As we know the GBC is at present holding its Annual General Meeting in Śrī Dham Māyāpura. In light of the recent ground swell of resistance against the GBC’s ‘failure to act’ appropriately as per the direct instructions of Śrīla Prabhupāda regarding their management of the Australian Yatra and with regards to the behavior of some of their members and Temple Presidents under their direct supervision we need to have a say directly to the GBC and not have to go through their convoluted systems / departments meant to procrastinate and deter bona fide complaints and concerns from the general devotee.
To this end we are providing a “form letter” for those of you who would like to make a statement to the GBC at the AGM in Māyāpura regarding the above mentioned situation. Just enter your name and email address and click send and the following letter will be sent to the GBC EC.
It is important that if you want to be heard then this must be sent ASAP.
Subject: Prabhupada Vision – The Australian Yatra
To the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee
Hrdaya Caitanya Das – GBC Chairman.
Bhakti Caitanya Swami – First Vice-Chairman.
Tamohara Das – Vice-Chairman.
Bhakti Purusottama Swami – elected GBC Secretary.
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.
I would like to express my concern regarding the mismanagement of the Australian Yatra by the GBC and specific Temple Presidents under their direct supervision. I believe that the recent exposure of Prabhavisnu Dāsa and his subsequent resignation from his role as GBC has brought to light a great deal of concern amongst the general devotees that the GBC’s management for Australia lacks the moral and ethical requirements for managerial effectiveness and mature spiritual leadership to properly lead and govern our Yatra.
The main devotees I am bringing to your attention are; Ramai Swami (GBC), Tirtharaj Dāsa (Former TP Brisbane), Ajita Dāsa (TP New Govardhana Farm).
I believe that a thorough investigation is required to look into the issues which are being presented here and here with the view to questioning the ability of the aforementioned devotees’ roles within the Institution of ISKCON in general and specifically their role in the management and spiritual leadership of the Australian Yatra.
The Australian Yatra has now suffered the devastation of two successive losses to moral and sexual deviance from the devotees appointed as the senior GBC men namely Bhavananda Dāsa and more recently Prabhavisnu Dāsa. If the full GBC body is to regain any confidence and support from the general rank and file devotee of the Australian Yatra the onus is on them to make sure that the present GBC system is thoroughly investigated to ascertain what went wrong and how they can make sure that any future GBC and Temple Presidents are properly screened for their actual ability to perform such a vital role as a GBC and Temple President in our ISKCON institution.
Lastly the glaring error of the GBC has been a failure to consult / liaise, across the board, with senior dedicated devotees of the devotional community and include them in any strategic decision making for the Yatra as a whole and with regard to specific Temples for example the appointment of Temple Presidents and the management policies and programs that they may implement in the Temple or devotional community.
I humbly request that you do the needful with regards to this vital matter and please help in some way to solve our problems so we can work cooperatively for a better future for our ISKCON society in Australia.
Yours in the service of Śrīla Prabhupāda
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