Geopolitics is a term used to describe the causal processes involved in the interrelationships between the control of territory (land and sea), politics, economies, finances, law, etc. of the world’s various nations. In the modern context however, geopolitics has come to be synonymous with Globalization.
However, there exists a dichotomy involved in the modern day geopolitical sphere where many nationalistic members of various nations see that their individual national identity or sovereignty is being ‘homogenized’ into a global system of unification, which ultimately aims to establish a centralized one world government and believe that should this state be achieved, they will stand to lose not only their national cultural heritage, but also their ethnic heritages and national identities.
On the other hand, we see the globalists, who believe that the world would be better served if there was one government of single purpose to lead the world, one military to maintain the peace, one economic stratagem to streamline trade and commerce, one law to maintain law and order, one educational system to teach the peoples of the world and ultimately one religion which sees a higher power or god that supports the people to live in peace and harmony.
The history of the world can be seen through the eyes of the western world or from the eyes of the eastern world. In the eastern world, we have the land mass currently known as India as being the remnants of the ancient civilization known as the Vedic Civilization. The Vedic civilization was based on the religious principles as given by God, Lord Krishna, via the ancient Vedic culture of Sanatana Dharma or the eternal religion, which is still being somewhat practiced today in India.
The Vedic civilization was once the dominant culture on earth and its histories remain in the form of hymns such as the Maha Bharata [which includes the Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā] the Ramayana and the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam etc. These ancient texts date themselves according to accounts found therein. According to these ancient texts the earth goes through various ages which last hundreds of thousands to millions of years in each age. We are presently in the age of the Kali – yuga or the Iron age or the age quarrel and hypocrisy where breakdown of social and religious practices predominate.
In the world history outlined in the Vedas of greater India or how it was known then as Bhārata Varsha, the Kali yuga, the lord of this earthly world is the demon Kali. This Kali yuga, which lasts 432,000 years, commenced with the departure of Lord Kṛṣṇa some 5,000 years ago. The demon Kali is the main influential entity that rules supreme over the earthly realm for the duration of this yuga and appeared in the time of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s grandson, Mahārāja Parīkṣit’s reign on earth. After obtaining boons from Mahārāja Parīkṣit that enabled him to gain controlling influence in this yuga, he set about seizing power and control.
Kali knows full well that the only way that he can gain power and influence is to remove the loyalty of the people from the Kingly or Royal class of men and their faith in a personal God and place it on his plan. He is also well aware of the fact that in order for this to happen there needed to be radical changes made to the psychology of the people in general by disconnecting people from their cultural and ethnic heritage. This ultimately means that human society needs to be disconnected from dharma or true religion and connected to materialism.
Religion played a large role in the operation of a kingdom/nation, but it was also a very important aspect of a person’s cultural and social psyche and until the middle of last century played a vital role in the common man’s life.
Kings or Kṣatriyas in the past were protectors of Dharma and the Brahman class or the intelligent class’s role was to advise and support the Kingly class of man to rule and administer the various kingdoms under God’s law as given in the Vedic scriptures and their corollaries.
Kali knew that to remove or to debilitate the Kingly and Brahman class was vital to his agenda to rule mankind. The Brahmins, as the intelligentsia, advised on spiritual and material matters while the Kṣatriyas, by strength of arms and administrative prowess, governed the land. The various ashrams are the grihastha [family life], varnaprastha [Retired Life], brahmacari [Celibate Student life] and sannyasa [renounced mendicant life] ashrams.
Kali knows that without the head (Brahmans) and arms (Kṣatriyas/Kings), human society was effectively leaderless, which afforded Kali the ability to implement his tried and tested strategies which are aimed at bringing about chaos and schisms within human societies.
Kali is the great-great grandson of Lord Brahmā and the great-grandson of Adharma (Impropriety) and his wife, “Mithyā” (Falsehood). Adharma was originally created from Lord Brahmā’s back as a “Maleen Patākā” (a very dark and deadly sinful object). He is the grandson of “Dambha” (Vanity) and his sister-turned-wife, Māyā (Illusion). Kali is the son of Krodha” (Anger) his sister-turned-wife is “Hiṁsā” (Violence).
Kali has ruled in countless Kali yugas, his knowledge is vast and, as he operates under a time scale far different than mankind’s, he can easily see what has worked in the past and what is needed in the present in order to shape the future he desires. Kali, being invisible, can enter into the ‘hearts’ of man and influence them to align them with his agenda. Similar to when he is said to have entered into the gold crown of Mahārāja Parīkṣit and influenced him to throw the serpent around the neck of the Brāhmaṇa. He is also said to have entered into Lord Śiva and caused him to write evil Scriptures. What to speak of lesser mortals. Another classic example of how Kali functions is that he assumed the body of Duryodhana, the first son of Dhritarasta.
Kali began his rule by arranging for the elimination of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, thus depriving the world of a ruler who upheld high Dharmic principles of varṇa and ashram and so these principles began to corrupt into what can be now termed a ‘classless society’.
However, the varṇa’s and ashrams are ‘archetypal’ in essence and so the various classes of people as outlined in the Vedic knowledge are deeply ingrained in the psyche of mankind and can never be removed, they can only be temporarily covered by another system such as the caste system of India where the original system that found jivas of similar varna being born into appropriate families, jivas in this age take birth into families of dissimilar varna. Simply put jivas who may be qualified as worker class may take birth into a family whose surname belongs to the priestly class. Thus, began the corrupt ‘caste system’ where individuals of who were not qualified by their qualities and only by their surname began to assume a position in society that they were not qualified to hold.
For example, a person who had the qualities of a worker class could hold a surname of one of the higher classes and therefore being unqualified by higher qualities they corrupted their varna and family name by their degraded behaviour. However, the people in general had to accept a high-class surname as superior in class structure no matter how debased the family may be…
In the non-Vedic or non-Aryan cultures in the kali-yuga the various classes of society are still present but in their interpretive form such as the Gentry or Upper Class or the Middle Class, Working Class, Lower Class and so on.
Kali also is aware that his true identity, purpose and plans must be hidden behind a screen of secrecy and so knowledge of his personal form, past and activities are relatively unknown to the general public. The only culture who is aware of this agenda is the Vedic Culture as detailed in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
“Therefore, O chief amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can live permanently under the protection of your government. Sūta Gosvāmī said: Mahārāja Parīkṣit, thus being petitioned by the personality of Kali, gave him permission to reside in places where gambling, drinking, prostitution and animal slaughter were performed. The personality of Kali asked for something more, and because of his begging, the King gave him permission to live where there is gold because wherever there is gold there is also falsity, intoxication, lust, envy and enmity.”(SB.1.17.37 – 39)
As evidenced by the above description it can be inferred the demon Kali will receive the protection of the Government while being the controlling and corrupting force behind gambling, intoxication, prostitution, meat eating [slaughterhouses] and gold.
In order for Kali to assume control of the world, changes to the Kingly system began by removing the Brahminical advisory role from the Kings decision making and eventually replacing it with the Merchant or Financier class with gold being the standard of financial transactions. Kali is well aware that the Brahman or Priestly class of man was more connected to a nation’s cultural and ethnic background, while the Merchant was only connected to greed and therefore it was essential to sever the link between the Brahminical classes, successfully disconnecting the people from their ties with their cultural scriptural traditions.
The introduction of Secularism has greatly decreased the relevance of the Brahminical/Priestly class and increased the influence and control of the quasi materialistic sciences within human society under the guise of national non-sectarian ‘religiously biased’ government of the people.
In more modern times; statehood, democracy, socialism and communism are political theories that have further systematically destroyed and dismantled the remnants of Royalty and the upper classes. Although Royalty in its pure form is not present in the administration of nations, the class structure is still in existence with the difference being that in the past one was born into the various class structures according to karmic results, whereas now anyone with ambition can gain access to any class they desire.
As the Kali yuga progressed, the merchant class became more influential in the administration of countries and subsequently controlled conquest. The minister or Brahman advising the King evolved into the merchant controlling the King, to its modern-day equivalent where the merchant/moneylender class evolved into the multinational financial institutions that more or less control the world’s economies and geopolitical sphere, thus rendering the Kingly or Brahman class superfluous and counterproductive.
Further to this is the ‘villainization of the Kingly order by demonizing the past Kings of history through the mass media and so-called Historians has established in the minds of the masses that a Kingly class would mean slavery, torture and removal of their freedom and rights.
For the sake of relevance to modern history, the following part of this paper is mainly focusing on the historic development of western society and its influence on Geopolitics from Roman times up to the present.
As the Kali yuga progressed from the various remnants of the Vedic rule, various civilizations arose known to western history; such as the Persians, Greek and Roman Empires. All of these civilizations sought world domination but maintained some semblance of the ancient Vedic Kingly system. In the last two thousand years this was further diluted with the fall of the Roman Empire which gave rise to the Feudal system and subsequently the proliferation of the merchant class in the Middle Ages.
During the latter stage of the feudal era there became a predominance of the Trader (Spice trade) Merchant class which played a large role in the complete demise of the Kingly class and the establishment of Capitalism as the prime form of socio-economic stratagem for the development of nations. Capitalism, as a socio-economic system for the control of all trade, goods and services of a country, replaced the older feudal or Kingly rule of the land in much of the known world.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, international trade became predominated by both Christian and Islamic countries which brought about certain diplomatic problems in trans-Eurasian trade. This saw the rise of the Jewish Merchant Class called the ‘Radhanites’ who dominated trans-Eurasian trade between 500 and 1,000BC as they were seen as a neutral go-between for the Islamist and Christian empires.
With the increasing wealth that came into the various countries also came the need of slaves in order to provide free labour to provide the labour to develop the economies and infrastructure of the various countries. Although the use of slaves domestically was a part of human culture, during the development of the Christian and Islamic Empires the use of slaves in the commercialization of a country, the slave trade became a very profitable industry.
Slaves in earlier times were primarily from “Slavic” stock from which the term slave referred to.
In these times the Jewish Radhanites, being neutral, also provided Islamic slaves to the Christians and Christian slaves to the Islamists. In this way, the slave trade became a vital aspect of the rise of these two respective cultures and further led to the victimization and dehumanization of the slaves from the opposing religious faith. This intelligent playoff between to two dominant religious cultures of the time consequently lead to the rise in power and wealth of the Jewish Merchants.
However, in the fifteenth century onwards, the slave trade shifted from slaves of Slavic origin to black slaves from Africa. The main base of the slave trade was in the Netherlands, stemming from the Dutch East India Company. The main slave traders were Jewish merchants who fled persecution from Spain during the Inquisition times and settled in the Netherlands.
The slave trade flourished in these times, gaining the Jewish Merchants involved tremendous wealth and influence. With the East India Companies (British/Dutch) involved in trade with both North and South Americas, the Jewish Merchants gained a controlling influence over all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch. []
Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. []
The formation of large Trading Companies based on the Spice Trade from India, China etc. afforded these companies to become the wealthiest organizations on earth. Their combined wealth dwarfed that of the remnants of the Kingly class who were now to all extents and purposes under the control of the predominantly Jewish mercantile class and so the merchant class was in control of the socio-economic growth and development of nations annexed by the Kingly class of yesteryear.
Capitalism refined itself further with the formation of the stock market that rose out of the Dutch East India Company in 1604.
The formation of the stock market brought private individuals such as landowners and small businesses into the fledgling global financial market. The merchant capitalistic ideology was now refined into what is now called modern capitalism.
Prior to Roman times, private individuals lent currency (gold / silver copper etc.) to those in need, however the interest charged was not regulated. However, most exchanges of yesteryear were involving exchanges of goods and services and therefore did not involve an exchange of currency.
The use of currency in the precious metal form has been largely replaced by paper money which is basically a construct of the mercantile financial institutions and supposedly based on practical convenience in financial transactions. However, as the paper money system gained prominence and the Financial Institutions and Governments no longer required gold or other precious metals as an asset base/medium of exchange, this new artificial wealth system grew exponentially. This adaptation of the financial system, coupled with an easily manipulated interest rate system, found financial institutions reaping in the vast majority of profits from business and commerce.
Usury is the archaic term for the charging of interest on the lending of money that is unjust or inappropriate.
Charging of interest on money loans has long since been problematic especially in the realm of ethics and religion. Dependent on one’s consciousness one may see service in different ways. In the Vaiṣṇava sense, service is seen as loving exchanges between devotees where there is no indication of a financial transaction but an expression of service done out of love.
As this process becomes increasingly materialistic, it degrades down to not only charging for any service rendered by monetary means to over-charging for the express purposes of manipulating the services to gain financially from the consumer – it also flowed through to the charging of increasingly higher interest for money borrowed.
A person lending money to aid someone else must be seen in context and need not become an unjust system to extract extra money from a person in need. If the lender is inconvenienced by either a late payment of the loan or if they underwent some form of loss from lending the money then a reasonable extra payment is usually an acceptable practice.
However, to extract undue and unnecessarily high interest from the borrower is not usually condoned within religious systems nor many of the older feudal Kingdoms. Usually gold was paid back at the exact same amount as that which was borrowed unless of course there was a late payment where a fine would be imposed.
The appearance and growth of the merchant/moneylenders was built upon the use, misuse and abuse of the interest charging system of moneylenders and so the system of charging increasingly higher interest was gradually introduced, making the moneylenders the international bankers of today.
It is now common knowledge that Banks and other financial institutions are the wealthiest and influential institutions in existence today.
Where there were Kings who dreamed of ruling the world there are now bankers… The only problem with bankers and financiers ruling is that it is based on greed and they care little for the needs of mankind.
With a world ruled by the merchants and moneylenders who employ usury to increase their wealth, the perfect interface with the common people in order to control them to work harder, earn more, spend more and borrow more is a complete system of well controlled Government.
Even though democracy as a political ideology has been around since the Greek times in western historical reference, it only came to prominence as an influential governmental process since the formation of the Federated State in recent times as it was very attractive to the suffering common man who had been used to blaming the Kingly order but were in actual fact an unwitting tool of the Capitalistic Merchant class for centuries.
Democracy is a political ideology that is basically an adjunct to Capitalistic thought and has been touted to promote individual participation in government. The advertising slogan “Government for the people by the people” has been the cornerstone of the success of this political ideology to date. Democracy instills the perception in the common man that they have a say in their parliamentary process and that it is their birth right.
Yet simultaneously there exists the reality that the individual has no say in the determination of Governmental policy. The democratic process creates the ‘illusion’ that the members of any given society have a say in the determination of their collective futures. However, in practice this is seldom the case as very few politicians have honoured their pre-election promises. This assumed ‘self-determination’ of the members of the society easily lends itself to the ‘people’ granting the political leaders the authority to make policy on national and international matters that many times are not in the people’s best interest.
Having the same political theoretical base, Democratic Nation States are more easily able to create political affiliations and establish interrelationships based on unilateral and multilateral agreements which serve to permanently link together various Nation States throughout the world.
In countries, not under the political system of democracy and its ‘partner’ Capitalism, the system of Communism was introduced in order to control the masses. Communism was established in Russia as a so called better form of social development than Capitalism. Under Communist regimes we saw the mass killing of not only the non-conformist, but also the Kingly and intellectual class in order to control the masses and socially engineer fear and impotence into the general population. Communism is another political theoretical stratagem used to control and socially engineer members of a country. In communism, we see that there is very little or no illusion of self-determination of the individual members of society, whose lives are more or less totally controlled by the government.
Both systems seek to control and socially engineer their populations to develop societies that are guided by neither God nor their cultural/ethnic heritage and are governed by impersonal Secular democratic political systems as opposed to the more personal Monarchical systems.
Both of these political stratagems are seen by anti-globalization parties as being experiments in social engineering rather than stratagems that are designed to enhance human life.
Although as the process of globalization gains the upper hand on world economies and the manipulative power to exclude non-conformist nations or countries from the perceived economic benefits of the global market forces, communistic countries have begun to adopt a more capitalistic approach to their economic development and therefore brought their respective nations into closer alignment with the Federated Nation States of the global economies and hence are now more under the control of world market forces as opposed to their individual country’s economic stratagem.
This gradual homogenization process is moving rapidly forward as China is now seen as one of the world foremost leaders in the global economic sphere even though it presents itself as a Communistic Country.
The centralized control of nations was archaically termed ‘world domination’ however its modern equivalent is termed globalization. Over the last two thousand years the two main cultures to dominate the world domination stage were the Christian and Islamic Empires due to the spice trade and outright military conquest. However, the merchant class, due to their fiscal stratagems, brought the Jewish merchants and subsequently Jewish bankers and financiers into the world domination theatre without the need for direct military action.
However, the present stratagem, although conceived of imperialistic thought, is a modified version of the militarism of yesteryear. The modern stratagem primarily uses covert so called ‘peace keeping’ military action, political manipulation, financial (capitalistic) and economic manipulation rather than ‘only’ overt military action and conquest to achieve its desired goal of controlling other countries [economies].
The concept of peace keeping has been perverted into keeping a ‘piece’ of another nations land, finances or political control as world powers manipulate trade and economic system in order to gain more control over less powerful nations.
Globalization with the objective of a centralized world government is now the predominating stratagem and goal of the majority of democratic nations and financial entities throughout the world.
A nation ‘State’ is the main component of the geopolitical system. A Nation State is basically the concept that a nation or country as a political entity rather than a cultural or ethnic entity. Nations States are almost always based on the political ideology of democracy. The most commonly applied concept of State is the Federated State or a country that is comprised of individual States to form a single national government. Most ‘States’ are Secular in orientation, all except the State of Israel which is based on both the notion that Israel is a ‘Jewish’ and ‘Zionist’ State as opposed to the European concept of Statehood which is based on the separation of ‘state and religion’.
The modern approach to the development or evolution of mankind is to separate politics and religion. They believe that religion (the God concept) maintains man’s link with the past and is limiting, while politics links man with science and affords man unlimited access to the future.
The aim of the Secularization of the Nation State is to sever the link and dependency of the members of any given society to their traditions, history and religion. History can be taught in school but traditions and religion is a private concern and not the concern of the State.
The concept of God and Religion in the Secular State is no longer an acceptable form of evolutionary process for humanity at large and God is now seen as an impediment to independent thought. Science is the new religion for mankind in the eyes of the Secular Globalist. Liberalism and Pluralism are social engineering stratagem to better facilitate the homogenization of cultures and ethnicities to aid in social control.
Science explains away God in strictly humanistic terms where God is a function of evolutionary process. God no longer exists as a person but as an idea, an abstract, having no form but, is seen as the impersonal force of nature.
All media and educational systems are aimed at breaking down man’s dependence on a personal God and directing it to an impersonal concept of God that sees only the process of nature or force of nature at work and the elevation of consciousness is to be able to perceive this activity of God and seek to be in tune with this process as best as one can. For this only science has the answer. Science seeks to understand the force of nature and its various manifestations of which man is but one. However, man’s role in this is to understand these various forces and guided by science one can achieve true harmony with God.
The organized Secular Humanistic State and its subsequent centralized government under the auspices of science is the purest manifestation of God’s (the unknowable force) plan or work in nature. Existence in the modern context is broken down to ‘we are all parts in the game of God’ and the more that mankind can be encouraged into compliance, the more the individual parts can be controlled in order to create the perfect game.
The one world government system finds its infrastructural beginning with the establishment of the European Union which not only unifies Nation States with regards to political and financial systems; it has also developed international Parliamentary, Justice and Military (the adjunct N.A.T.O.) systems.
Many other countries are beginning to develop similar unions like:
Central Asian Union
Continental Union
African Union
Arab Union
Asian Union
Pacific Union
Union of South American Nations
Central Asian Free Trade Zone
The ultimate idea is that all these unions will eventually merge to form a super union, headed by a one world government. The formation of these Unions is the next stage in the realization of a one world government. Once uniform compliancy has been achieved between these world unions and various contractile agreements signed then unbreakable bonds via law and policy can be used to effect compliance to the globalist agenda and the infrastructural component will be complete.
Capitalism gave rise to the wealthy industrialists and heralded the introduction of the Secular educational process; both of these processes were largely instrumental in engineering the creation of the consumerist mentality within human society. To this end the Secular educative process has been voraciously developed in all countries in order to create the illusion of intelligence by the elevation of the status of the Academic speculator (Secular humanist) as opposed to the qualified Brahman or true intelligentsia who knows and accepts Vedic knowledge and is able to properly discern the difference between absolute and relative truths.
The creation of the myth that there exists a dichotomy between Secular and Non-Secularisms based on the philosophic orientation of Humanistic Theory has further led to mass ambiguity within society. The impersonalistic and mechanistic Humanistic Theoretical ideology lends itself to the formation of the opinion of the Secular Humanistically educated individual that Religion is an unnecessary evolutionary adaption of mankind that has ceased to be useful in modern times.
This opinion is aided by the Darwinian Humanistic Philosophic, yet to be proved conclusively, hypothesis being taught in schools which sees mankind evolved from apes rather than being created by God. Darwinian evolutionary theory is being taught in schools as fact, yet it has not been proven to be so through vigorous scientific testing. Darwinian evolutionary theory more likely falls into the category of being a ‘philosophical treatise’ as opposed to an established scientific fact under mechanistic scientific assessment.
Humanistic Theory has yet to be proven as an axiomatic truth, yet the modern Secular Federated State has inculcated into the very fabric of human society as another form of social control being incorporated as an aspect of social engineering by the Jewish Merchant Moneylender class in order to create a society of individuals who are controlled by and conform to – the system.
The creation of a unified educational curriculum which is largely urban based in orientation efficiently promotes urbanized consumerism. The urbanized individual is many times more an effective consumer than the rural individual.
Secular Humanistic education is an integral part of the system to aid in One World Government and the advancement of science. With a unified curriculum that streamlines individuals into highly specific roles within the greater Secular society which forms a unified, highly controlled self-rationalizing and self-justifying system.
Every facet of life is now able to be qualified, quantified, researched, modified, manipulated and ultimately controlled. This sets the stage for more or less total physical, intellectual and emotional compliance and dependence of the individual to the State.
Secular Humanistic education also functions to unify and standardize educational philosophy multilaterally. Thus, creating a base line of specifically designed intelligence and general knowledge, that affords a ‘known’ and researchable psychological makeup, which readily lends itself to manipulation via the various social engineering methods that the Secular State applies to the members of any particular community, via the curriculum and syllabuses of the multitude of educational facilities, in order to better facilitate social control.
Another important function of a standardized educative system is to focus the educative process to be more urban in orientation. This tends to direct and train individuals to become active members of an urban based economic process and in effect completely severs ties with the land and traditional farming techniques and lifestyles and greatly facilitates urban migration.
The nationalization and standardization of education has now produced a homogenized urban orientated society, where through the rote learning where individuals of all classes can obtain qualifications that are not based on the person’s qualities and true intelligence but are instead based on memory recall.
In Part One I discussed the history of the Geopolitical scene from the Roman period onward and how the Demon Kali’s influence in the Kali yuga spread into the Western World up to the Modern period where we see the development of Secularism and Humanistic thought. This second part will delve more specifically into the development of the psyche of the individual as it pertains to homogenization and control of the Geopolitical scene.
Since the beginning of the Christian era, two thousand years ago, we have seen the devolution of God centric thought and perception to the more impersonal monistic thought of Dialectical Reasoning. This began very early on in the development of the Christian faith with the inclusion of the Apostle Paul, being trained in Hellenistic (Greek) Judaism, who brought the early Church more in line with the Jewish thought of the time. The Judaic idea of theological reasoning is that God is unknowable, indefinable and formless. The Apostle Paul also supported the concept of the holy trinity which meant that God the father, God the son and God the holy-ghost are one. This is the same as the Jewish Shema Yisrael: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.”
The Apostle Paul, though Jewish, was a Roman Citizen, and as such was afforded privilege and status in the Mediterranean basin so he was able to preach and establish Christian communities with greater ease than the other Apostles. The Apostle Paul directed his preaching to the non-Jewish or gentile populations and established Christian communities that although based on the teachings of Jesus still maintained the Judaic (Jewish) moral code without the ritualistic procedures of Mosaic Law.
Research has shown that the early Jewish or Rabbinic faith and the early or proto orthodox Christianity was still basically indistinguishable from each other up until as late as the end of the first century AD. The only difference being the acceptance of the early Christians that Jesus was the Messiah which was rejected by the Sadducees, Pharisees and Rabbis of the time; and that the Christian faith allowed for conversions of gentiles. The Christian Church still to this day has remnants of their early roots in Rabbinical Jewish tradition.
This is the same for the Islamic faith. Even though it formed into a religion after the advent of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century, the Islamic faith shares the same biblical roots as both the Hebrew and Christian traditions. In fact, the Hebrew and Islamic traditions are more similar to each other than the Christian tradition which is more influenced by Greek, Hellenic, philosophic thought. However, they all form what is commonly known as Abrahamic Religions and all three traditions hail from the exact same Semitic roots in the Mediterranean Basin and come in the line of the Prophet Abraham.
The Islamic faith asserts that it follows more closely the teachings of Abraham than both the Hebrew and Christian traditions. They do not view Muhammad as being the creator of Islam as they say their roots lie in the Monotheistic tradition of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus etc. Muhammad was simply the latest prophet to manifest in that line.
All the Abrahamic Religions are not that dissimilar to each other, sharing the same roots. If one was to consider that they are all Semites in origin who accepted Abraham as their prophet, the only difference is that the Christians accepted Jesus as the Messiah and the Muslims accepted Muhammad as their prophet. Then there was the group of Semites that did not accept Jesus or Muhammad as either a Messiah or Prophet and they are now known as Jews. Then if one was to consider that in real practical terms the main difference between the Abrahamic faiths is in their practical application as opposed to their philosophic. Practically speaking they each developed Scriptures that set the ground rules for the practice of their respective faiths; Jews with the Torah / Talmud and Kabala; Catholics with their Catechism and Muslims with the Quran.
The Abrahamic traditions, being closely related in not only philosophic orientation and geography, learnt from each other over the centuries even though historic reference infers separate origins of the educative process. As evidence of this we have the great Jewish scholar Maimonides of the 11th century who was very influential in Islam as he wrote fluently in both Arabic and Hebrew.
The Jews organized the teaching of their religious traditions with the Yeshiva which was more or less male students who learnt from the local Rabbi. The Yeshiva was also a more formal and structured school for boys, and only recently included girls. Yeshiva is a generic name for any school that teaches Torah, Mishnah, and Talmud, to any age group.
The Islamic tradition began more formal education later than the other Abrahamic traditions. It was around the 8thcentury that institutions, known as Madrasah’s were established. They provided both Scriptural and Science courses, however offering degrees and certificates up to University level only in the Scriptural component. These Universities were not the same Dialectical Medieval Universities of Europe as their education was based on Scripture and the giving of degrees or certificates were for Scriptural achievement and not for the natural science etc. which they considered ancillary to Religious thought and practice.
The Christians organized the teaching of their Scriptures in Monastic institutions and instituted a clergy that renounced worldly life.
