1. (EFFECTIVE JAN 15, 1989) That, after all reasonable attempts to save the ISKCON Miami Beach property have failed, the GBC body regretfully gives its approval for the sale of the property and the moving of the deities to another suitable location.
2. (EFFECTIVE FEB. 20, 1989) That a devotee in ISKCON cannot be married again by Vaishnava fire sacrifice if the previous marriage is ended by legal divorce, unless the local authorities (Temple President, GBC, etc.) where the divorce occured, and the spiritual master(s) concerned give their consent that there is an authorized Krishna conscious basis for the fire sacrifice.
3. (EFFECTIVE FEB. 20, 1989) That the guru approval procedures be modified to state that after a guru candidate is approved by a local council (as per resolution #22, page 139), his name shall be sent to the Corresponding Secretary of the GBC, who, after verifying that the GBC approved procedures have been observed, will send to all GBC members. If three GBC members express serious doubts in writing to the Corresponding Secretary within three months of the date of notification, the candidates shall not accept the role of initiating guru, and his case shall be considered at the next annual general meeting of the GBC. The Corresponding Secre tary shall inform the chairman of the concerned council of the doubts or absence of doubts regarding the candidate. In the event that three or more GBC men did express their doubts within the tgree month period, and then any of these GBC members subsequently withdraw their doubts in writing, thus bringing the number of such GBC members to less than three, the guru candidate may then take up the role of initiating guru. The Corresponding Secretary shall monitor this program and inform the concerned parties as necessary.
4. (EFFECTIVE FEB. 20, 1989) That it is recommended that Istagosthi be convened by the Continental GBC Committees for North America, Europe, and India each year, between thirty and ninety days prior to the International GBC meeting (India may hold their meeting during the month of Kartika), with all GBC men in those areas, interested ISKCON managers and sannyasis of the Continent, and other senior devotees upon invitation, to hear formal reports on the year’s progress from continental GBC zonal secretaries and other leaders; and to discuss the following topics:
1) Continental representation on the International GBC;
2) Continental preaching strategies;
3) Continental BBT related issues;
4) Continental zonal assignment changes (if temples want
to be reassigned to another zone);
5) Other pertinent issues.
Participants should be invited to prepare papers on any of the above topics for discussion. Papers on any conclu sions of discussions may be commissioned by the Istagosthi and distributed as seen fit.
5. (EFFECTIVE FEB. 20, 1989) Whereas, the existing Provisional Order which states that the worship of Srila Prabhupada at his samadhi shall be shared by the individual GBC men on a rotating basis has proven to present a hardship upon some GBC men such that the Order has not been regularly followed, it shall be resolved that said Provisional Order be repealed. The All-India GBC Committee shall be requested to arrange for this worship.
6. Election of officers- The GBC executive officers for 1988-89 are;
Chairman – Bhakti Caru Swami
Vice Chairman – Ravindra Svarupa dasa
Secretary – Badrinarayana dasa
7. That the resignation of Ganapati Swami from the GBC body be accepted.
8. That the resignation of Vrikodara Prabhu from the GBC body be accepted.
[Note: Prthu Prabhu did not receive the required vote for appointment as full GBC and shall no longer be a member of the GBC body.]
9. That Gour Govinda Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
10. That Ravindra Swarup Prabhu be appointed as a full GBC member.
11. That Bhakti Caru Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
12. That Agrani Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
13. That Niranjana Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
14. That Hari Vilas Prabhu be appointed as a full GBC member.
15. That Siva Ram Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
16. That Kavicandra Swami be re-appointed as Acting-GBC member for one more year with full voting rights.
17. That Bhaktibhusana Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
[Note: Danavir Prabhu did not receive the required vote for appoint-ment as full GBC and shall no longer be a member of the GBC body.]
18. That Guru Prasad Swami be appointed as a full GBC member.
19. That Tosan Krishna Prabhu be re-confirmed as Acting GBC with no voting rights for one year. He will be eligible for appointment as a full GBC member at the 1990 GBC meeting.
20. That Kirtiraj Prabhu be re-confirmed as Acting GBC with full voting rights for one year. He will be eligible for appointment as a full GBC member at the 1990 GBC meeting.
