March 28, 1986
1. Election of officers – The GBC executive committee for 1986 is
Chairman – Srila Tamal Krsna Goswami
Vice Chairman – Sriman Balavanta Das Adhikary
Secretary – Bhagavan Das Goswami
2. A 2/3 majority of voting members present will be required for
1. Removing a GBC . 2. Removing a guru. 3. Amending laws of ISKCON and standing orders of the GBC. 4. Adding new GBC members. All other proposals will require a simple majority of voting members present.
3. New GBC members added to the body
1. Prabhavisnu Maharaj as a full voting member
2. Sundararupa Maharaj as an acting GBC.
MARCH 29, 1986.
1. That Guru Gauranga Das will be Minister of Justice and assistant (BG) GBC.
2. The Privilege Committee will now be known as the GBC Judicial Committee.
3. The GBC Judicial Committee will be constituted of the following
1. Rupanuga
2. Balavant
3. Prabhavisnu Maharaj
4. Tamal Krsna Maharaj
5. Jagadisha Maharaj
4. That Bhagavan Das Goswami will be the Minister of Book DIstribution.
MARCH 30, 1986.
1. That a simple majority (51%) will be required to change existing ISKCON laws and a 2/3 majority to change standing orders.
2. The GBC Body considers that the meeting held at New Vrndavan in September 1985 was not properly called and held according to the existing rules and proceedures (void – see Resolution of March 31 pg 64 April 1 Bdg.
3. Based upon the GBC guidelines for initiating gurus, any GBC can present a diksa guru candidate before the GBC body. Unless the majority of voting members objects to the nomination, the candidate will be placed on a required one year waiting period, during which he should neither conclude or convey to others that he will automatically be approved.
At the end of the yearly waiting period, the GBC body will review the candidates qualification taking account the opinion of the local leadership, and upon majority approval of the body, he may take up the responsibilities ofan initiating guru in ISKCON.
4. The GBC gives its blessings to those who have begun to give formal initiations since September, 1985. They are as follows:
1. Lokanath Swmi – Padayatra, Pandarpura Delhi
2. Bhakti Abahya Carana Swami – Costa Rica, Guatamali
3. Maharam das Adhikary – Columbia
4. Bir Krsna Swami – North Carolina
5. Virabahu das Adhikari – Los Angeles Venezuela
6. Paramananda das Adhikar – Gita Nagari
7. Caru das Adhikari – Los Angeles, Utah
8. Narahari Swami – Hawaii
9. Radha Krsna Swami – Mexico
5. The following, who have received recommendation from 3 GBC members according to the September, 1985 GBC resolutions are given blessings to initiate.
1. Mahanidi Swami – Baltimore
2. Ramapada Swami – New York
3. Niranjana Swami – Boston
4. Navayogendra Swami – Punjab, Kenya, Kashmira, Gulf
5. Rupanuga prabhu – Southern USA
6. Ravindra Swarupa prabhu – Mid Atlantic States
6. Vipramukhya Swami is placed on a one year waiting period, to be considered for initiation at the following Mayapur Festival.
MARCH 31,1986
1. That all of Bhavananda Goswamis GBC and initiations responsibilities can be resumed by him as of October, 1986.
2. The Minister of Justice will expedite and supervise the issues in dispute between Harikesa Swami, Bhagavan das Goswami and Sundararupa Goswami on the one side and Bhaktiswarupa Damodar Goswami and Atreya Rsi prabhu on the other. Each side will select a mediator and the two mediators will select a third mediator. This 3 man body will attempt to resolve the problem to the satisfaction of both parties. If not the matter will be referred to the GBC judicial committee.
3. In every ISKCON Temple, Srila Prabhupada, as the founder acarya of ISKCON will have a Vyasasana which is substantiially more prominent than any other vyasasana.
4. The photos of H.D.G. A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: H.D,G. Bhaktisidanta Swami Prabhupada: Srila Gaura Kisora Das Babaj, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Jaganatha das Babaji should always remain on all ISKCON altars.
