Founder-Acarya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Annual General Meeting – February 4 – 18, 1991 – Mayapur, India
1. {91} That the GBC Executive Officers for 1991-92 shall be:
Chairman – Tamal Krishna Goswami
Vice Chairman – Harikesa Swami
Secretary – Bhurijana das
2. {91} That Kirtiraj das be confirmed as a full GBC member.
3. {91} That Virabahu das be confirmed as an Acting GBC member with no voting rights.
4. {91} That Bhurijan das be confirmed as an Acting GBC member with no voting rights.
5. That Suhotra Swami be appointed as an Assistant GBC member. {91}
6. That the GBC Body requests the MVT to set aside at least twenty rooms in its Vrindaban guest facility for the ISKCON Vrindaban management to make available to temple devotees on a rental basis. {91}
7. That because Krishna Balaram has not complied with the previous GBC resolution that he give up the sannyas asram, his resignation from ISKCON is accepted. ISKCON devotees are advised not to associate with him. {91}
8. That Provisional Orders 90-20 and 90-65 are withdrawn. The local management’s continuing efforts to resolve the situation at the Hyderabad farm is appreciated and encouraged. The GBC empowers the local GBC to negotiate a settlement on any terms, including to divide the Trust property, if necessary, except that under no circumstances will the terms of the settlement result in a total loss of the property. {91}
9. That upon the request of the Mayapur Project Development Committee, the following budget allocations are approved:
a) Resolution 90-34 allocating Rs.34,00,000 for an Administrative Building is withdrawn. Rs.3,00,000 is allocated instead for modifications to the A and B blocks of the long building for use as administrative offices.
b) Rs.70,00,000 is approved as a roll-over loan for building a series of guest houses.
c) An open budget is approved for purchase of 200 acres of agricultural land for Mayapur City.
d) Rs.1,00,000 is allocated for purchase of nursery stock to develop landscaping. {91}
10. That the Mayapur GBC Committee’s request for reconstitution of the Mayapur Project Development Committee is approved. Members are now Toshan Krishna das, Harikesa Swami, Jayapataka Swami, and Naresvara das. {91}
11. That the GBC Body requests the Mayapur Project Development Committee to produce a design proposal for conference-cum-convention center. The budget to be approved through Correspondence, or at the 1992 Annual Meeting. {91}
13. That the GBC Body authorizes the Mayapur Development Committee to negotiate a contract with Mr. A.G. Krishna Menon as architect for the development of the big temple. {91}
14. That Pada Sevanam das is appointed as in-house designer to work with the architect for the development of the big temple. Matsya Avatar das is appointed as design consultant. {91}
15. That the Mayapur Samadhi Supervisory Committee is authorized to develop Srila Prabhupada’s Chamber in gold- and silver-clad terracotta if they determine that such an alternative is practical. {91}
16. [The following existing Provisional Orders remain in effect unchanged: 88-50, 89-27, 89-51, 89-61, 90-71, 90-108. {91} ]
17. That Provisional Order 89-66 establishing a Deity Worship subcommittee be modified: Jayapataka Swami is added to the subcommittee. All GBC members and others must, before June 30, submit their comments on the draft of the ISKCON Deity Worship Handbook in writing to Krishna Ksetra Prabhu at the German Farm. Then, after June 30, the subcommittee shall make whatever revisions it sees fit and is empowered to prepare and publish a final version of the Handbook as a GBC-approved publication. {91}
18. That Provisional Order 90-49 is continued with the following modification: The Vrindaban temple president will each year notify the GBC Members when their four month period of responsibility for the Vrindaban Samadhi Worship is scheduled.
19. That Provisional Orders 90-84, 90-91, and 90-125 are retired. {91}
20. That ISKCON Law 88-57 is modified. Any of the provisions of the requirements for sannyasa waiting list and approvals may be waived in exceptional cases by a vote of at least 4/5ths majority of the GBC. {91}
21. That Avinash Candra is approved to take sannyasa as an exceptional case by 4/5ths majority vote. {91}
22. That Mahavishnu das (England) is approved to take sannyasa. {91}
23. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That Jadurani dasi be added to the ISKCON Review Board with the “Area of Specialty” of “Art”. [Art books, not art in all books.]
24. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That the GBC recommends to the BBT that Jadurani dasi review all art before the publication of BBT books. {91}
25. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] WHEREAS, the collective intelligence of the GBC body is often stifled during full GBC Meetings by being limited to following strict Parliamentary procedure, which requires discussion to be always focused on a single formal proposal.
