Mahabahu Dasa – USA: [Please note: The author of this article ‘Mahabahu Dasa’ is “NOT” the older Prabhupada Disciple from Argentina South America – Mahabahu Dasa ACBSP]
Has Indradyumna Swami changed after such a revealing expose “Indradyumna Swami’s Girls“? No, instead a devotee named Prahlad Nrsimha dasa Adhikara speaks for him arguing that the swami has transcendental eyes not material eyes like we do. As if the Swami is Ramananda Raya such an advanced Vaisnava who could even bath little girls and not be disturbed. Which puts the Swami on the same platform as an eternal associate of the Lord, who even in the dress of a sannyasi can associate with women and little girls without being affected.
“My dear brother, you are in the renounced order of life and should not listen to talk about ordinary worldly things, nor should you talk about worldly things when you meet with others. Do not think of women even in dreams. You have accepted the renounced order of life with a vow that forbids you to associate with women. If you wish to associate with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you must always remember the incident of Chota Haridasa and how he was rejected by the Lord. Do not eat luxurious dishes or dress in fine garments, but always remain humble and serve The Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in your heart of hearts.”
The conclusion is that one who can control these six items – speech, mind, anger, tongue, belly and genitals – is to be called a svami or gosvami. Svami means master, and gosvami means master of the senses. When one accepts the renounced order of life, he automatically assumes the title of svami. This does not mean that he is the master of his family, community or society; he must be master of his senses. Unless one is master of his senses, he should not be called gosvami, but go-dasa, servant of the senses. Following in the footsteps of the six gosvamis of Vrndavan, all svamis and gosvamis should fully engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As opposed to this, the go-dasas engage in the service of the senses or in the service of the material world. (Nectar of Instruction Text One)
What are these tours and festival programs of the Swami and so many other sannyasi gurus of ISKCON? Are they doing all of this in ISKCON’s name? Or are they like the Swami doing this is some other name like they are ISKCON outwardly but inwardly they are some other business.
These private businesses of these charlatan swami gurus use sex to sell. Why else does the swami parade around with his beautiful girls? They know that the form of young woman beautifully made up dressed in a gorgeous sari will attract both men and women. Anyone else does this and we all know that they are showcasing sex and rock n roll lifestyle to win over the younger generation. Do these girls know that they are being used like this? The Swami’s harem?
How is it that the GBC expect us to understand that they allow people such as Indradyumna Swami and Radhanath Swami have their own private business enterprises which are not in ISKCON’s name but they will not allow any one of us to open a Temple or business in ISKCON’s name without smashing us completely?
How many of the so called ISKCON sannyasi diksa gurus have their private projects in other names besides ISKCON? Are Indradyumna Swamis’ festivals and tours registered as ISKCON? If not, why not? They do this so they are not accountable to anyone in ISKCON if they get exposed for their fraudulent activities. What else are they doing? Why not use ISKCON?
He is only something because of his status in ISKCON. A status that was given to him by the GBC who encourage their senior men to deviate as much as possible while throttling any initiative by the general members who have imbibed Srila Prabhupada mood of expansion and desire to open up centres around the world, unless of course, they have complete control of the venture?
How come these people have privilege and kick start for their rebellious and defiant programs and projects by trading off Srila Prabhupada name and ISKCON’s? Would Srila Prabhupada ever let this man take photos of little girls naked from waist up and showcase it as part of the Sankirtan yajna? Seriously would he? Would Lord Caitanya sanction such a thing?
Seriously what do the parents think of this really? Do they have any idea what so called sannyasis gurus did to little children in ISKCON very disturbing and deviant past? What about the parents of the little random girls who the SWAMI took very revealing photo’s of, all for the sake of showing everyone his glorious service to Lord Caitanya, do they know that he has posted these indecent photos of their little girls? Or does the Swami think that they would be proud to have their little darling naked on some travelling monks website? What about the girls themselves would they be happy to know when they are older that this guy posted their bare breasted photos of them for the world to see? Which young woman would be proud of that and not totally embarrassed by this?