5. Local temple (or zonal) leaderships may determine the practical details of guru worship and protocol within the parameters authorised in the previous GBC resolutions. These include such things as:
1. Vyasasanas
2. Photographs
3. Altars etc.
6. The BBT will publish a book (suitable for general distribution) which will philosophically establish the unique position of H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
APRIL 1, 1986.
1. The former “temple presidents meeting” will now be referred to as the ” ISKCON Managers Meeting”
2. Those elegible to attend and vote in the “ISKCON Managers Meeting” are as follows:
1. The president of any authorised temple or preaching center listed in BTG or any official BBT publication. (Any center which cannot officially publish its address can get autorisation from the GBC Chairman).
2. Regional secretaries
3. Global ministers
4. Zonal ministers
5. Headmaster of a major gurukula project.
6. The representative of a global minister who is a GBC
3. Atreya Rsi prabhu is given blessings and authoriisation to take up initiating guru responsibilities.
Mukunda Goswami is given blessings and authorisation to take up initiating guru responsibilities.
4. The GBC directs the officers and managers of all ISKCON corporations to make all necessary and prudent arrangements to defend the corporations and their properties from legal liability, including lawsuits such as Robin George v. ISKCON etc. Failing to make such arrangements shall be sufficient ground for removal of the officers regional secretaries or GBC zonal secretaries.
5. From hence forward the GBC meetings will be held after the annual festival at Sri Dham Mayapur.
(Zonal assignments)
6. Resolution regarding the GBC Emergency Meeting of September, 1985.
Although the September 1985 Emergency Meeting was found to be improperly called and held according to GBC rules and proceedures, the GBC has recognized the concern of the assembled devotees and the relevance and importance of the issues, and has therefore taken up each resolution of that meeting as a proposal during this current General GBC Meeting.
Srila Prabhupada has instructed that it is exteremely important that all GBC meetings especially Emergency Meetings, be called and conducted according to proper procedure.
The irregularities of the September, 1985, meeting were as follows:
1. Emergency meetings are to enforce and clarify existing GBC rules, not to change them or to create new laws.
2. Adequate notice was not given to all GBC members. (Srila Prabhupada strongly stated in 1972 that timely notice should be given to all GBC members).
3. As per GBC rules, ( and according to the precedent established by Srila Prabhupada in 1972) “stipulated topics” or agenda must be circulated before hand, stating the specific issues at hand at all GBC members, onconvenmeeting. Many members did not receive any clear indication of topics
before the September, 1985 meeting (Rule SMG 111. A).
4. No minute book was maintained and specific resolutions were not recorded at the time of the meeting and confirmed by the members present. Minutes were published without authorisation of GBC officers, and error was found (BGD)
The GBC resolutions on the subjects brought up in the September, 1985 meeting are given hereafter.
April 2, 1986:
1. The GBC body will approve goals and objections for its final secretaries and Ministers to be accomplished during the upcoming year.
2. The GBC executive committee request periodic report from its ministers.
3. The executive committee will mediate between GBC ministers and final secretaries if there is any conflict of interest in executing GBC directions.
4. Matters of no confidence regarding presidents, regional secretaries, or GBC zonal secretaries should be resolved locally failing which they will be referred to the appropriate judicial committee
5. If the establishment of a project within a particular zone will cause that zone or the temples within that zone to stop or greatly diminish their BBT remittence (i.e,the GBC mandate of 25-50 % ) the GBC Zonal secretary must receive approval before the GBC body at the annual Mayapur meeting.
6. That Rabindra Swarupa’s paper `ON MY ORDER’ is not the offical statement of the GBC body.
7. The GBC affirms the principle of Zonal divisions and that the local zonal secretary is responsible for the overall management and administration of his zone AND IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE TO THE GBC BODY AS A WHOLE.
8. Ganapati Swami is given GBC blessings to begin initiation.
9. No GBC member should publically take the side of a non GBC member against another GBC.
10. No GBC member should enter into the Zone of another GBC member on the plea of protecting or helping someone within that zone, without the approval of local GBC.
11. Every GBC member should support the decisions of the GBC body. He is free to express his opinion after first clearly presenting the will of GBC body.
