MARCH 1 1977 ; 9:30 am
Parlimentary Orginization
1. Pancha Dravida Swami,and Harikesh Swami who are during the year as GBCs were appointed as full GBC members. Bali Mardan Das will continue for the next year in the status of acting GBC. Swarup Damodar will be appointed GBC member by Srila Prabhupad.
2.Election of officers:
Kirtanananda Swami :Chairman
Jaya Tirtha Das :Vice-Chairman.
Satsvarupa Das Goswami :Secretary.
3.The positions of Chairman,Vice-Chairman will change every year, giving different GBC men a chance to hold those officers
4.Resolved: Whatever resolutions are passed by the GBC each day will be brought before Srila Prabhupad for approval. They will then be posted on a bulletin board.
After the agenda has been completed Temple President’s meeting will be held. If by a 2/3 majority the Presidents vote any suggested amendments to the resolutions or make new resolutions, these will be referred back to the GBC who will meet to vote on them and that decision will be final. Srila Prabhupada will then review this decisions for ultimate decision and/or approval.
5. Resolved: The following schedules shall be observed.
a) The GBC meetings to be finished by the 3rd of March.
b) The Presidents meeting to be held on the morning of the 4th March.
c) The final GBC meeting to review the President’s resolutions, to be held the afternoon of the 4th March.
d) A meeting of all Sannyasis, at which each Sannyasi shall declare his preaching assignment for the next year,will be held the evening of 4th March.
e) The Bhakti Sastri exams will be held on 5th March.
March 1,1977, 2 p.m
Resolved: Division of world wide GBC zones.
1. Hrdayananda Maharaj :a) San Paulo and Rio De Janiero and the farm in Brazil
b) Caracas,Venezuela.
c) Bogata,Coloumbia.
d) Lima,Peru. e)Santiiago,Chile.
f) Guayaquil,Equador and co-GBC responsibility for Spain and Portugal.
He will maintain BBT Spanish responsibilities with assistance of Pancha Dravida Swami.
2. Pancha Dravida Swami : Mexico,Central America and Guyana, Santo Domingo, Trininad, L.A., Spanish BBT office.
3. Brahmananda Swami : GBC of Africa and South Africa.
4. Bhagavan Das : France, Benelox, Italy, co-GBC of Spain and Portugal.
5. Harikesh Swami :Germanic, Switzerland, Scandinevia East Europe. Also preaching in Russia.
6.Jaya Tirtha Das :British Isles, Mid-West USA, Detroit, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Minneapolis.
Also he is to co-operate with Brahamananda Swami in management of Africa and South Africa.
7. Satsvarupa Das Goswami : Go to Los Angeles to be editor in chief of Back to Godhead.
North zone, Berkely, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Dallas.
8.Rameswara Swami : Los Angeles, San Diego, Laguna- Beach, Denver.
9. Balavanta Das : Atlanta, Tennessee Farm, New Orleans, Mississippi Farm, Gainsville, Miami, Houston
10. Rupanuga Das : Wash.D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, St Louis, St.Louis Farm, Ottawa, Montreal.
11. Tamal Krsna Goswami shall be Srila Prabhupada’s permanent secretary and will retain GBC responsibility for New York, Pennsylvania Farm, Boston, Puerto Rico and Radha Damodar- Party Adi Kesava Swami will immediately supervise all these areas as special assistant to the GBC.Tamal Krsna Maharaj will also take the zone of Red China.
12. Gopal Krsna Das : The North and West sections of India.
13. Gargamuni Swami : The Estern section of India, including Calcutta and Mayapur
Satadhanya Swami is also appointed as President of Calcutta and Panihati.
14. Hansaduta Das Goswami : The south India including Hyderabad Farm and Ceylon.
15. Gurukripa Swami : Hawaii, Japan, Hong Kong.
16. Bali Mardan Das : Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, South Sea Islands, Book distribution in South East Asia.
17. Atreya Rsi Das : Mid-East.
MARCH 3,1977 9:00 a.m
1. Resolved: Jagadisa Dasa will continue as Education Minister.
2. Swarupa Damodar will execute his GBC duties in connection with Bhaktivedanta Institute, Eastern Headquarters in Bombay,
Western Headquarters in Wash.D.C. Rupanuga Das is also Bhaktivedanta Institute trustee in Wash.D.C.
3. Resolved: Radha Krsna Das who was recommended last year to take Sannyasa this year, will wait for another trial year, as recommended by Hridayananda Goswami.
