Krsnacandra Dasa – Vrndavan: Following is indisputable proof that the land being called the Goshala Land was purchased by ISKCON for the sole use of the cows. The fact that the cows have been squeezed into 3 acres of the 11+ acre plot is a management decision which contravenes not only the cows rights and the original purpose of the land but also goes against Srila Prabhupada’s desire to have Lord Krsna and Lord Balaram’s cows live in Sri Vrindavan Dham and not in some goshala cum property development land outside of Vrndavan.

For so many years the bulk of the land meant for the cows has lain fallow or has been used as playing fields for students while the cows have been jammed into a quarter of their rightful space. The reason for this has been that under the GBC of Vrndavan that land has been earmarked for either the Gurukula or the Temple to develop at the expense of the cows.

It is way overdue that the full 11+ acres be opened up for the cows to use. The Temple / Gurukula or any individual who covets the cow’s land must be made to desist in their attempts to develop it for their own intentions.

The property development mentality that exists in Vrndavan must stop. Vrndavan is for those who desire spiritual sanctuary and growth not for making money.

There is no doubt that the ISKCON Community here in the Dham needs both community and infrastructural development. But this must be done in accordance with the desires of Srila Prabhupada and with consultation with the Vaisnava’s.

The Temple authorities and the GBC must seek to right the wrong that has been done to the cows for all these years and give their full blessing and full financial support to make sure that the cows are well looked after and loved in our Goshala which was so dear to our Srila Prabhupada.

Following are three testimonies from devotees who were actually involved in the purchase and purpose of the Goshala Land.

The first letter is from Gunarnava Prabhu (ACBSP) who was not only the Temple President but he was also deeply involved in serving Srila Prabhupada’s desire for the Goshal.


Letter PAMHO:14863970 (121 lines)

From:      Internet: “grfoward” <[email protected]>

Date:      19-Jan-08 22:25 (09:25 +1100)

To:        Sanaka Sanatana (das) LOK (Goshala Vrindavan – IN) [1008]

Attached:  14863970.eml (19705 bytes) “Original mail file of Text 14863970”

Subject:   Gunarnava das


Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada


To introduce myself, my name is Sanaka Sanatana das, and for the last two

years I am heading the Bhaktivedanta swami goshala in Vrindavan under the

directions of HG Devamrita prabhu (present Temple president).


Dear Sanaka Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila



Due to the unfortunate situation of having 350 animals in the same space as

20 years ago, we wanted to utilize more area for the grazing of our

cows. In that attempt we were facing questions and doubts whether the land

actually was meant for the cows.


Philosophical and common sense are the key words to note.

It’s disturbing to contemplate the discomfort the cows are experiencing,

being cooped up in that small space that was even too small for 100 cows,20

years ago, what to speak of 350 cows now. Please inform whoever is

responsible and utilize the land immediately.


You write “we were facing questions and doubts whether the land was actually

meant for the cows”. Doubts mean one does not know so in that respect

questioning does not hold ground.


Srila Prabhupad desired to please their Lordships Krishna Balaram by

constructing a beautiful temple. It’s also Their home, and for us to serve

them eternally.


At Their Lotus Feet sit the beautiful Surabhi cows, (we can see them every

time we go into the temple to worship) offering their service. Our position

is to serve in assisting the cows to serve Krishna Balaram, das-anudas.


When Krishna and Balaram were living in Vrindaban they would daily look

after 100,000 cows that belonged to Krishna’s father, Nanda Maharaj.

Vrindaban is all about Krishna’s cows, their service and protection.


I was extremely fortunate to have the physical association of Srila

Prabhupad and receive so much instruction from him in regards to the go-seva

in Vrindaban.


Two months before Srila Prabhupad left his body, he instructed me to

purchase a pure black cow and arrange for the cow to be kept outside his

house. Srila Prabhupad told me that the milk from such a cow would be the

only foodstuff to nourish and maintain his life, so as to be with us all for

as long as possible.



So to clarify this issue we would like to ask those devotees who were

directly involved with the purchase of the land. So far we have been

speaking with Daivi sakti mataji as well as Dhananjaya prabhu, who directed

us to you since you were the TP at that time.


Dhananjaya has been someone who I have always looked up to and remains

today a very close and respected friend. Daiva sakti will always have my

utmost respect, her dedication to Srila Prabhupads service in Vrindaban is

for all to see.