12. A GBC member should never give ideas to non GBC members how to disrupt the decions or workings of the GBC body.
13. Unpublished
14. In case the GBC officers or a GBC subcommitee considers it necessary to convene an EXTRA ORDINARY MEETING the following the following proceders must be observed:
1. The reasons for the meeting as well as relevent backround information should be specified in writing to all GBC members or other parties concerend.
2. Sufficient time for exchanging correspondense must be allowed from the time of intial notice of the meeting until the actual date of the meeting.
3. The ultimate decision to convene an EXTRA ODINARY MEETING, must be taken by the entire body after due consideration by and with all the member. The decision is to be taken by a majority vote.
15. In reference to the “Robin George Case,”
1. Canada must pay by October 1986 a total of $50,000 (Canadian) in equal monthly installments. This to be divided amongst the Canadian temples as follows:
Vancouver 40% Toronto 25%
Motreal 25% Ottowa 10%
If any temple fails to make their payment the local presidents will be asked to resign. (Bahuda das – Vancouver, Bhakti Manga Swami – Toronto, Roohan Prabhava Vigraha das – Monreal, Sankara das – Ottowa.)
2. N.Y. must pay a total of $50,000 U.S. by October 1986. The desicion of payments is to be worked out by the responsible temples of the GBC general secretaries. These temples will have 6 months to meet their payments, failure to do so the local temple president will be asked to resign. (Visnugada – Towaco, Romapada Swami; Lochananda das – N.Y.)
16. For the time being, due to the Hawaii farm project, the Hawaii temple is exempt from the BBT remittence full of 25% 50%.
17. The Miniter Of Architecture should inspect ISKCON properties all around the world. If he finds that signifigent changes or corrections are required, he must give written notification to the local management, (Zonal secretary, temple president, ect.) If the local GBC and temple authorties fail to comply the minister of architecture must notify the GBC executive committee and ultimately the GBC body for action.
18. The minister of architecture shall be consulted and given direction regarding all matters of maintenence, structure and aesthetics in any project constructed with International funds. No change in the maintence, structure or design can be done without his written permission.
19. Faith in the Governing Body Commision as the ultimate managing authoritiy in ISKCON, shall be preserved, protected and enchanced by all ISKCON members. The authorized forum for GBC policy is the annual GBC meeting, annual ISKCON managers meeting, annual Sannyasis assembly, and similar official meetings held after the Goura Purnima festival at Sri Mayapur. Outside of these meetings it is the duty of all ISKCON members and leaders to support and adjust to GBC decisions. Srila Prabhupada’s principle was to meet once a year, make decision, and follow then during the year. Activities contrary to this, shall be considered as a serious breach of etiquette and discipline.
20. Oaths for devotees approved to act as intiating spiritual masters, shall be administered in an ISKCON temple by the local GBC secretary as soon as possible after Governing Body Commision blessings have been given. (Written copies of the oath shall be kept and submitted to the GBC secretary.) The following procedure is recemmended for the ceremony:
A. Public ceremony is held in temple room before Srila Prabhupada murti.
B. Brief explenation is given to assembled devotees.
C. Oath is read out by GBC Zonal Secretary and accepted by newly approved initiating guru.
D. A garlend is taken from Srila Prabhupada and placed on devotee taking oath.
21. The GBC blessings for becoming an initiating spiritual master on behalf of the disciplic succesion are given to devotees who have, for all practical purposes, fulfilled the qualifications and guidlines approved in this regard. GBC blessings are not intended to be a statement on the degree or leval of god realization of the initiating guru. Sadhu, Sastra and Guru are the authorized references to understand the level of advancement of a devotee. Candidates for initiation are personally responsible to accept initiation only after mature faith in the spiritual master has developed.
April 3 1986
1. Every GBC member must attend the annual GBC meeting for its entire duration. Any GBC member arriving late and/or leaving before the conclusion of the annual meeting, without prior consent of the executive committee, shall have his voting rites suspended for a period equal to the time missed.