Somaka Das, recommended for Sannyasa by Bhagavan Das did not come to Mayapur. Bhagavan feels he is eligible for initiation, if Srila Prabhupada visits Europe he could receive initiation then.
There were no recommendations this year by the GBC for new Sannyasis.
4. Resolved: Satsvarupa Das Goswami was accepted as editor-in-chief of Back To Godhead. As for the editorial policies he should follow, he will take consultation from His GBC Godbrothers. In an attempt to set a uniform standard, so that BTG is like scripture, he will function as editor for all Back To Godheads published in various languages. In this he will work in cooperation with the co-editors and BBT trustees of the various foreign language BTGs. There may be various co-editors of those magazines but he will be responsible to keep the standard.
MARCH 2, 2:30 p.m
1. Resolved: Public relations
a) Each Temple Presidents will instruct the devotees that as each devotee approaches people in any way he is acting as a public relations representative for Srila Prabhupad.
b) At least one day a week there must be public chanting and food distribution in public-performed by each temple.
c) Balavanta will be editor of a monthly news letter to ISKCON reporting on public relations programs to be executed, including “does” and “don’ts”
d) Every temple will start a program of sending a monthly BTG and a letter from a devotee to his parents,if his parents are at least approachable.
2. Resolved: The program to send standing orders to individuals be undertaken under GBC supervision. Tripurari Maharaj will supervise a team in the U.S.,and Gopal Krsna in India. The BBT at their trustee meeting, will consider their role in printing brochures.
3. A vigorous program be undertaken by Indian GBC to introduce Bengali and Hindi books to Secondary school.
Garga muni Maharaj’s travelling party and Gopal Krsna are responsible.
4. Resolved: Brahmananda Swami will prepare a list of devotees he requiers for Africa and every zonal GBC will supply a good man as required. Next year GBC members Brahmananda Swami and Jai Tirtha will report how the manpower is being engaged.
5. Resolved: The GBC will encourage serious devotees in their zone to go to India, and will allow them to go who actually want to.
6. Resolved: Grihasthas not be discouraged to work at jobs or develop their own business with their own means.
7. All temples will be encouraged by the GBC to undertaken vigorous life membership programs with the Indians. In America this program should be standardized in all respects using the present forms developed in New York and New Vrindavan. The program in USA will be overlooked by Adi Kesava Maharaj.
8. Resolved: A committee of Brahmananda Maharaj,Tamal Krsna Das Goswami, Kirtanananda Swami will meet Jayapataka Swami for discussion of Mayapur administration and will report back to the GBC.
9. a) Resovled: A committee be formed of Saurabha,Tamal Krsna, Rameswara, Atreya Rsi, Jayapataka, Gopal Krsna, Guru Kripa to research and give a report on all aspects of the Mayapur Project Construction,including its material feasibility, cash flow requirements. They will report their research to Srila Prabhupada.
b) Resolved: Devotees preaching to raise funds for Mayapur must make a uniform presentation. A brochure to be prepared by the BBT.
10. Resolved: Any GBC who wants a BBT loan will submit it to Rameswara Maharaj, but it will be held in abeyance until the Mayapur financing is decided in regard to BBT committment
11. Resolved: Pancha Dravida Swami organise how to distribute prasadam to all visiting pilgrims on Gour Poornima day. Something like puffed sugar candy will be served. Pancha Dravida will make a full report and proposl to the GBC at their March 3rd meeting.
12. Resolved: A sub Committee be formed of the three GBCs for India as an ISKCON Food Relief Committee. They make a proposal on how food program will be conducted.
13. GBC men wishing to send men to preach Atreya Rsi’s Mid East zone should consult with him.
14.The GBC must be responsible and implement in their zone, Srila Prabhupada’s maintainance fund.
a) All properties purchased, even those personally transcted by the GBC members,should be cleared through the property committee.
b) The property committee is Rameswara Maharaj,along with Jayatirtha for US. In India-Tamal Krsna and Indian GBC.
16. Resolved: For next year’s GBC meeting, all agenda topics must be submitted by GBC men to all three GBC officers, 30 days previous to the annual meeting. After analyzing the proposals,the officers will present a number of topics to different committees who will present them at the meeting.
MARCH 3,1977 9:30 a.m
1. Resolved: Jayapataka Swami is appointed acting GBC member,along with Guru Kripa Swami he will be co-GBC for Bengal and Orissa.
a) Gargamuni Swami will be GBC of travelling Sankirtan for going to the Universities and Libraries in India, Asia and the Middle East.
