GBC Resolutions 1976
March 6
1) a) Tamal Krishna Gosvami was elected Chairman.
b) Madhvisa Svami was selected by Srila Prabhupada as Vice-Chairman.
c) Satsvarupa das Gosvami was elected secretary.
2) Pusta Krishna Maharaj was elected as permanent personal secretary to His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada.
3) A schedule of GBC meetings for five days through March 1O was set as follows: 9.OO A.M. to11.3O A.M. 3.OO P.M. to 6.OO P.M. daily
It was further resolved that no GBC member individually initiate discussion of any of the agenda items in discussion with Srila Prabhupada. A daily meeting of the GBC with Srila Prabhupada will be held for reading the day’s resolutions for approval by His Divine Grace.
Zones were re-defined worldwide as follows:
1) South America: part one- Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina
part two- Caribbean and Central America
2) India: part one- North and West: Bombay, Gujarat, Vrindaban, Delhi
part two- Calcutta, Mayapur, Hyderabad, Madras
3) Africa
4) Australia – including Fiji and New Zeland
5) Mid-East – Iran and Saudi Arabia
6) North Europe – England, Germany, Scandinavia etc.
7) South Europe – France, Switzerland, Mediterranean
8) United States:
1) New Vrindavana, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo
2) Miami, Gainsville, Houston, Dallas, St.Louis, Denver.
3) New York, Boston, N.Y. Farm, Philadelphia.
4) Washington, Baltimore, Atlanta, farms, New Orleans
5) Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Ann Arbor, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg.
6) Pontland, Seattle, Vancouver & farm, Berkley, Japan, Hawaii, Hong Kong
7) Los Angeles, San Diego, Laguna Beach
March 7, 1976:
1) GBC men were assigned to zones as follows:
U.S. zone – n.1 Kirtanananda Swami
U.S. zone – n.2 Satsvarupa Swami
U.S. zone – n.3 Madhuvisa Swami
U.S. zone – n.4 Balavanta das A.
(elected as new GBC member)
U.S. zone – n.5 Jagadisa das A.
U.S. zone – n.6 Gurukrpa Swami
U.S. zone – n.7 Rameswara das B.
(elected as a new GBC Member)
South America Hrdayananda Swami with Pancadravida Swami as his Secretary
India – North and West – Gopal Krsna das
South and East – Hansaduta das
Australia etc. – Rupanuga – with a sannyasi to go with him.
South Europe – Bhagavan das
North Europe – Jaytirtha das
Africa – Brahmananda Swami
Mid-East – Atreya Rsi
2) Gurukula – Resolved: Gurukul will not be organized on the basis of small schools in a number of centrally located cities. The children shall be located to Gurukulas in L.A., Vancouver farm, Dallas, and the Penn. farm. Jagadisa will list the children who should go to the different schools. After 8 years of age, the boys and girls will go to Mayapur, India, and then to Vrindavana, when Gurukula is ready there.
3) Tehran: Atreya Rsi will approach GBC members individually to gather men for Tehran, and will start printing this year.
March 7, 1976:
1) Resolved: Jagadisa will consult with other GBC members to arrange for children and teachers to go to local Gurukulas.
2) GBC member Hridayananda Gosvami will phone Dayananda in Dallas to inform him of GBCs decision that Dallas Gurukula not be a major school.
3) Resolved: Tamal Krsna Maharaj and Madhuvisa Swami will ascertain his position in regard to reports he is having difficulty in spiritual life.
4) Bhaktivedanta Institute:
Resolved: B.I. will start work in September in New York ISKCON who will provide facilities. GBC will nominate devotees to be controlled as the first students in this institute of higher learning in Krshna Consciousness. A regular curriculum will be made. Swarupa Damodar will be incharge.
5) BBT Trustees
Jayatirtha is appointed BBT Trustee for Europe
Tamal Krsna Maharaj is a BBT Trustee in U.S.A.
Hridayananda Maharaj is BBT Trustee for S.A.
Gopal Krsna is Manager for BBT in India
March 8, 1976 9 a.m
1) Gargamuni Swami is to be added as GBC in India, his function to be fixed when he comes to Mayapur and attends GBC meeting
2) As above was confirmed directly by Srila Prabhupad, His Divine Grace also appointed Pusta Krishna Maharaj GBC,over South Africa
3) Resolved: Pusta Krsna Maharaj will make a list of who hasn’t (of temple presidents) filed an affidavit, and of those presidents who have filed, whether they have done it properly
4) A committee of four be appointed to oversee ISKCON property, tax and incorporation status, including overseeing future purchases of property.
Committee: Jaitirtha, Ramesvara, Atreya Rsi, Madhuvisa Swami.
