which would lead to their idea of Utopia.
In 1920 Antonio Gramsci, an Italian born Communist academic, believed that in order for Communistic ideals to be spread in Western culture then a ‘Quiet Revolution’ is needed. He postulated that the hard line revolutionary techniques of earlier Marxists would not work on the capitalist mentality of the modern European cultures and that a more quiet, psychological, technique would be required.
Before the Second World War in Germany the Frankfurt School had begun the idea of the ‘quiet revolution’ which set the stage for the slow but gradual infiltration and reorganization of Western thought via Academia. The strategic move to migrate the Frankfurt School and its members to the United States was made before the end of the Second World War, however, the infiltration of the States would require a very different technique from the one they employed in Russia and Europe.
The Frankfurt School Social Engineers through their connections with some of the most influential and prestigious Universities in the US began the deconstruction of American thought by launching ‘Post Modernism’. It was via the ideology of Post Modernism that these authors began the process to separate the teachers and youth from their attachments to their past, cultural and religious beliefs and values.
Post Modernism is a Social Engineering ‘project’ that replaced Modernism as a philosophical polemic premise for so call modern thought. It was largely engineered by the German philosopher and social critic Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was a notable author in both Existentialism and Postmodernism and was responsible for coining the phrase “God is Dead”. Being fond of using metaphors he proclaimed himself to be an ‘Anti-Moralist’ in order to attack the religious morality of the times. His anti moral stance in life’s natural conclusion was to die of tertiary Syphilis which culminates in insanity. He is said to be the main author behind Post Modernistic thought in Western society.
Post Modernistic thought introduced the youth to many theories such as;
1. Androgyny theory
2. Authority theory
3. Family theory
4. Legal theory
5. Literary theory
6. Matriarchal theory
7. Personality theory
8. Racial theory
9. Sexuality theory
These numerous schools of critical theoretical analysis developed the ideology of ‘rights’. It is the ‘right’ of so and so; to do or say; so and so… Here the cultural Marxist agenda was to organize minority groups into political parties and lobby groups to fight for their rights. They began to develop their polemic idea in society that minorities were being discriminated against by the majorities and therefore needed to militarize and fight for their rights instead of using the proper channels.
The Frankfurt School authors identified that one of the main bastions of Western Society was the family tradition which was primarily patriarchal in nature. That Patriarchal Society and families were authoritarian and therefore ‘bad’, therefore counterproductive to the Utopian ideal. They cited Hitler and Nazi Germany as proof of the Authoritarian method. Therefore they introduced the idea that Matriarchal Society was a much better alternative to the ‘authoritarian’ male dominated Western Society.
Through the systematic introduction of the various theories into the curriculum and syllabus of schools and Universities they began the process to challenge and subsequently change the existing cultural milieu of Western Society. The father, leader or majority cultural representation in a society was necessarily authoritarian and therefore abused their power to suppress and discriminate against the minorities of the society.
In the family the father was depicted as a power hungry fascist figure within patriarchal society; the community leaders, the police or any authority figure that represented the establishment was oppressive and therefore bad. They developed this argument even though it could not be substantiated by empirical or experiential evidence and the impressionable youth eagerly accepted their verbose and sophistic polemic dissertations as if they were divine revelations.
If you had an opinion that was against what was considered ‘politically correct’ then you are a fascist oppressor even if the opinion was the opinion or mores that was considered culturally or morally correct for the society at large. For example a child growing up with a Christian value system in the 60’s or 70’s would believe that Homosexuality or Abortion was morally, biologically and even spiritually wrong. However a child who grew up in the 90’s or 2000’s considers these practices as normal or at the very least, a person’s right to do whatever they so desired.
In the 21st century these attitudes have reversed themselves to such a degree that if one was now to voice their opinion that homosexuality was morally or biologically abhorrent they would be considered to be abhorrent themselves. Pre 90’s a person may feel disgust or disapproval for these practices which in some minority of cases leads to violence, however, nowadays it is quite common for people who have a liberalist sentiment to feel anger and frustration at someone who holds a opposing opinion. The person holding religious or traditional opinion is now considered a backward ignorant brute and the modernist liberal is considered an enlightened being.