Therefore, the GBC Rules of Order shall be amended to include the following additional feature in the procedures for conducting meetings:
The Chairman, in order to better utilize the collective intelligence of the GBC Body, may at certain times want to hold discussions which are not limited to a single formal proposal. In this circumstance he may announce his intention to temporarily suspend formal Parliamentary Procedure. If there is no objection, only those portions of Parliamentary Procedure which restrict discussion to a formal proposal on the floor become suspended. If there is an objection, then the matter may be discussed and decided by majority vote. Once formal Parliamentary Procedure has been suspended, the chairman may reinstate it at any time. During the period of suspension of Parliamentary Procedure the chairman shall have broad powers to focus the discussion in such a way as to utilize the collective intelligence of the Body to arrive at creative solutions to complex problems. {91}
26. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That the GBC Rules of Order be amended so that if a member feels that the current speaker is not contributing new information to the discussion, he may object to the discussion by interrupting with the statement: “Point of Redundancy”. The speaker must then wait for a ruling from the chairman, who may overrule the objection and allow the speaker to continue, advise the speaker to continue with new information, or recognize a new speaker. {91}
27. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That the GBC Rules of Order be amended so that if a member feels that the current speaker has made a statement which needs to be verified according to the principles of guru, sadhu, and shastra before additional meaningful discussion can continue, he may interrupt the speaker with the statement: “Point of Shastra”. The chairman may overrule the objection or direct the discussion toward clarifying the authority of the statement as requested. Once the Point of Shastra is resolved the floor returns to the original speaker. {91}
28. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That the following be added as an additional guideline to apply when considering candidates for approval to serve as an ISKCON guru:
Should be engaged full-time in devotional service in an ISKCON center or other ISKCON-approved preaching program. {91}
29. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That the following be added as an additional procedure in the system of approval for ISKCON gurus:
In case the devotee nominated for serving as an ISKCON guru has not resided for five years in the zone making the nomination, “no objection” letters shall be required from the zones previously resided in during the previous five year period. {91}
30. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1991] That Resolution 90-55, which states “That the GBC Body design recommendation is to leave the alcoves on the samadhi walls in the same form and configuration as per the original design.” is hereby repealed. The Mayapur Samadhi Construction Committee, in conjunction with Matsya Avatar Prabhu, shall be authorized to finalize the design of the alcoves on the walls of the Mayapur Samadhi. {91}
31. That Resolution 90-99, which established ISKCON Journal as an occasional publication dealing conclusively with relevant specific issues, be modified as follows:
That ISKCON Journal need not deal conclusively with all topics, provided it presents such non-conclusive discussions as not attempting to present any GBC-established siddhanta. Presentations coming from GBC resolutions must be established as conclusive statements. In on-going discussions on controversial issues the editors shall strive to achieve balance and shall insure that the contributions observe vaisnava etiquette and are philosophically sound. It must publish two issues in 1991-92 (Caitanya Era 505). {91}
32. That Radha-Parthasarathi das (Delhi) be appointed production manager for ISKCON Journal, under the supervision of Bhakticaru Swami. {91}
33. That the GBC Members shall at least maintain at the same level their previous year’s commitment to distribute a fixed number of ISKCON Journals in their respective zones. {91}
34. That all ISKCON sannyasis be added as reviewers for the ISKCON Review Board, and that the Board be allowed to select additional reviewers as required. {91}
35. That the resignation of Prthu das as Chairman of the ISKCON Review Board be accepted. Bhaktarupa das is appointed as Chairman. {91}
36. That the leaders of the Krishna Consciousness movement, as followers of Srila Prabhupada, ought to see book distribution as our most effective means of preaching.
“Know it for certain that there is no better way to preach Krishna Consciousness than through the distribution of my books.”
We can make a worldwide revolution in the hearts of the people of this world and save these people from material existence through the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
But book distribution strongly increases only when we have a constant influx of new ISKCON devotees. So to increase book distribution, we must make new devotees.
Therefore, wherever we have powerful leaders — whether GBC members, gurus, sannyasis, or temple presidents — they ought to impress upon their followers that book distribution and making new devotees to go out on book distribution are ISKCON’s main work.
The guru, whether siksha or diksha, has great power to increase ISKCON’s preaching. Therefore, in cooperation with the GBC Body and the individual GBC members, the guru should use that power to encourage and inspire his disciples to make new devotees and increase the distribution of books.
Gurus can impress upon their disciples the importance of the Mayapur Project, remind them of its dependence on the BBT’s income from book distribution, and encourage them to dedicate themselves to the mission of distributing books and building the Mayapur City.
Srila Prabhupada himself did this, and so can the leaders who follow him.
We all understand that we must build the temple and city in Mayapur. And the way to do this is through book distribution. Therefore the leaders of ISKCON — GBC members, gurus, sannyasis, temple presidents, and senior devotees — should bring the Mayapur City, and the book distribution that supports it, to the forefront of ISKCON’s consciousness.
All ISKCON leaders are urged to strive vigorously to instill within their followers a consciousness of the crucial importance of the Mayapur City and book distribution to the success of ISKCON’s mission. {91}
37. Whereas, in pursuance of Resolution 90-69 wherein Bhakti Tirtha Swami was placed on probation from the GBC Body and given a program of rectification for the 1990-91 year, which was in the mood of rehabilitating him as a GBC member in good standing through association with the holy dhams and senior ISKCON vaisnavas who reside there; and whereas he unfortunately failed to comply with these specific terms of rectification.
Therefore, the GBC Body, with deep regret, is compelled by its rules to hereby suspend Bhakti Tirtha Swami as a member of the GBC.
It is the GBC’s primary concern to see Bhakti Tirtha Swami reinstated as a member in good standing, and in order to achieve this, a program of rectification is given as follows:
He must cooperate with the GBC’s assigned to the areas in which he is preaching.
For maintaining international standards, he must encourage his disciples to bring the procedures in his zone for the honoring and worshiping of guru into conformity with those prescribed in the Laws of ISKCON.
He must pay the $250 arrears for GBC assessment fees accumulated during his tenure as a GBC in good standing.