The move to organize education evolved from the Christian monistic schools prior to the eleventh century to the Scholastic schools of Medieval European Universities. Universities differed from the Monastic school as instead of teaching individuals via the use of Scriptural reference they taught individuals via a diacritical reasoning approach to education which was increasingly Pluralistic in context.
Christian and eventually Islamic cultures began adopting this new Scholastic approach to education and subsequently became increasingly involved in dialectical reasoning. Dialectical reasoning is primarily a process of argument where two opposing views can come to some compromise with regards to the particular subject matter being discussed. Thus, schools or Universities were changing from the Monastic process where truth was achieved via the understanding of God given Scripture to a process of Dialectic reasoning where truth was a matter seeking compromise via dialogue in the teacher student relationship. Truth no longer was considered absolute and descending from God, it was now a process of rational logic of the individual which was loosely based on Scriptural reference.
The simple process of dialectic reasoning based on immanent logic has now evolved into the Humanistic Secularist Schooling system of today where knowledge is not a process of dialectical reasoning via discussion in order to gain an understanding of the nature of truth; it is ‘taught’ via a didactic rote learning system based on memory recall. The student is given the ideology or subject matter which they must memorize and then enter into a pass/fail system of testing that gauges the student’s memory recall ability. The educators and professors are chiefly interested in how well the student remembers the subject matter at a later date as opposed to their ability to think.
From the 18th century on, philosophical outlook began to depart from the traditional Christian or religious understanding to what is now described as the Age of Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment inferred that no longer was man a slave to the theological narrative of the past and saw ‘reason’ as the prime source of authorative and legitimate philosophical thought.
The Age of Enlightenment meant a departure from the philosophical ideas of Descartes such as “I am subject to doubt; therefore, I am imperfect; hence I am not the cause of my existence. I have the “idea” of “the perfect.” These ideas must come from a perfect Being (God). The analysis of the idea of “the perfect” includes the existence of the perfect being.”
The new philosophical outlook of the “Transcendentalist in the Age of Enlightenment” is that modern philosophy is the antithesis of ancient and medieval philosophy, and does this by virtue of the immanent principle. No longer God, but nature (or man), is considered the metaphysical absolute. Nature becomes divinized and is put in God’s place. As a result, the explanation of all reality is sought in the principles of nature itself.
Therefore, man is now the source of reason, for perception and cognizance is in the mind of man. No longer is man a slave to a God who dictates the rules, value system, and philosophical perspective; now man is the ruler and knower of his existence.
The idea that God is no longer necessary to the evolution of man’s consciousness was developed further with Immanuel Kant and Idealism. Idealism purports that experience and perception exists in the mind. Whether there is one mind, monistic idealism, or more than one mind, Pluralistic monism etc. perception and experience exist only in the mind and therefore the mind is the only reality of existence. Marxist thought further refined the dialectic of idealism as “the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought”.
Existentialism was another school of thought that was developed in the ‘Age of Reason’ period. The most influential Existentialists were Soren Kierkegaard (5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855) Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900), the more modern-day Existentialists such as Martin Heidegger (September 26, 1889 – May 26, 1976), Jean-Paul Sartre (21 June 1905 – 15 April 1980) all of whom were basically coming from Christian ethnicity.
The Existential school of thought was more or less apologetic to the notion that man was the seat of all knowing and posed that the main dilemma of human existence was the duality of reason. Such as the dilemma of – the existence or nonexistence of God which created an existential crisis of sorts within the mind of man. Their school of thought posed that man was in the precarious position of more or less being ‘on the fence’ so to speak as to the nature of the absolute truth.
On the one hand, there was the Religious or God centric approach to existence and on the other hand there was the human centric approach that said that man was the center of his existence. The Religious ideology was that there was a Designer who designed the material manifestation and existence who could only be understood via Scriptural revelation in order to discern the nature of the absolute truth. On the other hand, the ‘Age of Reason’ proponents argued that God was basically a construct of the mind and that man’s goal was to transcend the notion that a ‘Designing God’ existed. The Existentialist presented a more ambivalent picture of the nature of the absolute truth where man was still the centre of ‘reason’ however he was a ‘fence sitter’ with regard to the nature of God.
The two main schools of thought that have developed and dominate in this age of reason are Subjectivism and Relativism.
SUBJECTIVISM: is the school of thought that basically believes that reality is what we (the subject) perceive as being real and that there is no real existence outside of our subjective perception of everything that exists.
RELATIVISM: is the school of thought that believes that truth can only be perceived from a relative or subjective point of view and therefore there can only exist relative truth of the subjective mind, and denies the existence of truth in its absolute form.
Relativism is found in the Indian religions such as Jainism and Sikhism. In Jainism (Anekantavada) the Pluralistic ideology that truth and reality are perceived differently from various points of view. No viewpoint has the complete truth or absolute truth. Sikhism asserts that many paths or truths lead to God. Or that truth is relative and not absolute and so long as one is righteous they can attain God.
EMPIRICISM: is the school of thought that believes that knowledge or ‘to know’ something one uses evidence gained by not only sense perception but also experience. It also postulates that ‘ideas’ are not innate or formed by traditions but formed from evidence gained by sense perception.
Further schools of thought that fall into the ‘Age of Reason’ category are as follows;
DETERMINISM: The school of thought that human beings do not possess free will; all behaviour is determined. There is no “personal” responsibility for behaviour.
EPISTEMOLOGICAL EMPIRICISM: The school of thought which denies or questions the validity of all intellectual knowledge and admits only the certainty born of sense perception.
EPISTEMOLOGICAL RATIONALISM: The school of thought which denies or questions the validity of sense-knowledge and admits only the certainty of intellectual knowledge.
EPISTEMOLOGICAL SUBJECTIVISM: The school of thought that says objective truth is impossible; truth is completely relative.
INNATISM: is a school of thought that holds that the mind is born with ideas/knowledge, and that therefore the mind is not a ‘tabula rasa’ or ‘blank slate’ at birth therefore not all knowledge is obtained from experience and sense perception.
METAPHYSICAL IDEALISM: The school of thought that nothing exists except ideas or minds; material reality is an illusion. The mind is the sole existing thing.
METAPHYSICAL MATERIALISM: The school of thought that nothing exists except matter in motion (material reality). The mind is just a material entity.
MORAL RELATIVISM: The school of thought that objective moral principles don’t exist; moral principles are always relative. There is nothing basically moral or immoral.
POLITICISM: The dogma that all human problems are political in nature and the solution must be a political one. Public polls determine truth and morality.
POSITIVISM: A school of thought that is a form of naturalism which denies the legitimacy of philosophical problems and methods and claims that science is the only knowledge which is exact and ultimate.
PRAGMATISM: The school of thought (or attitude) which places all knowledge and truth in a direct relation to life and action. Truth is that which satisfies human needs and interests in a social way.
SCIENTISM: The school of thought that nothing exists except that which can be measured by the instruments of science. Reality = the material universe.
SOCIAL COLLECTIVISM: The school of thought that human individuals live only for the benefit of the state or society, from which all rights are derived.
Whichever ideological premise, the ‘Age of Reason’s’ authors goal was to move mankind away from a God centric existence to a man centric existence. Therefore the ‘Western’ mindset, which was primarily capitalistic and God centred, needed to be thoroughly broken down and this could be easily achieved by acculturating these ideas into the Western cultures via gaining control of the Scholastic institutions and inculcating the academics, children and youth.
Over the centuries as the Kali yuga proceeds under the direction of the personality of Kali, we are experiencing the systematic breakdown of religious thought practice and governance globally. Kali’s degenerative influence spread exponentially with the modern day total breakdown of the Kingly class through Communistic ideological thought and practice which brought about cultural and societal reform by the Marxist Communistic lead rebellion of the working class, proletariat, in Russia and China against the ruling class or aristocracy.
Karl Marx
The geopolitical scene from the nineteen hundred onward saw the rapid growth and development of industrial nations. By the second decade of the century, Communistic thought and practice was being introduced into Russia and China while Capitalism flourished in the Western World. Communism was primarily the brainchild of Karl Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) who believed that Communism would be launched via the affluent countries of Europe. However, it was in fact Vladimir Lenin believing that Communism would flourish first in Russia then China and subsequently India, who proved this forecast wrong
The Western countries were too much attached to Capitalism and the working class was not interested in the Communistic ideological manifesto. Under the heavy hand of Lenin, Russia was converted over to Communism and the Jewish led Communists began to breakdown the hold that culture and religion had on the common man by vilifying (slaughtering) the aristocracy and inciting revolution.
Communism proved a very powerful tool to breakdown the Kingly and Brahminical class of man and to separate the people from their religious and traditional roots. China soon adopted the Communist manifesto; however, India resisted being more under the control of the British with only a few states succumbing to Communism. Mao Zedong of China added to Lenin’s idea that change would come from the proletariat by including the peasant class in the revolution against the existing ruling order to push ahead with the Communist Manifesto in China.
However, the West, in the turn of last century, began to take the lead in economic and political power by the rapid post World War Two economic growth of the United States. This, coupled with their huge military might, enabled the US to gain the upper hand in the global market, overtaking the older and more established European market, thus Capitalism was able to have a stronger hold on Western countries under the protectionist agenda of the US.
With the failure of Marxist Communism in gaining the political and economic might in order to breakdown the hold that Capitalism had on the Western World the Communist strategists needed to change their strategies. They needed to infiltrate the West and as the US was the bastion of Capitalism and Democracy, they needed to breakdown the Western Cultural hold on the people of the US in order to destabilize it enough to effect the change they required.
Over the last two thousand years Christian and Islamic empires wrestled over control the land and resources of the earth, both cultures were based on the Old Testament of the Abrahamic religions who, similar to the Jewish faith, believed that they were the chosen people of God. This belief, supported by Scriptural injunctions, afforded them the idea that they will and should rule the earth. All of the Abrahamic religions have sought world domination over the centuries. The most overtly successful were the Christians who were able to spread their faith and control over the global scene via being embedded in the Roman Empire and accepted as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century by the Emperor Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus 306-337AD.
The Jewish people were initially not so fortunate but via the process of the Zionist directed Diaspora, they have secured the Global economic and financial sphere as well as acculturated their philosophic outlook into the Western societies with tremendous result with the inculcation of the Humanistic Sciences throughout the world via the Humanistic Secular Academic program which is taught in all schools and universities of the earth. Practically nowhere can God or Religion be taught in any secular school on earth today thanks to their ingenuity and far reaching thought.
The Jewish theology as expressed in the Talmud and the Torah describes Godhead as impersonal or without form. The Judaic understanding of Godhead is also held by the other Abrahamic Religions who also believe that Godhead is not a person. The majority of philosophical theorists in the ‘Age of Reason’ period are followers of the Judaic impersonalistic thought and of Jewish ethnicity. The Jewish (Judaic) position was that their God exists in the mind of man and in social interpersonal relationships. The Judaic mindset is that the nature of God is – the individual and shared consciousness of the human mind and expressed through social systems and that the individual by the way of ‘reason’ rationalizes that absolute truth is ‘a priori’.
“The Raaya Meheimna describes a higher level of human consciousness which can be translated as Pluralistic relativism, where one is free of dogma, greed and divisiveness and operates purely on the levels of feelings and love and cherishes mother earth. G-d is envisioned here as the network of human relationships, therefore the need to see G-d as having a human body is relinquished as one has accepted the higher realization. G-d is now experienced as feeling and love–and has no demands. Whatever feels good is what G-d wants.
The consciousness here is decidedly anti-hierarchical–everything must be laterally linked. The self is permeable; the emphasis is on relationships and dialogue. Collective communities connected through freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments are seen as the only rational foundation for people being together. Decisions must be reached through reconciliation and consensus. This consciousness is strongly egalitarian, anti-hierarchical, Pluralistic, valuing diversity and multiculturalism, and emphasizing relativistic value systems. (Rabbi Schorr – The Judaic Vaiṣṇava – please refer to the end of this document for transcript)”
It was during the build up to the Second World War and the rise of Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler that many Jewish intellectuals and scientists migrated to the United States. Their influence on the military and Humanistic Science profoundly changed the US, however it was their influence on the field of Social Science which had the greatest impact on the psyche of the American people and greatly changed their world view.
The migration of the Cultural Marxists infiltrated American Academia and formed what can be appropriately termed a ‘Fifth Column’ of Social Engineers who successfully dismantled the world view of the American Academia and Youth and acculturated them with ideologies meant to sever the people’s links with their past making them more amenable to the Cultural Marxist agenda.
The term ‘fifth column’ refers to a group of people who clandestinely undermine a larger group such as a nation from within, to help an external enemy. In this case it is the agenda of the largely Jewish Zionist Cultural Marxist Communistic Social Engineers who worked within Western cultures in order to convert them over to their ideological agenda.
In the 1920s and 1930s, a group Marxists founded the Institute for Social Research (The Frankfurt School) in Germany, among them were Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. Their school of thought was known as Critical Theory which was their take on Marxist philosophy and was heavily influenced by Hegel, Freud, Nietzsche, and Max Weber.
It was the opinion of these authors that the only way to breakdown the Western world’s hold on the people was not through the working class and/or the peasant class rebellion against the ruling class, it was through the naive and malleable youth via a blend of Marxism and Freudian Psychoanalysis that Western Culture can be destroyed.
Traditional Marxist ideology that change can be brought about by a shift in the economic substructure of Society was superseded by new authors who believed that it was only through an ideological shift in the cultural superstructure of society that change could be effected.
America was identified as the main influencing country and bastion of Christian values, political power, as well as capitalistic thought and practice. The Frankfurt School authors identified that the youth of America needed to be educated in Secular Humanism and encouraged to revolt against the ruling power elite.
Part Two began outlining the historical development of Philosophic thought as it pertains to the modern context of Geopolitics. This part develops the idea that Ethnoreligious influence is the prime force behind the Geopolitical sphere, particularly focusing on the Judaic or Zionist Jewish influence.
Part Three will continue with the descriptions of the Frankfurt School and its influential role in the United States. It will also describe how the Frankfurt School authors were the main influence behind the ‘counter culture’ of the Hippie era and how they manipulated the youth of America to rebel against the establishment and opt out of the ‘rat race’.
It is historic reference that the Christian Empire and the Islamic Empire were engaged in mass genocide and slaughter of millions of innocents, who each side deemed as either heretics or infidels respectively. This statement will hardly raise an eyebrow yet the fact that this dissertation is disclosing the Zionist Jewish participation in history may affect the sensibilities of sentimental readers to the point of being offended. In the modern context, it is not ‘politically correct’ to mention any seemingly negative influence or historic account of the Jewish people, however, history, particularly modern history, cannot be told unless their influence is discussed and any attempt to write history without mentioning their role in it is unintelligent and misleading.
For the sincere seeker of the truth, the Scientist or the Brahmin, it is imperative that one is able to take into consideration all aspects and influences that affect our existence. His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Vedic Scholar, Author and Founder of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness states:
“According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief; that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth.”
All Abrahamic Religions have vied for world domination at one time or other achieving, however, only partial success. Ultimately all of their attempts ended in the failure of the Christian and Islamic Empires to totally subjugate the; Heathen (Christians) / Infidel (Muslims) / (Goyim – for the Jew). Simultaneously the Judaic or Jewish people, also believing that they are ‘the chosen ones’ were gradually using their wealth power and influence to systematically gain the upper hand in Geopolitics and World Domination. What the Jewish people lacked in population numbers they more than made up in financial backing and strategic planning.
Their success to date has been achieved by:
- Their almost total domination of the international financial sector through the ownership and control of the world banking institutions, business corporations and commerce.
- Through taking advantage of the Second World War, they were able to realize their Biblical prophecy of gaining a homeland in Israel and due to the promotion of the ‘a priori’ Anti-Semitism polemic; fuelled by the ‘perceived threat’ of Adolf Hitler, were able to relocate and therefore gain access into most, if not all, Western countries that had previously banned their immigration. See here for more details.
- The apparently coerced Diaspora had the additional benefit of more easily being able to secure the necessary funds and support to relocate many of their people to their new homeland of Israel.
- Via the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx, they were able to gain control of the non-Western Countries; including Russia and China, who are ‘main players’ on the Geopolitical sphere. However, they were yet to gain control over the West. To this end they began a very intelligent and systematic infiltration of Western Academia beginning in Germany, eventually spreading to England and the United States of America.
World domination has always been about Ethnoreligious supremacy. In the Vedic era the Kings were Kings of the world and according to Vedic history the world has been dominated by Vedic rule and it is only with the decline of Vedic India that we find that the Abrahamic Religions attempts at world domination. Through control of commerce, finance and strategic manipulation of the political sphere, in particular Communism, the Jewish people were able to gain an extremely powerful hold on the Geopolitical ‘superstructural’ orientation of the powerful Western Countries of the world.
The infusion of the Frankfurt School Social Engineers ideologies and Cultural Communistic agenda into Western Academia had a devastatingly powerful effect on the formation of a new age of thinking and aided in the creation of a new set of increasingly permissive and liberalistic social mores / laws that shaped the future development of Western Countries. The main Marxist Communist players (notably of Jewish ethnicity) in the Frankfurt School’s network of Social Engineers are as follows:
Georg Lukcas, whose idea of “who will save us from Western Culture” was born of the ideology of Nietzsche. Nietzsche wanted the philosophical outlook of man to be erased to the point, he speculated, that existed before God existed. He wanted to roll back the ‘historical clock’ to a time past the great philosophers of the Greek civilization and the Abrahamic religions. He wanted that man’s perspective was based on a ‘tabula rasa’ or a blank slate where there was no concept of a God, which he believed limited man’s evolution.
However, the Cultural Marxists (as well as Hitler and the Nazi’s) were interested only in how influential Nietzsche’s polemic was, in breaking down the Ideologies of Western culture, from its roots in a God centric, or – God created man and therefore it is ‘God’s will that must be done’ and replace it with the ‘polemic’ Atheistic or Impersonalist (Age of Reason) ideology of – “man evolved and so it is ‘man’s will’ that must be done.”
In order to understand the mind of the Judaic Social Engineer one must have some understanding of the theological point of reference for the ideological premises they are introducing into Western Thought.
The Abrahamic, God’s will, is based in the aphorisms of the Old Testament (Torah) which give scant and vague reference to the nature of God, the soul, consciousness and the afterlife. According to Abrahamic thought, God is not a person, as in the Indian Vedic personalist Scripture’s – Bhagavan, but; an unembodied force or will as given by the Vedic impersonalist Scripture’s – Brahman.
The Theistic tradition has two aspects the personal and impersonal aspect of God.
- The personal aspect of God (Bhagavan – Vedic) describes God as a person; who has form and attributes and is ‘transcendental’ to his creation. The oldest and only personalist school of thought is found in the Vaisnavite tradition of India, represented in modern times, by the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sanskrit Scholar and Acharya/Diksa-Guru AC Bhaktivedanata Swami Srila Prabhupada.
- The impersonal aspect (Brahman – Vedic) which says that God exists is ‘immanent’ in his creation. That Godhead or the source of God is formless and is not a person, but; will, force and light. That any reference to God having personal attributes such as gender etc. are metaphorical and not to be taken literally. The main adherents to this school of thought are, for the purpose of this paper, the Abrahamic Religions.
The modern-day Marxist Communistic Judaic authors or the Humanistic School of Social Science’s understanding of God can better be described as Pantheism. Pantheism comes from the Greek which is the worship of God as ‘Nature’. Pan means ‘all’ and Theism means ‘God’. Pantheism rejects the idea of a God which exists in ‘transcendence’ (Godhead) or that God has a ‘personality’. It believes that; logic or reason is ‘a prior’ (hypothesis not based on fact) postulate within the mind of man, since God is immanent to his creation, and therefore cannot exist separately as a person with a gender, form or personality. God created the world. God created man. God and Nature is one. God and man are one. God is one.
The Ancient Indian Vaisnava theology that the soul and God exists both; in ‘transcendence’ of this material manifestation and; is ‘immanent’ within the material manifestation. The Bhagavan aspect of God is in transcendence and is immanently manifested as Brahman within this material manifestation. Further that this knowledge is ‘transcendental’ to man’s perception and apprehension and can only be revealed via Scriptural injunction (sense data) so that man can ‘know’ God and his creation. This knowledge cannot be speculated by the process of negative critical theoretical dialectic, in other words, it is not in the purview of the speculative human mind/intelligence and is only ‘revealed’ to man via revelation from God or from his revealed Scripture understood by His sincere follower.
The Judaic understanding of God, is that God is also ‘immanent’, in his creation as the creator and that he also evolves (teshuva) as do we, in our consciousness, as he attempts to guide man to live in harmony with the earth, known as ‘tikkun olam’ or that God is in partnership with man. God and his creation is one. God is one. God is nature and nature is God. The idea that God is one, is the same as the Vedic conception given by the Mayavadi Impersonalist School of thought that says that God is non-different to his creation. This differs from the Vaisnava tradition that says that there is qualitative and quantitative difference between God, the soul (jivatma) and the material world. The ‘acintya abheda bedha tattva’ (simultaneously one and yet different) conception; where God and man (jivatma) are part and parcel of each other. There is differentiation both qualitatively and quantitatively but God (Krishna) or Godhead is the supreme Person whilst the individual soul, jivatma, is a separated, eternally existent, atomic spark possessing similar attributes and qualities of God.
The soul, in Abrahamic thought is something ‘given’ by God. In the Vedic view the living entity or jivatma ‘is’ the soul, whereas in the Jewish/Abrahamic tradition the person ‘has’ a soul. That the soul is something distinct from the actual person.
The Abrahamic / Judaic view the soul has three parts, the nephesh, the ruach and the main aspect of the soul, the Neshamah, which is passed on via the mother at birth and so in order for the person to be a Jew, a full human being; they require to be born of a Jewish mother. Non-Jews, or Goyim, do not possess the Neshamah aspect of the soul, but their soul only consists of the other two components; nephesh (body and mind) and ruach (morality). A person is not ‘a soul’ as is given in the Vedic literature of Ancient India, but, they ‘have’ a soul. The Vedic system states that the person is a soul, jiva atma, and is a conscious part and parcel of God. Whereas the Judaic (Abrahamic) system believes that God gives man their soul.
This ideology forms the basic thesis of the Judaic distinction of man. The belief, that only a child of a Jewish mother is a ‘full’ human being in possession of the full complements that comprise a human soul can truly know God. Therefore that ‘partnership’ that God has with man is only for the Jewish people who have been given the ‘Neshamah’ by God and subsequently only they can truly know him and be an integral part of his plan.
The Judaic philosophers believe in a ‘heaven on earth’ ideology when the pure ones (Jews) who have fulfilled the Mosaic Laws will be resurrected and live on an earth ruled by their King or Messiah who comes in the line of King David. Their objective is to understand that God is in man and that man is in God, ‘tikkun olam’.
Once a person realizes this they can understand that man’s goal is to master the ‘game of life’ that is God’s creation and therefore understand that God is really found in man’s perfected Judaic social interactions under Mosaic Law and therefore live in peace and harmony ruling the earth in the Messianic time. Ultimately only a person born of a Jewish mother may enter into these pastimes and be resurrected in the Messianic time for it is only through them that God has given the right to rule the world.
They believe that in order for there to be a peaceful world then the Jewish people will live under the law of the Torah and rule and that the non-Jewish, or Goyim, need to live under the shelter of the Laws of Noah or the Noahide Law and serve them.
Until the coming of Moses, the Semitic people lived under the Noahide Laws until God gave Moses the Torah to guide those who were present at that historic meeting. The Semites who began following Moses under the auspices of the Torah eventually differentiated into modern day Muslims Christians and Jews.
The Judaic Social Engineer’s mission is to organize the Geopolitical sphere in order that the Messianic time is hastened. The idea of tikkun olam as a movement is to heal the earth and by healing the earth it means that mankind must also be healed by coming into line with God’s will. In order for this to be accomplished the non-Jewish people, or goys need to also fit into God’s plan which is; One God and one Religion (Judaic), One King and Government, One monetary system etc.
Their understanding is that since we do not possess the neshamah or divine spark that connects us to God and affords man the ability to understand and relate to God we cannot understand God’s will and therefore plan. Further that since we were not the chosen people hailing from the Time of Moses, we do not have the guidance of the Mosaic Law, Torah and its corollaries the Talmud, Kabbalah etc., which are the word of God and therefore over the last several thousand years we being ignorant of Gods will and laws, have organized cultures that are not congruent with the Torah.
The Judaic Dialectical Philosophers objective is to construct verbose sophistic theorems that are based on their impersonal ideology that explain the nature of existence and consciousness that once acculturated into Academic thought will form a bridge between; the Goyim’s misconceptions and the Jewish people’s truth, in order to bring the (goy) into line with the goy’s actual purpose, as creations of God.
Their idea of a non-personal God who could only be known by his ‘works’ was taken up by the Humanistic Schools of Thought that was further refined by Secularism to the point where the very idea of a God was taken out of the educative process leaving only His ‘work’ to be knowable.
Any idea that God possessed form and personality is strongly rejected by Judaic and Abrahamic religious belief even though His form and personality have been described in the Old Testament and Torah. However, only this aspect of God, which limits God to; force, will or light, is to be accepted as factual and any reference contrary to this belief is to be considered metaphorical.
The idea that God is limited, without personality and form, is rejected by the Vaisnava Theology of Ancient India. The Abrahamic faith refers to God having emotions such as; anger, wrath, hate, love, compassion, jealousy etc. which are symptoms of a person, someone with a personality which is evidenced by His very personal interactions with his followers. In the Vaisnava tradition God cannot be limited and He fully reveals His form and personal attributes which are accepted as revealed fact as opposed to metaphorical statements from a disembodied impersonal entity.
The removal of God from the Academic process in both the Western and Communist cultures more easily leant itself to being surreptitiously replaced by an understanding of God from the Judaic impersonal perspective that they are now acculturating into the fields of Science, Art, literature etc. that is linked to their impersonal understanding of consciousness and an immanent God.
With the increase of the Dialectical schools of thought, there arose the necessity for a dialectic which explained the nature of consciousness and being. As the Abrahamic religions did not have sufficient Scriptural reference and explanation for consciousness and the existence of God they found the need to modernize their philosophical dialectic to be able to justify their various Scriptural injunctions and so their Theologians/Rabbis Scholars etc. began to explain their doctrines in the particular contemporary philosophic ideologies of the time.
The Judaic Theologians even though they had developed a very sophisticated dialectic with regards to the philosophic explanation of existence, found that the Christian and Islamic Religions had a powerful grip on their Empires and that Capitalism had an even stronger grip on the psyche of man. Over the centuries the Judaic Theologians and Philosophers began to gain greater influence on the developing fields of Natural Science and Philosophy as their impersonalistic / man centric interpretations of their Scriptures began to challenge and breakdown the God centric interpretations of the other Religions.