2. Book Distributon Resolved:
a) Any illegal techniques (which are against the law) cannot be used on Book Distribution. The list of techniques included can be obtained from the GBC secretary, Satsvarupa Goswami for review at the President’s meeting in addition to these techniques which are known as definetely illegal, any other illegal methods are also not to be used.
3. Resolved: The temple president will go monthly to the field to observe how his own men are implementing the above resolution (no illegal techniques). Each GBC man will go out in the field in each of his temples during the year to observe the same.
4. Resolved: When a temple continues illegal means,the BBT trustees will do the needful to rectify.
5.Santa claus and all theatrical costumes used on Book Distributionare banned.
6. A legal committee of Balavanta, Adi Kesava and Rameswara Maharaja will investigate whether certain techniques are legal or illegal.
7. Regarding Mother’s Sankirtan parties:
Resolved: The philosophy that the man Sankirtan Leader is the eternal husband and pretector of the woman’s party is rejected. The philosophy of the man sankirtan leader as the son of the mothers, as well as the representative of the Spiritual Master— and not the husband— should be preached instead.
MARCH 3,1977 2:30 p.m
1. Preaching centers in the US can be opened by GBC members, even when in another GBC zone, up on approval at the yearly meeting of the GBC, or during the year with consultation of 3 GBC members. But when the zonal GBC is prepared to open a permenant center in that city, its jurisdiction will be transferred to the GBC in whose zone the city lies. The consideration must be made whether it is really best to have a preaching center, such as those established by the Radha Damodar Party. If the center is opened permanently the Radha Damodar Party will be allowed to continue their program in that city. The change from preaching center to permanent can only be done in Mayapur.
2. The GBC permission was given to the following GBC secretaries to open the following preaching centers in the next year:
Balavanta Das: 1. Knoxuille,Tennessee;2. Coloumbia,South Carolina; 3. Gatlinburg,Tenn. (already opened is- Charlotte, North Carolina, and temporary closed is Nashuille)
Tamal Krsna Das Goswami and Adi Kesava Maharaj for Radha Damodar Parties: The following preaching centers,already opened, are approved, under provisions and conditions as stated in the general resolution. For preaching centers in other GBC zones
1. Cinninatti, Ohio; 2.Lexington, Kentucky; 3.Louisville,Kentucky; 4.Indianapolis,Indiana; 5.Lafayette,Indiana; 6.Terara Havtee, Indiana; 7.Kansas city; 8.Durham,N.C.; 9.Richmond,UA;
10.Memphis,Tenn; 11.Oklahoma city, Oklahoma; 12.ElPaso,Tx; 13.Madison,Wisconsin; 14.Milwaukee,Wiscosin; 15.Peoria;Ill; 16.Carbondale,Illinois
The follwing centers are opened out of New York temple Tamal Krsna Goswami and Adi Kesava Swami:
1. New Haven, Conn.; 2.Long Island,N.Y.; 3.New Brunswick,N.J.;4.St.Thomas,Virgin Islands; 5.Aruba,Virgin Islands. Permission for possible opening is given for 1.Phoenix;2.Albany,N.Y.
Satsvatupa Das Goswami: Permission for possible opening of preaching centers in San Francisco and Killeen, Texas.
Kirtanananda Swami :Already opened and approved 1.Bloomington,Ind.; 2.Columbus,Ohio;permission for opening Morgantown, W.Virginia, Dayton and Toledo,Ohio.
Rameswara Swami : Already established: Las Vegas,Salt Lake City.Permission given for San Antonio,Omaha,Nebraska, Albequerque,New Mexico,and Courage by L.A. in the summer of Yellowstone and Mt.Rushmore national parks.
South America: Pancha Dravida Swami: Permission to open Monterey,Mexico,Guatemala and Panama.
Hrdayananda Das Goswami: Permission for a few cities in Brazil,Boliviia,and Valencia,Venezuela.
Europe: Bagavandas : Barcelona,Spain;Lisbon,Portugal;Milano, Itali.
Harikesh Swami:Already started:Berlin,Zurech,Helssinki, Hamburg,and Wrockaw.Permission given for
Norway,Vienna,and Copenhagen.
Brahmananda Swami :Perrmission to turn the following preaching centers into temples with Deities 1.Mumbasa;2.Mauritus.New center in Lagos.
Bali Mardan :The Adelaide center will be moved to the Australia farm.
Atreya Rsi :Permission to open centers in Karachi and Istambul.
India : Jayapataka Swami:Permission to open Panihati,and Dacca.
Hansaduta Das Goswami: In South India: Banglore, Madras,Kodaikanal,Colombo in Ceylon, Kathmandu,Nepal,Goa.