They successfully turned the tables on Society. Now it was the minority that was forcing their opinion onto Society. Anyone who was a leader in Society was necessarily ‘Authoritarian’ and therefore abused their power and position. Everyone except of course the Marxists Communistic authors, the Professors and Teachers who, ironically, now held positions of authority and wielded more power over the impressionable and naïve minds of the students than the ones they were rejecting.
The Frankfurt School authors were able to surreptitiously replace the leaders of Society with themselves and get the students to fight for them. As the youth of their country were made to fight in the World Wars these Communist Marxists were able to get the youth of America to fight against their own country in its very heartlands. The youth were not able to see that just as the so called society that they were rebelling against got their fathers to fight for them, they too were being used to fight a war. The Generals of the war that they fought were not from the American heartlands and cared little for its people. The students had no idea that they were simply being used as ‘cannon fodder’ or ‘foot soldiers’ in a network of Judaic Globalists in which the Professors and the Frankfurt School Social Engineers were merely the Social Science sector. Judaic Globalists; whose prime intention was to destroy Western Society.
The Frankfurt School Roots of the Hippie Era
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda established ISKCON in the very heartland of the Frankfurt Schools author’s protégés in the San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury area and New York’s Lower East Side. His coming into the very heartland areas where agents of the Demon Kali were disseminating and indoctrinating the youth of America into the Cultural Marxist ideologies was in hindsight no coincidence. It appears that Lord Kṛṣṇa sent Śrīla Prabhupāda to make sure that the Demon Kali’s influence was not complete within the Judaic Marxist led American anti establishment movement. Śrīla Prabhupāda did not seek out the rich and famous nor did he seek out the Hippies to simply make them into Happies. He intentionally sought out and took on the, professors, academics, students and religionists that were turning people against religion and God.
Many social commentators pointed to the post Second World War children of affluent America being disillusioned by the war mongering of the establishment and therefore opting out of the ‘rat race’ for a ‘counter culture’ lifestyle as a cause of the revolutionary Hippie era. They rebelled against their families with their affluent lifestyles and moved into the cheaper downtown sectors abandoned by the middle class primarily in Los Angeles and New York.
However only in hindsight can we see that this so called revolution of the affluent youth of America was not a ‘natural evolution of consciousness’ of theirs but they had been cannon fodder for the anti establishment plans of the Frankfurt school authors who manipulated and incited the youth to revolt. Universities such as Berkeley in California and Princeton in New Jersey New York were churning out affluent students who were indoctrinated the by Professors who were influenced by Marxist Communistic Secular Humanistic Sciences and encouraged to revolt against the establishment.
The main aim of these Social Engineers was to make the youth challenge the mores of the society in which they lived and to revolt against the establishment. In order to accomplish this they created a myriad of philosophical opinions in which to create schisms within the Academia which lead to confusion and argument. The multifarious schools of ‘negative critical thought’ that arose from their influence further corrupted teachers and students with ideas of revolution against the establishment and societal mores. These Marxist authors became the philosophical leaders/gurus of the Hippies era; which more of less destroys the moral fibre of any country that it influenced.
The idea that the youth revolted against the establishment as a result of the Second World War polemic was introduced by these authors who needed a reason to fuel the fires of discontent that they had engendered into the youth by pointing at the tragedy and futileness of war. Many social commentators at the time pointed out the use of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons, as being the epitome of war mongering and a capitalistic establishment gone wrong.
America’s use of the Nuclear Bomb in the Second World War on the people of Japan had serious repercussions inside the US which lead to many people questioning the use of weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. The Manhattan Project was America’s nuclear project to produce the nuclear bomb as a defence against Nazi Germany’s plan for world domination. It was in 1939 that Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German Jewish theoretical physicist and philosopher and Leó Szilárd (Feb 11, 1898 – May 30, 1964) Hungarian Jewish physicist wrote to the President of America Franklin D. Roosevelt that Nazi Germany was ‘possibly’ developing the Atom Bomb and they petitioned for the America to begin a Uranium enrichment project. President Roosevelt responded immediately and plans were underway to develop the Manhattan Project.
The Second World War was a pivotal and highly influential point for the Cultural Marxists plan to infiltrate and indoctrinate the youth of America. The reaction of the American people to the War was considerable with the society polarizing into pro War adherents and those against the war. With the encouragement of the Frankfurt School authors and Professors they were able to use this ambivalence and polarity to their advantage to push forward with their plans.
