Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Annual General Meeting — February 18-March 4, 1992 — Mayapur, India
1. That Virabahu das be confirmed as a full GBC member. {92}
2. That Bhurijan das be confirmed as a full GBC member. {92}
3. That Suhotra Swami be appointed an Acting GBC Member (no voting rights). {92}
4. That Sridhara Swami be appointed an Acting GBC Member (no voting rights). {92}
5. That Madhusevita das be appointed as Assistant GBC. {92}
6. That the resignation of Agrani Prabhu from the GBC Body be accepted. {92}
7. That the request of Toshan Krishna Prabhu for a one-year leave of absence from the GBC Body is accepted. The Executive Committee should write to him. {92}
8. That the resignation of Radha Krishna Prabhu as an authorized ISKCON guru, given orally to Virabahu Prabhu, is accepted. Virabahu Prabhu is requested to obtain a written confirmation. {92}
9. That the matter of Jalakara Prabhu is referred to the Africa GBC’s and the Minister of Life Membership. Sridhara Maharaja should follow up this case to its conclusion and report to the Executive Committee. {92}
10. That Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha, currently residing at King’s Cross, Sydney, may be relocated to the newly purchased property in North Sydney, provided that the property trustees assure that:
1) The new location is an improved facility for the deities and the devotees;
2) The financial arrangements are secure;
3) The old building is adequately insured to protect the revenue flow to fund the purchase of the new property;
4) The “Govinda’s” management signs a new franchise agreement and maintains a proper standard, or changes the name of the restaurant;
5) It is made clear to the public that the movie theatre is separate from ISKCON and ISKCON’s activities;
11. That the Sannyasa Ministry should coordinate the travel of ISKCON sannyasis to insure the following:
a) Three to five sannyasis from various geographic areas are annually designated to specifically assist the Executive Committee for trouble-shooting spiritual crises. All sannyasis should be available for such work if they are near to the area where help is needed.
b) Every temple in ISKCON is annually visited by at least one sannyasi, other than their local GBC. {92}
12. That Provisional Order 91-72 is modified as follows: Badrinarayan Prabhu and Virabahu Prabhu will contact Atreya Rsi Prabhu directly for written confirmation. {92}
13. That Provisional Orders 88-50, 89-51,89-61, 91-53, 91-74, 91-68, 91-75, 91-76 are continued. {92}
14. That Provisional Order 91-38 is withdrawn. {92}
15. That Provisional Order 91-78 is continued, but modified to delete the name of Trivikram Swami. {92}
16. That Provisional Order 89-27 is continued. Responsibility for the deity relocation shall be under Virabahu Prabhu, the new Zonal Secretary for Guyana. {92}
17. That Provisional Order 90-71 is retired. {92}
That Provisional Order 91-47 is retired. {92}
20. That Maharam das be suspended indefinitely as an ISKCON approved initiating guru. Any time after five years he may approach the GBC Body for reinstatement of his status. {92}
22. That Bhaktarupa das be appointed as a member of the Executors Committee. {92}
23. That Resolution 89-53 shall be published. {92}
24. That the deity of Lord Nrsinghadeva who is presently being worshiped in Sri Sri Radha-Madhava’s temple be included in the temple complex of the main temple, to be situated in His own structure outside the main temple hall. {92}
25. That, for those widows in ISKCON whose husband took sannyasa prior to March 1988, any needs that they may have for financial support shall be taken up on a case-by-case basis by the Health and Welfare Committee. The Committee should act as a “placement agency” attempting to match widows with temples and service opportunities. The goal should be to find a temple which will provide shelter in exchange for reasonable service. ISKCON’s obligation is to offer the same modest standard we offer to all devotees. If the widow is infirm and unable to be “placed”, as above, the Health and Welfare Committee shall attempt to arrange general welfare support. {92}
26. That, by the grace of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna there has been a recent favorable turn of events in the on-going “George versus ISKCON” legal case. The International GBC Body would like to offer its deep appreciation and gratitude to Amarendra das and the staff of ISKCON’s office of Legal Affairs for their steadfast dedication and unflagging determination. {92}
The GBC Body would also like to thank Mukunda Maharaja and the staff of ISKCON Communications, Naveen Krishna das and his staff, Lokanatha Maharaja and the Padayatris, Hrdayananda Maharaja, Sri Ram das, Ravindra Svarupa das, the temple board and devotees of New Dvaraka, and the many other temples, devotees, and well-wishers who have helped in this effort.
Finally, the GBC would like to thank the devotees of the ISKCON Foundation for helping to arrange funding to continue this case.
27. {92} That, although after leaving the sannyasa order and taking up grhasta life, Agrani Prabhu has ceased to initiate disciples voluntarily, the GBC, after reviewing his situation, wishes to reinforce his decision by formally placing him on probation as initiating guru. {92} The probation requires that he continue not initiating for a period of at least five years. {92} We trust that Agrani Prabhu will continue to faithfully execute his duties in Krishna Consciousness according to the highest standard of his ashram, and as such, under these circumstances, all his disciples whose faith in him remains firm may continue to see him as guru. {92} Others should approach their local GBC representative for guidance according to ISKCON Law.
28. {92} [UNPUBLISHED]
29. {92} That the property purchased by ISKCON Vrindaban, from the GBC allotment in 1991 for Rs. {92} 11 Lakh will be used to house widows after proper renovation, as monitored by the Health and Welfare Committee. {92} For the time being, though, the building will be rented out to grhasthas and the funds so raised will offset the expense of necessary renovations. {92} The grhasthas will vacate the building to shift to the twenty apartments promised by the MVT upon their completion.
30. {92} That, after it has been established that there are no legal impediments involved in the purchase of the building at Radha-Damodara temple in Vrindaban containing Srila Prabhupada’s rooms, a trust will be established by Naresvara das, Gopal Krishna Goswami, Harikesa Swami, and Kadamba Kanana das to purchase the building. {92} That trust will donate Srila Prabhupada’s rooms and veranda to ISKCON-Vrindaban. {92} The remaining rooms will be sold to ISKCON temples and/or devotees, with the total monies from the sale of these rooms covering also the cost of Srila Prabhupada’s rooms. {92} The Vrindaban temple management will be responsible for purchasing the building and selling the rooms. {92} The sale of the rooms will be effected by making the purchasers trustees in the trust.
31. {92} That the Sannyasa Ministry and the Vrindaban Temple Management shall take joint responsibility for maintaining the worship in Srila Prabhupada’s rooms at Radha-Damodara temple.
