Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Annual General Meeting — February 7-21, 1993 — Mayapur, India
1. That the Governing Body Commission wishes to offer sincere thanks to His Holiness Bhakticaru Swami, who has generously presented a most excellent gift of a furnished meeting hall for the Annual GBC Meetings. Bhakticaru Maharaja not only donated the entire cost of the hall, but he also helped with the design and oversaw the construction. He was ably assisted by his disciples Svarup Damodar Das Brahmacari and Sudhir Krishna Das Brahmacari.
2. That the system of running the GBC Meetings as presented in parts one through five of the paper “Avoiding Endless GBC Plenary Meeting” be provisionally adopted for use during the 1993 GBC Meetings. During the actual running of the meeting, the Executive Committee shall be allowed to make minor adaptations of the aforesaid rules as they see fit.
3. That HH Suhotra Swami is appointed as a Full GBC Member.
4. That HH Sridhara Swami is appointed as a Full GBC Member.
5. That HG Madhu Sevita Prabhu is appointed as an Acting GBC Member.
6. That HH Romapada Swami is appointed as an Acting GBC Member.
7. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 31 July, 1992] WHEREAS, uninitiated devotees who, after taking formal shelter of an initiating guru and subsequently wanting to change their spiritual master, have no standard required minimum period for remaining under the shelter of the new guru before being considered eligible to be initiated, and the lack of such a standard has reduced the stature of the initiation process;
It is therefore RESOLVED that the following standard for changing gurus shall be adopted as ISKCON Law:
That, in the case of candidates for initiation who had formerly accepted shelter from one spiritual master and subsequently desire to change to another, this change must be communicated to the former prospective spiritual master, new prospective spiritual master, and local Temple President. The candidate must also remain fixed under the shelter of the newly proposed initiating guru for six continuous months from the time of newly accepting formal shelter prior to receiving initiation.
8. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 31 July, 1992] WHEREAS, sometimes there are misunderstandings between temple authorities and spiritual masters on whether recommendations for initiation have actually been given, which would be solved if the recommendations were always given in writing;
WHEREAS, occasionally, temple authorities have not fully understood the gravity of their responsibility in recommending candidates for initiation, which would be solved by clarifying the extent of the Temple President’s responsibility in this regard;
WHEREAS, occasionally, candidates for initiation request initiation without having received proper recommendation; and
WHEREAS, lack of standards in these matters has reduced the stature of the initiation process;
THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: that the following standard for initiation recommendations shall be adopted as ISKCON Law:
That before a candidate can be (first) initiated, the guru must receive a written recommendation from the Temple President under whom the candidate is currently serving. In the case of candidates who are not full-time ISKCON members, the recommendation must be given by the Temple President of a temple near the candidate who has familiarity with the spiritual status of the candidate. If said Temple President is also the prospective initiating guru, then special procedures must be followed (see Note below.) Future legislation will deal with situations where there is no Temple President with sufficient familiarity to make or deny a recommendation, as may occur in the case of congregational members who do not live near an ISKCON temple.
The recommendation of the Temple President must certify that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications for initiation to the best of his understanding, and, specifically, it must state that the candidate has been engaged in favorable devotional service, has chanted sixteen rounds of japa daily, and has adhered to the four regulative principles, all for the previous twelve months. It must also state that the candidate is sufficiently knowledgeable in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness and the structure and purpose of ISKCON to have passed the prescribed examination, and has accepted shelter of the guru since more than six months. If the candidate has not been serving continuously under the recommending Temple President for the previous twelve months, then the Temple President must still satisfy himself with the activities of the candidate for the full twelve month period by contacting other ISKCON authorities with knowledge of the candidate’s activities during the balance time.
The Corresponding Secretary shall prepare and make available to Temple Presidents and Initiating Gurus a standard form which may be used for the recommendation letter.
This formal recommendation process is not intended to replace or overshadow the (more important) need for other regular contact between the ISKCON devotees who are guiding the candidate and the prospective spiritual master regarding the spiritual progress of the candidate. Also, the prospective spiritual master is under no obligation to initiate a devotee because a recommendation has been given or is available to be given.
The same procedures apply for reinitiation. In the case of second initiation, a written recommendation is also required from the appropriate ISKCON authority as above. This recommendation must certify that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications for second initiation to the best of his understanding, and, specifically, it must state that the candidate has been steadily engaged in favorable devotional service, has chanted sixteen rounds of japa daily, and has adhered to the four regulative principles, all for the previous twelve months (having received first initiation more than twelve months before). As in the case of a recommendation for first initiation, if the candidate has not been serving continuously under the recommending Temple President for the previous twelve months, then the Temple President must still satisfy himself with the activities of the candidate for the full twelve month period by contacting other ISKCON authorities with knowledge of the candidate’s activities during the balance time. A similar standard form shall also be prepared which may be used for second initiation recommendations.
Note — Procedures to be followed if the prospective guru is also the Temple President with appropriate jurisdiction: In this case, the local GBC shall either write the recommendations himself or establish a local Board of Initiations, which does not include the prospective guru as a member, to review the qualifications of the candidates. The chairman of this Board of Initiations may then prepare the necessary written recommendations. In the extreme case that the local GBC, Temple President, and prospective guru are all the same person, the GBC Executive Committee shall establish the appropriate procedures to be followed.
9. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That the GBC Body establishes a Farm Research Committee to propose guidelines for rural and farm communities. The Committee shall research the following points and report to Ksetra Committee 1 as soon as possible. Ksetra Committee 1 shall, after review, editing and approval, present the full and final report to all members of the GBC:
a. What are Srila Prabhupada’s instructions on farms and rural communities?
b. To what extent are they workable by ISKCON now? In other words, under the different circumstances existing in different parts of the world, to what degree can they be actualized?
c. What kind of farm projects should ISKCON have? What economic, social and agricultural systems are best and/or most appropriate?
d. Are there successful models we can follow, either in ISKCON or elsewhere?
e. What requirements should be met before a farm or rural project is started?
f. How can we maintain high spiritual standards, efficient and productive cow protection, viable and efficient agricultural production, and proper educational programs for our children in these communities?
Committee chairman to be Suresvara das, other initial members to be Muralivadika das, and Balabhadra das. The Committee and/or Ksetra Committee 1, may coopt other qualified members as required including some from other continents to provide a broader perspective and practical input. All GBC members and farm community leaders shall be solicited to make any submissions to the committee during their deliberation.
10. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] WHEREAS, occasionally devotees or associates of the movement advertise their business affairs as supporting ISKCON activities, but quite often less benefit actually accrues to ISKCON than the advertisements represent;
WHEREAS members and the public have had their faith shaken by shady dealings; and
WHEREAS ISKCON can be legally implicated in such affairs.
It is hereby RESOLVED:
That any individual or group wishing to advertise that ISKCON or an authorized affiliate or project of ISKCON is a recipient of proceeds from a particular business or fund raising scheme must adhere to the following standard:
a. There must be a written contract between the individual or group conducting the business or fund raising scheme and the ISKCON authorized affiliate or project which clearly spells out:
i. The names of the proprietors/owners/directors of the business or scheme, and the legal name of the authorized affiliate or project.
ii. Exactly how ISKCON will benefit from the proceeds. For example, if a monetary contribution is pledged, is it to be a fixed amount, or calculated as a percentage of gross revenue, of gross profit, or of net profit. Will the devotees involved in working in the business or scheme be supported by the business directly or by ISKCON? If so, how much devotee support or salary is paid to them.
iii. That the business or scheme will follow all relevant government laws and regulations.
b. A prospectus must be prepared by the business which includes a copy of the above-mentioned contract, and, if the contract has been in operation for more than one year, it must also include a statement from an Officer of the ISKCON temple or project stating that the terms of the contract have been fulfilled to date. This prospectus must be updated annually and readily supplied to any person who so requests. The availability of the prospectus must also be advertised wherever the relationship with ISKCON is advertised.
11. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That, when an ISKCON entity is registered as a religious, charitable, or non-profit organization under the laws of its particular state or country, if those laws prohibit such an entity from engaging in activities of a commercial nature, then, of course, the ISKCON entity must comply.
Such businesses, though, cannot be contained as part of the ISKCON entity’s activities when the ISKCON entity is constituted as a non-profit corporation. The managers of such businesses may decide to donate funds from their business activities to ISKCON. Such donations cannot encumber ISKCON with any obligations toward the donor or the business.
It may be seen that certain activities like prasadam distribution, restaurants, temple stores, book distribution, life membership, or soliciting of donation with devotional paraphernalia, are carried out by ISKCON non-profit organizations as part of their missionary activities. As long as these activities are not of a primarily commercial nature, are not for the benefit of individuals, are not in violation of local law, and do not endanger the ISKCON entity with unnecessary liability, they may be conducted by the ISKCON entity directly. If the activities develop such that the primary focus is profit rather than preaching, such that local laws would be violated by the non-profit ISKCON entity, or such that unnecessary liability is risked, then they must be legally separated.
12. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That, since preaching Krishna Consciousness is the principle business of ISKCON, the GBC recommends that, as far as possible, devotees living in the ashrams of ISKCON temples should collect money through preaching activities such as book distribution, membership, cultivation of the congregation, restaurants, temple stores, etc. Since Srila Prabhupada stated that “business means to help the preaching”, it may also be necessary for ISKCON leaders to organize businesses which utilize devotee resources in generating income for the support of the temple. However, ISKCON leaders involved in such activities should insure that the main focus of the temple remains on preaching and not on business.
Business activities other than as described above are permissable, provided they are not in contradiction to the regulative principles. As far as possible, ISKCON leaders should encourage devotees for preaching work, while also engaging devotees according to their nature and ashram, and the temple needs.
Recognizing that there are varied economic and social conditions in different parts of the world, as well as the fact that sometimes special collection drives have to be organized for particular projects, the GBC accepts that the sale of paraphernalia may be necessary as a means of generating income. These programs of paraphernalia sales, however, fall within the realm of “business”, or “collection” activities and should therefore not be termed as “sankirtan”.
The GBC recommends that all ISKCON leaders endeavor to gradually orient the income-generating activities of the devotees in the ashrams primarily towards preaching-related sources. The pace of such a shift is to be determined by the local leadership. ISKCON leaders and travelling preachers should respect and cooperate with the policies being instituted in the various zones.
This guideline is not in any way intended to contradict or create an exception to any ISKCON law restricting the commercial activities of legal entities which are ISKCON Affiliates. ISKCON leaders and/or members encouraging the conduct of or engaging in activities prohibited for ISKCON Affiliates under such laws should take care to see that such activities are conducted by other entities.
13. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] Only initiated devotees of Krishna who are strictly maintaining their vows of initiation may be married before the Deities in a Vaisnava ceremony.
An ISKCON devotee priest can perform a ceremony for uninitiated devotees that may include the lighting of the sacred fire, but not before Deities, if he is reasonably certain that the devotees to be married are not engaged in regular and/or serious deviation from the four regulative principles. It is preferred that this ceremony not be held in the temple room if other facilities are available.
An ISKCON devotee who is qualified under local law to perform religious ceremonies may marry other uninitiated devotees at his own risk.
14. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That ISKCON Law 90-14 shall be modified to state as follows in its entirety:
That every GBC member must submit a form annually to the Executive Committee indicating briefly the status of all approved ISKCON gurus normally residing, regularly preaching, or initiating in his zone. (The Executive Committee will assign each guru to a GBC member(s) for monitoring.)
If any approved guru has:
a) taken reinitiation/shelter of a non-ISKCON guru or institution;
b) rejected ISKCON or Srila Prabhupada; or
c) undergone a change of service, of ashram, or of living situation, which the local GBC member feels threatens to hamper the approved guru’s ability to give guidance to or set a proper standard of conduct for disciples.
Then the GBC member’s report shall, if possible, include a written statement from the approved guru as to his intentions in regard to his disciples and his devotional service. If not possible, then it shall at least include a description of the approved guru’s intentions as best they can be discerned through the investigation of the GBC member. The report shall also contain any other information which would be of value to the GBC Body in determining the guru’ status, as well as the recommendations of the local temple presidents, zonal councils, etc.
The Executive Committee shall review the reports and take any necessary action.
15. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That GBC Rule of Order 91-91, paragraphs 1.b) and 1.c), defining “Supporting Objective” and “Progressive Goals” be modified as follows:
b) Supporting Objective:
In order to realize the broad Statement of Mission there are essential, integral and supporting objectives that must first be achieved. These are called the “Supporting Objectives”. They are by definition more specific and detailed than the Statement of Mission. They deal with a sub-topic within a Statement of Mission. Supporting Objectives for ISKCON worldwide are established and modified by the GBC body and by lower levels of administration for their respective areas of responsibility following the worldwide supporting objectives, but not limited to them. For example, a continent by a Continental Committee, for a zone by the Zonal Secretary or zonal council, and for a temple by a temple council with approval of the local Zonal Secretary.
c) Progressive Goals:
In order to work towards progressively realizing ISKCON’s Statements of Mission and Supporting Objectives, each zone (or temple) will adopt intermediary stages or goals called Progressive Goals. Unlike both Mission Statements and Supporting Objectives, Progressive Goals are time bound, quantitative, specific, and localized. The respective authorities for each level of administration within a zone should establish and update their own Progressive Goals based on their areas of responsibility. As a general principle, one year and five year goals shall be set. The GBC Body, for the world, and a Continental Committee, for a continent, may also adopt Progressive Goals if practical.
16. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That the Governing Body Commission may, at its discretion, appoint a senior ISKCON member in good standing to be a “Candidate for GBC” to fulfill a need for additional GBC presence for a specified geographical area or ministerial position. Upon successful completion of the terms of appointment, the Candidate for GBC shall be considered at the plenary GBC meeting for the post of Assistant GBC.
Voting: Official Candidates for GBC may be appointed by the Governing Body Commission by a simple majority vote.
Duties: There shall be specific duties given to the Candidate along with the appointment, which will vary according to individual circumstances, such as the following:
a. To establish permanent ISKCON centers or develop an undeveloped or underdeveloped part of the world as an active Krishna conscious missionary.
b. To reside or remain in a particular area for a minimum total period of time or time per year.
c. To dedicate himself to preaching in a particular area or field.
d. To demonstrate his abilities and capacities successfully for a specified minimum period of time.
e. To provide an Annual Report to the GBC in approved format.
f. To improve on some deficiencies in some aspects of the person’s character, attitude, knowledge, abilities, skills or behavior.
Powers: A Candidate for GBC shall be given specific powers as deemed necessary to enable him to fulfill his duties. These powers may include:
a. Acting as an official representative of the GBC body for the assigned area.
b. Having any or all of the general powers of a Zonal Secretary or Minister, as qualified under the “Supervision” section below.
c. Other special powers for fulfilling some special assignment or service as the GBC Body may deem appropriate.
d. Attendance at GBC plenary or committee meetings.
Supervision: It shall be required that a Candidate for GBC be under the supervision of a GBC member, group of members, or committee. They shall assist the Candidate for GBC as needed, and make reports on his progress and activities to the GBC body or a committee assigned for this purpose.
17. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That, when reasonable warning is given by the GBC Body that a particular authority is deviating, followers who continue to accept instructions from such deviants cannot claim to be exonerated from personal responsibility by virtue of obediently or blindly following that authority.
18. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That ISKCON has a moral obligation to Srila Prabhupada, as well as a legal right to pursue deviant managers who encumber ISKCON entities with liabilities stemming from unauthorized acts. If ISKCON representatives cannot convince deviant managers to accept personal liability through reason and argument, or through the ISKCON Judicial System, they have the right to pursue them through the competent courts.
19. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That transactions between ISKCON entities and devotees involving the transfer of funds over US $1,000 or equivalent, should be substantiated by written contracts, purchase orders, invoices and/or other appropriate documentation. This principle should also be followed in dealings between devotees and non-devotees.
20. [Correspondence Resolution Effective 25 December, 1992] That a devotee who has left ISKCON after receiving first initiation is required to wait for a least two years after returning before being given second initiation. The recommendation letter prepared by the Temple President for all second initiations must certify that the candidate has either not left ISKCON since first initiation or has been in good standing for at least two years since leaving and returning. For the purposes of this rule, “having left ISKCON” is defined as having renounced or neglected one’s vows of initiation or having given up the regular association of ISKCON Vaisnavas, in a serious or prolonged way.
21. That the GBC Body accepts the resignation of Toshan Krishna Prabhu. The Executive Committee shall send a letter to him expressing the deep appreciation of the Body for his years of dedicated service to Srila Prabhupada and to ISKCON. We hope for his continued association in service to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.
22. That the GBC Body accepts the resignation of Atreya Rshi Prabhu. The Executive Committee shall send a letter to him expressing the deep appreciation of the Body for his years of dedicated service to Srila Prabhupada and to ISKCON. We hope for his continued association in service to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.
23. Whereas Krishna Balaram refused to follow the GBC mandate and since then he has criticized ISKCON and its members with concocted accusations, twisted the Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy, and whereas there is fresh evidence of continued sexual impropriety, it is resolved that Krishna Balaram is hereby expelled from ISKCON. The body recommends that anyone aspiring to cultivate spiritual life reject his association and teachings.
24. [Guideline] That as far as possible, donations to ISKCON should be accepted without any conditions. However, donations may also be accepted with limited conditions. Acceptable conditions are those which define a general category or use, such as deity worship, education, construction, etc. which define a specific geographic location or project, or which give the donor a modest amount of recognition. Unacceptable conditions are those which:
a. Give some right to the donor to reclaim part or all of the donation in the future. All donations become ISKCON’s inviolable property without any possibility of alienation.
b. Which are vague or ambiguous, and thus risk future disputes over interpretation.
c. Which in other ways risk future litigation or disputes, or which could harm ISKCON’s reputation.
d. Which compromise ISKCON’s right on ability to manage its assets in accordance with Srila Prabhupada’s instructions and ISKCON law.
ISKCON managers must use donations with conditions in accordance with the agreed terms.
25. [ISKCON Law] That, in the case of donations of real property or other donations specifically for real estate purchases or improvements, any conditions relating to the property imposed by a donor must be clearly spelled out in writing. The Property Trustees associated with the property must consider the conditions in light of the ISKCON Guidelines for donations with conditions, and if they agree in writing that the conditions are within the specified guidelines, then the donation may be accepted.
26. That the GBC Body gives its approval to the Copenhagen Temple to sell its present house in Frederiksberg and relocate the Deities to a better location.
27. That the GBC Body offers its blessings to Niranjana Swami and ISKCON Boston to move Sri-Sri Radha Gopivallabha to a new location in the Boston area, under the supervision of the Property Trustees.
28. That if an Acting GBC Member is elected to the Executive Committee, he shall have voting rights while serving on the Executive Committee. He must still undergo any required confirmation process before becoming a full GBC member.
29. That the GBC Body is responsible for establishing the proper standards of conduct for its members and others to whom it delegates authority. If an individual to whom the GBC Body has delegated authority fails to perform his mandated duties or acts in a manner contrary to ISKCON law or principle, then the GBC Body is responsible to correct or remove the deviant.
If it is demostrated that the GBC Body did not function in a timely manner to rectify one of its representatives, and as a result, an individual ISKCON temple or project suffers inordinately, then the GBC Body should consider how to help the local temple or project overcome its difficulties, but the GBC Body cannot be held liable in any way.