2. Mukunda Maharaja will be GBC for the Hawaii farm project and GBC with Ramesvara Swami for the rest of the yatra. The Hawaii temple will give a fixed committment of $8,500 a month for the first year after which a $500 per month, per year reduation, will go on until the monthly support is finished.
3. The South Asia Continental Committee will meet and find a solution to complete the projects at Gauhati and Bhubeneswara.
4. In order to resolve the issue of South India, (Andhara Pradesh), the concerned parties namely, Jayapataka Swami and Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Swami will meet first with the judical committee then afterwards the matter will go to mediation, (each party choosing a mediator and the 2 mediators choosing a third.)
5. Resolution: That the 30 acres of land purchased in Jagannatha Puri being held in the name of the father of Purnima Chand be transferred to ISKCON, (INDIA). H.D.G. Srila Bhakti Swarupa Damodara Goswami Maharaja shall thereupon be added as a land trustee for this land in addition to other land trustees already approved by the GBC. Purnima Chand dasa is directed to have this transfer performed as soon as possible.
6. Zonal Assignments. All zones the same as 1985 except for the following modifications:
1. Rupanuga – GBC – Alaska
2. Prabhavisnu Swami – GBC – Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, * Cambodia.
Co. GBC with Jayapataka Swami- Malaysia, Thailand,
Bangladesh, Nepa, North Bihar (including Patna), Sikkim.
Co. GBC with B.S.D Swami – Burma.
3. Harikesa Swami – Co. GBC Hydrabad farm
4. Bhagavandas Goswami – Cyprus, Malta.
5. Jayapataka Swami – Co. GBC with Prabavisnu Swami
for Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal, North Bihar
(including Patna), Sikkim. No longer GBC of Brunia,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambrodia.
6. Mukunda Swami – Co. GBC – Hawaii
– GBC – Hawaii farm project.
7. Bhavananda Goswami – Papua New Guinea.
8. Sudararupa Goswami – France
9. Jagadisha Goswami – Co. GBC with Gopal Krsna –
Canada, Seattle.
Co. GBC – Bhaktivendanta Village
Lake Huntington.
10. Atreya – Risikesa, Hardwar, and all
cities on the Highway after Meerat fall and Dehradun.
11. Gopal Krsna Goswami – Kuruksetra.
7. Bhaktiprabhava Maharaj is given blessings to take up the responsibilities of initiating guru.
8. That GBC Ministers will work directly in consulation (BDG) Zonal secretaries and their zona ministers.
9. Sannyasa recommendations.
Gurupada – Narayana Kawaca 2 years
Bhagavatpada – Radha Govinda 1 year
Atreya Rsi – Purnima Candra 1 year
Bhagavandas Goswami – Ragubhira das B 1 year
Ayodhyapati 1 year
Acaryadeva – Pundarupa das B 1 year
Jagatvicita 1 year
Pancadravida swami – Maharati 1 year
Acaryapada – Ilapati 1 year
Prabhavisnu Swami – Janananda 2-year
10) Guru Recommendations
11) No sannyas initiation will be recognized unless the GBC proceedures have been followed.
12. B.S. Damodara Swami will consult with Garuda das and Rabindra Swarupa concerning the use of the name “Bhaktivedanta Institute”. He will report the discussion to the executive committee.
13. B S D M will publish the proceedings of the Bombay Conference on Science and Religion.
14. B S D M will publish a science magazine the theme of which will be the interaction of science and religion, to be published quarterly or semi annually.
15. B S D M will conduct a B I conference in the Bay area this year.
16. B S D M will continue his book series of interviews with Nobel Lauretes and leading scholars.
17. B S D M will establish an institute for training graduate students at Tirupati for missionary work.
18. B S D M will work with the local zonal secretaries to establish zonal B I Ministeries.
19. B S D M will make available to the executive committee copies of all trust deeds and properties titles held under the name of B I.
20. The B I will establish centers only after obtaining permission of the local GBC zonal secretaries.
21. Properties may only be registered and/or held in the name of ministry with prior consent of the GBC body.
22. Educational programs, beyond the primary level (ages 13 and above) shall be organised in a way which corresponds to the movement’s stratagies for social development in the area of the world where such programs exist or are proposed.
