March 18th 9:30 am
1. Bali Mardan,Jayapataka Swami and Adi Kesava Swami are now full GBCs.
2. New officers elected:
Satswarup das Goswami – Chairman.
Jayapataka Swami – Vice Chairman.
Hrdayananda das Goswami- Secretary.
Brahmananda Swami is appointed as Sergent at aims by the Chairman.
3. A committee of Satsvarupa Goswami,Tamal krsna Goswami, Jayapataka Swami,and Jayatirtha prabhu will review Jayapataka Swami’s proposed parlimentary organization and report to the GBC on Sunday, March 19th as directed by Chairman.
4. The GBC will try to confine meeting time to 9 am to 12:30 pm and 2 pm to 6 pm March 18, 19,and 20,1978.
5. A sannyasis meeting led by Kirtanananda Swami will be held on March 19th at 7 pm.
6. Bhaktisastri tests will be held on Gour poornima at noon.
7. All proposals on GBC agenda should be one by one and when pratical, assigned to a committee.
8. Procedural Questions will be postponed until after Jayapataka Swamis proposal’s are dealt with.
9. The GBC resolutions of each year shall be indexed and the index shall be made available.
10. There will be two categories of GBC statements : resolutions and suggestions.
11. Amendment to:
Proposals for the GBC agenda must be submitted to the secretary 60-days in advance of meeting by the temple presidents,and 45-days in advance by GBC secretaries.
12. Last year’s officers will review old resolutions of previous year and then, on the morning of March 20th (GBC meeting’s third day) present suggestions for amnending or deleting.
13. Radha Krsna das and Somaka das to be awarded sannyasa at this year’s festival.
March 18 2:00 pm
1. Rameswara Swami, Jayatirtha, Balavanta, Kirtanananda Swami,Harisauri,and Brahmananda Swami will retain their zones as they are now.
2. Gita-Nagri farm will be added to Rupanuga Prabhu’s zone.
3. Bhakti Caitanya Swami is appointed GBC of Delhi and North India.
4. Atreya Rsi will retain the same zone except for Isreal,which will be added to Bhagavan’s zone,and Lebanon will added to Harikesh Maharaja’s zone.
5. Hrdayananda Goswami’s zone will be South America,except Columbia,Elsavador,Guyana and Surinam.
6. Panca Dravida Swami’s zone will be Mexico,Central America, Columbia and Elsavador.
7. Gurukripa Maharaj will be GBC of Vrndavana,Hawaii,and Japan.
8. Tamal Krsna Maharaj will be GBC of Bombay,Bhaktivedanta Book Distribution TSKP,and Ahmadabad temple.
9. Adi Kesava Swami will GBC of Boston,New York,and ISKCON’s four Carribean temples.
10. Bhavananda Swami will be co-GBC of Mayapur with full GBC powers.
11. Gopal Krsna Prabhu will be GBC of Canada,China and India BBT.
12. Hansaduta Swami will be GBC of Tamil Nadu,NW USA,Sri Lanka,SE Asia and Hyderabad.
13. Jayapataka Swami will be GBC of his present zone and South India except for Hansaduta and Bali Mardan’s zone.
14. Bali Mardan’s zone include Karnataka,Kerala,and Goa.
15. Vasudeva Das – Fiji.
RESOLUTIONS MARCH 19,1978. 9:30 am
1. Standing orders presented by Jayapataka Swami shall be accepted with amendments made by GBC committee.
2. Kaladri prabhu will be appointed as Kirtanananda Swami’s “special assistant with voting rights”. Kirtanananda Swami will remain in the vicinity during general GBC meetings.
3. Tamal Krsna Maharaj will be GBC of Bombay,and GBC requests BBT to make him in charge of BBT-Bombay.
4. Gopal Krsna Prabhu will be GBC of all Canada.
5. Tamal Krsna Maharaj’s zone will include Bhaktivedanta Book Distribution TSKP.
6. Balavanta and Kirtanananda Maharaj will retain their respective zones.
7. Rupanuga Prabhu will retain his zone with the addition of Gita-Nagari farm.
8. Adi Kesava Swami’s zone will include New York, Boston,and ISKCON’s four Carribbean temples.
9. Jayatirtha Prabhu will retain the same zone.
10. South India (without Tamil Nadu and Bali Mardan’s zone) will be Jayapataka Swami’s zone.
11. Bhavananda Goswami will co-GBC for Mayapura with full GBC powers.
12. Japan will be included in Gurukripa’s zone.
13. Gopal Krsna will be GBC of China.
14. Balavanta’s zone will be the “Big Brother” for Manipura.
15. Hari Sauri’s zone will be “Big Brother” for Bhuvaneswara and Bhadrak.
16. The GBC will consider each year at Gour Poornima the appointment of new Spiritual Masters to be approved by a 3/4 vote. However,for 1978,no new Spiritual Masters shall be appointed other than the 11 selected by Srila Prabhupada.