30. That the GBC Ministry of Life Membership should make one of its top priorities during the next year the implementation of a world-wide program of rectification and righting of relationships with all present and past Life Members. GBC Members and Temple Presidents should fully cooperate with this effort. The Minister should prepare written guidelines by the end of April 1993.
31. That, as it contains various stimulants like caffeine (contained in coffee), theine (contained in black tea) and theobromine (contained in cacao), chocolate should not be eaten by ISKCON devotees.
32. That the outgoing Chairman, who is just completing his term of office upon the completion of running the GBC meetings, has the final responsibility to personally complete or delegate to completion all correspondence arising from the resolutions passed at the meeting he has chaired. He and the new Chairman should both sign the correspondence. In addition, all officers who originally deal with a matter should open a file (format to be prepared by the Corresponding Secretary) for the keeping of notes of explanation and copies of correspondence whenever action is taken. If the matter is referred to another officer the file should be passed on. All pending files will be given to the new Executive Committee. Completed matters will be deposited with the Corresponding Secretary.
33. That the GBC Body accepts the resignation of His Grace Kirtiraj Prabhu. The Executive Committee shall send a letter to him expressing the deep appreciation of the Body for his years of dedicated service to Srila Prabhupada and to ISKCON.
34. That every Continental Committee will select one GBC member from the continent to serve as “GBC Executive Committee Continental Representative” for the year, commencing from Gaura Purnima. For areas that do not have Continental Committees, the GBC Members from the area will meet at Mayapur and select a Continental Representative for the year. These Representatives will be chosen for a) North America, b) South America, c) Europe-CIS-North Africa-West Africa, d) India-Middle East-East Africa-South Africa, and e) the Pacific Rim. In addition, a sannyasi will be assigned to each area to assist.
The job of the Executive Committee Continental Representative shall be as follows:
a. To directly receive notifications of all problems referred to the Executive Committee from within his continent.
b. To send to the Chairman of the GBC a regular report every three months on all significant issues which were brought to his attention from within his area.
c. To ensure that the normal procedures for resolving a problem have been attempted (going through the Temple President, Zonal Secretary, etc.) or are not applicable.
d. To consult with the GBC Chairman and/or Executive Committee if any issue occurs that he feels he cannot or should not deal with by himself.
e. To serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee on any issues concerning only his area, and to be consulted before any decision affecting his area is taken.
f. To pass on to the Chairman any issue that:
i. has global consequences or consequences reaching beyond his continent;
ii. an emergency on the level that he cannot comfortably deal with;
iii. intimately deals with a GBC member or ISKCON guru;
iv. deals with the workings of the GBC Body.
g. To engage the assigned sannyasi and/or Candidates for GBC assigned to his continent for the year in assisting him in resolving emergencies as required.
The improved job of the GBC Executive Committee
a. With the Chairman of the GBC and the other Executive Committee members relieved of overseeing any specific area of the world, they can concentrate on global issues.
b. Every year they should meet in Mayapur and, reviewing previous reports, divide the practical workload amongst themselves for a more even distribution. This could include: correspondance, forwarding matters to appropriate persons, personally going to resolve problems which could not be resolved otherwise, follow up, overseeing the implementation of Resolutions, functioning of GBC Office, etc.
c. At the end of the year they should make a review of the previous year’s workload and make suggestions for handling the work better, propose new amendments to the system, etc.
The job of the ChairmanThe Chairman should himself not directly oversee any area of the world, other than his designated area of GBC responsibilities. He should work with his Executive Committee and the Continental Chairman in the following ways:
a. Delegate appropriate issues arising from a continent to the concerned Continental Representative. Delegate issues related to a Ministry to the appropriate Minister to reply.
b. Receive, coordinate, and correspond about the regular reports sent to him by his Executive Officers and Continental Representatives, and other correspondence to GBC Chairman.
c. Consult with a Continental Representative on any issue concerning the continent or as the Continental Representative feels necessary, and to take their vote and input on issues concerning their continent which are being considered by the Executive Committee.
d. Accept and deal with all issues passed up to him from the Continental Chairmen.
e. Follow up, after the initial notification by the past GBC Chairman, on all previously passed GBC resolutions.
f. Directly deal with issues of global consequence, or delegate to another member of the Executive Committee.
g. To discuss with other members of the Executive Committee on major issues of greater consequence, and get their help and input for resolving the problem.
h. Establish practical procedures to ensure that before matters are brought up to the Executive Committee the applicants have gone through the normal avenues for redressing the problems, to forward improperly submitted matters to appropriate persons, and to propose legislation in this regard as necessary.
i. To directly deal with emergencies requiring immediate attention due to their urgency. These shall be discussed with the executive committee as appropriate.
j. From time to time to see that the other elected members of the Executive Committee are updated about the global issues which have surfaced and important continental issues.
k. To delegate an elected member of the Executive Committee (Vice-Chairman or Secretary) to deal with a problem which cannot be resolved by a continental chairman or sannyasi and cannot wait until the annual GBC meeting.
l. To coordinate sannyasis to resolve problems as required.
35. That Virabahu Prabhu is elected Chairman of the GBC Body for Gourabda 507 (1993-94).
36. That the Continental Representatives to the Executive Committee for Gourabda 507 shall be:
a) North America – Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu
b) South America – Loka Saksi Prabhu
c) Europe, CIS, North and West Africa – Suhotra Swami
d) India, East and South Africa – Giriraja Swami
e) Pacific Rim – Kavicandra Swami
37. That Kavicandra Swami is elected as Vice-Chairman of the GBC Body for Gourabda 507
38. That Giriraja Swami is elected as Executive Secretary of the GBC Body for Gourabda 507.
39. That Navina Krishna Prabhu be appointed as Assistant GBC and GBC Minister of Finance and Management
40. That Bhakti Raghava Swami be appointed as Assistant GBC.
41. That Rohini Suta Prabhu be appointed as Assitant GBC.
42. That the GBC Body accepts Vasudeva Prabhu’s request to retire from the GBC Body in order to concentrate on the temple project in Suva. The GBC Body encourages Vasudeva Prabhu to complete the Suva Temple as an offering for Srila Prabhupada’s Centennial.
43. That Ayodhyapati Prabhu is approved to take sannyasa this year.
44. That Atmanivedana Prabhu is approved to take sannyasa this year.
46. That permanent residency visas (“green cards”) should not be given quickly or indiscriminately to foreign nationals coming to serve in U.S. temples. Rather they should be first given only temporary religious worker or temporary religious minister visas. Three to five year visas should be given prior to green card issue. No North American temple shall sponsor a foreign devotee for a temporary religious worker or minister visa unless the devotee has written permission from the GBC representative in his country of origin, as well as a character reference as a devotee in good standing from his spiritual master or local temple authority.