23. In addition to the Ministry of Education, each one shall develop its own Ministry or Board of Education to conceive of and organise secondary and above educational programs which correspnd to the strategies for social development being applied within that zone.
April 4, 1986.
(Description and Goals)
To provide the worldwide ISKCON community the means to resolve controversies and administer justice expeditiously and equitably.
– Compilation of a uniform world-wide code of justice (laws,
penalties, enforcement) after due research of
Srila Prabhupada’s books, letters, lectures and
Manu-smrti and other dharma-sastras;
GBC Resolutions (Iskcon Laws, etc.)
GBC Judicial Committee decisions;
Previous exeriences and draft proposals of different
Present experimental models
Karmi codes of law
– Establishment and Organisation of a world-wide system of
judicial process.
Creation of temple, zonal, continental judicial
Drawing up standardised judicial procedures, e.g.,
establishment of criteria of jurisdiction, eligibility,
introduction of complaints, investigations, submission
of evidence, guarantees. appeals, legal defence
subsidy fund, etc.
– Establishment of a Ministry of Justice Central Office for
the purpose of
Assembling adequate office staff and research staff,
Corresponding with zonal ministries, judicial
committees, plaintiffs, defendents, and Iskcon devotees
Keeping files of cases (investigations, verdicts, etc.)
Publishing and disseminating codes, laws, penalties
and general Ministry of Justice information to educate
the Society and promote the principles and belief in
justice in ISKCON.
– Finances
To cover the general overhead (maintenance, operating
expenses, etc.) of the Ministry of Justice will be
supplied through the GBC Executive Committee, to cover
expenses of individual cases will come on a case by case
recovery basis (as much as possible)
N B The GBC Body specifically empowered the Minister of Justice to initiate investigations without first having received a complaint and to issue injunctions. Specific investigatioons have already been assgned for 1986/87.
The above definition of the Ministry of Justice and description of its goals is a long-term projection with the understanding that as much as possible will be achieved in the first year of its existence.
2. That Tamal Krsna Goswami is added as a Co-GBC for the region of New York, New Jersey, Conneticut.
3. The executive committee will establish the budget for the GBC Ministry of Justice with Guru Garuanga das and oversee the payments.
4. For all international projects (i.e. built with international funds) there shall be a board of directors of not less than five or more than seven of which the local GBC shall act as the Managing Director. The board of directors shall establish goals and strategies which they will be respnsible to follow up on.
Directors for the Bombay, Vrndavana and Mayapur projects are as follow;
Gopal Krsna Maharaj Gopal Krsna Maharaj Bhavananda Goswami
Giriraj Swami Jagadisa Maharaj Jayapataka Goswami
Tamal Krsna Goswami Bhagavandas Goswami Bhagavan Goswami
Srila Bhaktipada Jayapataka Swami Tamal KrsnaGoswami
Mukunda Goswami Bhavananda Goswami Rameswara Swami
Sripad Maharaj Srila Rameswara Swami GopalKrsnaMaharaj
Rameswara Swami Srila Bhaktipada Harikesa Swami
5. Bhavananda Goswami will be the ISKCON Minister of Cultural Affairs. He will build a Cultural Center in Manhattan.
6. Giriraj Swami will be the Iskcon Minister of Indian Affairs.
7. Approved goals for the Ministry of Book Distribution are as follows;
a. Develop set distribution, inacting with various BBT divisions worldwide.
b. Assume responsibility for the Sankirtan Newsletter.
c. Try to develop book distribution by devotees dressed in traditional devotee clothes.
d. Publish a book that will serve as a training guide for book distribution
e. To to those temples and zones whose BBT remittances are far below the 25% minimum mandated by Srila Prabhupada, and to bring them up to the standard.
f. Develop worldwide contact sankirtan.
g. Establish a system of worldwide awards for book distribution achievements.
h. Establish book distribution as a major basis for financial stability.
8. The Constitutional Committee will prepare a draft of the ISKCON Constitution by October 1986 after meeting for this purpose.