He must accept the hospitality of ISKCON Mayapur or Vrindaban for one month during 1991.
However, should Bhakti Tirtha Swami not take the necessary steps to implement this prescribed program of rectification by the end of 1991, it shall be understood that in fact he has no desire to continue as a GBC member. He would then be subject to removal from the GBC Body at the 1992 Annual Meeting. {91}
38. Contingent upon the three Property Trustees approving and supervising the move of Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava, Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra, and Sri Sri Gour Nitai in Seattle to a better and permanent facility, the GBC Body hereby gives its conditional consent. {91}
40. That Resolutions 90-56 and 90-68 be retired. {91}
41. That Resolutions 90-82 and 90-83 be retired. The GBC Body, with great pleasure, welcomes HH Giriraj Swami to the 1991 International GBC meeting. The Visa Action Committee, and especially Mahamantra Prabhu, Gopal Krishna Goswami, Ram Parashar Prabhu, and Tamal Krishna Goswami, are commended for their successful efforts in obtaining Giriraj Maharaja’s visa to return to India. {91}
43. That the development of the Mayapur Master Plan shall be the full responsibility of the Sri Mayapur Project Development Committee. {91}
44. That the Berkeley temple’s appeal of the decision of the Judicial Committee in the case of Rahugana vs. ISKCON of the Bay Area be not heard. {91}
45. That in view of the sensitive legal position of the Society in Indonesia (it is banned), and in view of the endeavors of the local devotees to have this ban removed, which would be severely jeopardized by any “incidents”, any devotees wishing to visit and preach in Indonesia shall coordinate their activities according to the direction of the GBC for Indonesia, HH Kavicandra Swami, Regional Secretary Gaura Mandal Bhumi das, and the local devotees: Vyasapuja das in Jakarta, Damodara das (or in his absense Prahlad das and his committees) in Bali, and Subhananda das in Java. At the present time, big public preaching programs and even big meetings of devotees and big kirtans and lectures are not possible in Indonesia, especially in Bali. {91}
46. That the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust members will meet and try to resolve the problem of Trustee involvement. Only if there is an impasse will they bring a specific proposal to the GBC. {91}
47. That an office in Mayapur be provided to the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust from the rooms made available by the new office block. {91}
48. That HH Sridhara Swami be an assistant GBC member. {91}
49. That the GBC Body hereby creates a Ministry of Life Membership. The specific portfolio for the Ministry is as follows:
a. To develop a worldwide congregation of devotees from the Indian community.
b. To inspire those devotees to regularly engage their body, mind, and wealth in the service of Lord Krishna.
c. To educate the leaders and other devotees of ISKCON to see the Indian community as our best ally and to develop training programs in how the community should be cultivated.
d. To create facilities for Indian community members to take on major responsibilities within ISKCON.
e. To provide programs to inspire the youth of the Indian community to become Krishna Conscious.
f. To encourage within ISKCON the development of purely vaisnava cultural presentations which will attract non-resident Indians by filling the cultural vacuum they experience.
g. To inspire those born in India to take up the order of Lord Caitanya to preach the message of Lord Krishna all over the world.
h. To establish and supervise administrative offices all over the world for the coordination of services for ISKCON Life Members.
i. To establish and implement international standards for ISKCON Life Membership.
j. To re-establish the International Life Membership Newsletter. {91}
50. That HH Sridhara Swami be appointed GBC Minister of Life Membership. {91}
51. That there be an ISKCON World Review Editorial Board with ultimate responsibility for the editorial content of ISKCON World Review. {91}
52. That the ISKCON World Review Editorial Board shall be Mukunda Goswami, Kirtiraj das, Ravindra Swarup das, and Badrinarayan das. {91}
53. That the Resolutions Revision Committee be renamed the Resolutions Revision and Constitution Committee, and that it shall be given the task of preparing a proposal for an ISKCON Constitution. {91}
54. That Toshan Krishna das and Bhaktarupa das be added to the Resolutions Revision and Constitution Committee. {91}
55. That Jaya Gopal das is encouraged by the GBC Body to take up the additional service of Regional Secretary for Israel. {91}
56. That all Israeli devotees originally preaching in Israel but now rendering service elsewhere are encouraged to contact Jaya Gopal das to coordinate a cooperative preaching effort in Israel among both Jewish and Arabic peoples, rather than accepting other assignments. {91}
57. That any property to be purchased in Singapore must be approved by the local Property Trustees, Jayapataka Swami, Kavicandra Swami, and Gour Govinda Swami. {91}