The Darwinian Theory of Evolution of species, which not being based on any substantial empirical evidence, offers the same polemic postulate that the ‘God concept’ evolved along with man, as an evolutionary survival technique, as opposed to the historic; ‘God created man’ ideology. That there was design without a designer even though they themselves were ‘designing’ or creating their own hypothesis of existence that was based on mere speculative theorizing with the expectation that their sophistic argument be accepted as ‘a priori’.
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx).
At best Darwinian evolutionary theory could be described as a Humanistic Biological Science which is an ‘a priori’ idea and not an empirically positivistic scientific fact. However, is serves as a pseudo-scientific link to bridge the ‘illogical gap’ between Empirical Science and the developing field of Humanistic Social Science. Evolution Theory is yet another pseudo-scientific Humanistic theory that has been accepted into Academia to assist in the erosion of God within the Western Societies. Societies which have not developed under the Mosaic Law of the Torah and so they are societies that need to be broken down and degraded to allow the Abrahamic God of the Torah to assert his will and domination of mankind.
“Natural science will in time incorporate into itself the science of man, just as the science of man will incorporate into itself natural science: there will be one science” (Karl Marx)
The Frankfurt School authors constructed their ideological platform on the basis of the specious philosophical speculations of the past ‘Age of Reason’ philosophers and established their Cultural Marxist Communistic Manifesto and set about to breakdown the Western Cultural hold on the minds and hearts of the peoples of Europe and then the United States of America.
The members of the Frankfurt School were of German Jewish ethnoreligious orientation; who were Neo Marxist Communists that were developing stratagems to break down the Western Capitalistic Societies in order to introduce Communistic ideologies into the Western mind set. The Geopolitical sphere had over the last millennia developed into a sophisticated God centric Feudal Monarchic Patriarchal Society. The advent of the Industrial Revolution brought Capitalism to the forefront of Western Society which had become increasingly Capitalistic in orientation. This was further fuelled by the Post-Industrial Revolution ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ that had the added effect of increasing societal unity and their sense of national pride. The sum of which, produce a powerful unified Western Society which was counterproductive to the Judaic Marxist Communistic agenda.
The Judaic Philosophers analysed the system and found that the only way to break down the various God centric societies was to turn the people of the Western Cultures against their leaders. Therefore, they developed the Communist Manifesto which pitted the working and peasant class against the upper or ruling class.
An influential contributor to the Frankfurt Schools establishment was Georg Lukacs a very intelligent Hungarian born Jewish intellectual whose work contributed largely to the establishment of Marxist thought and practice in Western Academia. Lukacs being a political activist believed that the re-education of children was more suited to promoting change within society so it was in Hungary when he became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary in 1919; that Lukacs launched what became known as “Cultural Terrorism.”
Lukacs successfully introduced into the Hungarian schooling system a radical sex education program where children were instructed in free love and sex, that middle-class family codes were archaic as was monogamy and how religion deprives man of all pleasures. Women, too, were called to rebel against the sexual mores of the time. Lukacs’s campaign of “Cultural Terrorism” was a precursor to what Political Correctness would later bring to American schools.
Political Correctness as an ideology in Western thought arose from the teachings of the Frankfurt School Academics which originated in Frankfurt Germany as the ‘Institute for Social Research’ and transferred to New York North America in 1935 and became associated with Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis and Berkeley Universities. The Frankfurt School (Frankfurt School of Social Research) was based on a ‘blend’ of Communistic and Marxist ideologies and it was not so much of a school but a ‘think tank’ of Social Theorists whose prime objective was to infiltrate and have impact and influence within the Western Academic world.
The Communists of Russia being Marxist in philosophical orientation found that it was impossible to break down the Western Capitalistic ideological mindset by manipulating the working class, Proletariat, to revolt against the establishment. The Western Working Class and Middle Class, led by the ruling elite, were very attached to reaping rewards from their affluent capitalistic lifestyles to see the need to change.
However the Frankfurt School members holding ideologies that were formed from ‘Hegelian’ thought found that Religion formed the predominate superstructural support of Western societies, and that in order to breakdown the dependence of the members of a society on the religious based political power of the ruling elite, change would not come from breaking the control of the economics of the ruling elite, it would come from turning the people away from their traditional cultural and religious roots. They believed that religious thought had a ‘pre-rational’ hold on the mindset of the masses which lent itself to social solidarity. A united society comprised of united patriarchal families would prove impossible for the Communistic thought to prevail in any shape or form.
So too would the members of Government who were basically God fearing Capitalistic men who staunchly upheld laws and values systems that were primarily religious of nature and supported educational policies and ethos that would challenge the Judaic Social Engineers ideologies. If they were to be able to break these leaders hold on the people by influencing the children and youth of society to rebel against not only the establishment but also their very own parents, they would be able to break the hold that religion had on society,
Therefore, they began developing theories that had purely political agendas. They began merging the Psychoanalysis of Freudian thought with Communistic thought. The prime objective of the Frankfurt School; was to merge Psychoanalytical thought and process, with that of the new cultural Marxist agenda. The Frankfurt School authors created a technique that blended the Communistic manifesto with the Psychoanalytic thought of, Sigmund Freud, which they believed would prove to be highly effective in corrupting the youth of Western Nations.
The main disruptive force behind Freudian thought is that it focuses the individual on sexual matters. The traditional Western Society viewed sexuality and sexual issues as a private intimate concern whereas the new Freudian methodology brought sex into the open. No longer were sexual issues the responsibility of the family and parents it was now included as topics for study and discussion in the various higher educational institutions.
Freud made a philosophical science what nature and the Ancient Vedic knowledge already knew, that all life is driven by sex desire. The Vedic conclusion is that sex desire is there but what is needed is a culture that assists its members to control and restrain these innate desires and drives through the proper mores and values of the society.
Freud proposed something that Ancient God centric culture and empirical science already knew. The only difference was that he took a natural law of nature and dissected it, turning it into a pseudo-science. A science that made instinctual sex drive into a matter that concerned professionals and no longer a matter for the family or culture. It was now considered a disease that needed to be treated by trained professionals.
The Frankfurt School Authors knowing full well that in normal biological growth that youth were going through a period of high sex drive that was usually dealt with as a family matter and the institute of marriage. However, by the establishment of coeducational educational institutions brought girls and boys into close proximity without the protection of the family and culture and the schools and universities became the breeding grounds for creating a sexually permissive youth. They intentionally made sex a profession they made it extremely popular.
‘Normalizing’ sex and sexuality in the public or Academic scene has a twofold purpose; it not only focused the Youth’s attention on sex, it encouraged and increased the need for the youth to experiment sexually.
The Freudian thought claimed that sexual dysfunction began in the home. It posits that the child is a sexual entity from the infantile stage and that both the mother and the father play pivotal roles in a child’s unhealthy sexual development. They claim that children are sexually attracted and subsequently confused by the parent of the opposite sex. In girls, it is termed ‘Oedipus Complex’ and in boys it is termed ‘Electra Complex’. The children go on to repress these desires and feelings which lead to sexually dysfunctional behaviour.
By claiming that the main cause of pathological behaviour was the family unit they began breaking down the hold that the family and the parents in particular had on their children. No more was the family seen as the safe place for the child as it was now being seen as a breeding ground for deviance and depravity, a place where the child becomes confused by their instinctual sexual feelings for, and response to, their parents.
They pointed the accusatory finger at how they believed it was the Western Society being suppressive of sexuality due to its archaic Religious mores, which further impacted on the repressed individual to create deviant behaviour and criminality in the members of that society. They began indoctrinating Academia and the youth into believing that it is only through the full expression of these repressed urges and instinctual sexuality could Society be healed. The youth needed to start a sexual revolution that would free them from the shackles of the Fascist Authoritarian Culture and the redundant family structure.
The youth being inexperienced and naive of worldly matters were the best target for the Cultural Marxists. They would readily listen to their Teachers and Professors and are easily manipulated by older and seemingly wiser adults who held positions of authority in established and accredited schools.
The teachers and professors would also be easily manipulated by the seemingly intelligent and insightful presentations and dissertations being espoused by the very intelligent and cunningly worded manifestos of the various Cultural Marxists authors, authors whose intention was not to help society but to destroy its very moral fibre from within.
Their aim was to use a non-science such as Psychoanalysis, which is a non-empirically based hermeneutic pseudo-science, as a vehicle to base their infiltration into Academic thought and seek to influence the members of Western society to accept their Communistic agenda and therefore unknowingly aid them in the destruction of the Western capitalistic god centric mindset.
The infamous chant of Campus students “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Culture’s got to Go” stands as stark testimony to their effectiveness and success.
The empirically based Sociological sciences do not accept the highly speculative ideas of the Frankfurt School authors who rejected the empirical processes of; experimentation, falsification, quantification and verification. The Frankfurt Schools Secular Humanist Cultural Marxist ideology rejected Empirical Sociology and developed ideologies that were based on an ‘immanent’ or human centric pseudoscientific process by merging sociology with Freudian based psychology.
The Inner Circle of Freud’s Think Tank was extremely influential in the development of Psychoanalysis as a mainstream psychotherapeutic system and widely taught in all Universities of the Western World. Today millions of Americans feel the need to seek Psychotherapy for any mental ailment that afflicts them.
The Marxist agenda to merge Freudian Psychoanalysis into the Cultural Communistic agenda of the Frankfurt School authors proved highly successful. The American people readily took to the perceived help that Psychotherapy brought them as well as readily and ignorantly adopted the Judaic Cultural Communistic ideologies into their modern Western Society.
The infiltration of the Frankfurt School authors into prestigious Universities enabled them to gradually introduce their Judaic based thought into the Academic world and convert many of the Empirically based Social and Natural Sciences to their ‘new age’ non-empirical and highly speculative Humanist pseudoscience.
As Director of the Frankfurt School Horkheimer was the person who financed and managed the various Jewish intellectuals who where its authors as they set up their affiliations with the Western Academic via the development of Schools of thought in the most prestigious and influential Universities of the West. These were Oxford in England – Princeton / Columbia / Cambridge and Berkeley in the US.
Theodor Adorno first went to Oxford University England where he collaborated with other Jewish authors such as Ernst Bloch who was a liberalist author who was very influential in the Student Protest era of 1968. Bloch then immigrated to the US to join others in Cambridge University, where he worked on the Liberation Theology which was a Marxist Christian thought which targeted Christians and attempted to explain Religion through the eyes of the poor.
Bloch joined with Adorno’s other colleague Walter Benjamin another German Jewish intellectual who also transferred to Oxford University England and then immigrated to the US in 1937 to join Adorno at Columbia University where they worked with Paul Lazarsfeld, the founder of modern communications research, on the Princeton Radio Research for three years, Adorno then moved to Los Angeles.
It was the writings of both Benjamin and Adorno that greatly influenced the ‘Politically Correct’ polemic although Adorno received the public credit Benjamin was in fact the main theorist behind this false doctrine of the Marxist Communist agenda to aid in the destruction of Western culture.
By the commencement of the Second World War the Frankfurt School was well established in both the UK and especially the US.
The impression given by most historians that relocation/immigration of Jewish; Intellectuals, Social Theorists and Scientists was due to persecution by Nazi’s in Germany. Yet individuals ranging from; Horkheimer and Adorno, the Freudian Inner circle, and various Scientists such as; Einstein, Edward Teller, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Otto Stern, Victor Weisskopf, Hans Bethe, and Lise Meitner moved freely and with intent to and from Europe and America, and were in fact, welcomed by the US and UK Academia and Governments well before the advent of World War Two. This occurrence does not lend credence to the interpretations given by the Historians of this era.
The fact that they were allowed more or less carte blanche access to Academic and Scientific fields, coupled with the obvious and influential impact that these individuals had, both collectively and individually on American Society and way of life as Judaic Cultural Marxist Communists; leaves the question of whether or not this was an intentional and deliberate infiltration…
In Part Four the various ‘Schools of Thought’ that the Frankfurt School created or endorsed in its ‘War on the West’ agenda will be discussed. This is well documented historical fact and the onus is on followers of Srila Prabhupada to understand that we have all been influenced in some way by the simple fact that we have grown up and have been educated in a system that is greatly influenced by ideologies that have been acculturated into our schools and social systems.
Part three delved into the Judaic role and influence on the Geopolitical sphere and how their policies and programs of social change were acculturated into Western thought and social systems. Part Four will look more closely at the relationship between Judaic thought and its inculcation into modern Social Theory and thought. The view point of this discourse is not to seek compromise in a pluralistic / interreligious sense nor is it seeking to find similarities to aid in religious syncretism. However, it does not seek to nullify the Judaic faith but to place it in perspective of not only the Geopolitical sphere but also from a pragmatic logical perspective regarding its place as a bonafide religious doctrine.
Before going into the presentation, it is important to note that the Judaic view of history is very different from other historic accounts as it mainly hails from Rabbis and Scholars gaining insight from their mystical tradition as opposed to substantiated fact. They believe that their connection as the chosen people affords them direct contact with God who reveals to them mystically the knowledge and information they require.
Therefore, the Judaic account of history is different from the Vedic account. Judaic scholars believe that one of the sons of Abraham went to India to convert it to Monotheism and thus gave birth to the Monotheistic tradition of India and the Brahminical culture. The Judaic Kabbalist Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel (1604 – 1657) claims in his book ‘The hope of Israel’ that portions of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel were sent by God to all parts of the world in order to spread the Judaic faith and influence globally. They claim that their influence extended as far as the Inca people of South America, the Indian subcontinent, Russia, China and Japan.
Judaic scholars claim that Judaic influence in India began in the first century BCE then again in the fifth century CE. These of course contradict the Vedic history which has its own historic account that comprises the Vedic literature which clearly shows its history without reference to influence from the ten lost tribes of Israel.
It is interesting to note that the account from South America came from an anecdotal account of a ‘marrano’ or a Jew who has converted to Christianity but practices Judaism in secret. The other historic accounts are also born of mystic speculation centuries later and are not based on any historic evidence and only sporadic accounts from various Rabbis and individuals. However, they are now ‘urban legend’ within the Jewish community who even go to the length of conducting tours to India, Africa, China and Japan so that modern day Jews can go to the lands of their forefathers.
However, their ‘in house’ account of history may be mystically revealed accounts of their Scholars and Rabbis whose believability is rather dubious, their influence, however, on the Geopolitical sphere is a well-documented and demonstrable account of so called modern history. The work of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers of the Frankfurt School is without parallel in modern history. Their genius in incorporating the work of Sigmund Freud displays their brilliance in designing an almost fool proof process to systematically degrade the Western Cultural Society and effectively push on with creating a Secular Humanistic Society which is Godless and impersonal.
Freud was apparently a non-religious (secular) Jew who believed that the truth of a person lay below the surface and it was only through psychoanalysis via the doctor patient relationship that the truth can be revealed. Freud in effect secularized Kabbalistic thought and Secular Humanistic thought within the field of Social Science which was a very important development for the Marxist Social Engineers who had found a way to link their Judaic thought with modern scientific fields which gave them a type of scientific credibility in the Academic world.
In Judaic mysticism, the truth or knowledge of the Kabbalah can only be revealed orally from an experienced teacher (Tsadik or Rebbe) who has delved below the surface of the material to search for its underlying meaning. The Kabbalah historically was an oral tradition due to this knowledge acquiring process and has only been written down in order to preserve it. The Kabbalistic theme is the basis of psychoanalysis. “Things are never what they appear to be. Truth must always be sought below the surface in which the defining principle of psychoanalysis is ‘that everything is something other than what it seems to be or than what the authorities say it is…”
Freud’s Jewishness was essentially opposed to Biblical (Mosaic) law as well as the Rabbinic tradition which expounded the law. For Freud, Law leads to guilt and guilt precipitates neurosis. In spirit, both mysticism and psychoanalysis are a protest against any central place being given to Law.
Freud’s last work “Moses and Monotheism” presents that Moses was not a Jew (Israelite) but an Egyptian. This work has been widely discredited as not being based on substantial historic evidence by Biblical scholars. However much of ancient history is marked by speculation and evidence is scant and piecemeal at best and subjected to heavily biased interpretation.
Freud postulates that the Biblical Moses was Akhenaten the Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled Egypt in 1336CE who is known to be the first Monistic Pharaoh. Akhenaten is said to have forcefully pushed aside the Polytheistic worship of the Egyptian Gods of the people replacing it with the worship of Aten or Aton. Freud claimed that it was Akhenaten, also known as Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt and it was through him that the Mosaic Laws were given by God.
By claiming that Moses was a goy (Freud was known to despise Gentiles/Goy) he effectively made a Goy responsible for the Mosaic Law and for the ‘guilt’ that the Jewish people bear from his other postulate that Moses was murdered by fanatic idol worshipping Israelites. It was this human guilt, Freud claims, that underlies the pain of neurosis. Neurosis arises when disharmony occurs within what Freud called; the id or primitive instincts, ego or conscious mind, and superego the unconscious mind or conscience.
The aspects of id/ego/superego can be also seen as; id = nephresh / ego = ruach / superego = neshamah. The id is the animal or instinctual aspect of the soul. The ego is the ruach or the moral intelligence aspect and the superego is the mind and intelligence. Within the mind and intelligence are the ‘chāyaḥ’ and the ‘yeshidah’ which are the higher aspects of the Jewish soul which link it with God.
The Christians, Freud believes, who bear the guilt of murdering Jesus, by him dying for their sins, are held within the restraints of the Law in the form of the Ten Commandments and as the Western Cultures are based on the religious and social mores of Christian values and law then they too bear the guilt that is acculturated within. Freud emphasized psychological factors over biological factors in the acculturation of guilt born neurosis in mankind and therefore emphasized racial memory being acculturated into the historic accounts of a people.
He believed however, that psychoanalysis has taken on a religious duty within Western Society by absolving sins against the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law which perpetuated guilt by acculturating Laws into Society that mankind is not able to comply with. Freud believed that the analyst represents the superego or conscience, as a non-punishing conscience born of communal morality, in which the patient sees the analyst as the superego or conscience or parent. However, the analyst is not blamed for they are removed from any responsibility, not being involved in the patient’s neurosis, and subsequently bears no blame. The blame however is placed on the parents who corrupted the child / the law who suppressed them and the Western Culture who taught them to fear God and his law. The Analyst in modern Society has assumed the role of the Priest and has therefore successfully severed the link between religion and the mental health of the members of Western Society. This is evidenced in the Catholic Church embracing Psychoanalysis into its Priesthood thus affording it a certain status within the Church.
Freud transformed the; Parents responsibility to nurture the child; the Laws responsibility to protect the person; the Priests responsibility to hear confession; Western Cultures responsibility to free the person and facilitate peace – into the Analyst who was now the nurturer, confessor, protector, and freer of the bonds that religion and western culture have placed on the individual.
The Judaic thought coming from Abraham, Moses and other early prophets displayed a very rudimentary philosophical understanding of theology. As the early Sadducees, Pharisees and Rabbis began to be influenced by Greek (Hellenic) and Gnostic thought the Judaic theology began to mature and develop as it sought ways in which to explain the simplistic and vague concepts presented in the early Torah. This laid the foundation for the Judaic metaphorical interpretative process as they could not reconcile the literal interpretative process with the Biblical accounts.
One foundational concept that was originally given in Genesis was that God created man in His image. This has been interpreted in many different ways by early scholars of the Torah through to the early Kabbalistic scholars in the Zohar and by Lurianic thought, as well as the Talmudic scholars. In the early Judaic theology, there coexisted two concepts of God. One believed that the Biblical text should be taken ‘as it is’ or by its literal interpretation and the other believed that some of the text, especially those regarding the depiction of God as a person, is to be taken metaphorically.
The metaphorical (the impersonalist school) idea won out in the end as it was championed by the early Judaic philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204) from Middle Ages who codified Jewish law in the Talmud. Thus, the notion that God has form is now outlawed and therefore not acceptable to the Judaic followers of God. With the literal meaning of text vilified, and considered heretical, the metaphorical interpretation now lent credence to the Kabbalistic speculative interpretative process which is typical of the Judaic scholars who endlessly extrapolate their ancient text to explain a multitude of interpretations, all which are considered valid, as well as explaining every inconsistency or lack so that the Judaic philosophy is relevant in the modern context.
Adam or man was created in the mind of God which did not infer that man was created as an image or replica of God but man was created by what God ‘imagined’ man to be; the archetypal image of man as existing in the mind of God, which He made flesh out of earth and breathed life into it. Thus, this explanation explained away that man had a form similar to God’s by speculatively interpreting God’s word as metaphorical and not literal.
The main influence on the development of Judaic theology is the Kabbalah which was developed in the 12th century CE. The earliest work is Sefer haBahir (Book of Brilliance) which is said to be basically a Gnostic textual interpretation of the Torah and other books of Judaic thought. Gnosticism is to know God or a higher being through mystical or esoteric means. Gnosticism has influenced many theological schools of thought such as Christianity and especially Judaic thought via the Kabbalah.
In Kabbalistic thought, the Messiah (a human person) is thought of as Torah or text. Later, holy men are also regarded as Torah. Freud’s idea regards each person as Torah; each person needs interpreting and psychoanalysis. This idea is also found in the Zoha, a well-known mystical interpretation of the Torah, which suggests the metaphor of persons as ‘texts’ requiring interpretation.
In stark contrast of this attitude of interpretation is that the words of the latter-day Rabbis and Scholars of Judaic thought must be taken at face value or directly but the words of God can and should be taken allegorically or metaphorically. In using metaphorical interpretive process in understanding God’s word, the Judaic theologians utilize the God is ‘immanent’ in the mind of man ideology which translates to; if the ‘faithful’ decree it must be taken ‘a priori’ and higher than the actual word of God. This interpretive process is non-different to the ‘Age of Reason’ speculative philosophers who believe that reason or meaning is derived by man alone.
Freudian thought and practice even though ‘claiming’ to be non-religious is linked ideologically back to a Kabbalistic impersonalist mystical interpretation of human thought and rationale which is largely metaphorical in orientation.
The ability of the ‘Age of Reason’ or Transcendentalist philosopher to describe the nature of the soul took a sharp increase with the work of Madam Blavatsky of the Theosophical society when she went to India to learn about the nature of the soul. Due to Blavatsky coming from the impersonalist orientation she was more interested in the impersonal understanding of God and so the work of the Theosophical Society greatly influenced the Rabbinical thought in attempting to clarify their ideologies.
Subsequent to this visit, coincidentally, Rabbinical thought, possibly via German Jewish Indologist who went to India to study Vedic Scriptures began to use the Vedic Advaita school of thought’s interpretation of the soul to embellish their own explanations.
By using the more detailed descriptions of theology found in the Vedic knowledge of India the Judaic scholars were better able to explain the embryonic ideologies found in the Abrahamic theology to give it a sense of substantivity in the modern academic fields. However, they utilized only the aspects of Vedānta that suited their purpose, taking them out of context of the totality of truth found in Vedantic knowledge and practice.
The Jewish understanding of balance in life or yoga (union with God) is when man is free of darkness or dark thoughts and actions and seeks to act in accord with Gods law or Torah. The sin of Adam was that he betrayed this union with God when he broke with God’s law. God in the Jewish sense is comprised of both male and female aspects. When Adam sinned, the male (complete whole) aspect of God was separated from the female (incomplete whole – lack) aspect by the female aspect being trapped on earth in man being sinful and therefore ignorant of God’s plan, as when Adam sinned against God.
The consequence of Adam’s sin was that man was exiled from Eden as punishment for this separation of Gods male and female aspect. Similarly, the Jews in their various Diaspora (forced by God) migrations are considered to be in exile. Their mission is to transmigrate to all countries of the world with the intention to influence mankind to follow God’s Law thus freeing all the sparks of God trapped in goyim populations.
The Judaic understanding is that every living entity possesses the soul spark of God and the only difference being that the Jews possess additional sparks, transmitted via their mothers, which imbibe them with extra qualities to be able to relate and comprehend God. Although this understanding is not shared by all Judaic philosophers, many of whom believe that all humans possess all aspects of the nephresh or soul but it is only those who understand God through his Torah that can become one with the light of God. The Toraḥ is the light of God in the material creation and therefore the only way to achieve liberation. All souls have the ability to receive Gods light in this way by developing the aspects of the soul called the chāyaḥ or the desire to know God, the purpose of creation and the Yeshidah or the actual point of uniting with God; however, this truth can only be revealed through the study and acceptance of the Torah as Gods word.
Therefore, the goal of human life is to release these sparks so they can merge with the light/force which is God or in the Vedic sense the Brahman or impersonal aspect of God. In Judaic thought man even though created in God’s image, does not have form, only man incarnate has form. God is ‘potential’ and we are the ‘actual’ aspects of God. The potential has no form. The ‘actual’ form is Adam, who God breathes his life airs, nephresh, into, which due to Adam’s sinning disconnected him from God – the ‘potential’ from the ‘actual’. The unification of the two aspects of God, the ‘potential’ aspect of God and the actual aspect of God is only through receiving Gods light from the Torah.
At this level, the Judaic understanding differs from the Vedic understanding which describes the jīvātmā or soul transmigrating through different bodies incurring karma due to contravention of God laws until it finds salvation by learning to follow the laws as given by God. In the Vedic understanding the Jīvātmā is given a material body, the sthūla śarīra, or ‘incarnate’ body and a liṅga śarīra, or the subtle body, which is described in Judaic thought as the lower aspects of the soul such as the nephresh of the instinctual or behavioural aspect of the soul or the ruach, the moral or emotional aspect.
The jīvātmā is separate from the gross and subtle body which is given by karma through the process of reincarnation. The jivatma is essentially qualitatively but not quantitatively identical to God. It is a miniscule portion of God which is eternally separate and distinct from God and therefore possesses individuality. In the Vaiṣṇava sense merging into God is considered a lesser and unwanted relationship with God. The Vaiṣṇava’s belief is the highest attainment of existence is for the jīvātmā to have a personal relationship with God in the spiritual world.
The jīvātmā is a distinct consciousness, as in the ‘dwaita’ school of thought known as ‘qualified dualism’ also known as the Vishishtadvaita of Rāmānuja Acharya. Here the entity which is encapsulated in the gross, sthūla śarīra; and subtle, liṅga śarīra body, is distinct from God. The understanding of the nature of the soul in Vedānta, sees the soul as being a conscious entity which is entirely different, acintya bheda abheda tattva or simultaneously one and yet different to God which is different from the Judaic thought which sees the soul as being a spiritual spark which is given by God and is God.
The soul in the Judaic sense is the female aspect of God. They believe that God is one and cannot be separated therefore He cannot lack anything. It is the complete whole. However, the aspect of God that exists in the earthly realm is the female aspect or that aspect that lacks. God is the giver, being whole, and the soul or nepresh is the receiver or the aspect that lacks. The higher aspect that exists in the nepresh or soul is the chāyaḥ and the yeshidah. These aspects are the aspects of the soul which give it the ability to contemplate that which they lack, and the ability to receive the light of God. When the soul inquires of this lack through the study of Torah and contemplation on God they gain the ability to know Gods plan through an understanding of lack schooled in the idea of receiving God’s light through the Torah that the soul is able to unite with God.