47. That the Health and Welfare Ministry should conduct an adequate survey of all those who are fully active in ISKCON. The survey should determine what services the devotees feel the temple should provide so the devotees can be secure and enthusiastic in their devotional service as life-long dependent members of ISKCON. Life insurance, health insurance, basic lodging and food, old-age programs, etc. are some of the areas that could be covered.
48. That Resolution 92-76 is withdrawn.
49. Whereas the GBC is hopeful that in the spirit of the Srila Prabhupada Centennial all of Srila Prabhupada’s family may unite for this celebration, and understanding that this may only be a first step in many cases, the GBC body hereby formally extends apologies to any devotees who have been hurt by poor treatment or mistakes made by ISKCON leaders.
50. That the Centennial Ministry will organize a global survey or audit of devotees living both within ISKCON Communities and outside as well as those who have left the full-time practice of Krishna Consciousness in order to help understand the steps that can be taken to develop a strong united ISKCON. Similar efforts are encouraged in open forums like istagosthis, conferences, ISKCON publications, etc.
51. Whereas the Centennial Ministry has recognized that there are several groups of devotees and congregation who are interested in the Srila Prabhupada Centennial, and that finalizing plans for the celebration requires information on the specific interests of these groups and their potential participation. It is therefore resolved that a world-wide feasibility study shall be conducted during the year Gourabda 507 (1993-94) for determining:
a. The interest of each group
b. The priorities of each group
c. The volunteer forces that can be mobilized, including leaders.
d. The fund raising goals that each group determines is feasible.
e. The time table of events.
f. How the different groups can work together, where needed.
g. All resource requirements and budgets that are realistically obtainable.
Temple Presidents and National & Continental Committees shall provide the following information according to deadlines determined by the Centennial Ministry:
a. What local, national, continental and international projects and programs they are likely to do for the Centennial and what are their anticipated schedules and budgets.
b. What are the sources and plans to fund these projects.
c. What assistance and/or guidance is required in fund-raising, communications, event planning and management.
The study shall be completed and results presented to the GBC body no later than the Annual GBC Meeting, 1994.
52. Whereas the Srila Prabhupada Centennial has unique potential to accomplish the following ISKCON objectives:
appreciation & recognition of Srila Prabhupada
unity & strength in ISKCON family
developing and involving ISKCON’s congregation
expansion of sankirtan, especially book distribution
and whereas, the Srila Prabhupada Centennial can function as a deadline for achieving certain agreed upon goals, it is resolved:
That the International Society for Krishna Consciousness shall make the campaign for and celebration of Srila Prabhupada Centennial a focus of all its activities through 1996.
53. The following ISKCON Laws on Deity worship are modified to read as follows:
Law: 25.2.1 becomes:
That the pictures of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, Srila Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura, and preferably Jagannatha dasa Babaji should always remain on all ISKCON temple altars.
Law: 25.2.3 becomes:
That a pujari who is not initiated by Srila Prabhupada shall keep the picture of his guru on the altar while offering arati. The picture must be substantially smaller than those of the predecessor acaryas in disciplic succession, or, if not substantially smaller, be placed on a lower level. After the arati, the picture should be removed from the altar.
Law: 25.4.1 becomes:
There should be one seat for ISKCON gurus and their Godbrothers/sisters (in addition to Srila Prabhupada’s vyasasana), for giving sastra classes. Disciples of ISKCON gurus should sit on a lower asana or cushion, since it is improper to sit on the same asana used by one’s diksa guru.
Law: 25.4.2 becomes:
That the sastra being read in class must be higher than the speaker’s seat and the stand should be at least as opulent as the speaker’s asana, following Vedic custom.
Law: 25.5.1 becomes:
That in the temple room kirtana, only the name of Srila Prabhupada and his predecessors may be chanted. An exception to this restriction is the Vyasa-puja celebration of an ISKCON-guru.
Law: 25.6.1 becomes:
That pictures of gurus other than Srila Prabhupada, the previous Vaisnava acaryas, and approved ISKCON spiritual masters shall not be placed in ISKCON temples.
54. That all existing GBC Resolutions concerning property management and Deity relocation matters are hereby superceded by the following Law Section:
§1 Definitions:
1.1 Definition of an ISKCON Property:
An ISKCON Real Property is a real property owned by an ISKCON Affiliate, or held for the exclusive and perpetual benefit of one or more ISKCON Affiliates; or buildings owned on land which is contractually under the exclusive control of an ISKCON Affiliate for a total period of minimum fifty years.
1.2 Definition of an ISKCON Property with Deities:
For the purpose of property related laws, an ISKCON Property with Deities is a property on which there is a Deity which has been either formally installed, or publicly worshipped according to the ISKCON standard for formally installed Deities.
1.3 Property Trustees Definition:
A Property Trustee is an ISKCON official with certain duties for the protection of ISKCON’s interests for properties assigned to him.
1.4 Executors Committee Definition:
The Executors Committee is a permanent GBC Committee assigned to assist the GBC for executing the details of Srila Prabhupada’s Will, overseeing and coordinating the activities of Property Trustees, and additional duties relating to ISKCON Properties.
1.5 Definition of “Property Trustee Principle”:
(The following section is from Srila Prabhupada’s Will, consisting of part of paragraph 4 and all of Paragraph 5.)
None of the immovable properties standing in the name of ISKCON in India shall ever be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of, or alienated. This direction is irrevocable. Properties outside of India in principle should never be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of, or alienated, but if the need arises, they may be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, etc. with the unanimous consent of the Property Trustees.
§2 Regulations:
2.1 Registering Real Properties:
2.1.1. No funds of an ISKCON Affiliate or of the BBT may be used for or pledged against the purchase or major development of any real property that is not held or will not be held as an ISKCON property.
2.1.2. All ISKCON properties shall be registered in such a way that the Property Trustees shall have, to the maximum degree possible under local law, the actual authority to perform the functions required of them under ISKCON Law.
2.1.3. The copies of the registration deed and corporate papers shall be submitted to the Secretary of the GBC Executors Committee, who shall hold them.