MARCH 19,1978 2 pm
1. A committee of Tamal Krsna Goswami, Harikesh Swami, Kirtanananda Swami,Satsvarupa Goswami, Rupanuga Prabhu, and Jayapataka Swami will report to the GBC as soon as possible regarding the six questions on the GBC agenda concerning the initiations. Definite statements on this subject will be made available to all the devotees after the GBC considers this committee’s report.
2. (An amendment to Resolution 2,March 27,1975,concerning Sannyasi initiations). Any GBC can place a devoteee on a one year trial for Sannyasa (discussion permitted). After one year the GBC will decide about the appointment.
3.Sannyasa candidates for 1978 are as follows:
Kirtanananda Swami – Dulal Chandra, Jagadish.
HrydayanandaGoswami- Alanath, BirKrsna, Ambujaksha.
Satsvarupa Goswami – Jayadvaita,Ghanashyama.
Jayapataka Swami – Prabha visnu, Ananda Swarupa.
Panchadravida Swami- Madan Manohar, Jagajivana.
Jayatirtha – Ranchor, Sivarama.
Tamal Krsna Goswami- Gopijanaballabha, Kavichandra, Kesava Bharati,Ganapati.
Bhavananda – Hiranyagarbha.
Gopal Krsna – Tribhuvanath.
Harikesh Swami – Dheera Krsna.
Bhagavan Das – Somaka, Indradyumna.
4. Any GBC can propose a devotee for immediate sannyasa initiation at Mayapura GBC meetings,with approval of GBC provided there are extraordinary circumstances.
5. Sannyasis,GBC or,presidents that fall down or leave the society immediately loose their post and title and are welcomed back in the status of a devotee and can work for advancement. The GBC will decide on their reinstatement.
6. A committee of Satsvarupa Goswami, Hansaduta Swami,Rameswar Swami,and Jayatirtha will correct any difficulties in regard to women’s sankirtan party in Los Angeles and Berkeley in three months time. On the East Cost,Kirtanananda Swami(or Kaladri),Rupanuga,and Balavantawill correct any possible discrepancy in New Vrndavana’s party.These committees are given full power of the GBC to implement disciplinary action.
7. Dhira Krsna Dasa to be awarded sannyasa this year.
RESOLUTIONS MARCH 20,1978. 9:30 am
1. Bhagavat dasa recommended for one year sannyasa initiation by Jayapataka Swami.
2. Jayadwaita shall take sannyasa immediately.
3.The GBC supports BTG distribution on an expanded scale. BBT is requested to furnish details regarding how many more can be distributed and how to distribute them.
4. A Bhaktivedanta Memorial committee will be formed consisting of Brahmananda Swami,Adi Kesava swami,Tamal Krsna swami,Jayatirtha and Bhavananda Goswami.They shall determine where and how Prabhupada’s room and paraphernalia shall be preserved.
5. Immediate funds will be made available for Prabhupada’s Samadhi in Mayapura and Vrndavana.
6. Jayapataka Swami, Harikesh Swami, Rameswara Swami, and Bhavananda Goswami will study Jayapataka Swami’s “proposal in regard to the Mayapura Project” and report to the GBC.
7. ISKCON’s original temple and head quaters at 26 second avenue, N.Y.C. shall be purchased and maintained.
8. Satswarupa Goswami will write an official biography of Srila Prabhupada to be published by BBT.
A. Principles: – Self explanatory.
1. That for implementing the desires of Srila Prabhupada and the previous acharyas, the GBC and ISKCON shall immediately begin work on the “ALL ISKCON” project at Mayapur.
2. That a committee is hereby formed by the name of “MAYAPUR DEVELOPEMENT COMMITTEE”, and that the members of the committee shall be
1.Rameswara Swami 6.Gopal Krsna Das Adhikari
2.Tamal Krsna Goswami 7.Atreya Rsi Das Adhikari
3.Gurukripa Swami 8.Jaya Tirtha Das Adhikari
4.Jayapataka Swami 9.Harikesh Swami
5.Bhagavan Das Adhikari 10.Bhavananda Goswami
3. That the committee shall have the following powers, responsibilities and obligations:
a) To allocate funds without further sanction for the implementation, planning etc…of the Mayapur project from any BBT profits, and any other available sources which are given.
b) To decide on proposals regarding the Mayapur project and to sanction the plans, designs,programs and questions which arise.
c) To meet on at least occasions before planetarium construction starts which correspond with the following stages:
1) Project formulation:Guess of lost and cost flow evaluations,planning procedures,etc.,appointing engineer architects.