The Jews who believe that they are God’s sole chosen people believe that at the time that God delivered the Toraḥ to Moses that God’s light entered into the nephresh, souls, of those who stood there and who subsequently ended up following the Torah. This is where the chāyaḥ and yeshidah aspect of the soul entered into the Jewish people of today and is passed on by the mother (female – lack) aspect of mankind, Adam.
The Judaic belief is; because humans do not know God’s law they follow their own manmade laws and so that part of humanity, which is God, is disconnected from him, God, until it follows his law (Torah) and finally allows that part of him which is trapped in humanity, to again be reunited or ‘merge’ in ‘yoga’ with him at the time of death.
This is the same for animal and vegetative life forms. The spiritual sparks are also trapped in these forms of life and if they are killed according to God’s law, kosher killing, and their sparks are also released from bondage in material bodies and return to unite with God. As the Judaic God allows for the slaughter of animals for sacrifice and food, meat eating is sanctioned by Judaic law and is not considered barbaric or lacking in kindness to animals, for their souls or spiritual sparks are released to unite with God in the form of kosher killing.
The Vedic understanding is very similar however differs from this view as you who are reading this paper, never changes, you exist eternally as a distinct separate entity and you change bodies according to your level of consciousness. Sometimes you are incarnated in an animal / plant / insect or Demi God body but essentially you are the same person just transmigrating through different bodies according to your level of consciousness. You are qualitatively the same as God but not quantitatively the same as Him. Being qualitatively similar and yet separate you have the opportunity to either ‘unite with or become one with’ Him by merging in with Him in a temporary state, brahman, (you will eventually take material form again) or you can achieve liberation from this material bondage and unite (yoga) by having a personal intimate relationship with Him personally in the spiritual realm. You will forever remain a separate entity in relationship with God.
The Judaic understanding of the soul is similar to the Brahmavādī path which although a bonafide system of transcendentalism is nevertheless a lesser path which is not ultimately liberating from the bonds of material nature. Souls or jīva’s who are liberated to this impersonal aspect of God must again return to this material world in order to learn the precise way in which to escape this bondage.
In the Judaic understanding the creation and dissolution of the material worlds is constant as God who desires to be known and understood continually creates and destroys the world thus allowing his creations to know of him and know that He exists. Whereas in the Vedic thought God eternally exists in the spiritual realm of which this temporary material manifestation is going on however He gives the jīvātmā the opportunity to join with Him in the spiritual realm forever in an eternal lovingly reciprocal relationship with Him.
The essential difference being with the understanding of unification in both the personal and impersonal sense is what differentiates both religious doctrines. On the one hand, we have the personal unification process of the dwaita or qualified dualism (God is similar to the soul) where the unification of God with the soul is distinct and personal where the individuality of the soul remains intact and in pure loving relationship with God. On the other hand, the unification is ‘becoming one’ or there is a merging of the soul with God and the separate relationship is lost, the individuality is lost. This understanding where there is a merging or becoming one with God is given in the adwaita or dualistic (God is the same as the soul) impersonal school of thought in Vedānta.
The mission of the Vedantic Vaiṣṇava is to give knowledge of God to others so that they can free themselves from the bondage of material existence and attain personal loving union with God. The idea of merging with God in an impersonal way is abhorrent to the Vaiṣṇava tradition.
There is a difference between the understanding of the soul and spirit in the Judaic and Vaiṣṇava concept. The Judaic concept sees the spirit as being Brahman or the life force / breath of God. Whereas the Vaiṣṇava conclusion is that there is a distinction between the two, the life force or prāṇa is not the soul however it is the light or force of Brahman as distinct from the gross material body. The life force animates the material body but is not the jīvātmā who is the knower or the conscious entity that inhabits the body and is the knower of the field of activity of that particular body.
The idea that the totality of the spirit sparks of God, which are separated by Adam’s sin and encapsulated in a kellipot, in both Jew and Goyim and therefore need to reunite is understood to be via the process of Tikkun Olam. Many Jews believe that it is their mission to enter into many fields of thought, religions and cultures in order to change (religious syncretism) them to accept or modify in such a way so as to come more in line with Judaic thought and eventually Judaic Law so as to liberate more trapped sparks of God so God can be whole.
“Following in the footsteps of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, as well as Śrī Ramakrishna (and for the same reasons as they) HaKohain formally converted to Islam, Roman Catholicism and Hinduism — not, as he says, to become a practicing member of any one of these, but to metaphorically gather together the “Holy Sparks” from all of them into a single “Divine Flame” within his own person, thereby contributing to the inner Kabbalistic Reunification of God. (Yakov Leib HaKohain – Modern day Kabbalist/Religious Syncreist)
The idea of Judaic mysticism is that God or his light (female aspect) that is trapped in this world inside the various Kellipots or evil husks of ignorance, that encapsulate God’s light holding it on earth, easily lends itself to the formation of a mission that is both religious and simultaneously Geopolitically imperialistic in nature. Therefore, the more that Jews follow the Torah and get gentiles to follow the Noahide Law, the more these sparks or portions of God may be released back to him.
The Messianic time is when the Judaic people have been successful in their mission to ‘Judaically’ acculturate all the various gentile countries of the world and they again return to their promised homeland in Israel. The fact that the State of Israel has already been established when their mission is not yet completed is the subject of great debate and controversy in the international Jewish community who have divided into factions. There are the Zionist’s, who the more orthodox Jews believe have gone against the will of God and prematurely established Israel. Then there are those Jews who believe that they should have waited till the coming of the Messiah.
It is the Zionists who are responsible for the geopolitical process outlined in this paper and who have pushed forward the establishment of the State of Israel by manipulation of the various countries under their control. Many of the traditionalist or orthodox Jews believe that God will arrange his reign in his own time while the Zionists lack this faith and have pushed forward with their agenda of world domination and the establishment of the State of Israel.
The fundamental basis for Freudian and Marxist Communistic ideologies is completely in accord with the Judaic mission of Geopolitical world domination through changing the world view of the various cultures into accepting God’s immanence in nature and man, from both the Judaic theologically impersonalist perspective as well as the ‘Age of Reason’ philosophical/psychologically developmental perspective.
The development of the philosophy of Humanistic thought which sees the use of the ability in man to reason truth from his own devices or through non-empirical ‘a priori’ speculation is not incongruent with the Judaic theological thought. The rapid introduction by the Frankfurt Schools Social Engineers ideologies into mainstream academic, social and religious thought displays the power and ability of the Judaic Social Engineers and therefore requires further investigation.
The argument that no one can be absolute in their reasoning comes from the ideology that there is no absolute truth. That truth is relative and exists in the various rationalizations of man. This infers that the more obscure, sophistic or verbosely bewildering the argument the more likely that it will be accepted. This understanding is that truth is ‘a priori’ or is something that must be accepted as fact or accepted as the truth without undergoing any process of verification or substantiation. This places man centric reason, logic and argument on the platform of ‘word jugglery.’
The various speculative schools of Philosophy over the centuries have relied on this logical process in order to have their postulations accepted as genuine philosophic thought. The Frankfurt School authors operate under this very same principle where their verbose and bewildering postulates have been accepted by both the Academic Community as well as the general community but are in fact unsubstantiated truths.
Theocracy or governance under the law of God assures that there is an absolute truth that is above the speculative minds of man otherwise there will be irresolvable conflict within human society as the various self-interested parties will be involved in disputes based on speculative theories which have been fabricated in the mind of man. This is evidenced in the multitude of ‘isms’ and schools of thought vying for followers and power in existence in today’s modern world.
The intent of the Marxist Communistic Judaic Social Engineers was to introduce the multitude of impersonalistic schools of thought that was aimed at severing the ties of mankind to a God centric perspective so they could begin the systematic degradation and dismantling of the social structure of Western Society and Humanism. It proved to be an excellent tool to use to achieve this objective.
Humanism is the school of thought that posits the theory that all human experience is based on the human perspective (subjective) in attempting to understand themselves, the work of God and Nature. As Humanistic thought systematically took hold of the Education System the idea that the ‘work’ of God was redundant in modern thought and the educational process became increasingly secular.
Humanistic thought being the basis of the educational system meant that the youth formed their world view based on the premise that religion was superfluous to a person’s life and that their own powers of reason have been suppressed by being indoctrinated by their respective cultures, religious school of thought, which rendered the individual incapable of making their own decisions or forming their own opinions.
The educational ethos of Western secular schooling has taken over the older traditional educational systems that were religiously orientated. In the present day, more or less in all secular countries the old traditional private religious schooling systems are now fully converted over to the secular humanistic ethos and consequentially religion no longer plays a distinctive and predominant role in the educational development of the child, youth or adult.
Critical Theory is the ideology that all cultural mores must be challenged by the process of ‘negative criticism’ or to look at cultural and societal value structures, patriarchal society, the family, gender roles, religion etc. and to challenge these value structures and cultural mores by seeking out any perceived ‘rational contradictions’. They see that modern scientific processes of verification and falsification are redundant in the modern context and that human reason born from the mind and intelligence of modern man is far superior.
They introduced the idea that a Utopia is entirely possible. So long as it was constructed on their rules and logical process, which purportedly allowed man to intellectually rise above the cultural, religious and a scientific world view that required hard evidence. They proclaimed that humanity could live in a world of ‘ideals’ that transcended the reality of cultural religious and evidentially based science.
The influence of the Frankfurt School authors took on two basic strategies; The Generation Gap of the 60’s which sought to separate the Youth from the Adults by not only age but also mentality. The older generation stood for Traditional values whereas the younger generation stood for free thinking, change and revolution. Then there was the ‘Gender Gap’ of the 90s which sought to polarize the male and female genders. Their idea was to refute the role of a man as the dominant gender and ‘pit’ the female gender against the male in order to produce radical changes in social mores and eventually laws. The idea of the Frankfurt School Cultural Marxist agenda was that by introducing this argument into Western Society they would be able to eventually breakdown the family tradition and subsequently make it possible for them to effect the changes in society which would lead to their idea of Utopia.
In 1920 Antonio Gramsci, an Italian born Communist academic, believed that in order for Communistic ideals to be spread in Western culture then a ‘Quiet Revolution’ is needed. He postulated that the hard-line revolutionary techniques of earlier Marxists would not work on the capitalist mentality of the modern European cultures and that a more quiet, psychological, technique would be required.
Before the Second World War in Germany the Frankfurt School had begun the idea of the ‘quiet revolution’ which set the stage for the slow but gradual infiltration and reorganization of Western thought via Academia. The strategic move to migrate the Frankfurt School and its members to the United States was made before the end of the Second World War, however, the infiltration of the States would require a very different technique from the one they employed in Russia and Europe.
The Frankfurt School Social Engineers through their connections with some of the most influential and prestigious Universities in the US began the deconstruction of American thought by launching ‘Post Modernism’. It was via the ideology of Post Modernism that these authors began the process to separate the teachers and youth from their attachments to their past, cultural and religious beliefs and values.
Post Modernism is a Social Engineering ‘project’ that replaced Modernism as a philosophical polemic premise for so called modern thought. It was largely engineered by the German philosopher and social critic Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was a notable author in both Existentialism and Postmodernism and was responsible for coining the phrase “God is Dead”. Being fond of using metaphors he proclaimed himself to be an ‘Anti-Moralist’ in order to attack the religious morality of the times. His anti-moral stance in life’s natural conclusion was to die of tertiary Syphilis which culminates in insanity. He is said to be the main author behind Post Modernistic thought in Western society.
Post Modernistic thought introduced the youth to many theories such as;
- Androgyny theory
- Authority theory
- Family theory
- Legal theory
- Literary theory
- Matriarchal theory
- Personality theory
- Racial theory
- Sexuality theory
These numerous schools of critical theoretical analysis developed the ideology of ‘rights’. It is the ‘right’ of so and so; to do or say; so and so… Here the cultural Marxist agenda was to organize minority groups into political parties and lobby groups to fight for their rights. They began to develop their polemic idea in society that minorities were being discriminated against by the majorities and therefore needed to militarize and fight for their rights instead of using the proper channels.
The Frankfurt School authors identified that one of the main bastions of Western Society was the family tradition which was primarily patriarchal in nature. That Patriarchal Society and families were authoritarian and therefore ‘bad’, therefore counterproductive to the Utopian ideal. They cited Hitler and Nazi Germany as proof of the Authoritarian method. Therefore, they introduced the idea that Matriarchal Society was a much better alternative to the ‘authoritarian’ male dominated Western Society.
Through the systematic introduction of the various theories into the curriculum and syllabus of schools and Universities they began the process to challenge and subsequently change the existing cultural milieu of Western Society. The father, leader or majority cultural representation in a society was necessarily authoritarian and therefore naturally abused their power to suppress and discriminate against the minorities of the society.
In the family, the father was depicted as a power hungry fascist figure within patriarchal society; the community leaders, the police or any authority figure that represented the establishment was oppressive and therefore bad. They developed this argument even though it could not be substantiated by empirical or experiential evidence and the impressionable youth eagerly accepted their verbose and sophistic polemic dissertations as if they were divine revelations.
If you had an opinion that was against what was considered ‘politically correct’ then you are a fascist oppressor even if the opinion was the opinion or mores that was considered culturally or morally correct for the society at large. For example, a child growing up with a Christian value system in the 60’s or 70’s would believe that Homosexuality or Abortion was morally, biologically and even spiritually wrong. However, a child who grew up in the 90’s or 2000’s considers these practices as normal or at the very least, a person’s right to do whatever they so desired.
In the 21st century these attitudes have reversed themselves to such a degree that if one was now to voice their opinion that homosexuality was morally or biologically abhorrent they would be considered to be abhorrent themselves. Pre-90’s a person may feel disgust or disapproval for these practices which in some minority of cases led to violence, however, nowadays it is quite common for people who have a liberalist sentiment to feel anger and frustration at someone who holds an opposing opinion. The person holding religious or traditional opinion is now considered a backward ignorant brute and the modernist liberal is considered an enlightened being.
They successfully turned the tables on Society. Now it was the minority that was forcing their opinion onto Society. Anyone who was a leader in Society was necessarily ‘Authoritarian’ and therefore abused their power and position. Everyone except of course the Marxists Communistic authors, the Professors and Teachers who, ironically, now held positions of authority and wielded more power over the impressionable and naïve minds of the students than the ones they were rejecting.
The Frankfurt School authors were able to surreptitiously replace the leaders of Society with themselves and get the students to fight for them. As the youth of their country were made to fight in the World Wars these Communist Marxists were able to get the youth of America to fight against their own families and country in their very heartlands. The youth were not able to see that just as the so-called society that they were rebelling against got their fathers to fight for them, they too were being used to fight a war. The Generals of the war that they fought were not from the American heartlands and cared little for its people. The students had no idea that they were simply being used as ‘cannon fodder’ or ‘foot soldiers’ in a network of Judaic Globalists in which the Professors and the Frankfurt School Social Engineers were merely the Social Science sector. Judaic Globalists; whose prime intention was to destroy Western Society.
The youth that went to fight in the two world wars are also unaware that they were in fact also cannon fodder for the Zionists agenda that was manipulating countries to successfully ensure that Zionist rule and their Homeland of Israel would be achieved.
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda established ISKCON in the very heartland of the Frankfurt Schools author’s protégés in the San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury area and New York’s Lower East Side. His coming into the very heartland areas where agents of the Demon Kali were disseminating and indoctrinating the youth of America into the Cultural Marxist ideologies was in hindsight no coincidence. It appears that Lord Kṛṣṇa sent Śrīla Prabhupāda to make sure that the Demon Kali’s influence was not complete within the Judaic Marxist led American anti-establishment movement. Śrīla Prabhupāda did not seek out the rich and famous nor did he seek out the Hippies to simply make them into “Happies”. He intentionally sought out and took on the, professors, academics, students and religionists that were turning people against religion and God.
Many social commentators pointed to the post Second World War children of affluent America being disillusioned by the war mongering of the establishment and therefore opting out of the ‘rat race’ for a ‘counter culture’ lifestyle as a cause of the revolutionary Hippie era. They rebelled against their families with their affluent lifestyles and moved into the cheaper downtown sectors abandoned by the middle class primarily in Los Angeles and New York.
However only in hindsight can we see that this so-called revolution of the affluent youth of America was not a ‘natural evolution of consciousness’ of theirs but they had been cannon fodder for the antiestablishment plans of the Frankfurt school authors who manipulated and incited the youth to revolt. Universities such as Berkeley in California and Princeton in New Jersey New York were churning out affluent students who were indoctrinated by Professors who were influenced by Marxist Communistic Secular Humanistic Sciences and encouraged to revolt against the establishment.
The main aim of these Social Engineers was to make the youth challenge the mores of the society in which they lived and to revolt against the establishment. In order to accomplish this they created a myriad of philosophical opinions in which to create schisms within the Academia which lead to confusion and argument. The multifarious schools of ‘negative critical thought’ that arose from their influence further corrupted teachers and students with ideas of revolution against the establishment and societal mores. These Marxist authors became the philosophical leaders/gurus of the Hippies era; which more or less destroys the moral fibre of any country that it influenced.
The idea that the youth revolted against the establishment as a result of the Second World War polemic was introduced by these authors who needed a reason to fuel the fires of discontent that they had engendered into the youth by pointing at the tragedy and futileness of war. Many social commentators at the time pointed out the use of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons, as being the epitome of war mongering and a capitalistic establishment gone wrong.
America’s use of the Nuclear Bomb in the Second World War on the people of Japan had serious repercussions inside the US which lead to many people questioning the use of weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. The Manhattan Project was America’s nuclear project to produce the nuclear bomb as a defence against Nazi Germany’s plan for world domination. It was in 1939 that Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German Jewish theoretical physicist and philosopher and Leó Szilárd (Feb 11, 1898 – May 30, 1964) Hungarian Jewish physicist wrote to the President of America Franklin D. Roosevelt that Nazi Germany was ‘possibly’ developing the Atom Bomb and they petitioned for the America to begin a Uranium enrichment project. President Roosevelt responded immediately and plans were underway to develop the Manhattan Project.
The Second World War was a pivotal and highly influential point for the Cultural Marxists plan to infiltrate and indoctrinate the youth of America. The reaction of the American people to the War was considerable with the society polarizing into pro War adherents and those against the war. With the encouragement of the Frankfurt School authors and Professors they were able to use this ambivalence and polarity to their advantage to push forward with their plans.
“You won’t fool the children of the revolution” sang T Rex of the 70’s but they were fooled. The Frankfurt School authors with their cunning use of verbose esoteric polemic were able to mesmerize the naïve youth of America to turn against their own families and their Society. They were aided in their activities by Timothy Leary’s “Turn on, tune in, drop out” infusion into the Marxist lead countercultural movement. With the youth of America being encouraged to consume drugs and alcohol in order to drop out of society America faced a bleak future.
The youth were ripe for the new age Generals of the war against the Western Culture. These Generals were as ruthless as any military General in any Theatre of War. For these Judaic Marxist Communists took their war against Western God centric culture and declared war on America in their very heartlands. For them the Theatre of War was the homes, streets and Schools of middleclass America as they successfully enthused thousands of naïve youth to take to the streets and make War on the establishment.
This was the slogan for resistance movement against the Vietnam War that was chanted by the Hippies of the sixties. Yet how many knew that this slogan was coined and introduced as a catch cry for the Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxist infiltration of the education system to induce the youth of America to revolt against the establishment.
The term or slogan “Make Love Not War” was introduced by Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School during the protest era of the Vietnam War was not an idea that sprang from the Hippies but an antiestablishment slogan introduced into the so-called counter culture to challenge the establishment.
During this time, many Marxist Communist Academic Professors and students began to form into highly organized movements to arrange protests against the establishment under the guise of advocating for the ‘human rights’ of students and minorities. Together with the Frankfurt School authors these groups would form a Professor/student led revolution in society which laid the foundation of the ‘Politically Correct’ ideology to gain its foothold on human society.
The Frankfurt School authors recognized the potency of a polemic ideology once acculturated into Western Society that would undermine the traditional values of that society by placing an entirely new ‘terms of reference’ for its members. Terms of reference that were not able to be verified by empirical study or experience but by the sophistic ‘reason’ rhetoric that they promoted via their Critical Theory approach.
These authors cum gurus while promoting the so called ‘Age of Reason’, which teaches that the individual’s powers of reason would lead to transcendence of consciousness, had in fact, sublimely and unbeknownst to the naïve youth, placed themselves as the gurus of the individual instead of the Establishment and God. More importantly they promised the youth that they themselves were the guru for it was their own power of reason that made them independent thinkers and in control of themselves and their lives. The problem with that reasoning was that the Frankfurt School author’s logic had one flaw, the youth were not calling the shots nor were their parents or the church or society it was now the Frankfurt School authors who were in control and manipulating the youth to do their bidding. Due to being enamoured by the sophistic word jugglery and the liberal use of sophisticated esoteric jargon of these Social Engineers the youth were mesmerized into believing their rhetoric and shifted their world view to match those of their Professors and teachers which were ‘New Leftist’ in orientation
The Frankfurt School authors were able to introduce their carefully worded ‘terms of reference’ into society and passed it off as rational logical process. They were able to pass off as rational thought ideologies which were based on sentimentality and emotions rather than science. The Youth readily bought into this process and eagerly accepted the Frankfurt School authors and their new Humanistic Religion not realizing that they had merely exchanged the view point of their forefathers and traditions to accept the view points of the Judaic authors of Cultural Marxism.
They also were blissfully unaware that the internal war was a smoke screen for the real purpose of the 2nd World War which was the formation of the State of Israel.
Political correctness is a polemicist attitude that has made its way into social networking systems in all secular countries throughout the world today. The ideology of Political Correctness is the avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. However, it is much more of a belief system which forms a person world view, attitudes and value structure than a simple polite manner in which to perform social interactions
The political correctness ideologies such as Pluralism, Homosexuality, Feminism, Liberalism, Anti-Semitism etc. were being accepted by mainstream humanistic science as ‘a priori’ without being subjected to either verification or falsification. They were simply accepted by professors and subsequently students of Humanistic Social Sciences as factual representations of human behaviour and attitudes even though there was no substantial body of empirical evidence to support these ideologies.
The new Critical Thinkers analyse all social mores and societies value system and began to breakdown the various ‘taboos’ that formed a person’s ‘internal locus of control’ in order to free what they wanted the members of society to believe was the natural and unrestrained expression of thought, feeling and desires.
Engendering these sentiments and critical thought into childhood and youth was to falsely give them the impression that if they thought in this way that they were free thinkers and therefore gave them a sense of freedom. This sense of freedom was purported to be a necessary great evolutionary leap in consciousness. Rational thought and the idea of self-worth and self-esteem was no longer restrained and suppressed by religious thought. They wanted the youth to believe that this new age was the natural progression of evolution in man and necessary for the growth and development of human society. That through this freedom of expression and thought world peace could be possible as man would no longer be a slave of his religion or the restraints of the parochial antiquated patriarchal western society.
The new world view, was that a new set of social mores and laws needed to be established, that were in line with the new era of ‘Reason’ that the authors of the Frankfurt School had acculturated into Western Society. The American people now desired a new value system and laws that were Hedonistic in orientation; in other words; if it feels good then do it.
The new America was eager to break with the past and form a new society that was based on sensual pursuit; it had a new set of values and morality that was self-centric and selfish in nature. This new egalitarian and liberalistic America began to break down any impediment that would deny them the ability to unrestrictedly gratify their senses. Sensual pursuit, not God, was now the goal of the liberalist modernistic American.
However even the ‘liberalist’ ideal falls short of being ‘liberal’ and unbiased when taking into consideration the more socially abhorrent behaviours of individuals within society. If one took into consideration the Paedophile advocacy groups during the late 1950s onward, several paedophile membership organizations advocated lowering or abolishing age of consent laws to legalize sexual activities involving an adult and a child. Paedophile advocacy groups as well as academics promoted the belief that children are psychologically capable of consenting to sexual interactions with adults and they often portrayed themselves as fighting for the right of children to engage in what the activists consider to be consensual sex with adults.
Then there is the opposite side of this when members of society are now of the belief that having more than one wife is considered perverse even though many cultures throughout the world’s history considered this politically correct and normal. The stark contradiction and irony to this is how it is now becoming politically correct for Homosexuals to marry and adopt children and it is considered amoral, perverted and illegal in Westernized societies to have more than one wife.
The Humanistic Social Science thought is that all abhorrent behaviours are engendered by suppression of our instinctual impulses or feelings. Thus, repressed feelings and hate of the Father leads to anti Authoritarianism and suppressed sexual feelings for the Mother lead to sexual deviance.
The suppression of forbidden actions (taboos), which are based on powerful instincts, is transferred into aggression. They postulate that when emotions and feelings are repressed in the individual, it leads to transference to others.
For example, they posit that when a man represses a ‘perceived’ instinctual sexual response for a member of the same sex and they are not able to express or experience the fulfilment of that instinctual response, due to societies value system forbidding such expression, they project this repression onto the object of their desire. This usually takes the form of Homophobia which is expressed as hatred, aggression or to the point of violence to the object of their repressed homosexual desires. Their conclusion is that if you believe that Homosexuality is wrong then by definition you are Homophobic and therefore in denial of your own homosexual urges and tendencies.
The Frankfurt School authors posit the polemic theory that a person’s natural expression of instinctual feelings, particularly sexual, are being suppressed by the political, legal, ethical or moral opinions of Western cultural mores and laws, and that these mores and laws need to be challenged via critical dialectic. The inference is that humans are primarily sexual in expression and that religious or God centric mores and laws suppress the natural expression of this basic need in man.
Further that man’s natural evolutionary advancement is attained through the unrestrained expression of man’s inner psychosexual nature. In order to break the restraints of traditional/religious thought and free the individual consciousness to achieve true and lasting peace of both; the individual and the human race one must necessarily transcend gender roles up to the point of transcending even the idea of masculinity and femininity.
They posit that humans are no more than intelligent animals who are being forcefully domesticated by the Westernized God concept and should be allowed to freely associate with each other. It is only then that the human being can achieve its full potential and purpose. That Utopia or Heaven on earth that they ‘allude’ to is only possible by breaking free of the antiquated and unnecessary bonds of Western Society.
Part five continues with: The Authoritarian Personality – The vilification of the Patriarchal God Centric Society through the introduction of the ‘Political Correctness’ ideology with the intention to breakdown the traditional family structure.
All Abrahamic religions believe that it is their right, respectively, as the ‘chosen ones of God’ to dominate the Geopolitical sphere. The Judaic influence is self-evident and their attempt at world domination is increasingly becoming more real as they believe that the time of their Messiah’s return is imminent. The Zionist push to establish the State of Israel has been in play since the 19th century and the need for the degradation of Western Culture became more urgent just prior to the actual realization of the Zionist backed establishment of Israel in 1948. The Second World War with its polemic example of Adolf Hitler proved to be the perfect catalyst to firmly establish the Authoritarian Personality ideology as a male power-hungry leader gone terribly wrong.