21. That Loka Sakshi Prabhu be appointed as Acting GBC. He will be eligible for appointment as a full GBC member at the 1990 GBC meeting.
22. That Paramgacchit Swami be appointed as Acting GBC. He will be eligible for appointment as a full GBC member at the 1990 GBC meeting.
23. That Badrinarayan Prabhu be appointed as Acting GBC. He will be eligible for appointment as a full GBC member at the 1990 GBC meeting.
24. That the ISKCON Judicial Committee for the 1989-1992 period shall be Bhaktibhushan Swami, Siva Ram Swami, Agrani Swami, Guru Prasad Swami, Toshan Krishna Prabhu, plus current and previous chairman.
25. That the Report Cards of the 50-man committee shall be kept on file with the Corresponding Secretary.
26. That, for saving New Mayapur, the GBC body expresses its heartfelt thanks to Adwaita Acarya, Bhakticaru Swami, Vishvambhara Goswami, Bhakta Pierre, Bhakta Mark, Madhvacarya, Kaliyapani, Bhagavat Jivan, Suresh Dutia, Hari Narayan, Bhaktin Marie, and all the other devotees in temples around the world who took part.
27. That the GBC body gives its permission to Agrani Swami to move Sri Sri Radha Krishna, located in Berbice, Guyana, to the new property, once the property is secured and facilities constructed.
28. That the GBC suggests that, pending further research, ISKCON devotees around the world, regardless of time zone, accept the dates given in the Yoga Pith Gaudiya Panjika as the standard dates for the vaisnava calendar. Bhakticaru Swami shall secure and certify an official translation.
29. That the following Provisional Orders from 1988 be retired: #17, 20, 23, 28, 33, 34, 37, 39, 48, 53, 83, 14, 21, 49, and 86.
30. That the following Provisional Orders form 1988 be continued: #5, 6, 50, 54, 59, and 44.
31. That the Indian Continental GBC Committee shall determine the proportion of repayment of MM De funds to the Mayapur- Vrindaban Trust, as per GBC Resolution #88-5.
32. [unpublished]
33. [unpublished]
34. That Resolution No. 88-45 be continued as a Provisional Order.
35. That Resolution No. 87-84 be retired.
36. That the wording of the official Oath of Allegiance be replaced with the followng new wording:
I solemnly pledge that as an officer or leader of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness I shall abide by the orders of the GBC of that Society, and by the Society’s spiritual rules, namely, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating, and the other principles set forth in The Nectar of Devotion. I further agree no to involve the Society or any of its members in any activities contrary to the above-mentioned principles. I understand that all the Society’s funds and properties under my control or direction — and anything the Society may have acquired under my direction — shall accrue solely to the Society should I either resign from or be relieved of my responsibilities and that at that time I shall have no claim on them whatsoever.
37. That Bhakticaru Swami becine the co-GBC of all of Bengal, including Bangladesh.
38. That Sivaram Swami become a co-GBC for Mayapur.
39. That Tamal Krishna Goswami become a co-GBC for Mayapur.
40. That Tosan Krishna das become a co-GBC for Mayapur.
41. That the following devotees be confirmed to act as trustees on behalf of the society for the ISKCON Venkateshwar Krishi Goraksha Trust at Medchal, AP, India: Jayapataka Swami, GOpal Krishna GOswami, Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami, Mahaman das, and Tattva Darshan das. (Mahaprabhu das should be requested to resign, and if he accepts, then another ISKCON member will be added as trustee.) The above trustees are required to be actively involved in trust matters.
42. That Shankerbrit das is suspended from holding any managerial ìpost in any ISKCON temple or any ISKCON-related organizations in India until judged otherwise by the Indian Continental Committee.
43. [unpublished]
44. That the following are the GBC Body’s guidelines for the Mayapur temple:
a.Maximum total cost for all things necessary to build the temple, with inflation, $30 million;
b. Total planning and construction time, 15 years, beginning March, 1989;
c. The temple must include:
1) As main deities, Pancatattva, Radha Madhava and the eight gopis, and the guru parampara2)
2) Vedicplanetarium
3) Four dhams exhibits
4) Kirtan hall
d. The temple shall be constructed for maximum longevity and minimum maintenance and upkeep;
e. Funding for this construction shall come from worldwide book distribution
Following these guidelines, the Mayapur GBC’s shall be responsible for submitting to the GBC members reports and designs for proposed temples three times a year. It shall also undertake the development of the Mayapur master plan.