32. {92} That the GBC Executive Committee shall write to the International BBT Trustees expressing the GBC Body’s regret and concern that in the name of the BBT a children’s book entitled “The Butter Thief” has been published which presents Krishna as a legendary character in which there is no mention of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in which personal pronouns of Krishna like “Him” and “His” are written improperly in lower case. {92} It should be noted that in the past Srila Prabhupada has said that the BBT is not to publish children’s books.
33. {92} [UNPUBLISHED]
34. {92} That Provisional Order 91-11 requesting a design proposal for a conference-cum-convention center for Mayapur is retired. {92} Development of the center will not be taken up for the time being.
35. {92} The Proposal for a “University of Mayapur” submitted by Harikesa Swami is approved. {92} The GBC hereby encourages HH Hrdayananda Goswami to move to Mayapur to head up the University Project. {92} The Bhaktivedanta Institute and His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami are encouraged to participate in the development of the University.
36. {92} Whereas, for the efficient conduct of the official affairs of the GBC Body, the Secretary position should not be subject to annual election, and the Secretary should be readily accessible to the registered office in Mayapur. {92} It is therefore resolved (Rule of Order):
That the current position of Secretary of the GBC Body shall now be referred to as “Executive Secretary” and the current position of Corresponding Secretary of the GBC Body shall now be additionally referred to as “Secretary”.
The new position of Secretary shall not necessarily be filled by a GBC member.
37. {92} That the GBC Officers for Gourabda 506 (1992-1993) shall be:
Chairman Bhurijan das
Vice Chairman Virabahu das
Executive Secretary Sridhara Swami
38. Whereas the GBC Body desires that Srila Prabhupada’s Centennial Celebration be a vehicle for ensuring worldwide recognition of the significance of Srila Prabhupada’s contribution, and to establish that the house which he built (ISKCON) is a place in which the whole world can live. {92}
Whereas a unified effort is required to coordinate ISKCON’s observation of Srila Prabhupada’s 100th Anniversary Appearance around the world;
Whereas, devotees, temples and zones should be encouraged to plan appropriate goals for 1996 and be given assistance to assume their successful completion;
Whereas, there is a necessity for the compilation and dissemination of information concerning the abovesaid activities;
Therefore, the ISKCON Global Ministry for the Centennial Celebration is hereby established.
39. {92} That His Holiness Lokanatha Swami is hereby appointed ISKCON’s Global Minister for the Centennial Celebration.
40. {92} That the GBC Body hereby gives permission and full blessings to sell Hare Krishna Paradise in Cebu, Philippines and move the installed Gaura Nitai Deities, paraphernalia, and devotees to a property in downtown Cebu City to be purchased from the proceeds of the sale.
41. {92} That Resolution 91-13 approving Mr. {92} A. {92} G. {92} Krishna Menon as architect for the main temple in Mayapur is hereby withdrawn. {92} The Sri Mayapur Project Development Committee is authorized to choose an architect to design the main temple in Mayapur. {92} They shall present the plans yearly at the Annual Meeting.
42. {92} [UNPUBLISHED]
43. {92} That the ISKCON Potomac property be developed as a Vedic Cultural Museum, along the lines presented by the Vedic Cultural Foundation, together with a showcase ISKCON temple as a National Project. {92} Details about ownership of land, fund-raising, funding, etc. {92} will be worked out by the North American GBC and Temple Presidents, together with the Vedic Cultural Foundation.
44. {92} That the Potomac National Project be authorized for international fund-raising to be done by a small team of professionally trained and highly skilled fund-raisers, who will only approach individuals or corporations capable of giving donations of a million dollars or more.
45. {92} That the GBC hereby creates an official status called “Candidate for GBC”, which would be preliminary to Assistant GBC. {92} If a Candidate for GBC does well in his assigned area for a specified length of time, the GBC would consider him as Assistant GBC for that area.
46. {92} That the GBC is committed to renew in a dynamic way its commitment to make Africa Krishna conscious by sending several Candidates for GBC, giving them specific assignments and mandates for preaching in Africa. {92} They shall work and preach there for two years, spending at least ten months per year. {92} Their candidatures for Assistant GBC would be considered at the 1994 Annual Meeting. {92} The Executive Committee shall appoint the Candidates for GBC for Africa in consultation with the local GBC’s.
47. {92} Whereas many temples are already strained to remit current Samadhi assessments, what to speak of increases;
Whereas there is the inevitable shortfall factor due to temples which default, disappear, or are delinquent;
Whereas there may be future unexpected or additional financial needs of the Vrindaban Samadhi;
Whereas a permanent solution is better than one based on more taxes;
It is hereby resolved that:
a) A cultural program fund raising team and campaign be developed to plan a series of fund-raising concerts and devotional concerts in approximately five North American and three Indian cities.
b) Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami will direct the campaign, with Pancaratna Prabhu as coordinator. {92}
c) A small percentage of the profits may go to the Bhaktivedanta Institute and to the local temple in India where the concerts are held.
d) The campaign will be planned to be completed within the January 93-January 94 period. {92}
48. That a publishing house be created under the auspices of the ISKCON GBC Body to print books produced by the ISKCON Monitors which are of interest to the management and functioning of ISKCON, to be called ISKCON GBC Press. Its main work will be to print books produced by the GBC Monitors, Ministers, individual GBC members, and special committees, expanding the knowledge of their various fields and which are accepted by the GBC Body as useful information for the Society. The ISKCON GBC Press will be situated in Sridham Mayapur, and will be managed under the GBC Body, by Naresvara das and Harikesa Swami. {92}
The International BBT Trustees are requested to grant seed capital for the GBC Press equivalent to the publishing costs of their first two books. {92} Books shall be sold at a markup of 2. {92} 4 times publishing costs to cover overhead, printing expenses, and capital requirements for printing new titles. {92} The emphasis will be on producing the titles inexpensively to make them accessible to the temples and devotees. {92}
All books published by the GBC Press shall contain front matter clearly setting forth the authority the work holds for ISKCON. {92} For example, the book may set forth standards and practices normative for all devotees or temples, or the book may offer the wisdom and realizations of an experienced senior devotee which may be useful as guidelines for devotees and temples. {92}
The Executive Committee of the GBC Body shall assign each proposed work to a Ksetra Committee or other subcommittee to establish a system of final editorial review approval. {92} This committee shall also write the required front matter mentioned above.