The involvement of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers in the United States of America was also necessary for both the introduction of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers agenda, to weaken the countries social cohesion as well as to provide the necessary; geopolitical, strategic, military and financial support for the State of Israel.
“There is a striking point that runs through Jewish history as a whole. Western civilization was born in the Middle East, and the Jews were at its crossroads. In the heyday of Rome, the Jews were close to the Empire’s centre. When power shifted eastward, the Jewish centre was in Babylon; when it skipped to Spain, there again were the Jews. When in the Middle Ages the centre of civilization moved into Central Europe, the Jews were waiting for it in Germany and Poland. The rise of the United States to the leading world power found Judaism focused there. And now, today, when the pendulum seems to be swinging back toward the Old World and the East rises to renewed importance, there again are the Jews in Israel…”
Professor Huston Smith – The Religious of Man, New York: HarperCollins, 1989
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers clearly understood that the power base of human society was God centric patriarchal and so the most effective way in which to dismantle this power base was to launch an attack on the male figure. Therefore, they introduced the concept of the ‘Authoritarian Personality’ into society by including it in their repertoire of polemic theories that were specifically designed to challenge Western society’s value system.
As any organizational structure requires leadership and management, the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers set their sights on the leader. Historically the leaders of society were men, both as Kings and warriors and any doubt being placed on their technique or intentions would serve to weaken their hold on the people. The doubt that they placed on the role of the leader would be to develop the polemic argument that a male leader used / misused and abused their power to subjugate others.
“At bottom God is nothing more than an exalted father.” SIGMUND FREUD, Totem and Taboo
God centric patriarchal societal strength was indelibly interwoven with the concept that God was a masculine figure, the king was a masculine figure, the President / Prime Minister was a masculine figure, roles models and super heroes were masculine figures and the father was a masculine figure.
Men meant leadership and the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers wanted to present that the main attribute of leadership was power and it was the wielding of that power that more or less automatically corrupted man automatically turning them into abusive leaders. The prime example they cited of this was Adolf Hitler who was, in their eyes, the epitome of the abusive power-hungry leadership.
‘Power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately’ – is a quote by John Emerich Edward Dalberg that emulates this ideology.
While history glorified God / the King / the father and the man’s role in human society, the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers’ stratagem to debase this time-honoured role and tradition met with alarming success.
Coupled with the Authoritarian Male they brought in the concept of ‘androgyny’ at least in the behavioural and dress sense, by denigrating the male and elevating the female to coalesce them both into a metrosexual male and a masculinized female under the ideology of ‘gender equalitarianism.’ The male or masculine role was to be seen as highly problematic and counterproductive to the growth and evolution of human society.
The masculine qualities of the male gender were now more or less redundant and in its place the feminine qualities were now seen as an improvement in the male gender. Men strove to please women and appear more socially acceptable by developing feminine qualities and attitudes that displayed a sense of ‘equality’ in the genders. The women on the other hand strove to be seen as more masculine rather than feminine in their attitude, dress and outlook in order to appear more modernistic and liberal.
The term ‘Feminism’ coined in 1837 by Charles Fourier a French Socialist Theorist is when the ‘idea’ that the ‘Feminine’ was equated with equality of the sexes and as it developed to today’s Feminist ideals are even more removed from the gender concepts of Masculine and Feminine as the new social engineers attempt to merge the gender roles into what could be termed ‘Metro-Sexual’.
There is also a move towards role reversal where it was now seen as socially acceptable for the female to have a career and be the bread winner of the family. Women’s rights were seen in the light of whether or not they were being seen as equals of men in every way.
However, in actual practice, two distinct processes began to develop. Firstly, there was a certain denial and confusion of the female psychobiological role within human society and secondly the female role, due to changes in politically correct attitudes and legal precedent, began to become increasingly more dominant and authoritarian in orientation.
The disassociation of both the masculine in the male gender and the feminine in the female gender has led to much confusion in roles and relationships which is the precise and successful result that the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers desired to achieve in debasing and breaking down the family structure and the role of the male in Western Society.
The most effective ideological theory that greatly influenced the breakdown or degradation of the social milieu by breaking down the male role in society Cultural Marxist Social Engineers was when they introduced the concept of the Authoritarian Personality.
Horkheimer and Adorno of the Frankfurt School developed the Authoritarian Personality Theory claiming that Capitalism and Fascism were ideologies which were born of a Westernized God (male) patriarchal dominated society. The male dominated societies allegedly being Authoritarian and Fascist consequently oppressed women and minority groups. Although this work was eventually discredited for its lack of empirical research and methodology it had already had its effect on mainstream culture and introduced a powerful ‘point of reference’ into the psyche of man; the pejorative ‘Authoritarian’.
The male figure or authority figure now had a certain amount of suspicion regarding their leadership and there became a kind of ‘hyper vigilance’ regarding the potential for abuse from the authority figure. This was especially felt in the family unit where the father was now regarded with a certain degree of suspicion.
The introduction of Freudian psychoanalysis into the authoritarian male ideology had the desired effect to establish a view that normal masculine behaviour was to be seen as problematic and dysfunctional. For example; the repressed sexual urges of men lead to laws and morality that adversely affect women; unfulfilled homosexual urges lead to persecution of Gays and Lesbians; marriage suppresses the ‘man as a hunter’ urge in men who are by nature sexual predators which leads to domestic violence and other forms of marital abuse; economic impotence leads to envy and persecution of Jewish people etc.
“Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex” (Karl Marx).
Men and the man’s role are now very much considered the ‘problem’ with modern society. Men are associated with the struggle for power. Nothing makes this more evident than the view that rape is considered nothing but the ultimate abuse of power in men. There is no consideration of a Hedonistic society awry where anyone whose senses are over stimulated and agitated to the point where all they require is ‘opportunity’ to gratify their senses, in order to commit heinous crimes.
The Burglar whose desire to have more money breaks into a house not because he hungers for power over the home owner and his property, he simply cannot control his hunger for money and the perceived freedom that it brings from what he sees as ‘easy pickings’ from the innocent householder who had to work hard for belongings.
The murderer does not kill out of a need to exercise his power or total control of another by extinguishing the life out of them they usually kill out of rage / jealousy or greed and they usually kill someone they know because the opportunity is readily available to them.
The drunk who exits a Bar does not wait to rape the barmaid because he desires to overpower and subsequently control her totally, it is because being intoxicated, his head filled with easily obtainable pornography to the point that he cannot control himself what to speak of controlling his sex desire. If the opportunity arises that she is alone and it is dark he will use his strength to overcome her but it is merely a tool not his end game.
The idea that it is power that men crave is misleading and spurious. Even in political situations it is rarely power that men crave. They may enjoy it but it is not the motivating factor nor was it the stimulus or incentive to climb the political ladder. Mostly they are after fame admiration and respect. In business, it is about money. So, power is only a tool and means to an end not the end itself.
Ultimately the push to have the Authoritarian Personality accepted as a legitimate theory regarding the causative factors for social and personal dysfunction failed as it can never be verified empirically however the stigma of it still remains within society and has become more or less accepted as being the problem with men and the basis of their ideology of ‘political correctness’ is the dysfunctional power hungry male figure still stands as the underlying myth surrounding traditional Western God centric culture pitting it against the so called modern liberal egalitarian new age of reason culture of today.
The Frankfurt School authors desired to sever the Western Societies tie with its traditional cultural orientation and replace it with one that suited their Judaic Marxist Communistic agenda and in order to do so they had to degrade the traditional family structure by vilifying the male or Patriarchal aspect of Western Society.
They posit that it is the sexually repressed male that desires power over others that is the root cause of society’s ills and leads to the abuse of their positional power as a Patriarch, which culminates in war. Although the individual authors have been more or less discredited as their ideologies are considered ‘a priori’ theories that are based on sentiment rather than fact, the system of Humanistic Sciences and especially the Social Sciences still predominate in the educational ethos for the Secular Education program.
The Frankfurt Schools attempt to find fault in what they term as Western Society’s Patriarchal culture, which they describe as a negatively Authoritarian society which oppresses its people, can be more accurately described as Opportunism.
Opportunism is where a person puts their needs or wants ahead of others, without any regard for the consequence of their actions or inactions. The person uses their intelligence to gather the appropriate resources and information in order to make sure that they can take full advantage of an opportunity that may present itself. They also may choose to not take action if there is any disadvantage for them; for example, a person may choose not to get involved, when witnessing a case of assault if they perceive any bodily threat to themselves.
Rape is seen as the epitome of the Authoritarian theories blame of men, where they posit; that men rape because they desire to overwhelmingly overpower a woman. They posit that men use their strength to not only over power a woman, but to oppress her completely. However, when the same heinous act is viewed from the perspective of Opportunism we find an entirely different picture.
Here the man is seen as being weak and not being able to control his senses in the form of the sexual response. The man then takes advantage of an opportunity that has presented itself and he makes a decision to use his physical strength or cunning to ensnare a woman to relieve his uncontrollable sexual impulse. Here the man is seen as being weak, not powerful, as he is not able to control himself.
The lesson that traditional Patriarchal God centric society teaches the man, is that if he is not able to control his mind and senses then the law and legal system will control it for him. The modern liberalistic legal system is more interested in the manipulation of facts under an impersonal law that does not take into consideration natural justice. A legal system that is not based on the premise of Justice falls short of providing protection for not only the innocent/victims but also the criminals who experience a life that locks them into the vicious cycle of repetition of their criminal activity (recidivism).
They never learn the concept of ‘no’. For them no means a great struggle before they can eventually have what they want and desire. Similar to a child who pesters their mother for some chocolate and knows that they will eventually get what they want by continuing to pester their mother. They know that the mother will eventually give in and give them what they want. The mother’s no, actually means a very hard and painful yes.
The modern-day liberalist human is like this spoiled child who wants something that it does not need. The child does not ‘need’ the chocolate it simply ‘wants’ the chocolate. There is no logic, morality or ethics involved there are only immature wants and desires.
So-called modern day liberal society teaches a person that they have many choices and that it is through the exercising of this right to choose that they will experience personal growth, a higher self-esteem and ultimately freedom. However, this is a fallacy as human society is being controlled totally by a set of protocols that comprise the secular democratic state and freedom is not possible in such a conditioned state. Freedom exists as an ideal only and is within the mind of the so called ‘age of reason’ man, for man is totally and with full compliance being controlled from the ‘cradle to the grave’ by the system.
For modern man cannot have it both ways. On one hand, they want the right to do and say what they think or feel or want and on the other hand they have their own sense of politically correct morality that is intolerant of any opposing view or attitude. They don’t want criminals punished but they want to be protected by the law. By lowering the penalties for crime, recidivist rates are on the rise as punitive measures are continually watered down by liberalists who make decisions based on sentiment rather than logic, natural / religious ethic or appropriate morality.
However, this sentimental decision is very quickly altered when the criminal commits a crime against a loved one or they themselves fall victim to crime. The criminal justice system is becoming increasingly lenient to the criminal at the expense of the victim and their families due to the hypocrisy of the modernist liberal whose ethic is based on political correctness and not rational logical thought. The liberalist is yet to realize that they cannot have it both ways. Leniency for the criminal and protection for the victim, to believe that this is possible merely proves the ignorance of the modern-day liberalist to the laws of nature. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. If you are willing to commit the crime then you must be willing to do the time.
In a world where opportunism is the modus operandi of the general public then not only are the so called ‘good’ citizens going to take advantage of an opportunity, so too will the bad guys. Since the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers influence has been acculturated into Western Societies values, mores and now laws, it is only up the political pressure of lobby groups that will give increasingly more opportunities to break down pre-existing ‘taboos’ which were held sacrosanct in the traditional value system of God centric Western Society. Criminals will be out on early release programs, the criminally mentally ill are being released on their own recognizance and self-medicated, sexual permissiveness is increasing and opening up more opportunities to sexual taboos that were once considered amoral and abhorrent. The list goes on and on and will never be exhausted so long as society is being infected with the politically correct agenda of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers.
However, Opportunism in its full expression may not be viewed in the negative. One can use an opportunity for selfish reasons and/or one can use an opportunity for selfless reasons. The problem with this is that the so-called modernist is more interested in using any opportunity for their own selfish reasons and hardly ever for altruistic. Donations being tax deductible is the prime example of charity that can hardly be considered altruistic…
By focusing on sex desire, which is the main driving force behind human activity, the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers successfully ‘liberated’ so called modern man and introduced them to the idea that a hedonistic society is more liberating for them than the traditional Western culture which was God centric and subsequently limited sexual expression.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineer’s “Politically Correct” mentality was proving to be very successful in changing the views and opinions of westernized society, however, also included in what a modern person was to consider politically correct and/or socially acceptable was the ideology of Anti-Semitism. Although the Jewish people rank as one of the world smallest ethnoreligious cultures they ranked highly on the ‘to do’ list of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers who, coming from Jewish backgrounds, were very protective of their ethnic roots.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers all hailed from a Jewish background and therefore perceived their life and the solutions to the problems within society stemming from the view that they were Jews who were unfairly and unjustly persecuted. Freud, as a child, witnessed firsthand the racist attitude of the people in his home town and therefore formulated a world view that was very much centred on the upliftment of the Jewish people. The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers agenda was very much driven by how they themselves perceived their place and role as Jews in the various countries that they were domiciled.
Freud believed very strongly in the superiority of the Jewish people.
“Incidentally, why was it that none of all the pious ever discovered psycho-analysis? Why did it have to wait for a completely godless Jew?”
The Second World War shaped the reformation of most if not all Western and Westernized Countries as they strove to rebuild and reorganize themselves after the War. The development of the ‘identities’ of post Second World War Europe, Russia and the US, was ostensibly shaped by their opposition to Nazism and Fascism. In the making of the ‘New Post War Western Societies’ based on Judaic Cultural Marxist thought, the Anti-Semitic polemic played a very powerful role in ‘normalizing and desensitizing’ the; public opinion; legal, commerce and value systems and consequentially the multilateral acceptance of the Jewish people in countries that previously declined Jewish immigration. However, its most fundamental role was to accommodate the newly formed and highly controversial State of Israel within the Geopolitical sphere.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers devised a very clever plan to acculturate the ideology of Anti-Semitism into the sphere of human rights which in turn was backed by the very powerful Jewish Lobby.
Anti-Semitism as a term is very confusing to understand. A Semite is an Arabic speaking people who come from the Middle East and Northern Africa and so this term used in relationship to the Jewish people is ambiguous and does not pinpoint the Jewish people per se which is very similar to the term ‘Blood Libel’ which is another term applied to the religious ritualistic practice of human and animal sacrifice practiced by the Judaic people.
The ‘blood’ aspect of the term refers to idea that the ‘nephresh’ or breath of God is found in the blood and it is believed that the letting of this blood aids in the process of redemption for sins against the Torah for certain sectors of the Jewish Community. The release of the ‘soul’ trapped in the ‘kellipot’ husk of the human or animal body when killed according to religious principles is freed to ‘unite’ with the impersonal aspect of God. In the Judaic religious sense, this is a good thing for it aids both the Rabbi or spiritual leader and their mission to liberate trapped souls and it makes God whole again in the process of ‘tikkun olam’.
As in any other religious doctrine which condones the use of blood sacrifice, the killing has a twofold benefit of aiding the priest/Rabbi/tantric etc. plus it aids in the release of the souls inside the body to go to their respective destinations as prescribed under the conditions of the sacrifice.
Killing of men in the theatre of war is also seen as mass human sacrifice if the killing is arranged by the religious leaders of any culture who declare war. This is also found in the ancient Aztec cultures of South America where for the warrior to die in battle or to be sacrificed would be to appease the Gods and ultimately liberating for the warrior himself.
Blood sacrifice has another meaning as in the ideology of ‘covenant’ or ‘sealed with blood’. Many cultures have the process of blood bonding to finalize a transaction or to make an unbreakable and indelible bond between two parties. This usually takes the form of the letting of blood from the wrist which is either mingled by the rubbing of the incisions together or by dripping the blood into wine which is then drunk by both parties.
Within the Judaic tradition it symbolizes the bond or covenant between Abraham and God. Abraham entered into a covenant with God after he proceeded to offer his son Isaacs’s life in sacrifice to God. When God saw that Abraham was willing to kill his own son he, God, stopped him and entered into a covenant or contract with Abraham and his people. This covenant was binding and God, it is claimed, made Abraham and his people his chosen ones. Each Israelite male makes their own blood sacrifice thus binding them to the covenant and God by the process of circumcision which is symbolic of the letting of blood in sacrifice. As women are not circumcised and there is no provision for them in the covenant through sacrifice many say that it is through men that the covenant is enacted by God, however, some speculate that it is through the menstruation cycle that women offer their blood in sacrifice to the covenant and so are equally included in the covenant with God.
In the Christian, Muslim and Judaic faiths, the sacrifice or the letting of blood is an integral aspect of the covenant with God. Without the shedding or letting of blood there is no atonement and if there is no atonement for sins then there is no forgiveness from God. Therefore, the very basis of the Abrahamic faith and their covenant or agreement with God is the letting of blood which is the process of atonement for sins against God’s law.
The Israelites of the Roman times began to misuse the ritual of blood sacrifice and so sinned against the covenant with God and therefore God in his wrath smote the people of Israel and caused the Romans to destroy the Temple, disband the Sanhedrin, the ecclesiastical body of the Jews, and to stop the ritual killings and dispersed the Jewish people throughout the world.
The Israelites have spent the last two thousand years recovering from that event;
- They have attained a Jewish nation
- Reinstated the 71-man Sanhedrin
- Built the ‘chamber of hewn stone’ where the Sanhedrin will preside and will be responsible to appoint the King who will replace the democratically elected Knesset
- Designed architectural plans for the Third Temple on Mount Moriah
- Taken legal action to reinstate blood sacrifice
- Trained the Temple Priests who will conduct the sacrifices
- Are attempting to breed the red cow (heifer) which will be sacrificed first to purify the land to begin building of the Temple
- Built the altar in which the heifer will be sacrificed (Holocaust – burnt offering)
The Zionist Christians on the other hand have a stake in the formation of Israel, the building of the Temple and the reintroduction of blood sacrifice for their own interpretation of the Old Testament predicts that they are the real recipients of God’s favour as being the chosen ones, those who have made covenant with God through Jesus, his son.
The Zionist Christians believe that Jesus being the Messiah did away with the actual ritual of sacrifice replacing it with a symbolic form known as the ‘Eucharist’. The Christians, who due to the preaching of the apostle Paul, were predominately non-Israelites or gentiles (goy) and the crucifixion of Jesus became symbolic of the human sacrifice where the body and blood of Jesus is eaten and drunk in the form of bread and wine thus simulating the circumcision and bloodletting of sacrifice of the Jews which enabled them, the gentiles, to enter into to the covenant with God on par with the Israelites. This is of course not accepted by the Jews who do not see Jesus as the Messiah and therefore a person who has the right to change the rules of the covenant with God.
The fact that in modern times the actual letting of blood of humans and animals is performed symbolically the actual and pure process of the atonement ritual and sanctification is bloodletting where the human or animal is killed and the blood is carefully preserved and mixed with flour to make the bread called Matzah. Therefore, even though in the Judaic faith, since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70CE, where the Romans forbade the Israelites from conducting mass bloodletting sacrifices in the Temple (Temples or synagogues are places where this ritual takes place) the Jewish people stopped performing public bloodletting rituals, however, in covert in some communities, this practice of atonement is still conducted.
It is said the main reason why the Jews have been killed and kicked out of communities in their time in Diaspora has been primarily due to the practice of bloodletting for the Jewish Passover Matzah – unleavened bread which is given to the Jewish people to eat by the Rabbis during Passover or Pesach. Although the official accounts by the Jewish people or supporters deny that this occurs.
Once animal sacrifice is legally allowed in Israel and the Third Temple on the mount is rebuilt then the practice of bloodletting sacrifice will begin again for the Jewish people.
The process of bloodletting sacrifice is vital in the Jewish faith as it reconfirms the bond or covenant between God and the Jewish people and it is through the process of bloodletting sacrifice, which includes male circumcision, that God’s promise to make his chosen people grow, prosper and rule on earth in the Messianic times will be fulfilled.
Libel on the other hand means slandering someone unjustly. The term therefore does not describe the act of sacrifice but that it is considered slanderous to accuse a Jew who is discovered practicing animal / or human sacrifice. Even though history is replete with accounts of animal and human sacrifice conducted by Jewish people it is considered slanderous and now politically incorrect, to mention it in public.
Hence to use the term ‘blood libel’ is deceptively misleading and distracts from the actual event and places it in the realm of slander to even mention that the event took place or is taking place in certain sectors of the community. However there exists the irony that if a practitioner of ‘black magic’ or Voodoo is found engaging in blood sacrifice the ritual is not labelled ‘blood libel’ as this label appears to be mainly connected to any accusations or historic accounts of human sacrifice conducted in the Jewish community in which it is clearly described as a bonafide form of religious practice.
In modern day Israel, the proponents of animal sacrifice are beginning to gain support again as they attempt to reintroduce animal sacrifice into the practice of the Jewish faith in preparation for the building of the Temple on the Mount. This is naturally opposed by animal liberationists but most Jewish commentators believe that it will eventually be made legal again as it is predicted in their Scriptural injunctions and is a standard practice of their faith.
Both the terms Anti-Semitic and Blood Libel are very powerfully deceptive terms used to make the actual claims appear as destructive criticism rather that factual and/or historic accounts of events or attitudes.
The definition of Anti-Semitism is a pre-rational hatred against the ethno-religious group known as Jews with a distinction made between Jewish hatred and prejudice and other forms of stereotypical hate and injustice to other cultures and peoples. No other ethnic group, culture or religion has laid claim and/or been subjected to the degree of pre-rational hate and simultaneously protectionism that the Jewish people are afforded to this very day. Due to the effectiveness of the Jewish lobby and its inclusion in the ‘politically correct’ sphere one is not able to criticize or challenge any Jewish person, the State of Israel or their history, publicly without being severely censored or vilified and in some countries, to do so is a criminal offence
The fact that this series is pointing out the role of the Jewish people in world history borders on the politically incorrect sensibilities of many people and would certainly be considered Anti-Semitic by most Jewish people and their supporters. This is how effective the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers have been in including the Anti-Semitic polemic into their agenda of liberalist Humanistic Social Theory.
In the modern liberalistic world of today the idea that to criticize the Jews or Israel is so heavily protected by Anti-Semitism that it puts the spot light on the Jewish people, which in the present geopolitical sphere, may be seen as counterproductive to their, the Jews, best interest. The Jews of today, even though they may not support the prematurely forced establishment of the State of Israel, are being labelled as Zionists. Which is a shame as many Jews do not support Israel and are some of the most outspoken against, not only its right to exist as a nation, but also against the present political policies and programs of the Israeli Government.
Many of these Anti-Zionist Jews are of the opinion that the establishment of the State of Israel is premature and so it is not sanctioned by God, and further, it is not the appropriate time to build the Third Temple on the Mount for the Messiah has not taken his rightful place in world politics.
It needs to be noted that there is a difference between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism is the idea that there is a hatred for the Jewish people in general that predates the Second World War, whereas Anti-Zionism is the hatred of Zionistic Jews or their affiliates that pushed for the creation of the State of Israel and allegedly pursue plans of world domination. Both attitudes include secular and non-secular Jews. However, it is the opinion of many modern-day Jews that the general public opinion is that there is no difference between both Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism in the modern context and that even though the Jewish people have recovered very well since the Second World War there now exists a new form of Anti-Semitism, a type of Post War Anti-Semitism that Adorno describes in his writings on Anti-Semitism.
“National socialism continues to live on, and to this day we don’t know whether it does so only as the ghost of what was so monstrous that it didn’t even die off with its own death or whether it never died in the first place—whether the readiness for unspeakable actions survives in people, as in the social conditions that hem them in.”
He termed this ‘secondary Anti-Semitism’ as they could not believe that the German people as well as the Western people in general did not still hold on to their original beliefs regarding the Jewish people and that in time ‘Nationalist’ thought and sentiment will bring it forth again.
Adorno postulated that an Anti-Semite saw in the Jewish people what they hated and repressed in themselves which is typically the Freudian Psychoanalytic theory in play. By merging Freudian thought with Anti-Semitism, it lent it some form of macabre credibility to Anti-Semitism. The idea that discrimination and prejudice was born from the concept that – what a person hates and represses in themselves is projected onto someone else, was to be accepted ‘a priori’ even though it is a rather incredulous concept in itself.
It all boils down to the differing of philosophical reason in both the Jews and the Christians. The Christians believe in the grace of God and that more or less the times of Jesus are the Messianic times whereas the Judaic understanding sees that Jesus is not the Messiah and therefore humanity is not in the messianic times where the grace of God is active. They believe that the work of God must still be done in the form of breaking down the older animistic and polytheistic worship of God which is still present in Western Society due to the Christian influence.
The Jews believe that the Christian sold out to predominating culture at the time which was the Roman Empire. They vested their work and prayer onto God and onto Caesar and replaced the religious rituals with state rituals of work, while the Jews maintain strict adherence to the laws of Moses, the Torah, and have always withstood the influences of the ruling elite.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers believed that the persecution of the Jewish people boiled down to the repressed feelings of anger, hate and impotence of the Christian Western Societies which took out their frustration by treating the Jewish people unequally and deprived them of their full rights as citizens of any country that they may be domiciled. This is one of the prime reasons for the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers acculturating Liberalism into Western Society. Liberalism meant equal rights and so this meant the Jewish people had a social, ethical, political and legal platform for which to have their rights given a place in Western Society.
Whereas the Western Culture with its roots in the Christian tradition view the Jewish belief system and attitudes to be critical and inimical towards Christian culture and tradition and find them unable to assimilate with the mainstream cultures in which they have been domiciled and they are concerned at the wealth, power, influence and lack of accountability of the Jewish people in the Geopolitical sphere.
Anti-Semitism proved to be the perfect tool to ensure that the Jewish people, their activities and their religious practices would be safeguarded by the politically correct conscience and laws of Western Society.
Anti-Semitism could explain away some of the reasons why the Jewish people have been evicted from many of the countries over the last two thousand years but certainly not all. The notion of the ‘eternally innocent victim’ infers some form of collective pre-rational hatred of an religio-ethnic group held by all other ethnic groups that is independent of causative factors, is incredulous when analysed rationally.
Yet Anti-Semitism stands as a very powerful issue within society and one that political correctness and in some instances laws prohibit any reasonable or critical analysis of the issue. The dichotomy of logic is where the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers would like us to critically analyse, by looking for any logical fallacies in Western God centric thought and practice, what to speak of other religious schools of thought, but it is absolutely forbidden to apply the very same process to Anti-Semitism or the Judaic religion.