58. That the officers of the Tucson temple are instructed to place the temple property in ISKCON’s name, institute the three Property Trustee requirement of Srila Prabhupada’s will, and sign and submit Oaths of Loyalty. They may then be recognized as an ISKCON center, having complied with GBC requirements. Their request for a change of GBC Zonal Secretary may then be considered. {91}
59. That the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON shall legally incorporate itself. {91}
60. That a Committee of Ravindra Svarup das, Jayapataka Swami, Sri Ram das, Guru Gauranga das, and Bhaktarupa das shall be authorized to investigate the best location for the incorporation of the GBC, evaluate the results of such investigation, and execute the necessary documents and formalities to complete the incorporation work. A budget of $5,000 is approved for the investigation and execution work. {91}
61. Any non-ISKCON devotee who wishes to preach or lecture in or from an ISKCON temple should first receive permission in writing from a majority of the GBC Zonal Secretaries of the place of his origin, as well as the GBC’s from the places where he intends to preach. Occasional public functions are exempt. {91}
62. That Jagadisha Goswami be added to the ISKCON Board of Examinations. Bhurijana das shall be the convener of the first meeting of the Board. {91}
65. That the official name for the ISKCON Ministry of Public Affairs shall be changed to ISKCON Ministry of Communications. In general usage the term “ISKCON Communications” will be used. The Minister of Public Affairs shall now be referred to as the Minister of Communications. The ISKCON Ministry of Communications will be governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the GBC Body as its final authority. The purposes and goals of the Ministry shall be as per the document “ISKCON Communications Charter”, dated February 13, 1991 and filed with the Corresponding Secretary, or as they may be modified by the Board of Directors in the future and reported in writing to the GBC Body. The Board will meet annually in Mayapur, and additionally as necessary, to review and set policies and goals for the Ministry. {91}
66. That the Board of Directors of the ISKCON Ministry of Communications shall be Anuttama das, Badrinarayan das, Gaura Krishna das, Gopal Krishna Goswami, Mukunda Goswami, Ravindra Swarup das, Toshan Krishna das, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Naveen Krishna das, and Kirtiraj das. {91}
68. That Provisional Order 90-117 be withdrawn. ISKCON Communications shall develop an ISKCON logo. {91}
69. That Provisional Order 88-75, which established the ISKCON Board of Education, is retired, and the following is adopted as ISKCON Law:
That there shall be an ISKCON Board of Education, a GBC Standing Committee dealing with primary and secondary education in ISKCON. The Board will formulate and execute concrete plans which shall enable it to effectively improve and insure the quality of Krishna Conscious primary and secondary education throughout ISKCON. Its membership, to be appointed by the GBC Body upon the Board’s recommendation, shall be:
A Chairman / Secretary
GBC members as Regional Representatives
At-Large members who, while not representing a particular area, are experienced in education or have a specific contribution which enhances the composition of the Board.
Duties of these different categories of members shall be initially as per the document entitled “Proposal to the GBC for Reorganizing the International Board of Education”, dated February 14, 1991 and filed with the Corresponding Secretary, or as they may be modified by the Board of Education in the future and reported in writing to the GBC Body. {91}
70. That the current membership of the Board of Education shall be as follows:
Chairman and Secretary – Sri Ram das
Regional Representatives –
North America – Badrinarayana das
South America – Bhaktibhusana Swami
Europe – Jagadisa Goswami
Australasia – Prabhavisnu Swami
Southeast Asia – Kavicandra Swami
India East – Gour Govinda Swami
India West – Giriraj Swami
At-Large Members – Bhurijana das and Ravindra Svarup das
[Resolution 90-130 was continued. {91} ]
71. That Balavanta das be granted a one year leave of absense from the GBC Body. The GBC Chairman shall contact him and invite him to take up fully the responsibilities of GBC membership beginning with the 1992 Annual Meeting. {91}
72. That the resignation of Atreya Rsi Prabhu from the GBC Body, given verbally to Hari Vilas Prabhu, is accepted. Hari Vilas Prabhu is requested to obtain a written confirmation. {91}
74. That the Philosophy Research Group shall prepare a paper to determine the validity of astrology for devotees, and to give guidelines for any appropriate use. The paper shall carefully consider the issue of the compatability of astrological concerns with the concerns of pure devotional service. The writing and research group for this paper is Prahladananda Swami, coordinator, Syamasundara das, Bhanu Swami, Atma Tattva das, and Ravindranatha das. {91}
75. That the Philosophy Research Group shall prepare a paper on the issue of the origin of the soul, utilizing research work already completed. The positions of previous acaryas and the statements of Srila Prabhupada will be exhaustively documented. Where the previous acaryas have taken differing positions, or where Srila Prabhupada’s own statements reflect differing positions, the the paper will give devotees definitive direction for dealing with this situation.