45. The GBC Body gives its unanimous blessings to Hrdayananda das Goswami for translating the Mahabharata.
46. That there shall be a GBC subcommittee known as the Super visory Committee for India BBT Funds. The committee shall recommend to the GBC Body how to allocate funds given to ISKCON for India Projects by the BBT. The committee shall also audit and supervise the spending of those funds and make regular reports to the GBC Body and the trustees of the BBT.
47.That the Supervisory Committee for India BBT Funds shall have the following membership: Gopal Krishna Goswami, Jayapataka Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Naresvara das, Tosan Krishna das, and Harikesa Swami.
48.That the GBC directs the Property Trustees of the Miami property to come to terms with the BBT, with help from Navina Krishna das, Badrinarayana das, and Agrani Swami, for repayment of Miami’s outstanding BBT debts.
49.That the GBC Body encourages the BBT trustees to recognize and fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s directives to fund the Bhaktivedanta Institute projects.
50.That Provisional Orders from 1988 nos. 40, 73 and 90 are hereby retired.
51.That all ISKCON devotees are hereby instructed to fully coop erate with the consolidation of rights to Srila Prabhupada’s works in the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust-International.
March 10, 1989
52.That Bhaktitirtha Swami increase his association with senior ISKCON devotees by spending one month in Vrindaban during Kartik and one month in Mayapur during the upcoming year.
53. That the GBC directs the ISKCON Managers’ Meeting to devise the ways and means to tax the temples in ISKCON to provide $6,000 per year to the ISKCON Board of Education to fund its GBC approved budget.
54.That the GBC approves the proposed Executive Committee budget of $7,200, and assesses each GBC member $250 for 1989.
55.That Balavanta das be censured for failure to pay GBC Executive Committee assessments for two years.
56.That Balavanta das, Bhaktitirtha Swami, Giriraj Swami, and Guru Prasad Swami be granted a sixty day extension, until May 15, to submit their annual report to the Corresponding Secretary. Failure to do so will result in automatic censure by the GBC Body.
57.That GBC Resolution #88-36 be continued.
58.That GBC Resolution #88-63 be retired.
59.That Hari Vilas das and Vasudeva das be censured for failing to act on Correspondence Proposals.
60.That the resignation of Yasomatinandana das from the GBC Body be accepted.
61. That the GBC selects the following committee to meet with Sivaram Maharaj to discuss alternate strategies for the possible outcomes from the public inquiries over the enforcement order to close Bhaktivedanta Manor: Prabhavisnu Swami, Bhakticaru Swami, Kirtiraj Prabhu, Jagadisa Goswami, Sivaram Swami, and Akhandadhi Prabhu. The GBC invests in the committee the power to make decisions and commitments concerning the future of the project.
62.That GBC Resolutions from 1988, #18,19,29,38,56,and 85, be retired.
64.That the following is the official GBC policy regarding property sale and deity relocation. This ISKCON Law replaces and supercedes all previous resolutions on these subjects:
1. No local GBC shall allow any ISKCON property to be sold, mortgaged, borrowed against, transferred, or in any way ìencumbered, disposed of, or alienated, without the prior written permission of the three trustees for that property.
2. A local GBC desiring to relocate installed deities from their existing address (without selling any property) must secure the approval of the GBC body either at the annual meeting or through correspondence. (Note: This law does not apply to small moveable deities moving from a rented house to another suitable location in the same city/property.)
3. If a GBC’s plan to relocate installed deities includes sale of the property in which they resided, his proposal to the GBC body must be accompanied by:
a) a written recommendation with explanation by the local temple president and management council;
b) the written approval of the property trustees; and
c) a report by the trustees giving their reasons for the approval.
4. If a local GBC finds himself unable to maintain an ISKCON property in which installed deities reside, and also is unable to obtain the consent of the property trustees to sell the property, then he may approach the Executive Committee, which is empowered to take whatever steps are necessary in collaboration with the property trustees to save the proper ty, including appointing an ad-hoc co-GBC.