49. {92} That ISKCON Law 89-81 establishing an ISKCON Review Board is modified as follows:
a) The Review Board membership shall no longer consist of the Specialists in the various areas, but will be a body specifically appointed by the GBC. {92}
b) The review Board shall be authorized to directly appoint Authorized Reviewers, Specialists, and their areas of specialty, without reference to the full GBC Body. {92}
c) The Guideline wordings approved originally in 1989 are modified, and a fair copy accepted into the Society’s official records. {92}
d) An author wishing to publish a work which includes an approval statement in the front matter, must, before publication, first receive a letter from the Review Board at the completion of the review process stating that the process has been followed properly, the approval is granted, and giving the exact wording of the statement to be included. {92}
e) The only case in which a conditional approval is acceptable is when a work is approved as a reference work for ISKCON scholars, but not approved for general reading. {92}
f) Works which are approved may include the Review Board specified statement in the front material of the book. {92} Other than this, authors are no longer permitted to mention Review Board approval in any form of advertisement, except that they may discretely print in advertisements the exact statement which appears in the front material of the Book. {92}
g) Works which are published after June, 1992, but before obtaining written confirmation of approval from the Review Board Chairman, or which do not contain the appropriate statement in the front matter of the book, are not eligible for approval at a later date. {92} Later editions are eligible, though, if all procedures are followed before publication of the later edition. {92}
h) The Review Board has an obligation to give guidance to the Society as far as possible as to the quality and suitability of non-approved published works which may appeal to ISKCON audiences. {92} To this end, it may commission and publish reviews by ISKCON Review Board Reviewers. {92}
i) The Review Board may extend its mandate to audio recitations of literary works as it sees fit.
50. {92} That the ISKCON Review Board shall be: Bhaktarupa das, Chairman, Giriraj Swami, Bhakticaru Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Ravindra Svarupa Swami, Bhurijana das, and Sri Ram das.
51. {92} That an amount of Rs 7. {92} 5 lakh be allotted to ISKCON Vrindaban for purchase of the Kedia land.
52. {92} That Romapada Swami is appointed as Assistant GBC.
53. {92} That the Sannyasa Assembly shall not be a compulsory annual meeting. {92} It may be convened by the Executive Committee in consultation with or on the request of the Sannyasa Minister.
54. {92} That the Sannyasa Minister’s term of office shall be three years.
55. {92} That Prahladananda Swami is appointed Minister of Sannyasa Services.
56. {92} Whereas, for the efficient functioning of the GBC Executive Committee and GBC Communications Office, prompt payment of GBC Assessment Fees is necessary, and whereas those temples which pay their fees late create an additional burden which should be compensated for, it is hereby resolved that late fees shall be assessed upon temples that do not pay the fees within the 30 June due date at the rate of 1 percent per month. {92} In addition, the GBC Body reaffirms its previous resolution that if any amounts remain unpaid by the beginning of the subsequent year’s GBC meeting, the responsible GBC member shall be subject to censure by the GBC Body at that meeting.
57. {92} That the Executive Committee shall be empowered to censure Gopal Krishna Goswami, Prabhavisnu Swami, Ravindra Svarupa das, and Virabahu das if their outstanding 1991-1992 GBC Assessment Fees are not paid by Gaura Purnima day 1992.
58. {92} That Kavicandra Swami be added to the Incorporation Committee.
59. {92} Whereas, there is an amount of US $ 120,000 in overdue payments from ISKCON temples around the world for the Vrindaban Samadhi; whereas there is an amount of US $ 172,000 in overdue payments from ISKCON temples around the world for the Mayapur Samadhi; and whereas there is undue financial pressure on the ISKCON temples around the world; it is resolved that:
1) a subcommittee of Naresvara das, Hari Vilas das, Madhu Sevita das, Kirtiraj das, and Sri Ram das be empowered to review the outstanding amounts to assess the feasibility of collection on a case-by-case basis. {92} The amounts deemed uncollectible will be totalled, and the amount assessed across all temples according to the 1992-1993 Samadhi assessment rates.
2) The 1992 assessment of $ 125,000 for the Mayapur Samadhi be put on hold until 1994. {92} The GBC Body will then review the situation in light of the funds to have been raised through alternative schemes. {92}
3) The planned assessment to raise $ 160,000 for the completion of the Vrindaban Samadhi be also put on hold until 1994 when the situation will be similarly reviewed.
60. {92} WHEREAS the GBC Body is desirous of preparing a prototype Affiliation Agreement to be used as a basis for the execution of Affiliation Agreements with each recognized ISKCON Temple or Project. {92} It is hereby resolved:
That the Incorporations Subcommittee is empowered to develop such a prototype agreement in consultation with legal counsel which includes the following essential terms:
I. Criteria for Affiliation:
Associations throughout the world, whether incorporated or unincorporated, may become Affiliates of ISKCON. {92} Some of the Affiliates will be known as Temples. {92} All Affiliates shall meet the following criteria, and as far as possible under local laws it must provide statements of its adherence to these criteria in its organizational instrument or by-laws which cannot be changed without the approval of the GBC Body.
a) All Officers of the Affiliate must be qualified as follows:
i) They must be initiated devotees in the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya. {92}
ii) They must be chanting daily sixteen rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra. {92}
iii) They must be strictly following the four regulative principles, namely, no eating of meat, fish, or eggs, no taking of intoxication, no illicit sex, and no gambling. {92}
iv) They must meet any other general requirements of membership in ISKCON described in the Laws of ISKCON. {92}
v) They must have signed the prescribed Oath of Loyalty to ISKCON. {92} (See Appendix)
b) The Affiliate must agree to irrevocably dedicate all of its assets to the purposes of ISKCON. {92} For real property assets, the Affiliate must agree to allow the GBC Body or its duly authorized representatives to have veto power over any proposed sale, mortgage, transfer, encumbrance, lease of any substantial portion, or other form of alienation of its real property. {92} The affiliate must agree that, where possible under local law, it will provide clauses in the recorded deeds to its real properties which
i) prohibit alienation of its real property without the expressed written consent of the GBC Body or its representatives designated for this purpose, and
ii) require that should its Affiliation ever be terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, it will immediately transfer its real property and other assets to a fully recognized affiliate of ISKCON, as designated by the GBC Body, without consideration, and immediately cease its use of all licenses granted by the GBC. {92}
c) The Affiliate must agree that the GBC Body is the ultimate authority on matters of religious doctrine and religious practices and must conduct its activities in a manner consistent with the Constitution and Laws of ISKCON and the Resolutions of the GBC. {92} It must agree that the GBC Body is represented to the affiliate by one or more GBC members designated by the GBC Body as the Zonal Secretary(ies) of the affiliate. {92} The Zonal Secretary(ies) shall represent the will of the GBC Body to the Affiliate, unless overruled by the Executive Committee or GBC Body according to appropriate procedures. {92}
d) The Affiliate must further agree that the GBC Body reserves the right to remove any of the Directors or Officers of the Affiliate if it finds, in its sole discretion and judgment, that:
i) such Directors or Officers have caused the Affiliate to significantly deviate from the ecclesiastical doctrines of ISKCON, or they have personally deviated from the spiritual practices of ISKCON to the extent that the spiritual integrity of the Affiliate or its adherence to the ecclesiastical doctrines is at risk; or
ii) that the Officers of the Affiliate have failed to dedicate the assets of the Affiliate to the purposes of ISKCON or grossly mismanaged the assets so as to jeopardize the solvency of the Affiliate. {92}
In general, the GBC Body will respect local procedures for replacement of Directors or Officers which may be removed by the GBC Body under this Section. {92} However, if the GBC Body finds, in its sole discretion and judgment, that after a reasonable period of time local procedures for replacement have not functioned properly, it may itself appoint the replacements. {92}
e) The Affiliate must submit regular reports to the Zonal Secretary (GBC Member) assigned to the Affiliate by the GBC Body, according to the requirements of the Zonal Secretary and the regulations of the GBC Body. {92} The Affiliate must keep proper books of accounts for all financial transactions and proper records of all assets and liabilities, and must allow inspection of these records by the assigned Zonal Secretary or any other designated representative of the GBC Body. {92}
f) The Affiliate must agree that any dispute with the GBC or with any other ISKCON Affiliate will be adjudicated under the GBC’s binding arbitration procedures. {92} It must expressly agree that it shall not institute civil proceedings in any court of law in any jurisdiction against the GBC or any other ISKCON Affiliate without the expressed written consent of the GBC Executive Committee. {92}
g) The Affiliate must use its license of the name of ISKCON and any other copyrighted or trademarked property of ISKCON in accordance with the regulations of the GBC Body for such licenses, and must otherwise avoid endangering the reputation of ISKCON and the value of its copyrights or trademarks. {92}
II. {92} Corrective Measures
The GBC Body does not control its affiliates, which shall always remain independent organizations. {92} The GBC Body shall, however, require that the affiliates conduct their activities in keeping with the rules, regulations, and policies of the Society. {92} Corrective measures that it may take in the event it determines that an affiliate is not adhering properly to the rules, regulations, and policies of the Society:
a) Issue directives to the Affiliate that it is not fulfilling its obligations under the affiliation and serving notice as to the corrective action which is required. {92} Replace the Zonal Secretary assigned to oversee the Affiliate or add additional co-Zonal Secretary(ies). {92}
b) Where permitted under local law, appoint or replace one or more controlling directors or officers of the Affiliate. {92}
c) Suspend or revoke the affiliation and so notify the various classes of members associated with the affiliate. {92}
d) Once the affiliation is revoked, to require the former affiliate to transfer the assets which were formerly dedicated to the purposes of ISKCON to another organization which is affiliated. {92} The GBC may take whatever legal steps are required to effect this transfer.
III. {92} Limit of GBC Control:
Other than the provisions provided for herein the GBC will not in any way control the operation of affiliates. {92} The affiliates will remain independent organizations. {92} Specifically, the GBC will not have a right to assume ownership of, sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise alienate the property of the affiliate, except as provided above. {92}
61. Whereas, Tamal Krishna Goswami has expressed his desire to retire from the ISKCON Communications International Board of Directors; and
Whereas Saunaka Rsi das, chairman of the ISKCON European Continental Communications Committee has agreed to accept a post on the Board; it is therefore resolved:
That Tamal Krishna Goswami’s resignation be accepted, and that Saunaka Rsi das be added as member of the ISKCON Communications Board of Directors. {92}
62. Whereas ISKCON sometimes characterizes itself as alternatively Hindu and non-Hindu, often apparently according to convenience;
Whereas ISKCON is under increasing pressure lately from some friendly Hindu organizations to interact with them on specific issues or at certain times; and
Whereas ISKCON members, even its leaders sometimes, when confronted with the questions of ISKCON’s relationship with Hinduism give contradictory statements and answers; be it resolved that the GBC adopt the following official position statement on ISKCON’s relationship with Hinduism:
“The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement, was founded by His Divine Grace A. {92} C. {92} Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. {92} ISKCON follows the teachings of the Vedas and the Vedic scriptures, including Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavata Purana; it teaches and practices Vaishnavism, or devotion to God in the supreme personal aspect of Radha-Krishna. {92}
“ISKCON receives these teachings through the preceptorial line known as the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya. {92} This well-established traditional line descends through the respected teacher Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (AD 1486-1534), the full incarnation of Sri Krishna, whose philosophy and practices unify the teachings of all four major Vaisnava Acharyas: Sri Madhvacarya, Sri Ramanujacarya, Sri Vishnuswami, and Sri Nimbarkacarya. {92}
“ISKCON embraces the chanting of the holy name of Krishna as a primary practice and accepts the concepts of transmigration, karma, vegetarianism (ahimsa), worship of the deity (Sri Vigraha), and the preceptor-disciple (guru-sishya) relationship. {92} Initiated members vow to refrain from gambling, illicit sex, intoxicants (including coffee, tea, and cigarettes), and non-vegetarian food. {92}
“In this way ISKCON faithfully continues the core traditions of the Hindu faith. {92} ISKCON’s teachings are non-sectarian and non-denominational, for they are not limited to any particular historical religion. {92} Vaishnavism inculcates the essential and universal principle of all religion. {92} That principle, called sanatana dharma in Sanskrit, denotes the natural and eternal activity of all living beings — loving devotional service to the one Supreme Personality of Godhead. {92} ”
ISKCON Communications will provide two final forms of this statement – one with consistent, correct diacritics (for internal and scholarly use) and another with phonetic spelling for public use.
63. {92} Whereas some of the GBC’s for ISKCON Mayapur are more involved in management areas, while others are engaged in various services for Mayapur, and in preaching and giving advice; be it resolved that:
1) The GBC Zonal Secretaries involved in management-related matters for the time being shall be Bhakticaru Swami, Harikesa Swami, and Jayapataka Swami. {92}
2) The other GBC Zonal Secretaries who shall be involved in helping ISKCON Mayapur in various ways including preaching and advisory activities, until such time as they become more intimately involved with the overall management and again take up a GBC-level management decision-making role. {92} These are Tamal Krishna Goswami and Siva Ram Swami. {92}
3) The ISKCON Mayapur GBC Committee shall be Bhakticaru Swami, Harikesa Swami, Jayapataka Swami, and Naresvara das. {92} The GBC Committee should provide vision for ISKCON Mayapur, inform and engage the full GBC Body on Mayapur issues, and report to and consult with the other GBC members for Mayapur as necessary. {92} The ISKCON Mayapur GBC Committee shall be responsible to prepare the regular reports to the full GBC Body which will focus on the goals and objectives and the progress towards their achievement, with an aim to engage the collective and individual intelligence of the GBC Body in the development of Mayapur City, and to inspire the enthusiasm of the resident devotees of ISKCON Mayapur.