5) A list of all properties and their value be made by Jaitirtha, including address, price of purchase and whose name it is under.
6) Each GBC member keep a devotee I.d. page, as passed in last year’s resolutions
7) A new weekly and monthly rating system be developed by the BBT trustees, replacing the individual competition of one temple against another with society wide competition to reach a national goal.
8) Invoices on book bills must be paid within 3O days, for temples in North America.
9) By Goura Purnima 1977 the Bhakti Sastri exams should be held. The exam is voluntary and is open for everyone.It is not a requirement for Brahmin initiation
March 8, 1976: 3 p.m
1O)The exam will be held only at Mayapur at Gour Purnina time
11)A committee of 1) Rupanuga 2) Satsvarupa and 3) Hrdayananda will prepare an exam for Srila Prabhupad’s approval. They will also prepare a study guide informing devotees what to prepare for the exam. Sannyasis are invited to give advice on questions to be included.
i) Those men recommended by the GBC last year were confirmed for sannyasa initiation as follows:
1) Jagat Guru; 2) Drstyadumna; 3) Pramana; 4)Satyadhana; 5) Hansaduta
ii) Men recommended to be initiated as sannyasis next year after a year’s trial: 1) Bhavabuta, 2) Radhika, 3) Somaka, 4) Jayananda, 5) Adi Kesava, 6) Jagadisha, 7) Radha Krsna das.
iii) This men who directly approach Srila Prabhupad requesting sannyasa will be referred back to the GBC sannyasis and the standard procedures for initiation.
Recommendations for opening centers:
1) Anyone who wants to recommend a city for a temple first open a preaching center there for a year without installing deities, and next year it can be approved as a temple.
2) A main criteria for making a preaching center into a permanent center is whether the center has gained the local support.
3) Resolved: GBC recognizes existing centers in Bogota and Rio de Janerio.
4) South American GBC may open centers in Quito, Lima, and Santiago.
5) Winipeg center will be moved to Minneapolis
6) Edinburg center will be moved to Dublin.
7) Phoenix center will be merged with Hosten temple
8) A preaching center is to be opened in Kanpur.
9) The existing Amherst center be maintained for a year
10) Osaka, Kitakishu Japan centers may be opened
11) San Franscisco to be opened as a center
12) A temple to be opened in Fiji
13) A center to be opened in Athenes
14) A center to be opened in Luxumberg
15) Jaya Tirtha can get permission by corresponding with GBC to open further centers in his new zone
16) A center to be opened in Brussels
March 9, 1976: 9 a.m
1. The following is a revised division of GBC zones in India to include Gargamuni Swami
i. Calcutta, Mayapur and vans-Gargamuni
ii. Bombay, Delhi,Gujarat, Hyderabad, Madras, Kanapur and BBT—Gopal Krsna das
iii. Vrndavan and buses–Hamsaduta das
2. Any activity or project in India dis-approved by two of the Indian GBCs can’t be executed by the third.
3. A trust of 3-GBC men be formed (they can be a permanent three for all properties or different three for each case) to sign as the signers on all ISKCON property purchases.
*** 1. No women should live in the temple buildings, only sanyasis and brahmacaries. There can be a brahmacarini asram at the expense of the temple.
*** 2. A member who decides to get married must first make himself self sufficient by getting his own money, residence and become legally married in the courts.
*** 3. In extraordinary cases, grihastha may continue to take support from temples, with president’s permission, with the understanding that he may be replaced if there is a qualified brahmmacari or a sannyasi. This is a financial consideration since it is best that temple not have to financially support grhasthas.
4. Vanaprastha is generally recommended for a age fifty, and has to be taken with the permission of the GBC. It can’t be taken whimsically.
5. ISKCON does not support an independent women’s ashram because in every case a women should be protected by a man.
6. No polygamy is allowed in ISKCON
7. Any authorized leader appointed by Srila Prabhupada can’t be condemned by a sannyasi on the grounds that the leader is a grhastha.
8. The devotional service of the women is considered equal by Krsna and the spiritual master.
9. Once a year at the Mayapur meeting there will be a meeting of sannyasis, and each sannyasi will declare what preaching field he will take for the year, under the jurisdiction of the GBC. Throughout the year the sannyasis will work in co-operation with GBC men. In cases of difference of opinions between sannyasis and the GBC decision will be final. Sannyasis, can however appeal for a higher decision at the Mayapur meeting of sannyasis and GBC.