Regardless of whether they are innocent or guilty the fact remains that they have never enjoyed peace in any country or nation that they have been domicile in the Western and Westernized world, which must be considered in attempting to understand the situation regarding Anti-Semitism and the State of Israel and its policies.
However, in the modern day, the Jewish people are not able to effectively shield their activities in the arena of Geopolitics. The brutal and aggressive policies of the Government of Israel since its establishment has only served to highlight the issues which make the ideology of Anti-Semitism that the Jewish people are innocent victims increasingly less believable. This coupled with the fact that Jewish orthodoxy is presently attempting to legalize blood sacrifice which is considered barbaric and abhorrent in the so called modern liberalistic world, will further highlight the Judaic people’s claim of being the innocent victims of hate.
However, if one was to take into consideration the Judaic Biblical tradition, it was God himself who has forced the Jews into a cycle of repeated exile until they gain redemption in their homeland of Israel in the Messianic times. They have since time immemorial not assimilated with other cultures due to their religious beliefs and practices being different to the mainstream cultures in which they have been domiciled which is again rising to the forefront of any criticism of their religious traditions and their involvement in the Geopolitical sphere.
However, the inclusion of Anti-Semitism into ‘Political Correctness’ was a strategic move on the part of the Horkhiemer and Adorno and other Cultural Marxists. The Jewish people and their ‘perceived’ struggle served only to get people to emotionally invest in their Political Correctness stratagem as well as to garner more support for Jewish Diaspora. It also had the added benefit of making the Jewish people and the ongoing highly controversial struggle of Israel to justify and assert itself, an almost untouchable subject. Anti-Semitism is now the ‘built-in’ excuse why Israel, the Jewish people or their policies and programs cannot be questioned or challenged as it will be seen as politically incorrect to do so.
Thus, ends part 5 of Geopolitics. Part 6 will look more in depth at the role that the Political Correctness played in the various civil rights movements as well as the role it played in the degradation of the legal justice system.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers agenda and influence within Western Society has been delineated developmentally in the previous chapters. The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers achieved huge inroads into systematically degrading the very fabric of Western thought and practice which was further aided by the development of the Human/Civil Rights Movement under the banner of Political Correctness.
The Judaic Marxist Communists’ ultimate goal is to destroy Western God centric culture and convert the Western World into Communism where the State and its populace will be under the total control of the Government. In order to accomplish this, they have systematically set about destroying the old feudal monarchic system that was left over by the Roman Empire. However, their ultimate intention is to reinstate a Monarchical system in what they term as the Messianic time. They intend to rule the world under one Monarch who comes in line with King David of the Torah and in order to do so they have to convert Western thought, political / economic systems and culture into more or less the Communistic ideals so as to effectively control the populace.
British Fabian Socialism entered into the US in the late eighteen hundred through Harvard University which was also the main centre for Marxist Communists infiltration of Academia. Both schools of social reform / breakdown began via the proliferation of their doctrines through the American University system targeting Professors / Teachers / students and gaining control of the Teachers Unions.
Socialism is fundamentally a precursor to Communism and is an ideology that believes that the Government should have more control over the members of a ‘state’ particularly their activities in the guise of social welfare and health etc. Socialism seeks to control the populace / private enterprise and infrastructure of a society, yet still remain within liberalist / Democratic / Capitalistic systems and Communism means total control of the State by Government.
Many Governments throughout the Federated State system of the world are more or less socialist / liberalist states. Socialism, being neither Capitalist, Liberalist nor Marxist Communist in its agenda, naturally lends itself more to the Communist agenda rather than the Capitalist or Liberalist agenda and therefore is the perfect preliminary step towards a country accepting the Communistic agenda.
Socialism, as a political ideology being linked to Marxism, is usually not openly accepted in a Federated State or Democratic Liberalist Government in its pure form, however, many political systems seeking votes from ‘politically correct’ members within their constituencies insidiously incorporate many Socialist ideas into their political agendas which bring them closer to the Marxist agenda. These political parties often use the term ‘progressive’ in order to cover their Socialist leanings.
Social Democracy was the main political thrust of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers who believed that it was through Socialism that the West could come closer to Communism. The Social Democratic movement’s main thrust was ‘Social Justice’ which was the political wing of the ‘politically correct’ movement.
The Judaic Marxist Social Engineers have created the perfect system in which the Judaic Messianic rule can be established. The various political systems are geared in such a manner to incrementally convert all Federated States into Communist States. This has been achieved by incorporating socialism into the Capitalistic Liberalist Democratic system. As the Liberalist State seeks to give land and ownership to the people, Socialism seeks to place governmental control over all aspects of the state.
In more modern times one of the largest countries in the world, which is basically a liberalist / Socialist Democracy is India. In recent times India is increasingly becoming a ‘politically correct’ country with lobby groups pushing for changes in law to accommodate the exact same ‘rights’ that other countries who are heavily influenced by the Marxist agenda had previously accomplished.
India became an independent country under the leadership of Nehru, a staunch Fabian Socialist, whose family (Nehru – Gandhi family) have become the grandsires of the Indian National Congress party of India. It must be noted that the Nehru – Gandhi family – is not related to Mahātmā Gandhi.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who was the mastermind for the partition [balkanisation] of India creating Pakistan was also a staunch Fabian Socialist. So it can be seen that the so-called independence of India was spearheaded by Fabian Socialists.
India has two main political parties; The Bharatiya Janatā Party (BJP) founded in 1980 and the Indian National Congress (INC) which was founded in 1885 by members of the occultist movement Theosophical Society. Both these parties have basically Socialist / Liberalists political orientation.
India is one of the few Social / Liberal Democracies that tolerate Communist parties within their political systems. West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura are three states in India who’s Chief Ministers are Communists.
India is a country that can very easily be converted over to Communism as it too has become a secular country which has at its educational foundation in Secular Humanistic Academia and a very strong social justice movement on par with any Cultural Marxist Social Engineer countries in Western Society which have been directly engineered by Judaic Cultural Marxists.
India’s deeply spiritual and God centric cultural identity is being systematically eroded by the acculturation of Cultural Marxist Social Engineers’ ideologies which have infused themselves into the youth by the Secular Humanistic Educative process.
Political parties / media / lobby and special interest groups are proliferating exponentially in the rapidly developing hotbed of Socialistic driven Liberal civil rights agenda which is increasingly changing the social milieu of the country as it becomes more in line with similar trends throughout the Western world.
By the turn of the twentieth century the Judaic influence of the cultural Marxists has been firmly established globally what to speak of the fact that they had successfully influenced the youth of America to revolt against their fellow countrymen to degrade the traditional western societal value system and social order, replacing it with a modernistic liberally egalitarian and politically correct value system and social order.
Even today in the second decade of the new century we see revolution started in all countries that are based on student / youth demonstrations lead by Liberalist / Socialist parties. These are usually US and Israeli backed operations as powerful Jewish lobby groups in the US are pressuring congress to destabilize the Middle East to seek protection to the State of Israel as they prepare for the Messianic time. This is easily done due to the US presidential office being staffed by American / Israeli dual citizens the US Governments policies are aimed at the total support of Israeli foreign policy.
The United Nations is an international body established to aid in multilateral ‘collective security’ of nation members, however it has been dovetailed to being the international sanctioning body of the US and the European Union all of whom are under the powerful influence of the Jewish lobby and the State of Israel.
Before discussing the legal, social and justice implications of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers agenda in Western Society and in particular America there is a need to place this in greater perspective according to the development of political theoretical systems. Firstly, the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers understood very well that Capitalism was not so much of a political theory as a reaction to the nineteenth century Classical Liberalist movement in Europe that sought freedom from the state and religious authority and to decrease and eradicate the authority of the Royalty and Aristocracy.
WW1 was the first stage in the rearrangement of Russia (and Europe) with the rise of Communism (Predominately Jewish upper echelon of the Bolshevik Party) which threatened to agitate the proletariat or the working class against the remnants of Russian Royalty and rule. In this way, Communist Russia was very similar to Liberalist Europe and America who both sought to destroy the power of the Church and Royalty and break up the social order to affect the changes that the Judaic Social Engineers desired for global domination.
Communists used the working and peasant class to tear down the social structure in Russia and in the west, they also used the working class in the form of the heavily Jewish controlled Trade Unions to manipulate the system in order to gain control and destabilize Western society. The Judaic reformers controlled the world’s corporate business industry both from the top down as owners and principal shareholders and the bottom up by trade/worker/student unions and academia.
Liberalists sought to free the individual from the control of the state or monarchy and to seek private ownership of property and business enterprise. The Liberalist movements which were expanding all over Europe and the Americas gave rise to the Social Liberalist movement which sought economic and social reform with particular emphasis on civil rights.
This was made possible by the fact that the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers had indoctrinated Academia and the Youth into believing that individual freedom was entirely possible through the breakdown of what they had been bewildered into believing was the tyrannical Patriarchal Western Society.
The proliferation of Capitalism into Liberal Political systems gave more influential power and independence to members of the society and spurred on the economic development of the nations which encouraged Capitalism, however it simultaneously degraded the authority and position of the ruling elite and the power of the Church. The power more effectively lay in the hands of politicians and businessmen. It is important to note that even though neither Capitalism nor Social/Classical Liberalism became political movements, their ideologies were merged into what is now known as Modern Liberalism.
The development of civil rights, which were based on the ‘perceived’ good of the individual as opposed to the nation, further undermined the ability of Western God centred government / monarchy etc. to effectively rule and threw the leadership of the country or state open to the multitude of political parties and ideologies that were exponentially increasing with this new sense of freedom. The spread of these schismatic political parties and ideologies was greatly encouraged by Socialists and Communist ideologies which were increasingly becoming acculturated into the various societies.
As the ability of the so called social reformers increased in the socio-political arena it began encompassing the Political Legislative Branch and the Legal Justice System of Western God centric Society.
The influence of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers on the area of Criminal Justice played an important role in destabilizing the social order as it generated fear in the society by establishing an ideology within the legal system that the law took precedent over justice which successfully watered down the legal process and awarded more rights to the criminal at the expense of the victim and society at large.
The agenda of the politically correct liberalized modernist has also entered into the criminal Justice system which has led to the increased ‘rights’ of the criminal, many times at the expense of the victim. The move to abolish capital punishment has led to many countries implementing laws that have abolished the death penalty in favour of drastically reduced sentences and early release programs for convicted murderers. The states or countries that have not abolished capital punishment have been forced by the anti-death penalty lobby and lawyers to extend the stays of execution indefinitely.
Political correctness is reinforced by the legal profession and the formation of lobby groups. The appearance of the ‘lobby group’ has greatly increased the ability for the Cultural Marxists to effect change when dealing with the legal system and the political process. That coupled with the financial incentive involved has brought the legal profession to the party.
Now punitive measures no longer represent the nature of the crime and prisoners on early release programs reoffend in a never-ending cycle of criminality. The various Agitators, Activists and lobby groups have effectively tied the hands of the Police and Judicial System which is now basically impotent to punish crime accordingly.
Instead of the Utopia that was promised by the Frankfurt School Social Engineers, the common people now live in fear of the early release programs of the Liberalistic Lobby. Another effect of this is that it is now seen as politically incorrect and barbaric to advocate for the death penalty.
A simple example of the sentimentality of the Liberalist agenda is to argue for the removal of the death penalty for capital crimes so long as they themselves or their loved ones are not raped or murdered. Should the crime be made personal and intimate then such a heinous crime will not be perceived in the same manner as it did before.
This is made especially so when one realizes that the non-repentant (released) criminal now has been given the ‘opportunity’ to reoffend. That translates to be able to rape or murder again. High recidivist rates stand stark testimony to this. Reoffending is only made easier for the criminal if it is common knowledge that, should they secure the ‘right’ lawyer they could either get off on a technicality or not have to face the death penalty and have their sentences severely reduced.
The more permissive and liberal the society the more opportunities present themselves for individuals who cannot control their senses.
In the Vedic Scriptures, it is very clear that when one commits sin or crimes they must submit to punishment or atonement according to the proper laws of the Scriptural injunctions (which include the law of the land) in order to nullify the impious or sinful activities of this life.
Śukadeva Goswami replied: My dear King, if before one’s next death whatever impious acts one has performed in this life with his mind, words and body are not counteracted through proper atonement according to the description of the Manu-saṁhitā and other dharma-śāstras, one will certainly enter the hellish planets after death and undergo terrible suffering, as I have previously described to you. (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.1.7)
Therefore, before one’s next death comes, as long as one’s body is strong enough, one should quickly adopt the process of atonement according to śāstra; otherwise one’s time will be lost, and the reactions of his sins will increase. As an expert physician diagnoses and treats a disease according to its gravity, one should undergo atonement according to the severity of one’s sins.(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.1.8.)
It is the conclusion of the Ancient Indian Vedic Scriptures, which predate the Abrahamic Scriptures; that unless one atones for their sinful or criminal activity and faces punishment in this life, the reaction to his sins will only increase. Atonement means to understand that engaging in sinful activity only leads to further entanglement and suffering under the bonds of material nature, or karma. That true atonement means to raise one’s consciousness to the transcendental platform and develop their relationship with God. Not simply to ask forgiveness from God and to sin again.
Thus, the role of the King or Government is to understand the laws of nature, God’s nature, and therefore aid in the atonement of the individual by justly punishing them according to the degree of the sinful activity that they have committed. Failure to do so not only incurs increasingly more severe punishment for the offending individual, it also creates a future life that is more sinful. As we are now evidencing with regards to the incrementally escalating crime rates as well as more heinous crimes being committed, this is the real cost of the liberalist mentality with regards to the Criminal Justice System.
Possibly the most serious degradation of the Criminal Justice system is the decriminalizing of abortion. The God conscious understanding is that all living entities are sacred and must not be killed indiscriminately.
“With the destruction of dynasty, the eternal family tradition is vanquished, and thus the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligion. When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krishna, the women of the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrisni, comes unwanted progeny.” [Bhagavad Gītā – chapter 2.39/40]
The Bhagavad Gītā, which was spoken five thousand years ago and is accepted in the Vedic tradition as the word of God, clearly states what happens when religious life is degraded and how this directly effect’s the women of the society.
Perhaps the most sinister aspect of the ‘Human Rights Movement’ championed by the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers was when it was applied to the rights of the mother with regards to her unborn child. This ideology had a dire impact on not only women but also on the family unit in general.
The Abrahamic Scriptural ideology is that the unborn child is not considered conscious or a human being until it has been born. Basically, abortion is not a consideration in Biblical Text. The Roman Catholic’s however, have considered the killing of an unborn child a sin since the first century CE but it was not considered murder. Most Abrahamic religions believe the act of killing an unborn child is sinful but disagree on the severity of the sin according to the moment in which they believe that the soul is given to the child.
The consensus is usually, the presence of a foetal heart beat; a functional heart meant blood flow and since the nephesh was found in the blood they speculated that the foetus was, from that point, alive. This ideology is not unanimously accepted in all Christian denominations as it is not supported by ancient texts of the Old Testament; therefore, it was not decreed by God. Being ‘alive’ is not synonymous with being conscious in the strict biblical sense pertaining to humans.
In light of the findings of empirical scientific study which detected embryonic foetal heartbeat, the Church revised their stance and adjusted it to one that, even though speculative, made more logical sense than the idea that a child was a conscious human being only after it was born.
The Judaic Scriptures describe a monetary value put on the unborn child should a man cause it to be aborted by physically assaulting the mother. Should the assault lead to the death of the mother then an eye for an eye law would see the assailant punished by death. Wrongful death of a human being was punishable by death but the death of the unborn child was punishable by a fine.
The counter logical consideration to the above scenario would be if God has created the unborn unconscious soulless child within the womb of its mother and will at some later stage give it a soul or consciousness then what ‘right’ does any person be it the; mother, parent or doctor to intervene in the process of procreation by intervening in a process that God has set in place in order for him to give that particular unborn child a soul?
However, some Abrahamic Religious scholars believe that the unborn child possesses the nephesh either at conception or at some ‘unknowable’ point between conception and birth. However, the nephesh is given by God to all air breathing creatures and is not particular to humans, so possession of the nephesh does not necessarily connote human consciousness. The ruach or wind/spirit is the female aspect of God; the emotional aspect of the soul and is in contact with the lower aspect, nephesh. This is given to all humans at the time of birth and indicates the presence of human consciousness.
Thus many Abrahamic traditions have not placed a high emphasis on the unborn child as they possess this rudimentary consciousness, nephesh, which is the same as an animal. Thus according to Abrahamic Law, it is permissible to kill an unborn child as it is in animal consciousness and not human. However, it is strictly controlled, for the main purpose of conception is procreation of the species.
In summary, there are several ways in which a foetus is considered – living or conscious or in possession of a soul, etc., such as at; conception / quickening / viability / birth (‘reasonable being’ or, in rerum natura). In all religious scriptures; except the Vedic (Sanātana Dharma) tradition of India, women are afforded the right to abort / terminate / kill their unborn child according to law and/or religious belief and it is not considered murder as they deem the unborn child as either not having sufficient consciousness or viable physical form and therefore not at an appropriate stage to be in possession of a soul.
However, in some Judaic thought, God explains the Torah to the unborn child who becomes conscious of its spiritual reality, however, it is explained, an angel appears at birth and slaps the newborn child in the mouth which causes it to forget the spiritual realm and enter into its new body and thus the material world. If this is in fact true then the unborn child can be considered in possession of a soul… However, the scriptural references are so scant and ambivalent it is impossible to arrive at a definitive conclusion on this matter.
The determination to terminate a pregnancy is also being validated on modern medical scientific grounds by the understanding of embryonic viability with specific regards to the point at which life/consciousness begins. The contention is, however, whether ‘life’ begins at conception or at a specific stage of embryonic development. The Vedic understanding is that life or consciousness is present from conception and its potential to perceive and interact with its external environment is in accordance with its cellular development. Thus, as the cells begin to organize themselves into increasingly more complex structures and functionality, the soul is better able to perceive and respond to external stimuli and conditions.
In other words, the soul’s perception is limited by the body’s level of structural organizational development and not that the development of the body denotes the development of the consciousness as is the opinion of the medical scientist.
Then there is the argument on what comprises consciousness? Is conscious given to a living entity from God at some specific point in its development or does God award the living entity a soul (Human) at conception? The Judaic understanding is given that God awards the living entity a soul at the moment of birth. That human consciousness is fully realized through social interaction. The scientific community has not come to a conclusion on the nature of consciousness and at which point an unborn child can be understood to possess consciousness.
As modern technical advances observe self-preservation activities of the unborn child in increasingly earlier stages of its development, the point at which the child is conscious is being recalculated.
The Vedic conclusion will be eventually discovered to be accurate as advances in modern technology, which are nothing but extensions to human sense perception, are invented. However so long as the idea that the soul is either; given by God at some point in human development or that is the sum total of its functioning constituent parts, then abortions will be conducted and human mothers will be engaged in murdering their children on purely practical considerations.
Since the eighteen hundred many traditional Western Societies held the view that killing the unborn child is sinful and illegal by law, however, the women’s rights movement has gained a stronger hold on public opinion by the promotion of the ideology of ‘rights’ and political correctness which is changing both the value system and legal status of the members of society as well as the family structure. With abortion now being considered legally, morally and socially acceptable in many countries the death rate of a society is far overtaking the birth rate amongst many if not most Westernized Societies. The status is the US is that abortion is legal and can be conducted at the request of the mother.
In the past abortions were being practiced by most societies as a form of birth control or family planning. In many societies, except for the Vedic Culture of India, to abort a foetus was not considered murder and fell under Common Law instead of Criminal Law.
The political platform for the abortionists was the slogan ‘Pro Choice’ which in their terms of reference means that the woman/mother has the right to choose what happens to their body. This of course is a natural law and everyone has this undeniable right even under a kingdom run by the Religious tenets of God’s law. Everyone can choose what action or inaction they will take. However, this is subject to natural laws such as; as you shall sow so shall you reap; every action has an opposite and equal reaction etc.
The idea that, the mother being given the right to choose if their unborn child lives or dies is an advancement in civilization and culture, needs to be rigorously tested.
Due to modern ‘politically correct’ society making the killing of an unborn child at the behest of the mother, has created a dichotomy within society which has now polarized into two basic factions.
The Pro-Life movement seeks to educate people that the killing of an unborn child is a criminal act and denies the rights of the child and therefore must be considered murder. The Pro Death (Choice) movement consider that the women/mother has the right to kill her unborn child. The ‘pro death’ movement have the slogan ‘pro-choice’ however, this is another misleading term used by the politically correct movement to mislead the general public.
To use the term ‘choice’ rather than ‘death’ is incongruent with the rights of the unborn child who in the case of the pro death/choice movement, denies the unborn child any rights and places the right of the women/mother as ‘absolute’ over that of the child. For the child, there is no choice or voice in the ideologies of the pro-choice advocates and should the woman/mother choose her pregnancy to be impractical for whatever reason this choice means death for the unborn child.
Using the term ‘woman’ instead of ‘mother’, infers that the woman is only a mother after the birth of her child and not before, is misleading and incorrect. The woman who has conceived is responsible for her child both in the womb and after its birth. To say that a woman is not responsible for her child inside her own womb is unintelligent. If the woman drinks too much alcohol it affects the developing child in her womb. If she falls when playing sport, the child may be injured or killed, so she is responsible for her child inside her womb.
For a pregnant mother to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or engage in rigorous sport she is necessarily being irresponsible with her unborn child yet on the other hand if she chooses to have her unborn child killed she can look at her pregnancy as a ‘woman’ and not as a ‘mother’ and so have someone kill the child in her womb with extreme prejudice and so called modern society believe that this is civilized?
Again, the so called Human Rights Movement’s logic is based on ‘a priori’ criterion that is incongruent with rational logical thought and heavily ‘biased’ towards those that ‘benefit’ from the issue. In this case women now have the right to kill their child which is based on flimsy selfish logic which has more to do with convenience and lifestyle choices of the woman and has nothing to do with the rights of their child.
However, the right of the woman to kill her child stops once an arbitrary legal limit is placed on them by legislature. This limit is loosely based on the understanding of modern science; which is limited in being able to define and analyse consciousness.
However, the Vedic understanding is very clear and simple on this matter. Abortion is the murder of an unborn child for it is given by scriptural reference that the soul inhabits the living entity at the moment of conception. The child is conscious from this time onwards, the only difference being that according to the stage of bodily growth and development it is limited in its activities and function.
“As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.”
(Bhagavad Gītā: Chapter – 2.13)
“The Personality of Godhead said: Under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and according to the result of his work, the living entity, the soul, is made to enter into the womb of a woman through the particle of male semen to assume a particular type of body.” (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: Canto 3 Chapter 31.1)
The Vedic Scriptures are very clear and definitive on this matter. The soul is present in the sperm of the father who impregnates the mother’s ovum and life goes on. To terminate this life is considered a sin and murder and more importantly ‘uncivilized’.
In early embryonic stages, the soul is extremely limited in functionality and activity. As the newborn grows through its infant stage it becomes increasingly less limited but still dependent on its mother to live. Similarly, as the child grows and develops into a toddler it is more able to communicate and interact as a separate entity and is increasingly less dependent on its mother. However, when the child is inside the womb of the mother it is totally dependent on the mother and being totally dependent does not mean that it is without rights.
A child or an adult if either partially or totally dependent must necessarily have their rights protected from murderous, selfish, uncivilized and unscrupulous people; similarly, the very same person when they were in their embryonic stage must also be afforded the exact same rights.
Yet for women in accordance with political correctness and law in many secular states, are awarded the special privilege to choose whether the child that she has conceived in her womb can live or die. The ethicality and morality of the issue is further distorted when the child’s ‘father’ is not included in the decision-making process.
To simply deny the biological, moral, ethical, social and spiritual factors that surrounds the conception of a child and to cover the issue with political correctness, biased rights, law and vague scriptural reference does not negate that fact that murder is taking place.
The Vedic perspective is that the living entity or spirit soul is incarnated into the sperm and when the sperm unites with the female ovum cellular development of the individual person begins. It is the soul that animates the inanimate chemical body of the living entity. The spiritual soul is a conscious entity; however, the ability of the soul to express itself is limited, and in accordance with the developmental stage of the body.
The material scientist seeks to find an answer to consciousness from the nervous development of the brain which is tested by brain wave activity however this does not answer the question of what is consciousness and at what stage can an individual be considered conscious. There are so many unanswered questions for the empirical scientist to answer however the questions lend themselves more towards the subtle realm than the gross material realm.
Scientists to this day lack the necessary technology in order to accurately ascertain the crossover between anatomy and conscious thought. When material scientists discuss the nature of consciousness as it relates to the organic, they begin to enter into the realm of the pseudo empirical sciences of psychology and psychiatry which more or less deal with symptomatic descriptions of consciousness rather than consciousness itself.
The consideration of the Vedic view presents an interesting scenario. Does biological development necessitate consciousness or does consciousness necessitate biological development. In the Western scientific model, the understanding is that biological development necessitates consciousness. However, in the Vedic perspective the presence of the soul animates the body inducing biological development.
The Judaic/Abrahamic perspective does not answer who is the ‘me’ that is receiving the soul. The ‘me’ is given the soul which is more or less a vehicle to link it with God but always appears to be separate from the ‘me’ who possesses it. The ‘me’ in the Vedic philosophical perspective is in fact the spirit soul and is qualitatively distinct from the corporeal body.
The ‘me’, jīvātmā, in the Vedic perspective perceives the external material world according to the biological make-up of the body incarnate. For example, should the body be either in its embryonic stage or toddler stage it perceives its environment according to the corresponding stage of anatomical development. This is also true for the soul’s ability to express itself or respond to environmental factors etc. The consistent reality is that the ‘me’ or ‘I’ of the soul does not change either in early embryonic stages / birth / infant / child / teenager / adult or old age. We are the same person experiencing all these bodily changes and yet we remain the same.
The Vedic conclusion therefore presents the case that from conception the individual spirit soul is present within the developing embryo and therefore should any other ‘person’ make a decision to destroy / kill / terminate the developing embryo that this would be considered wrongful destruction of the body and therefore murder and punishable by both the law of the land and/or karmic law.
The Abrahamic tradition describes life beginning at the point at which God breathes air into the nostrils of the body. However, as described above, both the body and the soul appear to be separate conscious entities with importance given to the spiritual soul over the ‘conscious’ physical body.
“I offer thanks to You, living and everlasting King, for having returned to me my soul with compassion and great faithfulness”. (the Modeh Āni prayer)
Biblical reference therefore presents that it is only after God breathes ‘life’ through the body ‘at birth’ does the soul ‘enter’ into the body of the child.
And the Lord God formed man # (Hebrew ‘eth-ha’adham) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2.7)
The above text refers to the formation of the original man. Here God breathes ‘life’ into the body apparently at the moment it takes its first breath. God forms man in its gogul state or made from the earth state and breathed his breath or nephesh into his already formed and workable nostrils.