9. Jagadish Goswami will produce a yearly Bhaktisastri examination to be given throughout the world.
a. Notices to convene an Annual General Meeting at Sri Mayapur shall state the time and shall invite proposals from GBC members and Temple Presidents regarding agenda and it shall be sent by mail to every GBC member and Temple President, and separately to committees from which proposals, reports, and/or recommendations shall be required not less than 120 days before the date of the meeting. No general meeting shall be invalidated by the non receipt of any notice thereof by any member.
b. Proposals on any topic must be submitted by any GBC member to the GBC Executiive Committee (Chairman. Vice-Chairman and secretary) via the corresponding secertary not less than 90 days before the Annual Meeting.
c. After receiving all the agenda topics via the corresponding secretary, the GBC executive committee shall compile all the proposals received and formulate a provisional agenda. The compilation of proposals, reports and/or recommendations have been required, not less than 75days before the Annual Meeting.
d. The GBC Members may then query or raise objection to the provisional agenda to be received in writing by the corresponding secretary not less than 45 days before the Annual Meeting.
e. The GBC executive committee will then mail out the final agenda to the GBC members not less than 30 days before the Annual Meeting, thereby enabling he GBC members sufficient time for their personal consideration of the agenda items.
f. However, the Chairman may present to the convening GBC body any important proposals which must be accepted by a majority vote of the GBC Body before being included in the agenda.
12. Before changing a GBC member’s zone, the GBC Body must first consult with the local leaders in the zone concerned.
13. Due to the recommendation of the Iskcon Managers Meeting the GBC voted to amend GBC proceedures regarding sannyas initiation such that Anir Desya Vapu may be initiatd into the sannyas ashram.
14. The Iskcon Managers’ Meeting should be provided with proper meeting facilities.
15. Acknowledging with great appreciation and gratitude the accomplishment of Hayagriva das in publishing Srila Prabhupada’s book, Dialectic Spiritualism we propose that any and all of Srila Prabhupada’s books published must be done in the name of the BBT and must be copywrited by the BBT and the BBT only.
16. Unpublished.
17.The GBC approves the following goals for the ISKCON Ministry of finance:
a) To estaliblish communications with all Zonal ministers of finance by sending a description of the ministry’s present available services and a questionare to each of the GBC secretaries requesting that the zonal ministers of finance complete the same directly communicate with the minister.
b)To recruit staff for the office of the Ministry to help in,
1.correspondence. collection and consolidation.
4.treasurer function.
c)To recruit assistance to provide the following services for the society at large;
1.bussiness consultancy
2.real estate advisory
3.investment advisory
4.advit and investigation advisory raising advisory systems and EDP advisory
7.research department and manual development
d)Correspondence with all BBT directors as well as all other international projects to ensure proper systems,propriety with objectives and policies,effiency,reporting to all donors and directors,and audit if necessary.
e)To collect annual financial statements from each of the zone and consolidate the same for the GBC annual meeting.
18.The Ministry of finance has an advisory and service function,and as such can only be succssful to the degree of the society’s managers co-operation and reciprocation.
19.The GBC body approves of the following devotees to immediately take up the responsibility of initiating spiritiiul master
a.Vipramukhya Swami.
The GBC approves of the following devotees to begin the responsibility of initiating spiritual master after 1 year period and final deliberation.
a. Kavichandra Swami
b. Jagad Guru Swami
c. Prahaladananda Swami
d. Trivrikram Swami
e. Jayadwaita Swami
f. Bhakticaru Swami
20. The GBC approves of Purnim candra das for the two year wating list to take sannyas initiation.
21. Bhavananda Roy Das shall take sannyas initiation from an ISKCON initiating guru.
22. All GBC secretaries, regional secretaries, and temple presidents encourage and facilitate the establishment of ” The Committee to free the Soviet Hare Krishnas” in their areas of the world.The work of the committee branches would be to arrange for the signing and sending of petitions, postcards and letters to Soviet authorities on behalf of the imprisoned devotees in the USSR. Addtional activities such as contacting members of Amnesty International and other human rights orginisations can also be taken up as far as possible. Activities of the committee’s branches will be co-ordinated by Kirtiraj das.