So a person like Indradyumna Swami can enjoy all the benefits and privileges that go with the status of an ISKCON sannyasi diksa guru and yet have no responsibility to Srila Prabhupada? No responsibility to guru, sadhu and sastra?
His followers obviously believe that the swami is on a higher platform than Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is our example for the sannyasi asram who once He took sannyas He never associated with women and made this very clear with the way He treated Chota Haridas. Have his followers or disciples read any of Srila Prabhupada’s book and what have they understood about the sannyasi asram and what have they understood about Krishna consciousness to think this offencive rubbish?
How can this behaviour be justified in any shape or form? Would Lord Caitanya sanction this as being pure devotional service? Would the Lord buy a specialist camera and walk around taking beach scene photos of his program? Would he or any of his followers be instructed to or by spontenously loving service to the Lord start taking pictures of women in bikinis and little bare-breasted girls?
Come on wake up! He is taking photos of bare-breasted little girls! Does he have the permission of their parents to post these on his public website? Does he have the permission and sanction of the GBC? Does he have sanction of anyone except his naïve and ignorant followers?
After reading the article by Krishna Chandra prabhu I kept my eye on his Facebook and I was angered to see that he has the audacity to keep on posting his filth and not surprised to see some of his followers launch a pathetic defense that has absolutely no basis in sastra which only proves that the Swami has no idea how to train his disciples and followers. Read the replies to see how educated the Swami’s followers are. But whatever they know very well that there is not one word in the whole Vedic sastra that sanctions such vile and contemptible behaviour and self-righteous attitude by Indradyumna Swami yet they takes up for him with these stupid comments to this mataji (little girl) on the Swami’s Facebook page titled “The Love Of My Life” Which by the way means what? Is it the beautiful girl on the front cover page???
All those in favor of stopping Indradyumna Swami from this outrageous behavior should start commenting on these photos.
By looking through the photo collections you will see that most of the little half naked girls or women in bikinis have no idea that the Swami is taking photos of them. What illusion are these followers of his in to think that a sannyasi walks around with a professional camera taking photos of little girls and women in bikinis?
What to say about those comments do they realize what they are saying? Such stupid stuff! The little girl Mohini is asking very good questions that deserve correct sastric answers. She rightly mentions Chota Haridas. But this Narada kunda dasi speaks like she knows Indradyumna Swami’s heart. She knows that he is more pure than Chota Hardas an eternal associate of the Lord who merely spent some moments alone with a widow while begging for alms? How can she compare this with photo after photo of semi naked girls on his public website that thousands of people can see?
It sickens me to see how much rubbish ISKCON and devotees in general tolerates and calls it pure devotional service.
These same people would be happy and smile to see a rock band or a jugglers on the beach how can these people think that simply because he dresses like a sannyas and has the sanction of the GBC everything he does is pure bhakti?
I don’t expect his followers and stupid disciples like Sri Prabhlad to stop the Swami but what about his friends like BB Govinda Swami surely they will or have tried to stop him but then they go with him on these tours and festivals. They are all part of these sexist tours that use sex to make money and pathetically try to legitimise it with chanting the holy name of the Lord.
This is nothing but Nama Aparadha!
What is the GBC doing? What is the sannyasi committee doing? Hiding? Are they scared of him? Are they scared they will only air our filthy laundry in public if they take away his sannyasi and guru status for that is what they have to do as he is already giving us a bad name actually it is not bad it is a filthy name a degraded name.
Where is the ISKCON child protection team or is it the ISKCON protection team against children when we need them?
Where are the sanctions put against him? Where are the reports conducted? Where are the investigations by the GBC or the Sannyasi Ministry or child protection department? There must be something that ISKCON has done against this man? If not why not?
There must be now an investigation after the article by Krishna Chandra prabhu “Indradyumna Swami’s Girls”????
We as a movement have to wake up for once in our lives and stop these people who in the guise of a Vaisnava are ruining the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya and his general Srila Prabhupada.