The paper will be written by Virabahu Prabhu, with assistance in research from Hridayananda Goswami, Bhanu Swami, Bhakticaru Swami, Kusakratha das, Sukavak das, and Rohini Kumar Swami. The Research Group will then review the paper together with other interested GBC Members, and it will be published in ISKCON Journal. {91}
76. That the Philosophy Research Group will prepare a paper to help the GBC decide whether ISKCON may authorize devotees to become spiritual masters before their own guru’s physical departure. The paper shall give special attention to assessing the discontinuation of this traditional Gaudiya Vaisnava practice by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. The paper will be prepared by Jayapataka Swami and Bhakticaru Swami, with research by Ravindranatha das. {91}
78. That the GBC Body present to the movement an historical and philosophical account of the guru system in ISKCON after 1977, in order to offer devotees an accurate and authoritative history of the guru reforms ISKCON undertook and to put these events in proper historical and philosophical perspective. {91}
Ravindra Svarup das will write this paper with assistance from Trivikrama Swami. All GBC members and other ISKCON devotees with advice, documents, recollections, reflections, etc. to offer are welcome to write Ravindra Svarupa das by July 31. The completed paper will, if possible, be circulated for review to all GBC Members prior to the 1992 Annual Meeting. {91}
79. That the administration of the thirty acre land now in ISKCON’s name in Jagannatha Puri will be under a Standing Committee known as the ISKCON Puri Development Committee (IPDC). {91} (ISKCON Law)
80. That the members of the IPDC shall be: Gour Govinda Swami, Jayapataka Swami, Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, Sridhara Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Toshan Krishna das, Kirtiraj das, and Purusottam das. {91}
81. That payment for the expenses of the GBC Meeting, including prasadam, accomodations, and meeting facilities, shall be borne by the GBC Budget, and shall no longer be charged to the Mayapur-Vrindaban Festival Budget. {91}
82. That the sannyasa waiting list for 1991-92 is as follows:
Prabhupada das – one year
Siddhartha das – three years
Raghubhir das – two years
Hari Katha das – three years
83. That the GBC Body affirms the ruling of the Executors Committee that temples which allow devotees to build houses on ISKCON property under agreements which grant legal equity in the houses to those devotees are in direct violation of the terms of Srila Prabhupada’s will which states that “Properties outside of India in principle should never be … in any way encumbered …” {91}
84. That the GBC Administrative Budget for 1991-92 is approved as follows:
GBC Communications Office $ 4,000
Executive Committee Costs 1,000
Calendar Distribution 800
Legal Research 11,500
1992 GBC Meeting Costs 2,500
Cash Reserve 2,000
Total $ 21,800
Less: 1990-91 Accounts Receivable 1,800
Net Budgeted Amount $ 20,000
85. That ISKCON welcomes the interest which has been shown for preaching in ISKCON’s Temples and to its congregation by prominent preachers from other branches of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya, especially since it was Srila Prabhupada’s desire that in the future there may be a unity amongst the followers of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and especially the Saraswat family (disciplic descendants of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur). To further this cooperation, whenever a prominent member of a bona fide non-ISKCON Gaudiya Vaisnava organization intends to make multiple use of ISKCON facilities either locally or while on tour, he and his organization should:
1) Acknowledge Srila Prabhupada’s position as a bona fide acarya in the sampradaya whose views represent the desires of the previous acaryas;
2) Acknowledge Srila Prabhupada’s right to use that name, and not be adverse to referring to him in that way;
3) Acknowledge that ISKCON is a distinct and bona fide branch of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya;
4) Allow ISKCON preachers similar facility within their institutions;
5) Acknowledge ISKCON’s authority structure under the GBC Body and agree to abide by its laws and decisions.
6) Make a formal reciprocal agreement with ISKCON for cooperation and furthering the same principles and processes which is either approved directly by the GBC Body or according to guidelines it may establish in the future. {91}
86. That in order that the Executive Committee may be able to better prepare for the Annual Meetings, henceforward the officers of the GBC Body elected at the beginning of the meeting will begin their active term of office at conclusion of the Annual Meeting. {91}
87. That in order to effect Resolution 91-86 immediately, new officers will be elected to begin their terms at the conclusion of the 1991 meeting. {91}
91. Whereas, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should be managed to systematically realize the Mission given by Srila Prabhupada and the previous acaryas. ISKCON’s progressive realization of that Mission should also be regularly evaluated. In order to better concentrate the collective energy of the worldwide ISKCON devotee community; and to cultivate inspiration, dynamism, effectiveness, appreciation, faith, and cooperation amongst the members of ISKCON, it is hereby resolved:
That the following be adopted as ISKCON Laws:
1. Definitions:
That the GBC shall delineate and publish ISKCON’s Statements of Mission/Statements of Aims, supporting objectives, progressive goals and vital tasks as defined below:
a) Statement of Mission (ISKCON Statement of Aim):
A Statement of Mission is the ultimate goal or long-range mission of the Krishna consciousness movement for a specific primary area of devotional service. Statements of Mission are established and modified by the GBC body. All members of ISKCON and leaders shall cooperate together and work to systematically achieve ISKCON’s Statements of Mission. {91}
b) Supporting Objective:
In order to realize the broad Statement of Mission there are essential, integral and supporting objectives that must first be achieved. These are called the “Supporting Objectives”. They are by definition more specific and detailed than the Statement of Mission. They deal with a sub-topic within a Statement of Mission. Supporting Objectives are also established and modified by the GBC body.
c) Progressive Goals
In order to work towards progressively realizing ISKCON’s Statements of Mission and Supporting Objectives, each zone (or temple) will adopt intermediary stages or goals called Progressive Goals. Unlike both Mission Statements and Supporting Objectives, Progressive Goals are time bound, quantitative, specific, and localized. The respective authorities for each level of administration within a zone should establish and update their own Progressive Goals based on their areas of responsibility. As a general principle, one year and five year goals shall be set.
d) Vital Tasks:
In order to achieve a Progressive Goal there may be many lesser tasks that need to be achieved. These are very specific and limited in nature and are the lowest definable stage towards achieving the Statement of Mission. The respective administrative authorities shall assign tasks for the areas and leaders under them.