This would infer that prior to that moment the ‘nephesh’ was not present in the foetus, or gogul, even though blood was present in its vascular system. Perhaps it can be speculatively argued that the blood that was existent in the pre-birth body was that of the mothers and only when the body was infused with the nephesh did it begin to produce its own oxygenated blood cells which were distinctly the un-born child’s which were produced via its independent respiratory function.
From this perspective, the ‘un-born’ child does not possess a soul and is therefore not considered a human being. This understanding based on biblical reference for the nature of consciousness/soul should necessitate an acceptance of ‘abortion’ for all followers of the Abrahamic faiths up until the point of the birth of the baby. However, there is ongoing debate regarding the exact point that the un-born child can be considered a conscious human being.
Some advocate the development of the beating heart which circulates blood throughout the body as the point at which consciousness is present however, no matter what idea any theorist can consider this point to be, the religious theorist following the Abrahamic tradition lacks any clear and distinct reference from the Old Testament and therefore must be considered speculative at best.
The child in Judaic mystical terms is considered to possess the nephesh or instinctual aspect of the soul which is found in the blood with its main concentration in the liver in the developing embryo. In latter day texts; such as the Kabbalah and Zoha, the nephesh was present when the embryo first developed. Here it gives the idea that although the nephesh is present it is not existent or functional in the material world but is more tuned to the spirit world from which it came. This is due to the embryonic ‘body’ possessing only rudimentary/undeveloped sense organs which restricts the soul’s ability to accurately perceive the material world.
However, even though the nephesh or the breath of God exists and is conscious to a degree in the developing embryo the same nephesh is also found in any air breathing animal. The killing of specific animals for specific purpose such as food and sacrifice is condoned by Judaic law and so in certain circumstances the human embryo can be killed for it does not possess the higher aspects of the soul such as the ruach – moral aspect or the neshamah – higher consciousness/connection related the God etc.
In pre-Abrahamic times abortion was practiced by many of the peoples of the region and it was only until the teachings of the various church fathers and lawmakers throughout the ‘common era’ did the Abrahamic faiths begin to view abortion as sinful. They began to place stipulations on circumstances that deem abortion as appropriate. For example, if the conception was due to rape or there was some threat to the life of the mother or a pregnancy may threaten the life of a suckling child etc. then the killing of the unborn child would be deemed appropriate. They also placed a monetary value on the unborn child should someone cause it to be killed.
Abortion in the Western Society is a highly emotive and volatile issue which is marked by speculative reasoning, vague Scriptural reference and insubstantial medical findings. This coupled with the support of liberalized women /civil rights activists / the legal profession / Medical profession and powerful lobby groups who have pressured legislative change to legally allow institutional killing of the un-born child within a specific time frame in accordance with the desire of the woman who is pregnant with the child.
The father or male has no legal rights on whether or not his child lives or dies has never been a consideration of ‘rights’ which in itself is incredulous. This coupled with the fact that the child also has no legal rights in this matter is incredulous.
Now there is a move to consider the unborn child up to the point of birth being subjected to the ‘right’ of the mother to kill is the natural progression of women’s rights in child bearing. This is how far the so concept of legal rights have come to…
With the prominence of the term ‘Feminism’ the ‘feminine’ has been all but lost. No longer is the feminine quality of a female considered as it is associated with weakness, submissiveness and powerlessness. In its place are masculine attributes and so we are seeing more and more women fighting for their right to have equal opportunities for employment in say the Armed Forces field combat regiments even though in most cases they cannot pass the physical training requirements.
However, the main areas you will find women seeking employment is in the so called white collar professions such as the ‘helping professions’ and ‘service’ professions but rarely in the masculine or harder labour blue or grey collared professions such as plumbers, carpenters, construction workers, rubbish collectors, infantry and so on…
If so called women’s rights was in fact ‘real’ then women would be attracted to all professions that men are employed in not just the ones that do not include masculine attributes.
The ‘feminine’ attributes of a woman have been forgotten by the liberal woman which has only served to make the divide between men and women wider as the gender differences become blurred.
Men in general have amorally gained from this process for they are legally and therefore morally and ethically not responsible for the conception of the child and so they are free to engage in sexual relationships with liberalized women with the knowledge that they are not responsible for any procreational consequences of their actions. This also removes the rapist from any responsibility for the conception of a child that may be conceived from their heinous and reprehensible action.
Should a man feel morally, spiritually or socially responsible for the conception, as the ‘father’ of the child, he has no rights in the decision and therefore has no say in the matter, unless of course, should the women decide to assume to role of a mother and take the child to the natural conclusion of conception – and give birth.
However, in the Vedic sense the man is still responsible for his actions and the future of the child he conceived. Both the mother and the father of the child’s role in conception cannot be denied according to karma and therefore the reaction to their actions or inactions will be either rewarded or punished.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers would have society believe that simply because the individual believes they are right in any given situation they will be eternally judged as being right. This is of course both naïve and simplistic.
The woman who has had multiple abortions and has finally settled down to have a family and takes the child in her womb to not only full term but also gives birth and learns to love and care for that child in many instances begins to have a different perspective on her decision to kill her previous children before they had a chance to be born.
The so called Civil Rights Movement spurned on by the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers has promoted two fundamentally incongruent changes in modern society with the abolition of the death penalty for convicted killers and legalizing of the state killing of an innocent child in the womb of its mother.
These two ‘results’ of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers stand as stark testimony to just how much they have affected the intelligences of the members of Western Society who have been ‘dumbed down’ to such an extent that they allow such unintelligent notions to enter their minds and hearts what to speak of push for laws that make them legislation and create legal precedent.
However, if one perceives some of the changes that the civil rights movements promote as being progressive and advantageous to minority groups and individuals who have been suffering from oppression, suppression and discrimination, it does not necessitate that people are emotionally and/or philosophically manipulated into making these changes.
For example, if a woman or a man is being discriminated against is not a difficult situation to recognize.
Discrimination occurs in all human societies no matter if they be religious or political. Even in the Jewish society discrimination is occurring between the Ashkenazi Jews and the Sephardic Jews or the Jews who have a Jewish mother and those that do not etc.
It is the insidious intention of the Cultural Marxist Social Engineers which makes these changes inimical rather than empowering for healthy human development. The self-righteous attitude based on specious ‘a priori’ logic of the social reformists of the civil rights movement will always cause more trouble within the society than good.
Murder or the illegal killing of another human being is the most heinous of crimes within any human social structure. To deny or attempt to interfere with the natural laws of: “every action has an equal and opposite reaction” / “as you sow so shall you reap” / “eye for an eye” or in the Vedic sense the law of karma.
The Cultural Marxist Social Engineers have successfully established the mind-set within Western Society and culture that being ‘politically correct’ is a definitive sign of being a civilized society.
They have successfully managed to twist morality to such an extent that the average person is beginning to accept that, by not appropriately punishing a murderer for their crime on one hand is the civilized thing to do and on the other hand it is (ironically) seen as civilized to allow and encourage the intentional killing of an unborn child. This is possibly the most hypocritical aspect of the so called liberalistic modern evolution of so called civilized man.
Note: There are more parts to go in this paper that will be completed as soon as possible. The future parts will include – the influence of the Jewish Cultural Marxists in the Movie & Music Industry, Rewriting History and changing the Fairy tales of yesteryear…
Thank you for taking the time to read this paper and I pray that it has shed some light on the present situation that we find ourselves in as loyal disciples of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.
Author: Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa
Śrī Vṛndāvan Dham
Note: The following is a ‘hardcopy’ of the texts referred to in the above body of the Geopolitic’s paper. The introduction to the paper by Rabbi Schorr is by this author and the correspondence following the Rabbi’s paper is a follow up to the Rabbi’s paper.
In attempting to look at rationale why the leadership of ISKCON modified (deviated from) Srila Prabhupada’s instructions on how to develop and grow ISKCON over the years since he entered into Samadhi, one may look to cultural bias or more precisely, ethnicity, as a contributing factor.
Culture can influence understanding and this may affect the way in which a person understands any concept or idea. How this relates to the problems within ISKCON is yet to be fully researched. One may argue that the cultural milieu of the country that a person was raised may influence a person’s ability to accept or interpret Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, but there are too many variables to obtain a definitive outcome. Any definitive conclusion on cultural bias is further complicated by the fact that most devotees have been acculturated / normalized in a similar urban based educative process which has been designed for a middle class consumerist demographic, therefore they necessarily have similar ‘cultural backgrounds’ which are only slightly differentiated according to the particular country that they were raised.
Culture in this context is distinct from a person’s religious / ethnic background, where they obtain influence, samscars, from their family traditions. While culture may include a person’s social background it may not affect or influence a person as much as their ethnic background. Ethnicity can be seen as cultural diversity within any given social structure. For example, Italian immigrants to the US may have been domiciled in the US for several generations, attended the same schooling and socialized in the same social systems as their non-Italian friends, however strong, largely sentimental ties to their Italian heritage still exist and in many cases they are strongly influential on their social systems.
How or if a devotee’s past (karmic) ethnic traditions and backgrounds affect a person’s ability to appreciate and realize the ‘you are not this body’ principle of Vaisnavaism as taught by Srila Prabhupada may be an important field of study in the future. This is especially so when we have experienced many devotees who have left the shelter of Srila Prabhupada and reverted back to their pre devotee state of being.
Ethnicity may also be present in devotee socialization process as many times we see that devotees mainly associate with other devotees who are coming from similar ethnic backgrounds which are similar to the trends found in the non-devotee social systems. How this affects their ability to understand and accept Krsna Consciousness is yet to be studied.
To understand why many devotees have lost their respect and allegiance to the ISKCON leadership needs further discussion. In an attempt to understand why the devotees who hold leadership positions within the ISKCON institution have deviated, some devotees are beginning to suspect ethnic bias as a serious influential factor.
This discussion has proven to be a controversial subject and has provoked some provocative ideas which led to emotive responses from some members. It has been posited by devotees who support (pro) the idea that ethnic bias does play a role in ISKCON; that the main negative influence comes from devotees in leadership positions within ISKCON who hail from a Jewish ethnic background (giving rise to the term JBD or Jewish background devotee).
The pros present their argument in terms of the; disproportionate prominence of the Jewish Background Devotees in senior leadership and influential positions within ISKCON, citing them as forming an oligarchy and having a negative influence on ISKCON leadership and management, with the inference that the JBD influence is causative rather than symptomatic of our problems. While the cons present; that to bring this point up in ISKCON is racist, Anti-Semitic and based on a mundane level of consciousness.
The Editor believe that ethnicity and ethnic bias are two different concepts. A person’s ethnicity may have some impact on their appreciation of Krsna Consciousness, however, ethnic bias or a person’s attachment to their ethnic background has a much greater impact on the ability of a person to assimilate or acculturate to a particular culture. For example many South American Catholics still hold strong to the traditional beliefs of their particular ethnic background while simultaneously practicing Catholicism.
We understand that the issue of ethnic bias, if it were not associated with the ideology of Anti-Semitism, can be and should be maturely and intelligently discussed.
The fact that this discussion has already occurred in ISKCON makes it part of ISKCON’s history and merits that we record it and discuss it further if necessary.
The Editor believe that an ISKCON leader, whether they be a Jewish Background Devotee or not, is not displaying the symptoms of a true follower when they choose to change or subvert any instruction of Srila Prabhupada and implement their own programmes and policies. The onus is us to find out what are the causative factors of this disloyalty to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON and take the appropriate measures to correct the situation.
However, we will not post arguments or papers that are based on dogmatism but provide a thoughtful pragmatic view to the subject matter.
*This paper was widely distributed within ISKCON however it was never posted on any website although it was posted on the PAMHO forums for a short time. Please note that the views here while very informative are very controversial and disturbing and reader discretion is strongly advised.
As far as the Editor has researched the philosophical views expressed by Rabbi Schorr have been corroborated by Jewish sources. However, the aspect regarding the ‘infiltration’ into ISKCON has yet to be corroborated.
All efforts to contact the Rabbi have been fruitless. The administrator was in receipt of an ‘anonymous sourced’ reply to a devotee (who will remain undisclosed) by the Rabbi and is posted herein.
Nov 2, 2010 | Devotional Community | 0
Author: Rabbi Isaacs Schorr – USA:
After being informed on the debate occurring in your ISKCON society, I decided to make our position clear regarding our influence within ISKCON. In order to enter into discussions on the Jewish influence in ISKCON one must first have a greater understanding of the Judaic belief system. On a personal note my parents are practicing Jews and daily study the Torah. They rarely attend the Synagogue for they prefer to practice their belief in the privacy of their home, as they believe their home is their temple. They consider themselves “Progressive or Reform Jews”. Although from a Reform Jewish background I lean towards a more conservative approach to Judaism that I have gained through my Theological training. Due to my contacts in the Hare Krishna Movement I have followed its progress for many years now and so I would like to explain some fundamental points to aid you in your spiritual quest for a higher consciousness.
Please bear with me as I offer a brief and basic synopsis of our ancient system. I understand that many of the points that I am presenting may seem contradictory to your beliefs, however if you can look at them not only in the context that I am presenting them, but also from a critically analytical perspective you will see the real message that I wish to convey.
Jewish Diaspora:
Diaspora is the spread of the Jewish people from Israel throughout the world. After leaving Israel the Jewish people initially settled in the European Continent. They were pressed to leave due to religious intolerance and persecution. After all is said and done we understand that this was all part of G-d’s plan and we bear no animosity. The Jewish people throughout the world originate from three main backgrounds who hail from the ancient Israelites of the Middle East. They form five basic groups; the Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Khazarian, Mizrachi and members of the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The Sephardic Jews are from Spain, Portugal and North Africa, The Ashkenazi Jews are from Germany, France and Eastern Europe and the Khazarian Jews were considered convert Jews when in 740 CE, the Khazarian King, his court and military ruling class all embraced the Jewish faith. However, contemporary genetic research has identified genetic markers which prove that members of the Jewish priestly class the Levities were present in the Khazars who eventually blended in with the European Jews after the collapse of the Khazar kingdom in the 12th or 13th century. The Mizrachi/Oriental Jews are the Jews of the Middle East. We are currently engaged in genetic research to ascertain the various family lines connected to the 10 lost tribes of Israel in order to notify them of their genetic and spiritual heritage and subsequently bring them back into the fold. The Jewish people now number approximately 14 million and are found in nearly all countries of the world. The majority of Jewish people reside in both Israel and New York.
Jewish Denominations:
Judaism is usually classified in three denominations: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. Orthodox Judaism falls into two broad categories: Modern Orthodox and Hasidim. The Modern Orthodox Jews are usually more academic, while the Hasidim Jews are more mystical. One of the more “high profile” groups within Hasidism is the Lubavitch (also called Habad). Hasidic men usually wear black or dark gray suits and always wear skullcaps (in Hebrew, kippah; in Yiddish, yarmulke). Orthodox Jews insist on traditional Judaism, with few accommodations to modernity. Reform Judaism, on the other hand, has embraced modernity, liberalism, and humanism in an effort to enhance a sense of relevance. Although there are a variety of beliefs within Reform Judaism, it generally maintains a more inclusive position regarding feminism, homosexuality, and agnosticism. Conservative Judaism “fills the gap” between Orthodox Judaism and Reform Judaism. This is the largest denomination within American Jewry, and it is important to point out that “Conservative” applies to their approach to religion and should not be seen as a political label. Their desire is to make allowances for modern culture, while conserving, as far as possible, traditional Judaism. Again, there is a variety of perspectives within Conservative Judaism. Some conservative synagogues are closer to Orthodox Judaism, while others are closer to Reform Judaism. There are other, smaller groups within Judaism, but these are the principal ones.
Zionism and the Jewish Diaspora:
Zionism or the return of the Jewish people to their homeland in Israel has been in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people for millennia and it has only become a political movement as such in the early 1900’s where we were able to use our influence, through peaceful diplomacy, to arrange for our homeland to be given back to us after the Second World War. Zionists have no particular religious affiliation and the politically active tend to be more secular. Now the Jewish people situated in the homeland can be counted as a nation again and under G-d’s divine grace we will flourish and grow to fulfil our righteous purpose on earth.
Jewish Pluralism:
As you can see Judaism is basically a “pluralistic” tradition. Jewish pluralism has two forms. The intra-religious form where Jews basically accept different denominations such as the ones described above within their own faith. Then there is the Jewish people’s willingness and promotion of a pluralistic greater society where there is harmony and liaison between differing Religious faiths. As we are heavily involved in the Humanistic Sciences and the development of a Standardized Global Education System we promote the Secularist approach to the development of societies which aim to be more tolerant of Environmentalism, Multiculturalism and Interfaith. We see that Secularism is the most effective way to create healthy and tolerant societies that seek to harmonize our economic, organizational and spiritual systems with the aim to develop the fullest human potential in the service to G-d.
Conversion in the Jewish Context:
Certain Jewish denominations allow conversion, however the general understanding is not conversion to Judaism but for gentiles to follow Noahide Law, so there may be harmony amongst peoples of the world. Basically Jews are happy that one remains in his or her faith but strictly observes the seven Noahide Laws and diligently studies the Torah.
Jews and the Concept of Being ‘The Chosen Ones’:
Many gentiles believe that since we have entered into a covenant with G-d and that G-d has a personal and intimate relationship with us, that we believe we are superior to all other peoples. We do have this special relationship with G-d which we do not deny, however we have been given the special responsibility to provide spiritual guidance to mankind. To this end we have been working diligently for centuries to assist mankind in taking advantage of G-d’s love for us all by following his commandments and therefore ensuring world peace.
Monotheism and the Judaic Understanding of G-d:
In Judaism the central concept is Monotheistic. Judaism describes G-d as being neither matter nor spirit but is the creator of both. There are two aspects of G-d: G-dhead, which is ultimately unknowable and the revealed personal aspect of G-d, his “light”, which created and preserves the universe. G-d’s “light” which is transformed into “force” which is the force of transformation and healing. G-d’s Force of Healing and Transformation calls the world to love and mutual caring. We are beings created in G-d’s image with the inherent tendency to goodness and holiness that is capable of being spiritually embodied. The true meaning of transcendence is to be able to bring out the inner germ of spiritual and moral energy that infuses every atom of our being and enables man to be able to recognize G-d in the world, others and ourselves. G-d created the world and us and leaves us to recognize our true inner nature which is pure spiritual energy and morality. It is when we do this, when we bring back G-d into the world through knowing our true inner nature and path that we become truly human and partners with G-d. Then through this we can begin the process of repair of this world. In Hebrew Tikkun means healing, repair and transformation and olam means this world. So Tikkun Olam means the transformational healing and repair of this world.
The G-d of the Abrahamic faiths is a very personal G-d and he has specifically directed us on how to properly worship and serve him. It is due to the fact that the Israelites listened to him and followed his instructions faithfully that he entered into an eternally binding covenant with them thus sealing our personal relationship with him for all eternity. As you can see by our power, influence and success he has been true to his word over the centuries and we have prospered and spread throughout the world.
In the Judaic tradition the ultimate destiny of G-d’s chosen people is not clear as this is not our purview and in the hands of G-d. It suffices to say that the only certainty is death itself. After death man’s future is only open to speculation, for there is no clear knowledge gained by; experience, revelation or reason of man’s future. To claim otherwise is illogical and displays a lack of understanding of the essential truths of logic, reason and history. Persons of lesser realization see this world as a place of struggle and hardship and have developed over time ideologies that seek to escape this world and the suffering therein to a utopian heaven. Therefore we have found that mankind in their ignorance of the one true G-d takes shelter in escapist’s theology, whereas the Judaic people, under the guidance of G-d see mother earth as a place of transformation and spiritual growth. To heal ourselves through G-d’s loving energy and heal the earth, in keeping with G-d’s will, is the real goal of life. We do not seek to escape to a transcendent mental utopia that is only revealed to us by the unsubstantiated speculative ideas of the subjective mind. Jews accept their life on earth. My parents for example have accepted that there is no heaven and so they live their lives in humble submission to the tenets of Judaism and have accepted the American way of life and are at peace. This of course is until the beginning the Messianic time when a descendent of King David is enthroned in Israel and Jews from all the twelve tribes of Israel will be reunited.
Judaism as an Iconoclastic Tradition:
Judaism is similar to the Islamic tradition not only via our early biblical traditional roots we are also Iconoclasts. This means that we both believe that G-d is formless and so it is not possible that G-d can be represented in Idols or Statues etc. Although the G-d of the Judaic and Islamic traditions abhors idol worship and demands their destruction we of the Jewish faith understand that in the present modern context this is not practical therefore we aim to educate the gentile races that G-d is within the heart, mind and intelligence and therefore in the modern context the archaic worship of the form of G-d is unnecessary.
King David the King of the Israelites:
G-d has stated that the family line of King David has been given the task of stewardship of this earth and he instructed that when the next King is anointed in Israel he will bring peace to this earth. He will build the third Temple on Mount Moriah and he will establish the Sanhedrin (the supreme judicial and ecclesiastical council) and through them he will govern the earth. He will control crime by the universal implementation of Noahide Law amongst the Gentile nations. He will disarm all weapons of mass destruction and unite all countries and peoples under his rule. He will bring all peoples of the earth together under one Religion, Judaism, and so put an end to communalism and sectarianism. He will destroy all idols or representations of the form of divinity and stop the manufacture and worship of such. He will also reintroduce animal sacrifice in the Third Temple for the atonement of the peoples of Israel and followers of Noahide Law.
King David (1000 – 970 BCE), was the ‘David’ who killed Goliath and gathered the 12 tribes of Israel together and formed the Jewish people into a nation. He ruled with an iron fist and conquered the surrounding lands giving no quarter to the enemies of Israel, including approx 50 Semitic Tribes, sparing only a few (which includes the modern day Arabs). King David was succeeded by his son Solomon who was not militant but more academic. Solomon built the first temple in Israel in 960BCE and it was destroyed in 586BCE by the Babylonians. King Solomon, not having the warrior instinct, relied heavily on the taxation of his people. When his son and successor, King Rehoboam took the throne he promised to be more heavy on the people than his father and so the people grew resentful which eventually led to 10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel to split away from the his rule. They took the land north of Jerusalem and became known as the Tribes of Israel. King Rehoboam’s line became known as the Tribes of Judah.
The Northern Tribes of Israel were eventually dispersed and have to all extents and purposes been lost to history. The remaining tribes that is the Tribe of Judah and the Tribe of Benjamin exist to the present day. These two Tribes form the majority of the present day Jews. Although G-d has promised that he will bring the members of those lost and scattered (amongst the gentiles) tribes back to Israel and unite them once again.
Rebuilding of the Temple took from 516BCE to 70BCE to complete and was called the Second Temple. The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70ce, when the Jewish people rebelled against Roman rule. It was after the destruction of the second Temple that the Jewish people disbanded the Sanhedrin. The current attempt to re-establish the Sanhedrin is generally referred to as the “nascent Sanhedrin”, or the “developing Sanhedrin”. This is because the prevailing opinion of the senior members of the Sanhedrin is that the Sanhedrin has not yet achieved halachic [Jewish legal] status on par with its previous position. It does however have the full authority of a Rabbinical court, and is working diligently and with much discussion to satisfy all halachic requirements for complete restoration as soon as possible.
Many of the Jewish people await the coming of the next King in David’s bloodline and to this end we have been preparing his way over the centuries. The sons of the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim have been in power for over two hundred years. Our wealth, power and influence are widespread across the earth as we engage in beneficial work for mankind. No field of activity has been at a loss due to our presence but has gained exponentially. Academics, Philosophy, Business, Finance, Science, Art, Literature, Entertainment, Religion, Defence, Politics, Mass media etc. have greatly benefited by the strongly influential presence and leadership of the Jewish people. This is evidenced by the superior numbers of our people in all of the above areas when we count for barely 1% of the total world population. This fact alone attests to our level of consciousness and can only be understood in terms of our grasp of the fundamentals of human consciousness as it relates to not only G-ds material creation but also relates to the Jewish people being exclusively empowered by him.
Judaism and its Relevance in the Modern Context:
Due to the “heaven on earth” ideal of Judaism, our desire to leave this mortal world is not a factor and so we work hard to make this world a better place. Therefore we tend to lean more towards a Humanistic approach to life. Although Humanism promotes the idea that truth cannot be found via revelation, mysticism or tradition it has strong affinity with Religions which stress individual and joint human potential that is based on the observable and logical world as opposed to what it deems the ‘ unknowable transcendental world’.
Humanism rejects the transcendental world as being constructs of the mind and not of the rational or critical enquiry of man. Therefore an object, or an idea, which includes dreams, visions, hallucinations, the written or spoken word, must be able to withstand the scrutiny of logical, critical thinking that is based on empirical study and is falsifiable. The transcendental world, Heaven or the transcendent personal form of G-d is a manmade construct that has no existence separate from the thoughts and ideas of the subjective mind and is a mere reflection of the material world.
Judaism is more akin to Agnosticism where the question of the existence or nonexistence of a Deity is unknowable due to our inability to verify its existence in any other way except by someone else’s subjective experience. In Judaism G-d possesses two aspects. One is transcendent and is unknowable and the other is manifest, as light, and through this medium G-d creates and maintains the material universe and interacts with his people.
Monotheism comes from the Greek ‘Mono’ – which means one and ‘Theos’ which means G-d. There are basically two types of Monotheism, Exclusive and Inclusive Monotheism. Judaism is considered an Exclusive Monotheistic tradition, similar to Vaisnavaism where the adherents believe in a single supreme G-d that is the source of all spirit and matter. In the Judaic concept G-d has no form and more importantly human form, and is experienced in this material world as force. ‘G-dhead’ or the source of G-d is unknowable whereas in the Vaisnava concept G-dhead is knowable and claims that he reveals himself personally to his followers through Scripture and mantra meditation on his personal form. Inclusive Monotheism is the belief that there is also only one G-d (Brahman) and that all other G-ds are different names and forms of that one formless G-d. All G-ds are one. This is the belief of the majority of Hindus and comes under the denomination of Smartism.
Due to Judaism’s affinity to Humanism we are very active in the Educative fields. We encourage and actively promote secular education and academia both for our own communities and for the gentiles as we view this to be the best way to achieve full human potential. The Jewish people have proven themselves to excel in all aspects of human society from being model citizens to being great innovators and reformers.
Due to the strong affiliation with our culture we are necessarily drawn to creating a better world for all. Our Scriptures predict a time when we will rule the earth and bring peace to mankind under the Judaic law and culture and it is to this end that we have influence and presence in most if not all the cultures of this world. Our process of tikkun olam, or healing the world, is already in full swing as evident by our involvement and support for not only the environmental movement but also the Interfaith Movement. Interfaith is a very important aspect of our work here on earth. Many of the Religious doctrines teach the escapist mentality that is offensive to G-d who has told us what to do to obey him. So we are gradually teaching other religions the process via intelligent and open dialogue how to make the change to accept G-d’s instructions on how to properly live their lives in his service. This does not mean that you have to change your faith. It simply means that you become more free thinking and develop the ability to accept higher truths.