5. If installed ISKCON deities are being relocated to a new property, the three trustee of the deities’ original property are responsible to oversee the relocation, according to GBC directives, to ensure that
a) the funds realized from the sale of ISKCON property are not mismanaged; and
b) the new property is adequate to the needs of the deities and the community.
March 11, 1989
65. That the GBC Body hereby requests the following devotees to research on the basis of guru, sadhu, and sastra to help establish ISKCON policies regarding deity worship: Bhanu Swami, Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, Atmatattva, Jananivas, Astarata, and Krishna Ksetra. Jagadisa Goswami is appointed to coordinate the research work.
66.That the deity worship research group and the full GBC Body must approve the contents of the ISKCON Deity Worship Handbook before publication.
67.That Sacinandana Prabhu is approved to take sannyasa.
68.That Ilapati Prabhu is approved to take sannyasa.
69.That a Calendar Research Committee be formed to research the following subject areas and prepare a paper to be distributed to all GBC members at least 60 days prior to the 1990 GBC Mayapur meeting:
1) The difference in the movements of the moon and the sun, and the definition of a lunar and solar month and year.
2) Why we use a lunar calendar and not a solar one.
3) The brahminical and the Vaisnava traditions of calendar ìcreation.
4) How ekadasis and festival days are determined.
5) Problems in creating a calendar, and how these problems are dealt with by Vaisnavas according to the specific rules in the Hari Bhakti Vilas and tradition.
6) The relevance of the present calendar in different parts of the world.
7) Calculation of the calendar by hand versus computer program.
8) The methods and criteria of verification of a computerized calendar program.
9) Comparing the capabilities of the existing computer program against these criteria.
10) The importance of exactly determining Ekadasi. Whether or not it is important to exactly calculate other festival days.
11) Use of traditional data on the positions of the planets and the sunrise versus observable phenomena. A description of the traditional techniques of correcting formulas according to observation.
The committee shall, where possible, make specific recommendations for proposals to be considered at the 1990 Annual Meeting. Issues requiring GBC debate shall be out lined clearly for consideration.
70.That the Calendar Research Committee shall be Harikesa Swami, Chairman, Jayapataka Swami, Syamasundar das, Sadaputa das, Bhakticaru Swami, Gopavrindesh das, Bhanu Swami, and Bhaktividya Purna Swami.
71.That the sannyasa waiting list shall be as follows: Ayodhyapati das – one year; Prabhupada das – three years; Siddhartha das – five years.
72.That, due to allegations of child molestation, Ananta Rupa das, shall be prohibited from working directly or indirectly with any ISKCON school or project that involves children, or living in any ISKCON center.
73.That, due to allegations of child molestation, Manihar das, shall be prohibited from working directly or indirectly with any ISKCON school or project that involves children, or living in any ISKCON center.
74.That incidents of child molestation within ISKCON or ISKCON related organizations must be reported by the ISKCON authority to the local governmental agency or agencies for civil or criminal action, as appropriate.
75. That the central office of the Board of Education shall compile and maintain a record of children who have been or may have been abused in ISKCON schools. The Board shall work with the local ISKCON management to counsel the parents and help them to arrange for whatever professional help is ìneeded. The Board of Education office shall keep detailed records of the ongoing progress of each child as long as needed, and report the status each year to the GBC body.
76.That Micheal Pugliese, aka Govardhanadhari, be expelled from ISKCON for his involvement in criminal activity, and for claiming that ISKCON and its scriptures condoned and encouraged this activity.
77.That the deities of Sri Sri Radha Nila-Madhava who reside in ISKCON’s Seattle temple may be moved to another location.
78.That the GBC directs Surabhi Swami and Hari Krishna das, to submit themselves to the ISKCON system of Justice, in general, and specifically to all obligations arising from “ISKCON-France (represented by Advaita Acarya Prabhu) vs. Surabhi Swami and Hari Krishna das.”
79.That no ISKCON temple or other entity shall sell, give away, or otherwise permanently dispose of any original works of art which were created to illustrate Srila Prabhupada’s (or other BBT) books. If temples wish to transfer ownership of these artworks, they must do so to another ISKCON temple or to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
80.That all GBC mandated committees shall file copies of the minutes of all meetings with the Executive Committee via the Corresponding Secretary. Auxiliary organizations, such as the International BBT and MVT are requested to do the same.