2. Monitors:
That a Monitor shall be appointed by the GBC Body for each Statement of Mission. His general duties are:
a) To encourage Zonal Secretaries and ISKCON Managers to take practical steps towards achieving the Statement of Mission and Progressive Goals;
b) To advise, assist, and promote the realization of the Statement of Mission or coordinate others to do so;
c) To monitor the progress towards the stated Mission, its Supporting Objectives, and the Progressive Goals for the world;
d) To work through the regular ISKCON administrators, and to try to further motivate them to achieve the Statement of Mission.
e) To make annual, and other progress reports as necessary, on the respective Statement of Mission.
f) To make observations on each Zonal Secretary’s progress reports, and otherwise make special progress reports or studies in regard to a zone or other area,as required;
g) To appoint an assistant or assistants, and advisers (who are experts in the field), as needed.
3. Kshetra Committees (Standing Committees):
GBC Standing Committees, known as a Kshetra Committees shall be formed for each Statement of Mission, comprised of the Monitors of the concerned Statement of Mission, concerned GBC Members, and other qualified persons as the GBC deems necessary. A Kshetra Committee shall have the following duties:
a) To evaluate the progress reports of the Monitors, and other related information, and on that basis to make observations, recommendations, and proposals to the GBC body, both at the plenary meeting and in correspondence voting;
b) To discuss the proposals submitted by the Monitors concerning their assigned Statements of Mission from a broader perspective, so that a more comprehensive flow for promoting the Mission Statement can be achieved;
c) To refer issues that arise from proposals or problems under discussion to other standing committees whose input is required;
d) To save the GBC plenary session’s time and energy by studying the facts, hearing concerned or interested GBC members and identifying the important issues of any proposals related to their area:
e) To submit all proposals and recommendations to the GBC body in writing. Each will clearly delineate the issues, the history, including the original proposal, as well as the rationale behind all their decisions. Ksetra Committee proposals will fall into one of three categories
i) Recommendations that receive a consensus (a majority for with no opposing vote): The GBC shall be requested to pass the proposal, no alternative proposal will be required;
ii) Recommendations that do not receive a consensus: The GBC shall be requested to review the issues and decide amongst alternative proposals;
iii) Requests for direction from the plenary body.
The proposals shall be accompanied with the positive, negative and abstaining vote counts on each issue.
f) To ask the GBC body for direction when questions of principle or differences of opinion need to be resolved for a matter to be properly deliberated;
g) To reconsider matters referred to it by the GBC body after appropriate direction has been given;
h) To refer matters back to Monitors when additional groundwork is needed before it can be presented to the GBC;
i) To continue meeting during the year in person or by correspondence;
j) To otherwise act as a standing sub-committee to the GBC body and perform such duties as the GBC delegates to it from time to time.
4. Rule of Order regarding more streamlined meeting procedures:
That GBC plenary sessions shall ordinarily focus on deciding matters of principle and overall policy, and choosing between clearly delineated alternatives which cannot be decided by any lesser body, and all other work specifically reserved for itself, and shall avoid engaging in fact-finding, solution-finding, and other preliminary deliberations normally reserved for the Ksetra Committees. When plenary session discussions become prolonged due to non-availability of acceptable alternatives, sparsity of facts or evidence, or the surfacing of new information or realizations that were not considered in the Ksetra committee, the matter may be sent back to the Committee by the Chairman if there is no objection, otherwise by simple majority vote.
5. Annual Reports to Monitors:
That each GBC Member (Zonal Secretary and/or Minister), in addition to the Annual Report to be submitted to the GBC Body via the Corresponding Secretary, shall also be required to submit reports to each Monitor before the specified deadline. A Zonal Secretary’s Annual Report shall include information on his zone for each Statement of Mission/Aim as follows:
a. Details requested for each temple;
b. Summary of the zonal progress in relation to the specific Statement of Mission;
c. Proposals related to the Statement of Mission;
d. New or revised zonal Progressive Goals for the Statement of Mission;
A GBC Minister’s Annual Report shall include information on the progress achieved for his Statement of Mission/Aim.
The Corresponding Secretary, in conjunction with the concerned Monitor, shall standardize the report forms so as to facilitate data entry and data reporting of annual progress of the entire ISKCON Movement. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible to see that informative progress reports from available data are generated by computer as far as practical.
6. Zonal Secretary’s Duties
That a Zonal Secretary’s duties in relation to Statements of Mission are to motivate and organize his zone’s progress in each Statement of Mission area. He is also to present that progress in an Annual Report for each Statement of Mission. He is to identify one year and five year Progressive Goals for his zone and temples in consultation and cooperation with his Zonal Council, Regional Secretaries, and Temple Presidents, and submit the same to the respective Monitors.
7. Regional Secretary’s Duties:
That a Regional Secretary’s duties in relation to Statements of Mission shall be to assist the Zonal Secretary to motivate and organize the region’s progress in each Statement of Mission area.
8. Temple President’s Duties:
That a Temple President’s duties in relation to Statements of Mission shall be to be directly responsible to realize the Statement of Mission and Progressive Goals in his temple. He is to motivate the devotees and organize his temple’s progress in each Statement of Mission area. He is also to present the progress in an Annual Report for each Statement of Mission for his temple to his Zonal Secretary.
92. That the following Statements of Mission/ISKCON Statements of Aims are accepted:
Kshetra Committee One
1. Gurukula
To provide children with a life long devotional foundation and to progressively train them according to their natural propensities in occupational duties of devotional service to Krishna.
2. Self Sufficient Communities
To reform the economic and social structure of all communities in the world by demonstrating the God centred culture that depends on the land and the cows.