10. Gradually in all of our temples the brahmacaries or sannyasis should become the spiritual leader.
*** To be omitted
March 9, 1976 3 p.m
1. The GBC acknowledged that certain lines or techniques used on sankirtan are dangerous to our society. A list was compiled of discrepancies and problems. A committee was formed to discuss and form resolutions to be referred back to the GBC.
SKP committee: Tamal Krsna Goswami,Rameswar,, Rupanuga.
Srila Prabhupada gave the direction,”We shouln’t do anything to irritate the public opinion.”
2. Each temple should observe one major festival a year.
3. Siddhaswarupananda Swami will be formally invited to take charge of his own area for preaching.
4. Problems facing Vrindaban and Mayapur management will be discussed by three India GBC men and report remedies back to GBC.
5. Jagadish das allocated children to gurukulas in the Vancouver farm, Dallas, Penn.Farm. After 8-years old the children will go to Mayapur and when ready, Vrndavan gurukul.
6. As per Prabhupada’s instructions, ministers were appointed to different functions.
Minister of Higher education–Swarupa Damodar
Minister of Primary education–Jagadish
Minsterof Finance –Atreya Rsi
Minister of Agriculture- Kirtananand Swami
Minister of records–Rameswar
The minister inspects, reports, is expert in the field. He is created when GBC doesn’t over function. He has no independent function.
March 10, 1976: 9 a.m
1. The resolutions will be made public knowledge at President’s meeting and not before.
2. A president’s meeting will be held March 11,1976 2:30 PM. Resolutions announced to Presidents.
3. Duites of GBC chairman, vice chairman and secretary were outlined .
a. Chairman: to see that the resolutions of the past and present year are carried out.
b. Vice-Chairman: to assist the chairman in any way necessary and he will take chairman’s place in his absence.
c. Secretary: to keep the minute book, type and distribute resolutions and assist chairman and vice chairman during the year.
4. Resolved: ISKCON will create a public relations bureau to deal with unfair, unfavorable publicity.
1. England–Mukund Das
2. Germany–Prthu France- Yogeswar
3. US Balavant with Sri Govind and Dheerakrsna
4. India-Amogha Lila
5. Farms:
1. farms can’t be opened without prior approval of GBC. It can be done during the year by correspondence and through the GBC property committee.
2. No farm committee shall be supported by a temple, but should be self sufficient from the beginning. Those farms opening can take a loan must pay it back.
3. No farms can buy any cows without consulting GBC and the agriculture minister.
4. South America GBC is given permission to open farms in Venezuela and Argentina, under authorization of GBC property committee.
5. A farm can be opened in Australia.
1. Restaurants can’t be opened without consultation of the GBC. They must be trademarked as “Hare Krsna Restaurant” although the sign in front of the restaurant may be titled differently.
2. 50% of the profit of the restaurant must go to the temple.
1. Each zone must give one good man to India ISKCON. Before leaving India, that man and alternative must be committed.
2.A committee is formed to organize life membership of Indians internationally.
1. London-Jayatirtha
2. USA – Madhusvita Swami
3. Africa- Brahmananda Swami
1. No firearms be kept in the temple which are illegal to the local laws.
2. In every temple there should be wrought iron gates in front of the deity.
March 10, 1976 3 p.m
1.We resolve to adjourn until March 15 at 9 am.
March 11, 1976: 12:00 Noon
1. Rameswar was given permission at Prabhupad’s request, not to take on zonal responsibilities but to the BBT trustee in LA
2. In lieu of above, the following re-division of US zone was passed.
Gurukrpa Swami:
Berkely and San-Francisco, Japan, Hawai, Hongkong-
Vancouver, Seattle, Port Land, Los Angeles, San diego, Denver
Satswarupa Swami:
Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Ann Arbor, Winnipeg
Balavanta das:
Atlanta, Gainsville, Miami, New Orleans, Houstan, St. Louis and farms
Madhusiva Swami:
New York, Phil., Boston, Washiington, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa.
3. It is acknowledged by the GBC that during the past year members of different ashrams have harbored bad feelings towards one another and GBC members have also been involved. These misunderstandings were due to relating on the bodily platform, which is a hellish mentality. It is here resolved that GBC and others, both sannyasis and grhasthas, minimize such ill feelings to nil.
4. In the course of the year GBC men shouldn’t speak in public.
5. GBC men shouldn’t indulge with non-GBC men in criticizing the GBC.
March 15, 1976:
ISKCON Organization:
1. Since several resolutions under “ISKCON Organization” passed at the March 9, 9 a.m meeting, caused a great disturbance among the temple presidents and thus with our spiritual master, the GBC acknowledges that they were mistaken proposals and hereby rejects them. This was ordered by Srila Prabhupada, and refers specifically to resolutions 1, 2, 3, and 10.