The Judaic Marxist Generals of the American Anti Establishment Revolution
“You won’t fool the children of the revolution” sang T Rex of the 70’s but they were fooled. The Frankfurt School authors with their cunning use of verbose esoteric polemic were able to mesmerize the naïve youth of America to turn against their own families and their Society. They were aided in their activities by Timothy Leary’s “Turn on, tune in, drop out” infusion into the Marxist lead countercultural movement. With the youth of America being encouraged to consume drugs and alcohol in order to drop out of society America faced a bleak future.
The youth were ripe for the new age Generals of the war against the Western Culture. These Generals were as ruthless as any military General in any Theatre of War. For these Judaic Marxist Communists took their war against Western God centric culture and declared war on America in their very heartlands. For them the Theatre of War was the homes, streets and Schools of middleclass America as they successfully enthused thousands of naïve youth to take to the streets and make War on the establishment.
Make Love Not War!
This was the slogan for resistance movement against the Vietnam War that was chanted by the Hippies of the sixties. Yet how many knew that this slogan was coined and introduced as a catch cry for the Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxist infiltration of the education system to induce the youth of America to revolt against the establishment.
The term or slogan “Make Love Not War” was introduced by Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School during the protest era of the Vietnam War was not an idea that sprang from the Hippies but an anti establishment slogan introduce into the so called counter culture to challenge the establishment.
During this time many Marxist Communist Academic Professors and students began to form into highly organized movements to arrange protests against the establishment under the guise of advocating for the ‘human rights’ of students and minorities. Together with the Frankfurt School authors these groups would form a Professor/student led revolution in society which laid the foundation of the ‘Politically Correct’ ideology to gain its foothold on human society.
The Frankfurt School authors recognized the potency of a polemic ideology once acculturated into Western Society that would undermine the traditional values of that society by placing an entirely new ‘terms of reference’ for its members. Terms of reference that were not able to be verified by empirical study or experience but by the sophistic ‘reason’ rhetoric that they promoted via their Critical Theory approach.
These authors cum gurus while promoting the so called ‘Age of Reason’, which teaches that the individual’s powers of reason would lead to transcendence of consciousness, had in fact, sublimely and unbeknownst to the naïve youth, placed themselves as the gurus of the individual instead of the Establishment and God. More importantly they promised the youth that they themselves were the guru for it was their own power of reason that made them independent thinkers and in control of themselves and their lives. The problem with that reasoning was that the Frankfurt School author’s logic had one flaw, the youth were not calling the shots nor were their parents or the church or society it was now the Frankfurt School authors who were in control and manipulating the youth to do their bidding. Due to being enamoured by the sophistic word jugglery and the liberal use of sophisticated esoteric jargon of these Social Engineers the youth were mesmerised into believing their rhetoric and shifted their world view to match those of their Professors and teachers which were ‘New Leftist’ in orientation
The Frankfurt School authors were able to introduce their carefully worded ‘terms of reference’ into society and passed it off as rational logical process. They were able to pass off as rational thought ideologies which were based on sentimentality and emotions rather than science. The Youth readily bought into this process and eagerly accepted the Frankfurt School authors and their new Humanistic Religion not realizing that they had merely exchanged the view point of their forefathers and traditions to accept the view points of the Judaic authors of Cultural Marxism.
Political Correctness
Political correctness is a polemicist attitude that has made its way into social networking systems in all secular countries throughout the world today. The ideology of Political Correctness is the avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. However, it is much more of a belief system which forms a person world view, attitudes and value structure than a simple polite manner in which to perform social interactions
The political correctness ideologies such as Pluralism, Homosexuality, Feminism, Liberalism, Anti-Semitism etc were being accepted by mainstream humanistic science as ‘a priori’ without being subjected to either verification or falsification. They were simply accepted by professors and subsequently students of Humanistic Social Sciences as factual representations of human behaviour and attitudes even though there was no substantial body of empirical evidence to support these ideologies.
The new Critical Thinkers analyze all social mores and societies value system and began to breakdown the various ‘taboos’ that formed a person’s ‘internal locus of control’ in order to free what they wanted the members of society to believe was the natural and unrestrained expression of thought, feeling and desires.