3. New Devotees
To convince receptive people all over the world to commit themselves to rendering devotional service, as taught by Srila Prabhupada, under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master.
4. Training New Recruits
To teach new devotees, through proper Vaisnava association and instruction, the philosophy and basic devotional practices of Krishna Consciousness.
Kshetra Committee Two
1. Deity Worship
To attract all peoples of the world to the personal service of the Lord, to engage them as devotees in that service, and train them in the principles and techniques of that service.
2. Mayapur and Vrindavan
To develop and maintain, for devotees and society, Mayapur and Vrindavana and other such holy places dedicated to the pastimes of Lord Krsna and his devotees.
3. Spiritual Standards
To establish and maintain in the Hare Krsna movement and its members the high standards of Krsna conscious understanding and practices taught by Srila Prabhupada.
4. Temples
To manage temples so that all aspects of temple life offer inspiration to all visitors at all times to engage in the devotional service of the Lord.
Kshetra Committee Three
1. ISKCON constitutional
2. ISKCON property affairs
3. Justice
4. Legal affairs
5. Unity of ISKCON
6. Zonal affairs
Kshetra Committee Four
1. Finance and Accounting
To ensure that every ISKCON organization and program meets standards of excellence in handling fiscal matters.
2. Fund Raising
To establish systems and programs of fund raising throughout the world to provide ISKCON with adequate funds to realize its goals.
3. Management and Administration
To ensure that the leadership of ISKCON is characterized by devotion to guru and Krsna, spiritual purity, compassion, integrity, commitment, consistency, competency, accountability, and to ensure that the devotees and assets of ISKCON are appropriately engaged, protected and increased.
4. Life Membership
To engage every member of the Indian Community and others interested in Vedic Culture everywhere in the world in the service of Lord Krishna and the mission of Lord Caitanya in this and all generations to come.
Kshetra Committee Five
1. Book Publication and Distribution
To publish and distribute the books and periodicals of Srila Prabhupada and his followers in all languages and distribute them in ever increasing numbers and with ever increasing effectiveness, so that an ever growning collection of Krsna conscious literature is enshrined in every household in the world.
2. Public Chanting and Festivals
To celebrate the congregational chanting of the holy name of Krsna by regularly organizing public chanting and joyous festivals in every city, town and village of the world.
3. Speaking the Message of Krsna
To present the philosophy of Krsna consciousness in public media and other public and private private forums – educational, religious, social, or political – to awaken in receptive people everywhere an attraction to the philosophy and practices of Krsna consciousness.
4. Padayatra
To bring the congregational chanting of the Holy Name to every town and village of the world through organized Padayatra festivals.
Kshetra Committee Six
1. Congregational Programs
To bring to all homes in the world the continuing association of devotees and the regular practice of devotional activities.
2. Cultural Programs
To reveal Vedic culture as the universal and essential culture of all the worlds peoples, and to supplant all mundane productions of literature, drama, music, and art with Krsna conscious alternatives.
3. Food for Life
To establish massive free prasadam distribution programs all over the world so that all human being are adequately fed and nourished with Krsna prasadam and there shall be no hunger anywhere.
4. Public Relations
To win respect for and trust in the Krsna consciousness movement in all nations and among all people of the world.
5. Restaurants
To establish Krsna prasadam restaurants in every city and town and make them famous all over the world so that millions eat in them every day.
6. Vedic Science
To convince all people of the world of the errors of materialistic science and philosophies and to research, elucidate, and teach God-centered science, based on bona fide Vedic knowledge.
93. That the following are the members of the Ksetra Committees, along with their assigned Mission Areas and the associated Monitors:
Ksetra Committee 1 – Education and Social Order
Chairman – Toshan Krishna das
Gurukula – Sri Ram das
Self-Sufficient Communities – Jagadisa Goswami
New Devotees – Bhurijan das
Training New Recruits – Danavir das
Ksetra Committee 2 – Spiritual Standards and Holy Places
Chairman – Kirtiraj das
Deity Worship – Krishna Ksetra das
Mayapur and Vrindaban – Toshan Krishna das
Spiritual Standards – Bhakti Raghava Swami
Temples –
Ksetra Committee 3 – International ISKCON
Chairman – Jayapataka Swami
Constitution – Constitution Committee, chairman Kavicandra Swami
Property – Executors Committee, chairman Guru Gauranga das
Justice – Minister of Justice, Guru Gauranga das
Legal Affairs – Amarendra das
Unity of ISKCON – Executive Committee
Zonal Affairs – Executive Committee
Ksetra Committee 4 – Administration and Development
Chairman – Badrinarayana das
Finance and Accounting – Naveen Krishna das
Fund Raising – Naveen Krishna das
Management and Administration – Naveen Krishna das
Life Membership – Sridhara Swami
Ksetra Committee 5 – Widespread Propagation
Chairman – Virabahu das
Book Publication and Distribution – Harikesa Swami
Public Chanting and Festivals – Niranjana Swami
Speaking the Message of Krishna – Bir Krishna Goswami
Padayatra – Lokanatha Swami
Ksetra Committee 6 – Outreach and Congregation
Chairman – Ravindra Svarup das
Congregational Programs – Jayapataka Swami
Cultural Programs – Bhakticaru Swami
Food for Life – Mukunda Goswami
Public Affairs – Mukunda Goswami
Restaurants – Badrinarayana das
Vedic Science – Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami. {91}
94. That the provisional Five Year Progressive Goals prepared by the Subcommittee were accepted in Principle. Further refinement will be made this year by the Monitors, Ksetra Committees and GBC Zonal Secretaries, and shall be presented to the Body prior to the 1992 Annual Meeting. One Year Progressive Goals shall also be developed and presented. {91}
95. That the zonal assignments for 1991-92 are as follows:
Agrani Swami:
GBC — Caribbean (except Guyana), Bermuda, South Florida
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami and Jayapataka Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
Badrinarayan das:
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Los Angeles
GBC for Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri
Bhakti Bhusana Swami:
GBC — Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
Bhakti Caru Swami:
GBC for New York, New Jersey, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Holland
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for West Bengal
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for France
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami:
GBC — Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for France
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami, Gopal Krishna Goswami, and Agrani Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
Bhurijana das:
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Jagadisha Goswami, and Tosan Krishna das for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Giriraj Swami, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
Giriraj Swami:
GBC — Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Angola, and Zaire.