64. {92} That the following is established as the official definition of “giving 50 percent of one’s income to ISKCON”, according to the scriptural reference cited. {92} For the present, this definition shall only be applied in the statement of the qualification of a GBC member given in the following resolution:
“A grhasta should calculate his donation of 50 percent of income to ISKCON as follows: calculate gross personal income, deduct the required income tax remittance, then deduct 50 percent of the remaining net personal income and donate it to ISKCON. {92}
Supporting evidences: BG. {92} 16. {92} 1-3, S. {92} B. {92} 1. {92} 5. {92} 36; 1. {92} 17. {92} 24; 1. {92} 17. {92} 38; 3. {92} 21. {92} 31; 5. {92} 19. {92} 7; 8. {92} 19. {92} 37. {92}
65. That the following is adopted as the basic qualifications to be a GBC member:
a) Standard for Sadhana and Spiritual Practices: That a GBC must be a practicing exemplary devotee who follows daily sadhana and full morning program, demonstrably chants sixteen rounds, follows strictly the four regulative principles, regularly gives classes, and participates in temple festivals and harinam parties. {92}
b) GBC Duties: A GBC member must accept and carry out diligently and responsibly all GBC duties, including those specifically assigned.
c) Standards of Service:
i) Sannyasis, brahmacaris, vanaprasthas, and brahminical grhasthas (living in facilities provided by ISKCON) who are maintained by ISKCON are to be fully engaged in devotional service with all their time and energy. {92}
ii) There are grhasthas who dedicate the major part of their time and energies to their ISKCON duties. {92} They need, however, to earn a minimum amount of income for family obligations that are not defrayed by ISKCON. {92} They are exempted from the 50 percent donation rule. {92}
iii) Those grhasthas who choose to engage in full-time occupation outside of ISKCON must follow the 50 percent donation rule, and all of their non-occupational time should also be engaged in devotional service, sacrificing a major portion given in voluntary service to ISKCON. {92}
d) Living Standards: A GBC Member must live in or near enough to a Krishna Conscious temple community to regularly, on a daily basis, participate in devotional activities and associate with devotees. {92}
e) Standard of Personal Behavior and Character: A GBC should be exemplary in all respects in his behavior and character.
66. {92} That the following are resolved to strengthen the Continental Board of Education structure:
a) Bhurijan das should take over the responsibility for Western India from Giriraj Swami. {92} Giriraj Swami no longer needs to remain a member of the Board;
b) Bhakticaru Swami is added to the Board of Education;
c) GBC Board of Education members must get Continental Boards of Education formed in their areas this year;
d) The regional GBC Board of Education members should try to arrange travel funds so that the Board of Education Chairman can come and assist them in the formation of the Continental Boards. {92}
67. That the GBC Body appreciates Balavanta Prabhu’s offer of service. {92} The Executive Committee shall write to him, explain Resolution #65 above, and suggest possible services he could do.
68. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That the following be adopted as a principle to be incorporated in the future ISKCON Constitution and other laws governing ISKCON affiliations:
That unless the Executors Committee grants a special temporary exemption, those temples who do not adhere to placing their properties in the name of ISKCON and having the designated ISKCON Property Trustees as Trustees of the property may not be considered as authorized ISKCON temples.
69. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That Resolution 90-49 which fixed the amount due for the worship of Srila Prabhupada in his Vrindaban samadhi at Rs. {92} 3000/- per month shall be modified to include an increase of 15 percent to cover inflation each April 1st beginning with 1991.
70. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] WHEREAS, often nominees for becoming ISKCON initiating gurus are unknown outside of their local area, and yet their names are circulated without any information about their qualifications; and
WHEREAS, GBC members have a duty to see that the specified clear standards of qualification mentioned in ISKCON law are being adhered to before accepting the nominations; therefore it is RESOLVED:
a) That the duly constituted nominating committee for new initiating/siksha gurus shall include, along with their resolution of nomination, a complete description of why the nominee is qualified under each obligatory requirement and other stipulated requirements for being a spiritual master. {92} In addition, the chronological history of the devotional service of the candidate specifying which areas or temples he served in, et cetera, shall be included. {92}
b) That the guru nominating committee must include in its membership the local GBC’s, Regional Secretaries (if any), Temple Presidents, and resident sannyasis of the region proposing the appointment. {92} Additionally, any neighboring spiritual authorities of a similar calibre and senior devotees in good standing are ideally to be included in the committee. {92} Once the committee is formed it cannot be reconstituted, except to replace a member who has become spiritually disqualified. {92}
c) That the official letter of nomination from the committee shall also include the names of the nomination committee members, their basic service within the society, their seniority, their vote, and a brief explanation of why they voted the way they did. {92}
d) That the GBC Corresponding Secretary shall coordinate these stipulations as already provided in ISKCON Law.
71. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] WHEREAS, the existing ISKCON Law on eligibility for initiation is not sufficiently explicit on the minimum period a candidate must remain fixed under the shelter of a spiritual master prior to accepting initiation, and thus new devotees in the movement over twelve months have often accepted initiation within days or weeks of taking shelter of an initiating guru, thereby reducing the stature of the initiation process. {92}
THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That the existing ISKCON Law on eligibility for initiation which states (17. {92} 1. {92} 1):
That a new devotee who follows the four regulative principles and chants sixteen rounds for the first six months should chant Srila Prabhupada’s pranam mantra and worship him as Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and his siksa guru. {92} During the second six-month period the disciple may choose his future diksha guru and chant his pranam mantra. {92} After a period of at least one year, the devotee may become eligible to be initiated. {92}
is hereby reworded and shall henceforth be:
That a new devotee who follows the four regulative principles and chants sixteen rounds for the first six months should chant Srila Prabhupada’s pranam mantra and worship him as Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and his siksa guru. {92} At any time after the initial six month period, and after passing the required examination, the candidate may choose his future diksha guru, with the permission of the guru, and, after notifying the local Temple President, begin to worship him as spiritual master and chant his pranam mantra. {92} In the case of candidates seeking reinitiation, this formal notification of intention to receive reinitiation from a particular guru should also be given to the local Temple President. {92} Actual initiation (or reinitiation) may only occur after a minimum six month period from this date of notification of the local Temple President.
72. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That Resolution #88-62 calling for a moratorium on all “pre-initiation” or preliminary initiation ceremonies shall apply to any ceremony conducted by an ISKCON official in which an uninitiated devotee pledges that he will follow Srila Prabhupada in his life and practice a minimum level of sadhana, or where other pledges are made which are equivalent to or which naturally include these two commitments.
73. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] WHEREAS, the Vyasa Puja day is a moveable day like all the other appearance days of the acaryas. {92} Sometimes it is calculated to be observed on the same day that Janmastami is observed, sometimes the day after (as is normal), and other times two days after. {92} This may be unacceptable to ISKCON, and we may want to make an exception in this case and fix the date as is our normal practice; therefore it is RESOLVED:
That Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day be fixed as the calendar day after the observance of Janmastami, and the calendar program changed accordingly.
74. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That the official ISKCON Calendar should include the significant dates in Srila Prabhupada’s life, such as the day he took sannyasa, departed for America, arrived in America, founded ISKCON, etc.
75. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That during discussions of zonal assignments at the Mayapur meeting, whenever a vote will be taken which may change the Zonal Secretary for a particular temple or temples, signed letters must be submitted, addressed to the GBC Chairman, from the temple presidents (not in attendance at the meeting) of each temple to be affected by the proposed change, stating that they are aware of the proposal, and offering their comments in favor, opposed, or undecided. {92} Letters may also be submitted from other interested parties at the discretion of the proposer. {92} This requirement may be waived for a particular proposal by a two-thirds majority vote of the GBC Body. {92} [Rule of Order]
76. [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That the following be adopted as a guideline for use by the ISKCON Health and Welfare Committee in proposing legislation, and also be established as a principle to be incorporated in the future ISKCON Constitution:
That the welfare of individual ISKCON members is always of concern to the Society and its leadership. {92} Specifically, devotees who have dedicated themselves to the work of the Society according to their ability and then later come to face some hardship due to old age, illness, lack of a means of livelihood, etc. {92} should be provided the necessities of life. {92} It is the duty of every ISKCON devotee to make whatever arrangements are within their power to provide these necessities wherever there is a need, without seeking compensation. {92}
Trust funds, welfare organizations, and other such entities may be established by individual ISKCON members, temples, the GBC Body, etc. {92} for carrying out these responsibilities, but the overriding principle of such endeavors must always be voluntary charity to the Vaisnavas. {92} Taxes, assessments, and fees must never be used for such purposes, as such would serve only to decrease the feelings of love and trust upon which our society is based.
77. {92} [CORRESPONDENCE RESOLUTION EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1991] That Resolution 90-101 be amended to state (in full):
That no devotee who has remarried after having been divorced from a devotee-spouse shall serve as a member of the Governing Body Commission or as a Temple President. {92} Exempt from this law are devotees who become divorced against their desire by the action of their spouses, or as a consequence of their spouses’ becoming committed non-devotees. {92} Provisionally exempt are devotees who were divorced prior to March 2, 1990.
78. {92} That the Sannyasa waiting list for 1992 is as follows:
Prabhupada das 2 years
Siddhartha das 2 years
Raghubhir das 1 year
Harikatha das 2 years
Mahamantra das 4 years
Birsingha das 2 years
Kesava Bharati das 3 years
79. That Dhanvantari Swami is appointed as an Official Candidate for GBC for Brazil. {92}
81. That the following is approved as the GBC Executive Committee /Communications Office Budget:
Executive Committee Travel $ 1,000
Sannyasi Committee Phone and Fax 1,500
Sannyasi Travel Fund for
assisting Executive Committee 2,000
Incorporation Work finalize 1,000
Continue trademark and legal work 6,500
Trademark Work travel 2,800
Executors Committee work 3,500
Calendar Mailings 800
Office expenses 5,000
Computer and printer 1,500
1993 GBC Meeting Costs 2,000
Meeting Room Improvements 1,000
Total Expenses $ 28,600
1991 Receivables (2,600)
Total Budget $ 26,000
(Note: H.H. Bhakticaru Swami has kindly offered to collect funds for the purchase of proper tables and chairs for the GBC meetings, and for the GBC Prasadam costs. {92} )
82. Whereas Tattva Darshan Prabhu has requested GBC sanction for establishing a farm project in Karnataka over the objections of the local GBC and Temple President, it is hereby resolved that:
a) Tattva Darshan Prabhu and the other devotees involved are advised to undertake the farm in an alternate location outside Karnataka to avoid conflicts.
b) If they are still desirous of having a farm in Karnataka, then they must adhere to the following conditions:
i) They must come to an agreement with the local GBC and Madhu Pandit das, Bangalore Temple President;
ii) They must not raise any funds from Karnataka State until the completion of the Bangalore Temple Project, but must develop and maintain the farm from personal funds or collection from outside of Karnataka.
iii) To integrate the management of the farm with ISKCON in Karnataka, and under all circumstances they must work cooperatively with the local zonal management.
c) If none of the above are acceptable and they establish the farm as a non-ISKCON project, not identifying with ISKCON in public activities, then it falls outside the purview of GBC jurisdiction. {92}
83. That the Philosophical Research Group established in Resolution 1990-86 be continued with Suhotra Swami as the coordinator of the group. He shall utilize this group, plus other qualified devotees, as his pool of resources and coordinate the research and writing of the required papers for the GBC Body. {92}
84. That the zonal assignments for 1992-93 are as follows:
Badrinarayan das:
GBC for Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri
co-GBC with Virabahu das for Los Angeles
Bhakti Bhusana Swami:
GBC — Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
co-GBC with Guru Prasad Swami for Colombia
co-GBC with Virabahu for Southern Florida
Bhakti Caru Swami:
GBC, assisted by Romapada Swami for New York and New Jersey
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for West Bengal
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for France
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami:
GBC — Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for France
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
Bhurijana das:
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Jagadisha Goswami for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Giriraj Swami, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
Giriraj Swami:
GBC — Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Angola, and Cape Verde Islands.