2.2 Encumbering or Alienating ISKCON Properties:
2.2.1. No ISKCON Property outside of India shall be sold, mortgaged, borrowed against, transferred or in any way encumbered, disposed of, or alienated without the prior unanimous written permission of the Property Trustees assigned to that property. Property Trustees, in granting permission, should consider that, in principle, Srila Prabhupada did not want ISKCON Properties to be sold, mortgaged, etc., except “when the need arises”. (See Property Trustee Principle definition.)
2.2.2. Any legal equity held by a private individual or a non-ISKCON entity in a structure built on ISKCON Property constitutes an encumberance on that property, and is prohibited by ISKCON Law.
2.2.3. No ISKCON property in India shall ever be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of or alienated. This direction is irrevocable.
2.3 Mortgaging Properties with Installed Deities:
An initial purchase mortgage may be taken against a real property in which a Deity will be installed, but no additional mortgages or shall be permitted without the permission of the GBC Body.
2.4 Regulations for Alienating Properties with Deities
2.4.1. No property in which the Deity of the Lord is installed can be sold without approval of the GBC Body.
2.4.2. A proposal to the GBC for sale of an ISKCON Property and relocation of installed Deities must be accompanied by:
a) a written recommendation with explanation by the local Temple President and management council;
b) The written request of the local GBC Zonal Secretaries.
c) the written approval of the Property Trustees; and
d) a report by the Trustees giving their reasons for the approval.
2.4.3. In the event the local GBC, temple management and Property Trustees are not all unanimous in recommending that an ISKCON property with installed Deities be sold, and/or the Deities be moved, and a majority wants to sell or relocate, or if there is an imminent risk of losing the property, the GBC Executive Committee shall appoint an impartial 3-man committee to investigate the situation and prepare a comprehensive report with their recommendation for or against the proposal. If the 3-man committee finds that the proposal is acceptable, then the entire GBC body may be approached either at its annual meeting or by correspondence proposal, for approval of the plan.
2.4.4. If a local GBC Zonal Secretary finds himself unable to maintain an ISKCON Property in which installed Deities reside, and also is unable to obtain the consent of the Property Trustees to sell the property, then he may approach the Executive Committee, which is empowered to take whatever steps are necessary in collaboration with the Property Trustees to save the property, including the appointing of an ad-hoc co-GBC.
2.4.5. If installed ISKCON Deities are being relocated to a new property, the Trustees of the Deities’ original property are responsible to oversee the relocation, according to GBC directives, to ensure that
a) any funds realized from the sale of ISKCON property are not mismanaged or in anyway diverted so as to decrease the Deity’s equity; and
b) the new property is adequate to the needs of the Deities and the community.
2.5 Regulations for Maintaining Records of Real Properties:
2.5.1 The copies of the registration deed and corporate papers shall be held by the Secretary of the Executors Committee. The ISKCON Affiliate having purchased or acquired a real property shall be responsible to submit these documents within 6 months from the date of purchase.
2.5.2 That a record of all ISKCON properties shall be maintained by the Secretary of the Executors Committee, including current value, purchase price, address of property, owner’s name, and other information as specified by the Executors Committee. The Secretary of the Executors Committee shall provide the above information to the GBC Executive Officers and Members as required .
2.6 Non-Adherence to Property Registration Regulations:
That unless the Executors Committee grants a special temporary exemption, those temples who do not adhere to the Property Trustee Principle may not be considered as authorized ISKCON Affiliates.
2.7 Registering Properties in a Non-ISKCON Affiliate’s name:
If an ISKCON Property cannot be registered according to these regulations then the property registration must have the prior consent of the GBC Executors Committee .
§3 Property Trustees
3.1 Property Trustee Duties:
3.1.1. To have their names included on ISKCON property titles or on holding corporations for properties assigned to them;
3.1.2. To see that assigned properties are properly registered according to ISKCON Law and to advise local managers in this regard;
3.1.3. To report transgressions of ISKCON property law in assigned properties;
3.1.4. To consider proposals of local managers for acquiring new properties in areas under their jurisdiction, and to grant or withhold approval of the proposals;
3.1.5. To oversee the tax and legal status of entities owning assigned properties in order to certify that the properties are adequately safeguarded;
3.1.6. To give or withhold permission on merit to allow any ISKCON property without an installed Deity to be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of, or alienated;
3.1.7. To give or withhold recommendation on merit to allow any ISKCON property with an installed Deity to be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of or alienated;
3.1.8. To give written reports to the GBC body, or the Executors Committee, regarding proposals to move an installed Deity or alienate the property of the Deity;
3.1.9. To assist the GBC Executive Committee in saving an endangered property on which installed Deities reside;
3.1.10. To be responsible to oversee the relocation of installed ISKCON Deities to a new property ensuring that property sale proceeds are not mismanaged or in anyway diverted so as to decrease the Deity’s equity, and that the new property is adequate for the Deities.
3.1.11. When assigned by the GBC, to approve purchase of property or perform special assignments regarding property safeguards;
3.2 Property Trustees Powers:
3.2.1. To grant or withhold approval to sell, mortgage, borrow against, transfer, or in any way encumber, dispose of, or alienate an ISKCON property under their jurisdiction that does not have an installed Deity.
3.2.2. To grant or withhold recommendation to sell, mortgage, borrow against, transfer, or in any way encumber, dispose of, or alienate an ISKCON property under their jurisdiction that does have an installed Deity.
3.2.3. To inspect and review on demand an ISKCON Affiliate’s institutional or corporate records, financial accounts, tax records, or property records in order to safeguard assigned real properties held in the name of the Affiliate from being alienated or encumbered due to negligence, error, mismanagement, or other improper acts, or in order to determine if all ISKCON property laws are being followed by the Affiliate;
3.2.4. To act as required signatories on all real estate transactions involving assigned properties;
3.2.5. To act as trustees for any funds held in trust from sale proceeds of the Deity’s property until new property is purchased and the Deity permanently and properly settled.
3.3 Property Trustees Appointment Procedures:
3.3.1. The Property Trustees who have been designated in Srila Prabhupada’s Will have been appointed for life, except as mentioned below.
3.3.2. In the event of the death or failure to act for any reason for any of the said Property Trustees, a successor Trustee or Trustees may be appointed by the remaining Trustees, provided the new Trustee is an initiated disciple of ISKCON who is following strictly all the rules and regulations of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness as detailed in Srila Prabhupada’s books, and provided that there are never less than three or more than five Trustees acting at one time.
3.3.3. Any changes, filling of vacancies, or additional appointments of Property Trustees that cannot practically be done by the Property Trustees as above shall be done by GBC Body, or on behalf of the GBC Body by the Executors Committee, which shall take into consideration the local GBC Zonal Secretary’s recommendations. Property Trustees shall be selected primarily from among the GBC members, or alternatively from among senior responsible devotees. At least one Property Trustee shall not be involved in the local management.