The Judaic Support of the Secular State:
Most Jewish denominations are in full support of the Secular State for the simple reason that secularism assures that there is a clear distinction between the Government and a person’s religious belief system in order for there to be a fair and just governmental system. This also assures that the educative process is unified and aims via the Humanistic sciences to create a baseline understanding of true human potential. To this end we have greatly assisted in the establishment of a global standardized education system in all civilized countries. This secular education system is being instituted into all developing nations in order for them to be able to modernize in a systematic and a highly controlled manner. In this way we have ensured all peoples from all nations and religious beliefs a fair and equal footing in their endeavor for self-determination and modernization.
Liberalism Feminism and Homosexuality:
The Jewish people have always been a tolerant people that wish to live in harmony with mother earth, G-d and other faiths. Due to the progressive and modernistic view of most Jewish people we are very concerned about the way in which people relate to each other. Our input in the Humanistic sciences, law and civil rights have seen the Jewish people and the Jewish lobby make many changes that favor the civil rights and self-determination of all citizens in society not just the privileged. We view a person’s civil right to self-determination as the utmost priority of a civilized nation and the birth right of every human being. In this way we support the rights of the individual to choose the type of lifestyle they wish to live, whether it be; Heterosexual, Homosexual, Lesbian, Transsexual, Pro Choice – Birth Control/ Abortion, Feminism or Freedom to choose which Religious practice they desire to follow, etc. people should be free to make these decisions without Societal and Governmental interference.
The Judaic Perspective of Freedom of Choice:
The Jewish perspective on freedom of choice is very simple. A person must have the right to choose what they will and will not do, think, or accept in their lives. Society or Governments should not interfere with a person’s right to choose. We have endeavored to provide civilized societies with a standard education and moral code in which to live and it is up to the individual person to make up their own mind on the choices they make. However, once a person has chosen it is easy to ascertain their level of consciousness. When a person makes a choice it is well understood that along with that choice comes its subsequent consequence. Therefore G-d in his infinite wisdom has provided us with moral, civil and scriptural law that we must ultimately follow in order to have a peaceful society that is based on a high level of spiritual consciousness.
The Noahide Law and World Peace:
The peace process has not been easy over the years as many people don’t appreciate the difficulties in creating real lasting peace and they see our activities as being controlling. We acknowledge that peace is not cheap and it will not come easy and that there must be sacrifice and change to help the peace process. In order to create world peace there has to be Law and Order. Over the centuries we have worked tirelessly to have our Noahide Law become the base of all civilized nations of this earth. The Law of Noah is here for the non-Jew to follow and by doing so there is a chance of the peace process being successful. To date we have been able to have many governments accept Noahide Law as the foundation of their societies in Europe, South America and North America.
The US House and Senate fully understand the importance of both education and the righteousness of our Noahide Law and to this end they have passed the following resolution;
H.J. RES. 104 : To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.” (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)
Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society; Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future.
The Noahide Law presented below is a summary only, as the actual details of the law are much more thorough, but this will suffice to display the simplicity and practicality of its function in a healthy, happy and peaceful society.
The seven Noahide laws:
- Prohibition of Idolatry: You shall not have any idols before G-d. This includes the manufacture and worship of an idol. The punishment for worshiping the form of G-d is death according to Hasidic Law.
- Prohibition of Murder: You shall not murder. (Genesis 9:6)
- Prohibition of Theft: You shall not steal.
- Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity: You shall not commit any of a series of sexual prohibitions, which include adultery, incest, bestiality and male homosexual intercourse.
- Prohibition of Blasphemy: You shall not blaspheme G-d’s name.
- Dietary Law: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive. (Genesis 9:4)
- Requirement to have just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly.
It is important to note that transgression of the Noahide Laws come with prescribed punishments. These may seem harsh at first glance but we must remember that this is the only way to achieve true peace on earth. In Capital Punishment it must be understood that the killing of the person is not direct punishment to the offender as he or she will answer to G-d, but as an example to others to not transgress G-d’s Law.
Capital Punishments include – Stoning: for idol worship / witchcraft etc. Burning: for incest etc. Strangulation: for preaching other religions etc. Slaying: (decapitation with a sword) for converting to another religion. The forms of capital punishments that we utilize are approved by man and G-d as being the least painful and therefore the most humane method of killing. We understand that the person must not suffer unduly even though they have sinned against G-d.
All transgressors of the Noahide Law will be tried by the local Sanhedrin and the trial will be expedient as it only needs one Jewish witness to convict a felon. The King has executive power and can implement the law at his discretion. These may seem harsh to many people but they are necessary in order to create harmony and peace amongst people. Especially in these times, where murder, rape, theft, prostitution, illicit drug use, homosexuality and child sex is rampant. As you can see from your own life how the escapist mentality of religion has created a people who wish to leave this earth for a illusionary transcendental realm have very little concern for this world of G-d’s creation and so have allowed rampant crime and disease to spread with very little control and so people live in fear and misery rather than peace, love and harmony with nature and G-d.
Judaic Environmental Concern:
Through the process of Tikkun Olam or healing the world we acknowledge that G-d has given us the earth or Gaia and it is the Jewish people’s duty to understand that our role is to lovingly protect and tend to mother earth so we can harvest its goodness and riches without damaging it. Mankind to date has been more interested in taking from Gaia than nurturing the earth and the resulting damage and degradation has occurred. We need to seek ways in which to heal Gaia and restore the delicate equilibrium of ecology and economics and so to this end we have been not only in full support of Environmental matters but also world leaders as we aim to develop policies and technologies aimed at healing mother earth.
Conspiracy Theories:
Our deep concern for the welfare of others has of course created much envy and cynicism from the gentile nations and has led to Jewish persecution for centuries. Many “conspiracy” theories have sprung up claiming that the mission of the Jewish people is more to do with world domination than the welfare of humanity at large. This view is strongly protested by the Jewish people as our purpose and influence is peaceful and our real goal is peace.
Jewish people have also been accused of being behind the various secret societies such as the Free Masons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones Club, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove etc. while we do have connections with these groups our purpose is strictly to do with creating world peace.
We have been accused of being behind the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant Churches as well as behind the Saudi Arabian families who control the Islamic Religions. Our accusers claim that we will eventually use this control to align all major world religions with the Judaic Religion under the Torah. These accusations are completely unfounded and mischievous, however, we do not worry too much about them for in the end the truth always prevails.
Jewish people have been accused of being behind many of histories revolutions for example the French Revolution and the more modern day spread of Communistic ideologies and consequentially the Russian Bolshevik revolution and the formation of the Russian Secret Police, the Cheka thru to the KGB who under both Lenin and Stalin orchestrated the mass murder of tens of millions of people.
In the area of history we have been accused of rewriting history to write out or censor any of our alleged crimes or manipulations so as to appear the victim instead of the aggressor. This we find impossible to fathom for not even we have such long reaching influence.
There are also many accusations of animal and human sacrifice levelled at our community. Animal and Human sacrifice (Holocaust – burnt offerings) while being an integral part of Orthodox Jewish rituals of atonement to G-d for our sins, have not been practiced officially since the destruction of the second Temple in 70ce. Under the label of ‘blood libel’ we have also been accused of human sacrifice throughout our times in Diaspora. As previously stated, offerings of animals and humans, into the sacrificial fire or the ritualistic sacrifice of humans and animals have not been officially practiced since the destruction of the second Temple.
Zionism is another area where the gentile has misunderstood our purpose. The reestablishment of our birthright homeland, Israel, has generated much envy and misunderstanding. Accusations of conspiracy and genocide have been levelled against the Jewish people by our accusers who claim that we used foul and manipulative means to obtain our homeland. Claims that the First and Second World Wars were instigated by Zionists whose aim was to secure our homeland by sacrificing our own people in order to spur on the Diaspora to the US, United Kingdom and our homeland in Palestine are of course absurd and unfounded.
We have been accused of being behind the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler who, it is claimed, main aim was to aid in the formation of the State of Israel. They claim that by the killing of many Shepardic Jews leant sympathy and gave an excuse for the mass Diaspora of millions of Jews to powerful countries throughout Europe and America who normally disallowed our migration. They claim that this afforded our people a stranglehold on world economies and powerful political influence particularly with the US, United Kingdom, France and the United Nations which helps us to maintain the State of Israel. They even go as far as claiming that the present day War on Terror is merely an excuse to secure and militarize the countries bordering Israel so that we can grow and flourish in our Homeland.
The fact that providence has shined upon us in the 19th century is only due to our intimate relationship with G-d who by his special grace and divine benevolence has allowed our people to immigrate to many gentile nations where they have prospered and has created the State of Israel. G-d has now ensured that we his people are safe in our homeland to again begin the unimpeded worship of G-d in the manner which he prescribes and befitting the one true G-d the G-d of Israel.
In summary the Jewish people have a very great beneficial impact on world politics, education, economics, governments, law and religion. Our struggle and mission is G-d given as we follow Biblical Law given by genuine Religious leaders and thinkers who have carefully and critically studied our religious text and the word of G-d and no other religion can lay claim to this. Most Religions have been profoundly influenced and directed by the Jewish people from the Roman Catholic Church to the Christian Fundamentalists, Buddhists, Hindus, the New Age Movements and Humanism. Our influence has seen them change from religious fundamentalism by making the shift towards true enlightenment through Modernization and Pluralism.
All religions of the world are now almost fully integrated with modernity as they are accepting academia and their place in the secular world. Via our schooling system, which is designed along the Humanistic line, to produce intelligent critical thinkers who can balance empirical experience with rational thought through to our higher educative process where we will educate the masses to accept the critical analytical approach. This will open their minds to higher realms of consciousness and see them integrate with the earth, its resources and live in peace and harmony with each other and G-d under his divine law.
The Jewish Influence in ISKCON:
Now I come to ISKCON – the Hare Krishna Movement. As you all know very well the Jewish people have had tremendous influence and impact upon ISKCON over the years. Most if not all the senior and well-spoken of devotees have been from Jewish roots and have greatly expanded your movement into a worldwide enterprise. It now must be clear to you why we think and act in certain ways and so now you can better understand the changes that have been occurring around you as being for your own benefit and to lovingly bring you all to a higher consciousness.
The Hare Krishna Movement occupies a highly exclusive role in world Religions. Very few religions have the understanding that G-d has a personal form that exists in the transcendental or supramundane plane. The Hindu tradition differs greatly from, and is at loggerheads with, the Caitanyaite tradition, in as much as their beliefs assume that all G-ds are one, that they only exist on this mundane earthly plane, and are incarnated manifestations of the divine formless and unknowable G-dhead. The erroneous conceptualization of G-dhead propagated by the Caitanyite Tradition which is not based on factual evidence or Scriptural doctrine will require substantial assistance by intelligent and thoughtful preceptors who know the truth and can guide you onto the correct path to attain true and lasting G-d realization and ultimate human potential.
Philosophical Similarities and Differences:
You also must understand that no matter where we are as a Jewish person, our inner nature has been ingrained in us for generations dating back to Abrahamic times. We are people of G-d who have a shared genetic lineage and purpose. Our purpose has been instilled into us for countless generations and therefore it is our duty and responsibility to provide authentic wisdom for the spiritual upliftment of mankind. G-d also implants in the heart of the more advanced Jew a piece of his nature or spark that makes him a leader of men. Our people who are in your movement have this spark called Meshach and so it is in their very nature to be leaders of men. You can see how we are not followers but leaders who have great understanding of G-d’s plan and how best to achieve his plan within your ISKCON.
We understand that Swami Prabhupada was a charismatic leader of men who used his considerable charisma to bring you all to another level of consciousness where you will be better able to accept him as your guru or spiritual leader. We are not concerned about this in anyway. We see this as being good and necessary for your spiritual growth and nourishment. He afforded you a higher platform in which to understand still higher truths. From this new platform you can critically analyze his message, learn from it and move on with your spiritual lives.
His presentation that G-dhead was anthropomorphic, knowable and reachable by both the gentile and Jew is not consistent with the understanding of G-d in our Abrahamic tradition and is in need of careful rational analysis and revision. His presentation that G-dhead was an actual person with human form, qualities and intimate relationships is not consistent with our Abrahamic tradition where G-dhead is the unknowable aspect of G-d which lies beyond his actions or emanations (as it were). The fact that no other religious tradition accepts this opinion and views it as an; unverifiable and highly imaginative mental construct rather than an authentic understanding of G-dhead, requires more investigation by the Academics in ISKCON. His idea that this material world is a perverted image of the so called transcendent world is considered a naïve escapist view that typifies a utopian state which is nothing more than a dreamlike reflection of the real waking world in which we actually exist.
Krishna’s Factual Position in Relationship to G-d:
Krishna was quite possibly a historical character (like Jesus) and had many followers, and so was Chaitanya who formed the Chaitanyaite tradition that Swami Prabhupada followed. The same as the Hindu personalities such as Vishnu, Shiva or Ganesh etc, which are incarnate or flesh and blood personalities of this mortal world who aid people in living a life in a higher consciousness. When a person can understand that all of mankind’s so called G-ds such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva etc are incarnated manifestations of the light of G-dhead then there will be true peace on earth. All of these personalities have their duties and responsibilities but are only creations of the ‘Light’ (Brahman) of the unknowable G-dhead. The only difference being that the G-d of Israel is the only true G-d and the Israelites the only true race of man who G-d has given, by his covenant, the right and duty to rule the earth.
Secular Academia and its Relationship to ISKCON:
When your Swami Prabhupada came to the US he held an unrealistic assumption that his religious tradition could acculturate with our deeply ingrained influence on western culture. As history attests Swami Prabhupada had to make many adjustments in an attempt to make his mission a success. As you can see soon after his demise his disciples and followers quickly embraced a more contemporary approach to the mission as a natural and realistic development of his mission. History also attests that this attempt to seek relevance in the modern context is proving highly successful for ISKCON.
Western Academia now has a very supportive and beneficial grip on ISKCON via various Academic bodies in both the US and England through their Theological or Hindu studies departments. Through our control of the most prestigious Universities in the US and England we liaise and educate ISKCON members (and other Religions) with Academia, Humanism, Liberalism, Feminism, Psychology and Counselling etc. We also teach its members the value of developing a more Pluralistic society where there can be harmony between not only the Secular State, specifically Academia, but also inter religious harmony. To this end we have embarked upon an educative process where we are breaking down ISKCON’s sectarian approach to the Hindu community. The Vaisnava tradition is typified by its intolerance, alienation and vilification of other schools of thought such as the Shankyaite School of whom most Hindus belong. Via our ‘interfaith’ process we intend to break down ISKCON’s sectarian approach to the Abrahamic Religions – Christian, Muslim and our own Jewish faith and begin open dialogue, liaison and ultimately integration with our Ancient Religious tradition.
The Hindu Religious tradition is more in line with the Diacritical Theological viewpoint and so we are finding that the practicing Hindu is more inclined to take advantage of our educative processes and Academic support and training than the ISKCON devotee. Although ISKCON is involved in nearly all of our Academic and Interfaith Projects they tend to be more discrete as your tradition is seen as being less tolerant of other belief systems, especially the Hindu Community. A case in point is your Oxford program in England which is administered by ISKCON devotees who must pose as Hindu’s in order to gain acceptance in the Academic fields. The sectarian aspect of ISKCON requires rigorous modification if it is to engage in more open and rational dialogue with other religious faiths at not only an Interfaith level but also at an Academic.
It is by no chance that the senior devotees of ISKCON have attended and obtained their Doctoral qualifications under the guidance of our members in these various teaching institutions. Nor is it by chance that ISKCON has gradually moved its adherents to Academia in the form of Theology, Humanistic Sciences and Services. We have also extensively educated ISKCON members with the need to be more ‘home based’ and less monastic in orientation, similar to my parents who are Reform Jews. To this end we have emphasized Namahatta and deemphasized external preaching practices in order to enable devotees to be more contemplative in their practice of service to G-d. We have also educated your members to critically analyze and move away from the vertical authoritarian herd mentality process towards the lateral process where teacher and student are on the same platform in the service of G-d.
By the introduction of the western academic model of critical thinking we intend to educate ISKCON members to assess the instructions given by their spiritual authorities in order to reduce the incidence of blind following and to enable a more academically acceptable approach to Scriptural injunctions. The methodology of the guru based system to date has been a vertical authoritarian approach where instructions and injunctions must be accepted by adherents without reason or question. The Vaisnava tradition and especially the Chaitanyaite tradition demands its adherents to accept as an axiomatic truth their opinion of theology without question. We on the other hand are attempting to create independent thinkers and not blind followers of tradition.
The modern thinkers and academics of our time have reviewed at length the various texts that are made available to followers of ISKCON and found that the approach of its Charismatic Leader to be similar to the philosophical viewpoint termed Direct or Naïve Realism. That is, he has accepted the knowledge of his preceptors without question and so demands this of his disciples. This manner of thinking implies blind following, which denies a person his or her full potential for growth and development in G-d consciousness.
The astute amongst you will notice a gradual breakdown of the guru system since Swami Prabhupada’s demise from the top down authoritarian approach to the more rational and analytical approach that Diacritical Theology offers. This more academic approach to spiritual leadership is breaking down the esoteric elitism which predominated in the old guru system to a more relaxed and open system, which allows for more access to the hierarchy than the extremely restrictive and male orientated older system allowed.
ISKCON’s Level of G-d Consciousness:
The level of consciousness that following a naïve realistic ideological format will produce is a very low form of human consciousness. Unless ISKCON adherents understand that the aim of human development is to move past the level where one sees G-d as the creator and controller and to blindly follow rules, regulations in order to know how to think and act, they will never understand higher truths. In Judaic thought this level of the soul is an intermediate level that needs to be understood in order to move into the more higher and esoteric levels. The rational understanding of the soul in the Judaic sense is explained below.
The nephesh is the living mortal being (man and animals); it feels hunger, hates, loves, loathes, weeps, and most importantly, can die (cease to breathe). The nephesh is simply an “air-breather”. Animals also are a nephesh (they breathe air). It is the source of one’s physical and psychological nature. This nephesh disintegrates upon death – returns to dust. The soul of a gentile is qualitatively different than the one of a Jewish person. The Jewish soul is more refined due to the presence of the divine soul derived from when G-d shone his light into Abraham. This divine presence affords the Jewish person a unique character which gives them ability to grasp abstract and subtle concepts which is why the Jewish people are more interested in secular fields.
The next aspect of the soul is the ruach contains the moral virtues and discriminates between good and evil. In modern terms it is the ego or personality. Then there is the Neshamah – the higher soul, higher self or super-soul. This distinguishes man from all other life forms. It relates to the intellect, and allows man to enjoy and benefit from the afterlife. This part of the soul is provided both to Jew and non-Jew alike at birth. It allows one to have some awareness of the existence and presence of G-d. At the time of death the nephesh disintegrates, the ruach is sent to a temporary paradise for purification and goes on to join the neshamah after resurrection in the Messianic time.
Many religions are at this second level of human development and that is why we have been involving ourselves in the various religious traditions to make people aware of the true nature of the development of human consciousness.
The ‘Neshamah’ level of the present ISKCON adherent needs to be critically analyzed in order for them to increase their level of consciousness and begin to understand that G-d has given us this world and its resources in which to learn how to control and use. One learns the rules of the game that G-d has created, and seeks to escape the herd mentality of their present level of consciousness. The human develops an individualistic objective consciousness via scientific and rational analysis of the world in which we live. At this level we can understand that G-d has set this world in motion and it is up to us to realize that G-d has created this game of life in order for us to learn how to master it. When we have mastered the game and are able to control the earth, its people and its resources we can then begin to understand that this was always G-d’s plan.
In order to transcend this stage and attain the next level of G-d realization one must have received the Neshamah Kedosha – Provided to Jews at the age of majority (13 for boys, 12 for girls), and which is directly related to the study and fulfillment of the Torah commandments. It exists only when one studies and follows Torah; it can be lost and gained depending on one’s study and observance. Only then can one enter into the realm of Raaya Meheimna where the person can obtain Chayyah – The part of the soul that allows one to have an awareness of the divine life force itself and then Yehidah – the highest plane of the soul, in which one can achieve as full a union with G-d as is possible. It is only once one attains this stage of realization that one can truly know the nature and purpose of G-d.
The Raaya Meheimna describes a higher level of human consciousness which can be translated as pluralistic relativism, where one is free of dogma, greed and divisiveness and operates purely on the levels of feelings and love and cherishes mother earth. G-d is envisioned here as the network of human relationships, therefore the need to see G-d as having a human body is relinquished as one has accepted the higher realization. G-d is now experienced as feeling and love–and has no demands. Whatever feels good is what G-d wants. The consciousness here is decidedly anti-hierarchical–everything must be laterally linked. The self is permeable; the emphasis is on relationships and dialogue. Collective communities connected through freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments are seen as the only rational foundation for people being together.
Decisions must be reached through reconciliation and consensus. This consciousness is strongly egalitarian, anti-hierarchical, pluralistic, valuing diversity and multiculturalism, and emphasizing relativistic value systems.
By comparing the level of spiritual advancement of the Academic leaders in your movement with the above levels you can easily see that they are on the highest platform of spiritual advancement, for they possess the spark of the Meshach.
Critical Thinking V’s Naïve Realism:
Swami Prabhupada was a powerful charismatic leader and he did well to wake people up from their apathy and G-dlessness. He allowed thousands of people to come to a higher level of consciousness, but his followers need to take the next step and keep in tune with truths that have both religious and academic support. In the modern context we have brought G-d to the discussion table by promoting the Intelligent Design Model which is gaining more and more support by the Scientific Community. In order to bring G-d into the modern context we have to prove his existence to the rational scientist and to do that we must be able to provide a rational and analytical interpretation of our Scriptures that hold up to rigors of scientific enquiry and scrutiny.
To have a religion without intelligent thought and critical thinking is simply naivety and escapism.
ISKCON leadership has recognized the limitations and restrictions of its philosophy and the needs of its followers to modernize in order for it to survive as a bona fide religion. What is left is for the adherents of ISKCON to fully accept this and move on with their devotional lives with the unshakable belief that its leadership has their best interests at heart and are working hard to make sure that ISKCON grows and develops into a true Religiously Brahmincal Vedic society.
The move to create academic diacritical theologians is now firmly established in ISKCON and their work is gaining increasing support and respect in both the academic world and the general ISKCON adherent. ISKCON’s Academics are already publishing their material via our Academic institutions and although your Academics are still at an entrance level with regards to their published work we expect the standard to increase as they become more on par with other academics in the field of Divinity studies. If ISKCON is to survive as a authentic modern day Religion it will have to prove to the Academic community that it trains its adherents to be rational and logical thinkers as opposed to blind followers of tradition and religious doctrine who are capable of making the progressive step to creating a highly sophisticated institution on par with the modern world. If ISKCON is able to meet this challenge it will survive and will be seen as intelligent educated inquirers of the substantiated truth. If it fails to do so ISKCON devotees will be seen as naïve fools to the Academic and Religious world and fade into obscurity.
G-d’s Spiritual Spark in ISKCON’s Leadership:
You have already observed the leadership, power and influence of our people in your movement and are beginning to see the superiority of their guidance and teachings. Please know the G-d of Israel has chosen, in his divine wisdom, to send his children to take birth in New York and other parts of the United States of America in order to assist you in your quest for higher truth and G-d realization so please avail yourself of their pure spiritual enlightenment. They are infused with the spark of Meshach so they will greatly assist you to grow in your love and service to G-d and in the process let us all come together in peace, love and cherished service to G-d and his creation.
The term demise when speaking of Swami Prabhupada’s death has been purposefully instilled into your vocabulary. Demise means: ‘the time when something ends’ and so let this be so. Swami Prabhupada’s time has come to an end. Now it is time that ISKCON accepts the inevitable and embraces change in keeping with modernity which will ensure its survival and the true enlightenment of its members under our divinely inspired leadership.
Shalom Aleichem.
Yours sincerely
Rabbi Isaacs Schorr – Master of Theology
This is a copy of an email that was sent to the Editor to have posted on I was informed by the sender (name withheld) that it was sent to an ISKCON Devotee (name withheld) who had written a comment on the ISKCON’s PAMHO Com – Open Forum where the “JuVai” paper was originally posted.
My dear (name withheld) I know that you are one of our people and you know very well that I am a Rabbi for there is no doubting the words of our Torah in my article and sentiments. You may be taken aback at my audacity to speak the truth and that is why you seek to protect our people in the Hare Krishna Movement. Thank you for asking your members to read my article carefully for it is in the words of G-d that we shall find salvation and peace.
My son our purpose is well defined and so is the reason why our people are in the Hare Krishna Movement. Many of the non-Jewish devotees rejoice when they see their kind in other groups and working to convert or influence the ways of other faiths. Same with our Jewish people, we too rejoice in seeing our children in other faiths.
My son you know we always speak the truth. This is our curse. We are heavy with this burden that G-d has thrust upon us. I do not hold back on my words for they are the words of G-d and it is now time that we reveal ourselves and begin the work to repair human society.
We do not denigrate Swami Prabhupada; on the contrary we elevate him for bringing the level of spiritual consciousness up to a higher platform. Many of our people have been lost to atheism and so to bring them back to theism is a very great achievement. We must all learn to work together to bring about world peace and rejuvenation under the teaching of the Torah. Each one of us plays their part in the service of G-d.
You will eventually come back into our ways again my son as you cannot break free of your past, your birth right. You are a child of G-d, this is in your blood, in your spirit, your heart. The blood that flows in your veins belongs to G-d.
You know this in your heart of hearts. You know how you feel when you are with your own people, how we feel such strong bonding and love for each other. In this G-d given bond the gentile cannot compete. This is why our people work together and stay close even in your Hare Krishna Movement you see how we always remain dear friends even though we may compete with each other or argue with each other. This has always been our way my son. We are always arguing and fighting with each other yet in the end we are always united. For we understand this world and G-d’s hand in it in an entirely different way than the gentile.
Now we are in the times when our consciousness must be raised in preparation for the future. Please my son study the term “asher yihye” for it is a very important level of consciousness that our people must begin to achieve. When you do you will understand the full import of my involvement with you in the Hare Krishna Movement. We must now seek to work together in order to fully bring G-d’s will here on earth. We must live now as if our future is here with us at every step and breath. Our Jewish Renewal movement is in full swing and we are reaching out to all our people who have left their faith to come now and begin to work together to bring about world peace harmony and repair.
So please search your heart and you will find in it; our ways, our hope, our desires, our ancient search… You know this cannot be stopped as our mission cannot be checked by the gentile and only by G-d and his people can true peace on earth be fully accomplished.
Shalom my son
Rabbi Isaacs Schorr