2) Approval of preliminary drawings: modifications approximative cost,preliminary selection of materials,etc.
3) Approval of final design:last revisions,revision of approximative cost,etc.
4) Approval of interior plan: final modification of interior,etc.
5) Approval of estimates: hiring contractors,and on any other occasion as may be necessary.
d) To sanction the procurement of necessary and qualified devotees to work under the project,this sanction with the permission of local GBC and president,provided the individual is agreable.
e) To review the reports made by the various research groups and approve on the recommendation and implementation.
f) To be always in the awerness of the progress of the project,and to stimulate the ideals of the project of ISKCON at large.
g) To do all other things on behalf of the GBC,which are required to further the Mayapur Developent Project,and to give reports to the GBC at the annual meeting.
h) To appoint personnel on any committee formed for planning,research,etc…of the project.
4. That the committee will elect a Chairman,a Vice-Chairman,and a secretary to co-ordinate the working of the committee,and their term shall be one year.
5. That on the order of the Chairman ( or on his absence,or non availability, the Vice-Chairman ) the secretary will notify the committee members 15 days in advance of the venue and of the next meeting,and that the quorum of the meeting thereby officially called shall be four members.
6. That the chief architect and the head supervisor shall be non-voting,ex-officio members of the “SMPDC” shall be entioted to attend all the meetings,and that the “SMPDC”shall be entitled to call any one to sitin the meeting, or render a report befoore the committee,but that such ex-officio members,or others present shall have no voting power in the committee.
7. That all other conditions in the “standing orders”regarding committee shall be followed.
8. That the “SMPDC” shall appoint a “working sub committee” from any of its members for being immediately available to the planning department and other research groups and for dispensing funds sanctioned and made available by the previous decision of the “SMPDC”,and for doing all other things related as may be resolved by the committee as its representative.
9. That the commitee shall appoint a “Mayapur planning department” being a team of devotee architects, engineers, draftsmen, construction supervisors, etc…, which shall be responsible for making plans, co-ordinate research groups
supervise construction, take quotations and tenders,work with professional architects, engineers and exports and give regular reports to “SMPDC” and its “WSC”.
10. That His Holiness Surabhirabhipalayantam Swami and Sriman Rajaram Das Adhikari shall be the first members of the said planning department.
C.Motions : Re-fund raising committee
1. That there shall be formed a SRI MAYAPUR DEVELOPEMENT PROJECT FUND RAISING COMMITTEE who shall be responsible for raising fund and for co-ordinating the fund-raising for the Sri Mayapur Developement Project including forming new parties, donation,and other means, and shall enjoy the co-operation of the rest of the society in the implementation of their program.
2. That the first members of the fund raising commitee shall be :
a) Guru Kripa Swami f) Harikesh Swami
b) Tamal Krsna Goswami g) Jaya Tirtha Das A.
c) Adi Kesava Swami h) Bhagavan Das A.
d) Rameswara Swami i) Hari Sauri Das A.
e) Atreya Rsi Das A. j) Gopal Krsna Das A.
k) Jayapataka Swami
and that temple presidents and other members may be co-opted as members by the SMDP fund raising committee.
3. That the above SMDP fund raising committee shall
elect its office bearers for one year and meet during the Mayapur festival and susequently during the year,at least once,and may form sub-committee’s reports shall be submitted by the F.R. commitee to the SMDPC for their advice.
D. Motions : Re: Research institute
1. That a research institute styled as “BHAKTIVEDANTA UNIVERSAL ORDER RESEARCH INSTITUTE” ( or “BHAKTIVEDANTA ASTRONOMICAL RESEARCH IMSTITUTE”),( or B.I.) shall be established and research on the vedic understanding of the Universal order shall be undertaken on a full time basis for the purpose of erecting an exhibit at Sri Mayapur,and there after in other places,for giving publis and scientific circles of the real picture of the Universe.
2. That the above mentioned R.I. shall be financed under the auspices of the Sri Mayapur Developement Project Committee’s Fund
3. That the above mentioned Research Institute shall have the following devotees in the first committee and that other persons may be co-opted as per their decision.
1) Swarup Damodar Das Brahmachari
2) Sadaputa Das Adhikari
3) Gurukripa Swami
4) Harikesh Swami
5) Yasodanandana Swami
6) Bhakti Prema Swami
7) Jagadish Das Adhikari
8) Pradyumna Das Adhikari
9) Hridayananda Goswami
1. Jayapataka Swami’s “Motions in regard to Mayapur Project”are accepted as amended above.
2. That above mentioned Research Institute shall be under the Bhaktivedanta Institute under the review of the SMPDC
3. Each GBC will give one man to Africa.
4. The preaching centers in Buffalo and Ann Arbor shall be restored to their original form as they were in 1977. Buffalo will be reopened by Adi Kesava Swami or Kirtanananda Swami.GBC suggests that Badrinarayana return to Ann Arbor.