Engendering these sentiments and critical thought into childhood and youth was to falsely give them the impression that if they thought in this way that they were free thinkers and therefore gave them a sense of freedom. This sense of freedom was purported to be a necessary great evolutionary leap in consciousness. Rational thought and the idea of self worth and self esteem was no longer restrained and suppressed by religious thought. This new age was the natural progression of evolution in man and necessary for the growth and development of human society. That through this freedom of expression and thought world peace could be possible as man would no longer be a slave of his religion or the restraints of the parochial antiquated patriarchal western society.
The new world view, was that a new set of social mores and laws needed to be established, that were in line with the new era of ‘Reason’ that the authors of the Frankfurt School had acculturated into Western Society. The American people now desired a new value system and laws that were Hedonistic in orientation; in other words; if it feels good then do it.
The new America was eager to break with the past and form a new society that was based on sensual pursuit; it had a new set of values and morality that was self centric and selfish in nature. This new egalitarian and liberalistic America began to break down any impediment that would deny them the ability to unrestrictedly gratify their senses. Sensual pursuit, not God, was now the goal of the liberalist modernistic American.
However even the ‘liberalist’ ideal falls short of being ‘liberal’ and unbiased when taking into consideration the more socially abhorrent behaviours of individuals within society. If one took into consideration the Paedophile advocacy groups during the late 1950s onward, several paedophile membership organizations advocated lowering or abolishing age of consent laws to legalize sexual activities involving an adult and a child. Paedophile advocacy groups promoted their belief that children are psychologically capable of consenting to sexual interactions with adults and they often portrayed themselves as fighting for the right of children to engage in what the activists consider to be consensual sex with adults.
Then there is the opposite side of this when members of society are now of the belief that having more than one wife is considered perverse even though many cultures throughout the world’s history considered this politically correct and normal. The stark contradiction and irony to this is how it is now becoming politically correct for Homosexuals to marry and adopt children and it is considered amoral, perverted and illegal in Westernized societies to have more than one wife.
The Humanistic Social Science thought is that all abhorrent behaviours are engendered by suppression of our instinctual impulses or feelings. Thus repressed feelings and hate of the Father leads to anti Authoritarianism and suppressed sexual feelings for the Mother lead to sexual deviance.
The suppression of forbidden actions (taboos), which are based on powerful instincts, is transferred into aggression. They postulate that when emotions and feelings are repressed in the individual, it leads to transference to others.
For example they posit that when a man represses a ‘perceived’ instinctual sexual response for a member of the same sex and they are not able to express or experience the fulfilment of that instinctual response, due to societies value system forbidding such expression, they project this repression onto the object of their desire. This usually takes the form of Homophobia which is expressed as hatred, aggression or to the point of violence to the object of their repressed homosexual desires. Their conclusion is that if you believe that Homosexuality is wrong then by definition you are Homophobic and therefore in denial of your own homosexual urges and tendencies.
The Frankfurt School authors posit the polemic theory that a person’s natural expression of instinctual feelings, particularly sexual, are being suppressed by the political, legal, ethical or moral opinions of Western cultural mores and laws, and that these mores and laws need to be challenged via critical dialectic. The inference is that humans are primarily sexual in expression and that religious or God centric mores and laws suppress the natural expression of this basic need in man.
Further that mans natural evolutionary advancement is attained through the unrestrained expression of mans inner psychosexual nature. In order to break the restraints of traditional/religious thought and free the individual consciousness to achieve true and lasting peace of both; the individual and the human race one must necessarily transcend gender roles up to the point of transcending even the idea of masculinity and femininity.
They posit that humans are no more than intelligent animals who are being forcefully domesticated by the Westernized God concept and should be allowed to freely associate with each other. It is only then that the human being can achieve its full potential and purpose. That Utopia or Heaven on earth that they ‘allude’ to is only possible by breaking free of the antiquated and unnecessary bonds of Western Society.
End of Part Four: Geopolitics – Globalization
Part five continues with: The Authoritarian Personality – The vilification of the Patriarchal God Centric Society through the introduction of the ‘Political Correctness’ ideology with the intention to breakdown the traditional family structure.