81. That the GBC adopt the following system as the official method of book review and approval:
1) All GBC members, and other senior devotees the GBC approves, are authorized to review and approve literature for ISKCON devotees. A smaller group selected by the GBC, known as the ISKCON Review Board, will administer the system. The Review Board shall consist of a chairman, plus specialists in the following areas: philosophy and religion, science, children’s literature. Sanskrit translations, and Bengali translations.
2) An author will approach the GBC member, or other authorized reviewer of his choice and request him to review his work. No reviewer is required to review a work if he does not wish to. The ISKCON Review Board will provide each reviewer with a set of standards to use as a guide.
[Note: Approved guidelines are attached.]
3) If the reviewer unconditionally approves the work, he will provide the author with a “Letter of Approval.” The ìauthor will then approach two other qualified reviewers and obtain letters from them stating that they have “no objection” to the publication of the work, or the Letter of Approval. The author will then send copies of the work, the Letter of Approval, and the No Objection statements to the appropriate specialist (or the chairman in case of miscellaneous literature) of the ISKCON Review Board. If the author is not informed to the contrary by the chairman or specialist within 45 days, he may publish his work with a statement in the front-matter (or otherwise advertise the approval) that he has followed the authorized process for review and the content of his work has been approved by the specific reviewer. (The exact wording of this statement should be worked out by the Review Board.) If the chairman or specialist disapproves, the ISKCON Review Board, as a body, must make the final determination.
4) If a reviewer does not feel that a work deserves approval, he should inform the author of his reasons for rejecting the work. Since authors may approach more than one reviewer for approval, copies of letters denying approval must be sent to the chairman of the Review Board, or the appropriate specialist, so he will be aware that there may be problems with specific works.
5) Whenever reviewers, or the Review Board, feel that a work would be acceptable if it were modified, they will inform the author of what kind of improvements are required in order to obtain approval. In some cases, when an author has not been able to fulfill the normal requirements, the Review Board may grant conditional approval, stating that the work may be appropriate for use by certain readers, or under certain conditions.
6) The Review Board may decide that it wants to review works which have not been submitted for approval. In such cases, it will first request the author to submit his work in the normal fashion. If the author does not wish to submit his work, the Review Board may assign someone to review it anyway, and publish the results of the review.
7) The ISKCON Review Board has the right to rescind prior approvals at any time. Its reasons for doing so may include: improved or additional criteria, changes in the review procedures, changing social or other conditions in and around ISKCON, legitimate complaints or concerns of which the Review Board had not been aware, or any other cogent reasons that necessitate re-examination of a work. The Board may also cancel the right of a specific reviewer to grant approvals if it finds his approvals are defective. A decision of the Review Board may be overruled by a provisional order of the GBC.
8) At least once a year, the Review Board will publish and provide to all temples the results of its work, listing:
— Approved works to date, with the names of the approving reviewers.
— Works submitted, but not yet approved.
— Works rejected by three of more reviewers, or the Review Board, along with an explanation of why each work did not receive approval.
— Works which are conditionally approved, with explanations.
In order to make ISKCON’s positions on various reading materials widely available to the ISKCON public, the Review Board should also publicize its findings and reviews in ISKCON publications, such as ” ISKCON World Review.”
9) The Review Board should establish whatever additional procedures are necessary to carry out the spirit of this proposal.