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Spain, Portugal
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Pakistan
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Sri Lanka
Gopal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Goa, Maharashtra (other than Bombay), Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Delhi
co-GBC with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarupa Damodar Swami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for East Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jagadish Goswami and Bhurijan, for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Ravindra Swarup for Washington DC
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kirghizia, and Azerbaijan
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Prabhavisnu Swami for Russia and Georgia
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Hari Vilas for Armenia
Gour Govinda Swami:
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Orissa
Guru Gauranga das:
No portfolio
Guru Prasad Swami:
GBC for Arizona, Central America, Mexico, and Trinidad
co-GBC with Virabahu for Venezuela
co-GBC with Bhaktibhusan Swami for Colombia
Harikesa Swami:
GBC — Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Yugoslavia, Lichtenstein
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
Hari Vilas das:
GBC — Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, North and South Yemen, Afghanistan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkino Faso, Niger, Chad, Northern California, Oregon, Jammu and Kashmir, Hardwar and Rishikesh
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Armenia
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Pakistan
Hrdayananda das Goswami:
GBC for North and Central Florida
co-GBC with Loka Saksi for Brazil
Jagadisa Goswami:
GBC, assisted by Madhu Sevita das for Italy
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Ontario
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Spain and Portugal
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami and Bhurijan for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
Jayapataka Swami:
GBC for Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, Maldives, Bhutan, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
co-GBC with Virabahu das, for Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for West Bengal other than Calcutta and Mayapur
co-GBC with Gour Govinda Swami for Orissa
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Sri Lanka
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
Kavicandra Swami:
GBC — Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hawaii, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Benin, Togo, Liberia, Camaroon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Zaire, Gabon, Rio Muni, Central African Republic, and Congo
co-GBC with Suhotra Swami for Indonesia
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
Kirtiraja das:
GBC — Israel
co-GBC with Suhotra Swami, for Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Czechoslovakia
co-GBC with Sivarama Swami for Hungary
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Delhi
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Moldova
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, and Kirghizia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Prabhavishnu Swami for Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Hari Vilas for Armenia
Lokasaksi das:
co-GBC with Hrdayananda Goswami for Brazil
Madhu Sevita das:
Assistant GBC to Suhotra Swami for Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Greece and Cyprus
Assistant GBC to Jagadisha Goswami for Italy
Mukunda Goswami:
GBC Minister of Communications
Niranjana Swami:
GBC — New England, Festival of India
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Ontario
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Moldova
Prabhavisnu Swami:
GBC — Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia
co-GBC with Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Eastern Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kirtiraj and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Russia, and Georgia
Ravindra Svarup:
GBC — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, and Virginia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Washington DC
Romapada Swami:
Assistant GBC to Bhakticaru Swami for New York and New Jersey,
Sivarama Swami:
GBC — England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Ireland
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Hungary
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Sridhara Swami:
GBC Minister of Life Membership
Suhotra Swami:
co-GBC with Kirtiraj for Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Albania
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Indonesia
GBC, assisted by Madhu Sevita das for Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Greece and Cyprus
Tamal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines
co-GBC with Vasudeva for Polynesia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Vasudeva das:
GBC — Fiji
co-GBC with Tamal Krsna Goswami for Polynesia
Virabahu das:
GBC for Guyana, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and balance of Caribbean except for Trinidad
co-GBC with Bhaktibhusan Swami for Southern Florida
co-GBC with Badrinarayan das for Los Angeles
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile
co-GBC with Guru Prasad Swami for Venezuela
* co-GBC’s for Mayapur and Calcutta are Jayapataka Swami, Harikesa Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami,Sivarama Swami, and Bhakticaru Swami
85. That, if an issue/proposal being brought up for correspondence vote deals with a subject of concern to a particular Monitor, that Monitor should be informed of the issue, when appropriate, by the Corresponding Secretary, and given opportunity to comment. His comments will be circulated with the Correspondence Proposal. {92}
86. That Resolution 90-119 shall be modified as follows (section 2) :
In countries such as India, where it is not practical to report child abusers to the police, the local GBC or Continental Committee must establish a mechanism whereby all child molestation incidents are thoroughly investigated, and confirmed abusers are banned from residing in or working in all ISKCON communities. Local resolutions confirming these actions must be forwarded in writing to the ISKCON GBC Board of Education, and all temples where the abusers may be likely to travel. The policy should be regularly explained to the devotees in these countries. {92}
87. That the GBC Body welcomes back to ISKCON: HH Umapati Swami and HH Varsana Swami. We recognize their qualifications to serve as sannyasis and appreciate the contribution to ISKCON they are making.
88. {92} That the GBC Body recommends that HH Umapati Swami and HH Varsana Swami regularize their situation and reaffirm their sannyasa vows from an ISKCON sannyasa guru.
89. {92} That to raise the additional $ 535,000 needed for the Vrindaban and Mayapur Samadhi completions, the GBC Body should cooperate to identify temples internationally that have an existing congregational donor base. Each of these temples will be trained by the ISKCON Foundation to do a mini campaign in 1992-1993 with an approximate target of $ 35,000 to $ 100,000 each (based upon number of temple participating), and will be given special recognition in Vrindaban and Mayapur. Temples struggling with other financial burdens sch as the Robin George case should be excluded for this campaign. The local Samadhi team will be responsible to develop and supply promotional materials, photos, brochures, posters, and so on.
(Note: Temple/Zones who have agreed so far are Bombay, Calcutta, United Kingdom, South Africa, Germany, and Scandinavia. Australia, and Hong Kong will be researched by Sridhar Swami. {92}
90. That Hrdayananda Goswami is appointed co-GBC for Detroit. {92}
92. That the GBC Zonal Secretaries shall be responsible in their respective countries or zones to register the trademark/membership mark rights as per the guidelines provided by the Incorporations Subcommittee. If the Zonal Secretaries do not complete the registration in ten months time, then the GBC Body can take up the matter centrally, considering the guidelines of the Incorporation Committee. {92}
93. That Dwarakadhisa das be appointed the Official Auditor of the accounts of ISKCON Governing Body Commission Society. {92}
94. That, in response to HH Nitai Cand Goswami’s request to the GBC Body for guidance, it is resolved that he expand his preaching activities outside of India for nine to ten months of the year for the next two to three years. Like others, he may spend the month of Kartik in Vrindaban and the Gour Purnima Festival. {92}
95. That the resignation of Guru Gauranga das as minister of Justice is accepted. {92}
96. That the Justice System in ISKCON be restructured as follows:
There shall be a Ministry of Justice. The Ministry shall be headed by a devotee, not necessarily a GBC man, who shall function like a professor of justice. He shall perform two major functions, namely, to do the necessary research and development of knowledge needed to establish and continue the judicial system in ISKCON; and to Monitor the progress of the development of the world-wide judicial system in ISKCON for the GBC body.
The research and development will be along the following lines:
1) He will concentrate on extracting the essential principles active within the judicial process, by:
a) Analyzing the judgments handed down by the courts of ISKCON by extracting the principles utilized to create their decisions, and, if required, determining principles which were not consciously seen by the courts but which were active in the decision-making process.
b) Analyzing the sastra and the words of Srila Prabhupada and picking out those principles which are useful for ISKCON’s legal system.
c) Utilizing his common and legal sense for developing codes which will assist the decision making process and then presenting them to the GBC Body for final approval.
d) Researching existing GBC Resolutions.
e) Suggesting to the GBC body guidelines for the acceptance of cases and appeals which, when passed by the GBC, will become the standard for all courts in ISKCON.
f) Researching the system of justice accepted by the Catholic Church and other religious organizations.
g) Compiling and disseminating the above information in a form easily digestible for ISKCON’s jurists to understand. This could be done in a series of quarterly monographs which are mailed throughout the world to the appropriate ISKCON judicial bodies. {92}
2) He should also codify the basic requirements to determine the eligibility of a case and the specific jurisdiction of the courts. In other words, he should chart out the grounds under which a case may qualify for eligibility to be heard by our court system and he should write down the specific circumstances under which a case may be heard by a specific level of court in ISKCON.