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Spain, Portugal
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Pakistan
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Sri Lanka
Gopal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Goa, Maharashtra (other than Bombay), Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Kenya
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Delhi
co-GBC with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami, Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami, and Agrani Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarupa Damodar Swami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for East Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jagadish Goswami, Tosan Krishna das, and Bhurijan, for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Ravindra Swarup for Washington DC
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, and Kirghizia
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Prabhavisnu Swami for Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
Gour Govinda Swami:
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Orissa
Guru Gauranga das:
GBC Minister of Justice
Guru Prasad Swami:
GBC for Colombia, Central America, Mexico
co-GBC with Virabahu for Venezuela
Harikesa Swami:
GBC — Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Yugoslavia, Lichtenstein
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
Hari Vilas das:
GBC — Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, North and South Yemen, Afghanistan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Lybia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Northern California, Oregon, Jammu and Kashmir, Hardwar and Rishikesh
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
co-GBC with Badrinarayan for Los Angeles
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Pakistan
Hrdayananda das Goswami:
GBC — North and Central Florida, Greece and Cyprus
co-GBC with Loka Saksi for Brazil
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Italy
Jagadisa Goswami:
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Ontario
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Spain and Portugal
co-GBC with Hrdayananda Goswami for Italy
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami, Toshan Krishna, and Bhurijan for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
Jayapataka Swami:
GBC for Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, Maldives, Bhutan, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
co-GBC with Virabahu das, for Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for West Bengal other than Calcutta and Mayapur
co-GBC with Gour Govinda Swami for Orissa
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Agrani Swami, and Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Sri Lanka
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
Kavicandra Swami:
GBC — Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hawaii, Central and West Africa
GBC, assisted by Suhotra Swami, for Indonesia
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
Kirtiraja das:
GBC — Israel
GBC, assisted by Suhotra Swami, for Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Albania, and Czechoslovakia
co-GBC with Sivarama Swami for Hungary
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Delhi
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Ukrainia, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Moldavia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, and Kirghizia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
Lokasaksi das:
co-GBC with Hrdayananda Goswami for Brazil
Mukunda Goswami:
GBC Minister of Communications
Niranjana Swami:
GBC — New England, Festival of India
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Ontario
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Ukrainia, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Moldavia
Prabhavisnu Swami:
GBC — Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia
co-GBC with Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Eastern Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan
Ravindra Svarup:
GBC — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, and Virginia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Washington DC
Sivarama Swami:
GBC — England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Ireland
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Hungary
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Sridhara Swami:
GBC Minister of Life Membership
Suhotra Swami:
Assistant GBC to Kirtiraj for Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Albania
Assistant GBC to Kavicandra Swami for Indonesia
Tamal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines
co-GBC with Vasudeva for Polynesia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Tosan Krsna das:
co-GBC with Jagadisha Goswami, Gopal Krishna Goswami, and Bhurijan for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Vasudeva das:
GBC — Fiji
co-GBC with Tamal Krsna Goswami for Polynesia
Virabahu das:
GBC for Guyana
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile
co-GBC with Guru Prasad Swami for Venezuela
* co-GBC’s for Mayapur and Calcutta are Jayapataka Swami, Harikesa Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami,Sivarama Swami, Bhakticaru Swami and Toshan Krishna das
96. That the GBC Executive Officers for 1991-92 shall be:
Chairman – Virabahu das
Vice Chairman – Bhurijana das
Secretary – Jayapataka Swami
97. That the 1992 Annual Meeting dates shall be February 23 – March 8. {91}
98. That a progress review for the twenty-five years of ISKCON’s existence shall be evaluated as soon as possible through the monitors. This shall also form the base of future progressive goals for the Special Silver Jubilee Book. {91}
99. That a note be added to the GBC’s resolutions paper sent to all temples, notifying the temples that other years’ approved laws, Rules of Order, etc. are available to all temples upon request. {91}
100. That the GBC authorize the paper “Towards a Goal Oriented Society” written by Bhurijan das to be accepted as a GBC Position Paper for circulation to the temple presidents. It should be appropriately edited in keeping with the revised rules and broader audience. {91}
101. That Virabahu das be added as co-GBC for Los Angeles. {91}