3. The USA is now divided into geographical zones,so that all territory,regardless of whether is an ISKCON center there, falls into one of the zones of the US GBC’c (as stated in” preaching center” resolution,a preaching center may be opened in GBC’c zone,when permission is given at the annual GBC meeting,or during the year by agreemint of three GBC’c of that regiion) for outside of the USA preaching center can be converted to a temple during the year by consultation of three regional GBCs.
4. Resolved: There will be no marriages of girls until they are 16-rears old.
5. Each GBC member is advised to take a turn as secretary and approach Tamal Krsna Das Goswami for same.
6. Resolved: All devotees are expected to shave their heads once a month. If there is necessity to keep hair,it shall not be longer than it would grow in one month.
7. Individual GBC members are responsible for their Presidents signing the oaths for Srila Prabhupada.
8. Tusta Krsna’s group in New Zealand and Siddhaswarupananda Swami in Hawaii should pay the same price for BBT books as temples in ISKCON, not less as they are paying now.It is well that these groups preach actively against ISKCON;in response, although we should point out their philosophic defects,we should not directly confront them,but remain aloof.
9. An International life membership committee is formed headed by Brahmananda Swami,including Jayatirtha,Gopal Krsna and Adi Kesava swami.
10. Each GBC man is responsible to try to recover the blooped devotees living in his zone.
11. A committee is to be formed to discuss improvements in the Mayapur Festival, and set programs. This advisory committee,Jayapataka Swami,Rameswara Swami,Bhavananda Swami,Gopal Krsna,Mahendra,Balavanta. This is an advisory commitee which will plan for an action committee.
12. Next year in the Mayapur Festival,separate but equal facilities will be arranged for the women.
13. Resolved: ISKCON restaurants may be named either “Hare Krsna Restaurant” or “Govinda’s”.
14. All GBC members and temple presidents are responsible to see that all devotees in their zone attend the morning and evening program, except when theere is alternative bonafide preaching in the evening.
MARCH 7,1977 2:30 p.m
The following are the final proposals by the GBC on proposals passed by the temple presidents.
1. Accepted as passed: “A complete central file be kept on all devotees for purpose of public relations and/or reclaiming blooped devotees,the presidents of the temples be allowed to contact the parents of a devotee in his area”.
2. Accepted as passed:” When devotees come to India there must be some kind of orientation program for them,the nature of which should be established at the Mayapur Festival by a meeting of the Indian temple presidents and later approved by the Indian GBC members. The resolutions of such a meeting (approved by the GBC)should be sent to all temple presidents around the world”.
3. Accepted with ammendment: “The GBC does not discourage serious devotees in their zones who are serious about going to India to do so. It still requires the permission of GBC and temple presidents”.
4. Accepted as ammended here: “Concerning topics to be presented each year at the GBC meeting in Mayapur the temple presidents should submit topics to their GBC representative 45-days prior to the meeting,and the GBC representatives will present those topics 30-days before the meeting to the three GBC officers.
5. Accepted with amendment:”If costumes like Santa Claus are used on Sankirtan it must be done legally with permits from local authority”.
6. Accepted as passed: “The philosophy that the Man sankirtan leader as the eternal husband and protector of the women in a woman’s party is rejected.The philosophy of the man Sankirtan leader as the representative of the spiritual master – and not the husband should be preached instead”.
7. Passed as ammendment: That the 2/3rd majority vote rule at this meeting be understood to apply only to those persons voting, not to abstentions”.(refers to the presidents meeting).
8. Passed as is: “Foreign SKP contact parties be introuced in writing by their own GBC”.
9. Passed as is:”Foreign GBC contact local GBC authorizing their travelling SKP”.
11. This proposal was rejected by the GBC:”Authorised written information be sent to all temple presidents concerning factual fall downs or re-instatements of GBC and/or Sannyasis”.
Following proposal passed: “For information regarding rumors of fall downs of GBC or Sannuasis write the GBC Chairman.”
11. Passed as ammended: “Travelling Sannyasis be allowed to preach to guests at temples and if possible,in the span of one days preaching- with the permission and co-operation be local president- to encourage such guests to come with him.”
12. Passed as is: “Travelling Sannyasis be requestd to visit the South Seas zone”.
13. Passed as is: “Newsletters that are standardly sent to all US temples also be sent to all foreign temples”.
14. Passed as is: “There be two signers on all temple bank accounts”.
Ammended : “That minutes of last year’s GBC meetings were sent to all temple presidents; a duplicate may be obtained from LA, ISKCON for a one dollar fee”.