82. That the ISKCON Review Board shall consist of the following devotees with their corresponding areas of speciality:
Prthu das – Chairman
Gopiparanadhana – Sanskrit
Bhakticaru Swami – Bengali
Sadaputa das – Science
Ravindra Svarupa – Philosophy and Comparative religion
Jagadisa Goswami – Children’s Books
Rupanuga – General
83. That the zonal assignments for 1989-90 are as follows:
Agrani Swami:
GBC — Caribbean, Bermuda
co-GBC with Tamal Krishna Goswami for South Florida
Badrinarayan das:
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Los Angeles
GBC for Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas
Balavanta das:
Minister of Legal Affairs
Bhakti Bhusana Goswami:
GBC — Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami — Chile
Bhakti Caru Swami:
GBC — Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for West Bengal
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for France
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami:
GBC — Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Andhra Pradesh
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Sri Lanka
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Bombay, Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for France
Bhaktitirtha Swami:
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami and Giriraj Swami for Central Africa, West Africa
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for North Africa
Giriraj Swami:
GBC — South Africa, Mauritius, Pakistan
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodara Swami for Sri Lanka
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Spain, Portugal
co-GBC with Bhaktitirtha Swami and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Central Africa, West Africa
Gopal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Goa, Maharashtra (other than Bombay), Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat, Kenya
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for Bombay and Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami and Jayapataka Swami for Andhra Pradesh
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for East Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jagadish Goswami for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Montreal
co-GBC with Bhaktitirtha Swami and Giriraj Swami for Central Africa, West Africa
Gour Govinda Swami:
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Orissa
Guru Gauranga das:
Minister of Justice
Guru Prasad Swami:
GBC — Venezuela, Columbia, Central America, Mexico
Harikesa Swami:
GBC — East Germany, W. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Yugoslavia, Lichtenstein
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Almviks Gard farm
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Hari Vilas das:
GBC — Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, North and South Yemen, Afghanistan, Northern California, Oregon, Hardwar and Rishikesh
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for State of Washington and British Columbia
co-GBC with Badrinarayan for Los Angeles
co-GBC with Ravindra Swarup for Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia
Hrdayananda das Goswami:
GBC — North and Central Florida, Greece and Cyprus
co-GBC with Loka Saksi and Paramgacchit Swami for Brazil
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Italy
Jagadisa Goswami:
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Ottawa and Toronto
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Spain and Portugal
co-GBC with Hrdayananda Goswami for Italy
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Vrindaban, West Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for State of Washington and British Columbia
Jayapataka Swami:
GBC — Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, Maldives, Bhutan, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana
co-GBC with Bhakti Bhusana Swami for Chile
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, Tamil Nadu, and Singapore
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Thailand
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for West Bengal
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Bhaktiswarup Damodara Swami for Andhra Pradesh
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Kavicandra Swami:
GBC — Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hawaii, Indonesia
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Thailand
Kirtiraja das:
GBC — USSR, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Israel
co-GBC with Sivarama Swami for Hungary
co-GBC with Harikesa Swami for Almviks Gard farm
Lokasaksi das:
co-GBC with Paramgacchit Swami and Hrdayananda Goswami for Brazil
Mukunda Goswami:
Minister of Public Affairs
Niranjana Swami:
GBC — New England, Festival of India
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Montreal
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Toronto and Ottawa
Paramgacchit Swami:
co-GBC with Loka Sakshi and Hrdayananda Goswami for Brazil
Prabhavisnu Swami:
GBC — Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Papua New Guinea
co-GBC with Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, Tamil Nadu, Singapore
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Eastern Uttar Pradesh co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
Ravindra Svarup:
GBC — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Delaware
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia
No portfolio
Sivarama Swami:
GBC — England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Ireland
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Hungary
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Tamal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines
co-GBC with Vasudeva for Polynesia
co-GBC with Agrani Swami for South Florida
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Tosan Krsna das:
GBC — New York and New Jersey
co-GBC for Mayapur (*)
Vasudeva das:
GBC — Fiji
co-GBC with Tamal Krsna Goswami for Polynesia
* co-GBC’s for Mayapur are Jayapataka Swami, Harikesa Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Sivarama Swami, Bhakticaru Swami and Toshan Krishna das
84.Recognizing the valuable service rendered to ISKCON by Ramesvara das, the GBC accepts his resignation as an initiating guru in ISKCON. We hope that he will return to active devotional service. His initiated disciples should seek spiritual shelter elsewhere in ISKCON.
85.Recognizing the valuable service rendered to ISKCON by Bhavananda das, the GBC hereby removes him as an initiating guru in ISKCON. We hope that he will return to active devotional service. His initiated disciples should seek spiritual shelter elsewhere in ISKCON.
86.Recognizing the valuable service rendered to ISKCON by Bhagavan das, the GBC hereby removes him as an initiating guru in ISKCON. We hope that he will return to active devotional service. His initiated disciples should seek spiritual shelter elsewhere in ISKCON.