Radha Damoda party
1. Resolved: Since Srila Prabhupada has ordered Radha Damodar leader Tamal Krsna Maharaj to go preach in China, the following arangements were made to insure carrying on of the Radha Damodar Party.
2. Madhuvisa Maharaja will be GBC man with jurisdiction of R.D party. R.D headquarters will be in the New York temple, and the R.D administrative head will be Adi Kesava das who is also appointed president of New York temple. Adi Kesava will also be given Sannyasa this year at Mayapur.
3. Because the following men are urgently needed at their temples from where they joined R.D, they will be returned to the temples as follows:
Viswamrta das will return to Laguna Beach temple. Viswatamika and Caturbhava to Detroit. In general, no other Radha Damodar men will be required to leave. If a president is interested to have Radha Damodar men who left his temple return again, he should not try convincing the man to return, but must approach his own GBC man, who will also approach the Radha Damodar GBC man.
4. The R.D men can continue to distribute in the airports, but if in temple city the president thinks they should leave, the Radha Damodar men can take the decision of local GBC man who will consult jointly with the Radha Damodar GBC man.
Reassignment of US zones:
Madhuvisa Swami – New York temple, R.D buses, N.Y farm, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa.
Rupanuga das – Washington D.C., Phila., Baltimore, St. Louis, Virginia farm, and Bhaktivedanta Institute .
Satsvarupa Das Goswami- Denver, Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Dallas and Minneapolis.
Jagadisha – West coast and Berkley
Gurukrpa Swami – Australia, Hongkong, Japan, Hawaii.
1. Gopal Krsna das will include Russia in his zone and will go there for preaching
2. Gargamuni Swami will include Bubeneswara and Puri in his zone. Gopal Krsna and Hansadutta will share co-jointly the balance of temples in India.
3. Anyone who collects money in a city in India where there is temple , will give 50% to the temple, as well as turning over the records to the local temple plus he will preach about the local program. Whoever makes the life member must also supply him books. Outside of those temple cities, anyone may preach anywahere and use the money for his own ISKCON projects, but he must preacah about the local projects
4. Gargamuni Swami will try to supply monthly to Vrndaban 10,000 rupees and he must also take permission from the local temple president before he preaches in the city.
In addition, the GBC has accepted a number of resolutions from the presidents meetings, as follows:
1. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolve that brahmacari life in a temple is bona-fide process for cultivating the highest grade of Krsna Consciousness and that it is not intrinsically inferior to brahmacari life in a travelling context.
Further, that if a Sannyasi or party leader has a grievance regarding the management of a temole, particularly in regard to the brahmacari program, his complaint should be properly aired to the temple president and the local GBC representative. The matter should not be brought before the devotees in general.
2. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolved that if a temple preogram is considered deficient, it is the immediate business of the temple president and GBC men to corect the deficiency.
Further, any alleged deficiency in a temple program is not sufficient grounds in itself for a Sannyasi, partyleader or anyone else to encourage a devotee to abandon his prescribed duty in the temple.
3. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolve that if the temple president and GBC man do not correct a deficiency in a period of time agreed upon by the president, the GBC man and the preacher making a complaint, the Goverrning Board Commission may transfer the devotee to other duties.
4. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolve that aside from the local GBC man and His Divine Grace, no person or group has direct authority over a temple president. In the case of some disagreement regarding practical policy or practical philosophy, a travelling party leader, sannyasi or non-local GBC man must respect the integrity of the president’s authority over his temple. He must defer to the president’s position and can initiate change only via the local GBC.
5. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolve that the Radha-Damodar travelling Sankirtan party use some of its abundance of manpower to develop program for convincing non-devotees to join their party rather than recruting devotees from ISKCON temples.
Radha Damodar parties may preach to guests at Sunday feasts in the temples and they should encourage them to join ISKCON, either the temple or the bus, as would be best for the circumstances of the person being preached to.
6. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC resolve that it is the duty of the Society’s preachers to present Krsna Consciousness philosophy as it is, as presented in Srila Pabhupada’s books and not twist it for any personally motivated purposes
7. Resolved: As temple president’s, we recognize the value of the association of Sannyasis, especially for the brahmacaris and householder men. We reecognize that it is our duty to provide oppurtunities for such association as far as possible, and we humbly request the cooperation of our Sanyasi godbrothers in the regard.
8. Resolved: We suggest that the GBC reconsider its decision as to which GBC secretary will have jurisdictions over each local zone after consulting with the temple presidents themselves.
In addition it was agreed, that if they desire to do so, temple presedents may come early to the annual Mayapur meeting, for their own meetings and association awithe Srila Prabhupada.