I am confident they will support my comments in this regard.


So prabhu, kindly explain the reason and purpose of purchasing the land at

that time.


The land was purchased due to its availability, especially being next to

Taporia House.


It’s not rocket science, let common sense prevail, use every sq inch to

assist the cows in their service to Krishna Balaram.


Please inform whoever is responsible to make a beautiful goshala on that

land. It would be a wonderful project to develop. Krishna and Balaram would

be so pleased they would bestow all mercy and facility. In 1976 I made a

humble attempt while engaged in all the other responsibilities Srila

Prabhupad had given me at that time.


Too much time has passed and too little has been done to further our very

important service to the cows of Vrindaban. It’s obvious to me; I pray it

becomes so to the movers and shakers, the devotees, there in Vrindaban.



Thank you and hope this meets you in the best of health. Hare Krishna.

Your servant

Sanaka Sanatana das


I beg to remain the servant of the devotee’s in Vrindaban.

Your servant always

Gunarnava Das

(Text PAMHO:14863970) ————————————–


The next letter is from Daivisakti Mataji (ACBSP) who is a long term resident of the Dham and was personally involved in the purchase of the land.


Letter PAMHO:14758066 (35 lines)

From:      Daivisakti (dd) ACBSP (Vrindavana – IN)

Date:      01-Jan-08 09:59 (04:59 -0500)

To:        Sanaka Sanatana (das) LOK (Goshala Vrindavan – IN) [976]

To:        Sri Jayadeva (das) LOK (Vrindavan – IN) [4505]

Comment:   Text PAMHO:14763369 by Sri Jayadeva (das) LOK (Vrindavan – IN)

Subject:   Goshala Land


Dear Jayadeva Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


You inquired about the history of the land next to the original Goshala. I

was involved in securing that land, so here is a brief history as I remember


1979 – The baba who lived on the land was attacked by dacoits. He approached

the temple and asked us to purchase the land. I will not go into the

legalities of how the land was purchased, but it was a challenge to say the

least. Throughout, the lesson I learned was that because we were getting the

land for the cows, it would be successful. And it was! At that time there

was only the Taparia House for the goshala, nothing else, and the property

was even then too small for the herd. The purpose for acquiring the new land

was to give the cows space to roam, and to plant crops to feed them.


As soon as the land was acquired, we arranged with the Dept. of Forestry to

have trees planted on the property that would yield cow fodder. This was

carried out, but because of water shortage the crop did not flourish. The

cows/bulls were allowed to move around on the land, and we put up a wire

fence around the boundary. Then in early 1980’s a great effort was made to

build the present roadways through the land, design an irrigation system,

commence agriculture and herd the cows to fertilize the land. This was begun

by Nandarani Mataji, and carried on by other devotees after she left



With numerous changes in management, the land has since been sectioned off

for other purposes. But the original purpose for purchasing the land was for

the cows. That purpose has not been fulfilled; thus, the cows continue to

suffer in confined quarters, nearly 30 years later.


Your servant,

Daivisaktidevi dasi

(Text PAMHO:14758066) ————————————–


Following is testimony from Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhu (ACBSP) who was the first devotee to take up residence on the newly purchased land for the cows at the Goshala.


Bhaktisiddhanta das says:

** Taken from article  ‘Abhiram Das Answers’ **

April 17, 2011 at 9:25 am

Years ago my wife and I plus Rupa Vilasa and his wife lived in the building now occupied by the VIHE on the land which was newly purchased for the Goshalla. The purchase arrangements were made by Gunarnava and Bagaji. The old sadhu’s living there previously had their Deities stolen one night and being disgusted they wanted to sell the land at a low price. The land was meant for the cows only otherwise Bagaji wouldn’t have gotten involved. I was personally present for some of their talks, and the cows were the main interest. Bagaji was acting on the wishes of Srila Prabhupada. Now I see the land fallow and not used for any reason even the gurukula kids rarely use the land. Gober is being piled up on one corner not being spread so the land is being intentionally rendered useless for all practical purposes. If that land turns into another concrete jungle I will make trouble for sure. The land was meant for the cows and no other reason, why has the gurukula taken what belongs to the goshalla? I will start talking to our present leaders to straighten out this mess. ys. Bhaktisiddhanta das (ACBSP), Vrindaban.

Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada and the Cows of Vrndavan.

Krsnacandra Dasa