3.4 Property Trustees Regulations:
Wherever legally possible, the names of the Property Trustees shall be included on all new and existing titles to ISKCON properties or where applicable as Directors or Trustees of the controlling Board of Directors or Trustees of the “holding trust”of the property.
§4 The Executors Committee
4.1 Executors Committee Powers:
4.1.1. To delegate authority to individual members to guide and monitor, the Property Trustees.
4.1.2. To make rules for ISKCON regarding property related standards and execution of legislation and Srila Prabhupada’s Will. These rulings may be amended or rescinded by the GBC Body at their discretion.
4.1.3. To nominate and appoint Property Trustees where none exist or to replace vacancies according to approved procedures.
4.1.4. To make recommendations and to propose legislation to the GBC in regard to property matters and Srila Prabhupada’s Will.
4.1.5. To grant special temporary exemptions from placing their properties in the name of ISKCON or having Property Trustees as trustees of the property.
4.2 Executors Committee Duties:
4.2.1. To implement the specific legal and familial provisions of Srila Prabhupada’s Will; and to take appropriate steps to insure that ISKCON members duly fulfil their specific responsibilities in relation to Srila Prabhupada’s Will.
4.2.2. To oversee the performance of all Property Trustees in seeing that all ISKCON properties are properly registered according to ISKCON Law.
4.2.3. The Executors Committee shall delegate authority to its individual members for implementing the Property Trustee Principle.
4.2.4. To submit an Annual Report to the GBC.
4.3 Executors Committee Annual Meeting Agenda:
4.3.1. To elect Officers of the Committee.
4.3.2. To review old business and to review the activities of its members and of the Property Trustees.
4.3.3. To deal with matters referred by the GBC Body.
4.3.4. To deal with other agenda topics as may be proposed by the members.
55. That if the appeal to the European Court of Human Rights on the usage of Bhaktivedanta Manor fails, the members of the U.K. Yatra (in connection with the GBC Standing Committee on the Manor) may negotiate a limited usage of the Manor with local authorities. An example of this may be a limited public attendance on a ticket basis of 500 persons per day and more on festivals.
56. Whereas His Holiness Gaura Govinda Maharaja requests the help of the International GBC and the Presidents of ISKCON Centers worldwide in correcting the wrong philosophical views of some of his disciples and followers. It is resolved:
That the GBC wishes to convey to all ISKCON devotees that Gaura Govinda Maharaja neither believes in, nor endorses, and indeed deplores such notions as…
a. only a nitya-siddha liberated soul descended from the spiritual world can initiate disciples and instruct them in Krsna consciousness;
b. the only nitya-siddha uttama-adhikari guru for ISKCON is Gaura Govinda Maharaja;
c. a superior acarya at whose feet all ‘genuine’ devotees must take shelter will soon be revealed within ISKCON (that acarya being Gaura Govinda Maharaja);
d. there are at present many gurus in ISKCON only for material managerial reasons (i.e. just to give the gurus positions they want);
e. a ‘genuine’ devotee may reject even his own guru in good standing to take shelter of Gaura Govinda Maharaja;
f. after connecting with Gaura Govinda Maharaja, a ‘genuine’ devotee may give up his assigned responsibility within ISKCON and simply collect for ISKCON Bhuvanesvara;
g. there should be a ‘two-tiered’ guru system within ISKCON consisting of monitor gurus to keep discipline and the uttama adhikari (Gaura Govinda Maharaja) to give siksa to everyone;
h. the illusory energy of Krsna supplies ISKCON with its ‘local’ gurus;
Gaura Govinda Maharaja assures all ISKCON devotees that he does not sanction the propagation of the above ideas. To protect his good name, he wishes it to be known throughout the Society that anyone proclaiming such things should be immediately reported to the Maharaja in writing. A copy of the letter should be sent by the informant to the GBC Executive Committee Chairman. Gaura Govinda Maharaja will correct the offending person’s erroneous views. If necessary he will seek further direction from the GBC Executive Committee on how to rectify disturbances generated by such wrong preaching.
57. That an ISKCON Temple shall be responsible for preaching to the congregation in the city, adjacent areas nearby, and any other extended area as may be designated by the local Zonal Secretary(s) and Zonal Council (if any). The congregational preaching program in such cases shall operate as a department of or part of the ISKCON temple, who shall bear the expense and shall provide the other requirements needed for this preaching.
However, there are geographic areas which fall beyond the capacity or desire of ISKCON temples to supervise, promote, and expand the congregational preaching. For these areas the local GBC Zonal Secretary(s) and the Zonal Council (if any) can appoint a responsible devotee in good standing to be a “Director” of a “Congregational Preaching Directorate” or “Branch” of ISKCON who can lead a team of preachers to systematically cultivate, preach to, and expand the congregational preaching in a specified area. A “Director” of a Congregational Preaching Branch for purposes of ISKCON Law shall have for all effective purposes the position and responsibilities of a Temple President over his team of preachers and establishment. He should also have the basic qualifications for a responsibility of this nature. The central office of the “branch” may be based in a temple premises with the permission of the President, or they may have a separate place. In addition the Director shall have the following specific duties:
a. To provide leadership and spiritual guidance for devotees under him.
b. To manage the finances of his program.
c. To recommend qualified candidates for initiation.
d. To encourage persons ready for joining a temple to do so.
e. To concentrate on congregational preaching.
f. To be accountable to the GBC Zonal Secretary.
g. To perform additional duties as assigned by the GBC Zonal Secretary and Zonal Council.
If any ISKCON temples exist nearby or do preaching in the area, then their no-objection shall be required to establish such a branch. Arrangements for sankirtan rights and other aspects needed to maintain good relations and cooperation shall be made with the concerned Temple President(s).
Each GBC Zonal Secretary shall allocate the responsibility for preaching to the congregation in the different geographic areas of his zone to temples or Congregational Preaching Directorates to insure maximum effectiveness in congregational preaching and development. If a nama hatta center upgrades to become an ISKCON temple or otherwise a temple is established in a Congregational Preaching Directorate area, then naturally the Zonal Secretary will make new arrangements to re-allocate the respective geographic responsibilities for preaching to the congregation in the affected areas.