87.That all ISKCON temples and farms shall contribute yearly support to the ISKCON Board of Education at the following rates:
North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand:
$40 per year, per project.
All other countries: $15 per year, per project.
Each GBC Secretary shall be responsible to collect the funds from all projects in his zone or zones and remit them to the Board of Education treasurer by July 1 of each year. It is suggested that each GBC appoint one man in his zone to collect and forward the payments. If a GBC desires, he may further apportion payments in his zone according to temple size, etc. However, the total zonal remittance must equal the formula stated above. The “List of ISKCON Centers” in the May, 1989 issue of the English language edition of BTG shall be used to determine which projects are required to remit funds.
March 12, 1989.
88. That all temples who have met their quota of samadhi payments as of Gaur Purnima 1989 are encouraged to continue contri buting to the samadhi on a voluntary basis. Temples that have not met their quota shall continue to make payments until they have done so.
89.That the GBC Body requests Satswarupa das Goswami to complete Srila Prabhupada’s translation and commentary on Mukunda Mala Stotra (Prayers of King Kulashekhara) and Narada Bhakti Sutra.
90.That GBC Resolution #87-72 (#22, page 139) shall be modified (first line) to state “That a devotee may serve as a diksha and/or shiksha guru in ISKCON …”
March 13, 1989.
91. That the GBC requests the following sannyasis to spend the stated amount of time minimum in the West and Central Africa zone:
Jayadhvaja Swami 2 months
Trivikram Swami 1 month
Visvambhara Goswami 2 months
Suhotra Swami 3 months
Paramgacchit Swami 1 month
Prahladananda Swami 1 month
Sridhara Swami 1 month
Indradyumna Swami 2 months
Rtadhvaja Swami 1 month
94.That Rupanuga Prabhu prepare a proposal within ninety days for what his service shall be, if it requires a GBC portfolio to fulfill, and why. It shall then be circulated as a Correspondence Proposal.
95.That before officially objecting to any guru candidate’s recommendation, a GBC member should contact in writing the guru candidate and the chairman of the ten man committee for clarification. If unsatisfied with the reply, or if not receiving a reply within a reasonable period of time, the GBC member may then officially object. To give enough time for exchange of correspondence, the period allowed to lodge all objections shall be extended to six months.
96. That the new officers and membership charge for the Board of Education are :
Chairman – Sri Ram Das
Treasurer – Sivaram Swami
Removed – Vrisha Das and Vrkodara Das
Added – Badrinarayan Das
97. That all Board of Education resolutions are binding on ISKCON Educational Institutions, subject to review each year in Mayapur by the GBC.
98. That the Indian GBC members are encouraged to create programs well suited to Western devotees desiring to spend 3-6 months preaching in India and gaining exposure to Vedic culture, as Srila Prabhupada desired.
99. That the GBC body upholds the decision of the Judicial Committee on the appeal of Krishna Balaram, and directs him to follow the decision best handed down by the North American Continental Judicial Committee
March 16, 1989.
100. [ACTIONS PASSED ON MARCH 16, 1989]. That Gaura Kesava Das is not recognozed by the GBC as a Minister of Deity worship, and the contents of his newsletter published by him are not official ISKCON standard and policy.
March 18, 1989.
101. That GBC Resolution # 89-90 above shall be modified to state “… disksha and shidsha guru…” . The relsolution as amended provides for the same process of approval for shiksha gurus as diksha gurus. In other words, a devotee simply becomes authorized to act as guru in ISKCON, and he may then act as diksha or shiksha guru, as he likes.
102. That the paper entitled ” Guru Asraya ” presents ISKCON’s guidelines on the importance of the shelter of a Spiritual Master, the role of shiksha guru, and specifically gives guidance to those devotees whose initiating Spiritual Master has fallen down.
103. That the Calcutta temple shall come under the same GBC structure as Mayapur. In other words, the co-GBC’s for Calcutta are : Jayapataka Swami,
Harikesa Swami,
Bhakti Caru Swami,
Sivaram Swami,
Tamal Krsna Swami and
Tosan Krishna das.