5. All temples shall be financed autonomus.
6. Gopal Krsna shall be the” Big Brother” of Delhi
7. North America GBC will form standing committee to meet at least one per yearout side of the Mayapur festival.
8.The GBC requests BBT USA to fund Panihati Project.
9. The GBC suggests that devotes whose Nationality allows them to easily enter Bangladesh and stay there should be allowed to do so.
RESOLUTIONS MARCH 21,1978 9:30 am
1. A GBC committee will be formed consisting of GBC members who are initiating Gurus.they will choose new gurus once per year in Mayapur.This is an amendment to resolution # 16 of March 19,1978 9.30 am
2. State the resolution that GBC,Sannyasi and presidents lose their positions if they leave the Society
3. Nanda Kumar no longer considered to be a devotee.
4. Instaled Deities can not moved with out GBC permission given once a year at Mayaour.
5. Permission to change Hawaii’s Panchatatwa Deities given by GBC.
6. The Deities moved from Japan because of great necessity will be moved back to Japan.
7. Bhagavan has permission to move Radha-Paris Iswara more than once in order to keep them in Paris.
8. Rameswara Swami has permission to move Laguna Beach Deities.
9. Harikesh Swami has permission to move the Swiss Deities.
10. Hridayananda Goswami has permission to move Gour- Nitai and install Lord Jagannath.
11. Sydney temple given permission to move Gour-Nitai.
12. Permision given to install Deities in Chandigarh and Delhi Deities.
13. Permission given to move New Zealand Deities.
14. Permission given to move London Deities.
15. Permission given tomove Chicago Deities.
16. Marble Radha-Krsna Deities only installed in ISKCON owned properly or with special permission of GBC.
17. The GBC recommends that BBT provide funds for construction.
18. Gurukripa Swami accepts as part of his zone Vrndavana gurukala with full responsibilities.
19. Any effort to open gurukala must be in consultation with the Minister of Education.
20. If funds are available the next priority in allocation of ISKCON Food Relief Funds is the Mayapur
Gurukala(in order to increase the potential acceptance of more students.
21. No GBC can knowingly or unknowingly permit his men or himself to engage in illicit, illegal activities.
22. GBC does not condone going to professional or non devotee astrologers.
23. Execution of Prabhupada’s will must see that his will is being carried out.
24. A committee shall be formed to present annual budget and loan projections under the direction of the Finance Minister.
1. North American and Indian devotees will meet regionally in January to resolve local issues, with the purpose of reducing the international agenda.
2. GBC meeting format will be,first,4 days of committees, then 3 days of general meetings,with the time for Parikrama.
Recommendations for amendment to resolutions and suggestions of temple Presidents-aapproved by the GBC temple president’s meeting March 21,1978.
Recommended Resolutions
1. Where as the North American temple Presidents have already agreed to exhibit a spirit of cooperation and the practice of consultation in regard to travelling Sankirtan Parties, and where as the New Vrndavana mother’s travelling party is specifically noted to be a great offender in this regard, it is resolved that the continued violation of this principle should be swiftly dealt with by a group of three GBC men.
2. A festival review committee made up of 3 GBC men and temple 3 temple presidents should be appointed to help organise the festival according to the desires of the devotees.The committee is:Caru Dasa,Vicitravirya Dasa, Gopal Bhatta,Jayapataka Swami,Guru Kripa Swami,and Adi Kesava Swami.
3. The GBC resolutions and any supplementary material should be seen by the temple presidents at least one half day before their meeting in Mayapur.
4. All major temple must provide accomodations for visiting life members as well as courteous reception and Prasadam.
5. Three temple predsidents or Life Membership Directors, namely Giriraj Goswami,Sri Govinda Prabhu, and Vicitravirya Prabhu should be added to the GBC Life Membership Committee.
1. All temple presidents should pledge to participate more directly in any Sankirtan and book distribution activities, either by going out themselves once a week, or by organising Marathons or Maha book distribution efforts,or by any other means they are capable of.
2. There should be a workshop of temple Presidents and Sankirtan leaders next year led by Bhaja Hari Prabhu and Tripurari maharaj concerning how to organise Sankirtan Marathons all over the world.
3. The temple Presidents may hold workshops on a zonal and International basis before the Presidents meeting at Mayapur each year.
4. Devotees who have original tapes of Srila Prabhupada should turn them over to BBT Central Archives in L.A. to be copied, preserved and uses as source material for books and BTG articles as well as for duplication and mass distribution. The donors will be provided with first class copies of the original. Copies of original letters should also be sent to the Archives.