3) He should formulate, with the help of the world-wide ISKCON courts, questions on spiritual and material principles and procedures which should be analyzed and codified into ISKCON laws by the GBC body.
His monitoring function should consist of the following:
1) Monitoring the creation of the court system throughout the world. He will see that the GBC resolutions regarding the creation of the legal system are being followed and when not, first encouraging the GBC men and other appropriate bodies or devotees to complete the work, and, if this fails, to report to the GBC body for further action.
2) Maintaining, so long as it is reasonable, a master file on the judgments of ISKCON cases throughout the world in order to fulfil his role as extractor of principles and compiler of precedents.
3) Be available to offer advice on the basis of his research and learning to the courts.
The Minister should either find the means to maintain himself and his department or should be engaged in other ways and do this work part time. He should not approach the GBC body for funding of his ministry. He might be maintained by a particular temple or zone, or even a continent, as a service by these entities to ISKCON. Ideally, he should be someone who is anyway travelling and preaching throughout the world who can add this portfolio to his services.
The court system in ISKCON shall be broken down into three basic areas of responsibility: Regional Courts; Continental Courts; and the Global GBC Supreme Court.
1) The Regional Courts shall be the first instance in cases which derive from opponents in a local region. That region may be within a country, such as the US, where it may consist of Northeast, Southeast, Central, and so on, regions, or it may consist of a series of countries in smaller and less developed areas, such as within Central America or the smaller countries in Europe, or even a particular country, if appropriate. These regions are to be determined on each continent by a committee of GBC representatives. The Monitor may assist in helping the GBC set up the regions. The GBC shall direct the GBC representatives in North and South America, Europe, India, Asia, Africa, and Australasia, to create these Regional Courts by Gaur Purnima 1993, although it may take longer for these courts to actually properly function.
These Regional Courts are to be regionally funded according to the desire of a committee of temples and GBC men in that region. Possible funding sources might be through the creation of a collection team of one or more devotees devoted to supporting the judicial system, taxes on the temples within the region, and/or fees charged to the opponents approaching the court. Other means of support may be adopted as well according to the decision of the administrative bodies of ISKCON within that region. They must, however, find a proper means to fund the system and the GBC’s connected to that region must make sure that this is done.
There shall be a minimum of three and maximum of five jurors in a Regional Court.
One of the prerequisites for hearing a case on the regional level will be that all the normal ISKCON administrative channels, such as negotiation with the temple presidents, regional councils, and the GBC, have been exhausted. The Regional Court shall determine if a case is eligible to be tried and if it is within their jurisdiction. If there is a dispute on jurisdiction, it may be heard at the next higher level or determined by the GBC within the areas concerned.
2) The Continental Courts shall be the first instance in case of appeals from the Regional Courts on their continent. These courts will act as a trial court in case of disputes between parties resident in different regions of the continent. This court should be made up of senior men, either GBC, sannyasis, or other devotees who have been in the movement for a substantial period of time and are recognized as being learned, wise, and possessing a legal acumen and common sense.
They shall determine if a case is within their jurisdiction and, when it is not, they shall say where the case shall be sent. They may also determine if a case is eligible to be heard on their level. The detailed structure of the Continental Courts may be worked out by the Continental Committee of GBC men and others and refined in conjunction with the court itself.
This court should not require much funding. For example, if they are hearing an appeal from a lower court they should simply review the papers from that court and not gather new information. If they find there are discrepancies in the information gathering process, or new information is being given, or that there are procedural mistakes in the lower court, or there was an unfair trial because the judges have acted improperly, or their interpretation of the law is improper, or they perceive a gross injustice, they should send the case back for retrial after presenting their corrections and modifications in writing to the Regional Court. When they review an appeal they should simply determine whether the procedure and principles applied in the case are correct and if the judgment is according to recognized spiritual principles and ISKCON law. If they find that there are no proper ISKCON laws to cover the principles being evoked, or that the principles are at present undefined, the Continental Court should bring the questions up to the GBC body for the determination of the principle and the creation of a proper ISKCON law. The GBC will have to determine if this law can be considered retroactively or not in each particular instance.
If the Continental Court is hearing a case as the first instance, it will ask the investigative team of the appropriate Regional Courts to compile the evidence relevant in the case so that the Continental Court may perform its work without creating further expenses.
In the case that funding is considered required to allow for the proper functioning of the Continental Court, the Continental GBC body shall be authorized to create the systems by which the funding shall be supplied. The CC should be at least created by Gaur Purnima 1993, although it may take longer for them to actually start to properly function.
3) The Global GBC Supreme Court shall consist of a committee which shall act as the ISKCON equivalent of the Supreme Court of the US. They shall only choose to hear cases which are dependent on the prior establishment of principles dependent on an interpretation of ISKCON law, or on principles contained in the sastra, or on other spiritual considerations that they deem appropriate to the court. They shall not be an automatic part of the appeal process and shall only elect to hear cases based on the merit of the case itself. They should present guidelines for cases presented for appeal and publish them for the information of the society.
This committee shall consist of three to five justices who are GBC members. They may raise questions to the GBC for the creation of new ISKCON laws as required. They shall meet at least once a year in Mayapur around the time of the Annual Meetings and they may be in contact throughout the year. If contact within the year is not possible, then the participants in the case shall wait for the yearly meeting in Mayapur.
The full GBC Body remains the ultimate court of appeal or review. It will be up to their discretion whether they accept a case or not.
The GBC Executive Committee shall be invested with the following emergency powers throughout the year: they shall be authorized to temporarily solve global problems by referring cases for immediate action to the Continental Courts, the Continental GBC Committees or other standing GBC committees and by issuing injunctions on organizations and individuals. The decisions they make throughout the year are to be reviewed by the whole body at the Annual GBC Meeting in Mayapur.
No court in ISKCON shall hear cases which are recognized as being of a criminal nature in the outside world. Examples of this are child molestation, assault and battery, grand larceny, murder, embezzlement and fraud. Certified cases of an obvious nature should be turned over to the local governmental authorities and follow the normal criminal system of justice. The local GBC men and the Regional Courts may determine when a case should be sent to the police if there is some dispute whether this should be done or not.