58. That Harikesa Swami, Hari Vilasa Prabhu, and Navina Krishna Prabhu are added to the Executors Committee.
59. That a Minister of Justice will not be appointed for the coming year. The functions of the Ministry shall be provisionally divided into two areas:
a. Justice Monitoring: As per GBC Resolution 92-96, to monitor the development of the worldwide judicial system in ISKCON for the GBC body. Bhakti Raghava Swami will perform this function.
b. Justice research and development: As per GBC resolution 92-96, to do the necessary research and development of knowledge to establish and continue the judicial system in ISKCON. All findings and conclusions to be presented to the GBC body for final approval. This function to be performed by a committee of Hari Vilasa das, Loka Saksi das, Sesa das, and Padmanabha das. Convener of the committee to be Hari Vilas. Research Coordinator to be Sesa das.
60. That the paper entitled “Devotees Initiating Before Their Guru’s Physical Departure” is approved by the GBC as the official ISKCON position on this question. [A copy of this paper is attached.]
61. The organizational structure for the Srila Prabhupada Centennial presented by the Srila Prabhupada Centennial Ministry is approved by the GBC. The following devotees are approved to fill the top positions in this structure:
Global Executive Director – Naveen Krishna dasa
Global Fund Development Coordinator – Sridhara Swami
Global Communications Coordinator – Mukunda Goswami
All GBC members are requested to assist the Centennial Ministry’s effort to recruit additional persons to fill the balance positions in the structure.
62. That any ISKCON Affiliate wishing to purchase property to be used as a public place of worship must obtain the written permission of the local GBC(s) and the majority of the Property Trustees associated with the property. The Property Trustees should give or withhold permission only on the basis of whether the new property will be secure and whether the new purchase will prejudice the security of any other ISKCON properties. The Executors Committee may give more specific guidelines.
63. For a devotee to be approved as an initiating guru in ISKCON, all of his initiations must be from ISKCON gurus in good standing. Devotees who have been initiated by bonafide Gaudiya Vaisnavas and who later join ISKCON may be considered as special cases by the GBC Body.
64. That devotees who do not live in a temple and who do not come to the temples for programs every day (including those that regularly attend only a nama hatta center) may be initiated, provided they have regular morning programs at home or attend regular morning programs at the nama hatta center and are recommended (in the prescribed form) by one of the following (other than the initiating guru) who knows them well: a local GBC, the nearest Temple President, the local Regional Secretary, the concerned Congregational Preaching Director, or an ISKCON sannyasi who is regularly preaching in that area.
65. That the GBC Body commissions the Philosophical Research Group to prepare a paper on the topic, “The Significance of Srila Prabhupada’s Position as Founder-Acarya of ISKCON.”
66. That a Dependent Resident ISKCON Devotee (or Member) is defined as a devotee who is dependent upon ISKCON for residential facilities, food, clothing, and basic health care. Dependent Resident Devotees have voluntarily taken a more renounced, less materialistic, plainer form of life for the purpose of dedicating maximum energy toward spiritual advancement and devotional service to Lord Krishna. Such devotees are free to leave the ashram at any time and continue their residence on their own free will for the purpose of engaging in Krishna consciousness.
Dependent Resident Devotees shall have the following obligations and responsibilities:
a. To maintain the Krishna conscious standards of behaviour, including following the four regulative principles and chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds of japa per day.
b. To adhere to ISKCON Law and the regulations of the Temple or ashram.
c. To be honest and straightforward in all dealings.
d. To settle disputes through the ISKCON Judicial System or through ISKCON approved arbitration, and not to take recourse in a court of law against ISKCON except where expressly allowed under ISKCON Law.
e. To attend the spiritual programs regularly.
f. To engage in devotional service as instructed by the local authority (minimum 48 hours practical service a week.)
g. To be loyal to ISKCON and report any deviations from ISKCON standards to higher authorities.
h. To make no claim of ownership over ISKCON property which has been allocated for use in one’s service, and to return such property when requested or when one has decided to leave the ashram or community of residence.
i. To agree to be transferred from one temple to another as may be needed from time to time. Such circumstances require mutual consideration. (Special consideration and sensitivity should be given when asking families with children to transfer to another temple.)
j. To take any regular health test according to local temple policy.
The facilities ISKCON temples should provide for Dependent Resident Devotees will vary according to local conditions. Generally, though, the minimum should include:
For All Members:
a. Modest but adequate dormitory facility.
b. Adequate Krishna prasadam.
c. Suitable clothing for protection of body.
d. Basic medical care or health insurance as affordable by the temple. (Strong encouragement is given that temple managers see this as a basic requirement and not a luxury.)
e. To not have their privilege of residence revoked without adequate cause.
f. Reasonable allowance for study time.
g. Sufficient time for health programs if required.
h. Regular program for attending India pilgrimage
i. Reasonable time for cultivation of family members.
For Married Families, Additionally
a. Adequate residence for family and children.
b. Education for children
c. Life insurance for parents to maintain dependents in case of unexpected death, as affordable by temple.
d. Reasonable arrangements for family needs to be met with dignity.
A simple written agreement should exist between the temple and residential dependent members stating conditions under which the residential dependent members will be maintained by the temple.
67. That the Property Trustees for a certain property outside India can recommend the sale of a temple with installed Deities if the new location is obviously an upgrade in property and value for the Deities and is financially not a risky burden to the local devotees.
The approval can be achieved as follows:
a. First, the Property Trustees must unanimously agree in writing to move to the obviously better property. One of the non-managerial property trustees and/or a non-related Executors Committee member, and/or a neutral person appointed by the Executors Committee should physically inspect the property and give a complete report.
b. The GBC Body hereby delegates authority to the Executors Committee by two-thirds absolute majority, to approve the change to an obviously better property in the middle of the year.
c. The Executors Committee should be on COM to facilitate and expedite property work. Expenses to be part of their budget.
d. A report should be made to the GBC Body at the Annual Meeting.
68. That the zonal assignments for 1993-94 are as follows:
Badrinarayan Das:
GBC for Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri
co-GBC with Virabahu for Los Angeles
Bhakti Bhusana Swami:
GBC — Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
co-GBC with Guru Prasad Swami for Colombia
co-GBC with Virabahu for Southern Florida
Bhakti Caru Swami:
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for West Bengal
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for France, except Dole
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Bhakti Raghava Swami
Assistant GBC to Jagadisha Goswami and Niranjana Swami for Ontario
Assistant GBC to Niranjana Swami and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
Assistant GBC to Jagadisha Goswami and Hari Vilas for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami:
GBC — Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Prabhavisnu Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for France, except Dole
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Gopal Krishna Goswami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
Bhurijana Das:
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Jagadisha Goswami for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Giriraj Swami, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
Giriraj Swami:
GBC — Fiji, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Angola, and Cape Verde Islands.
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for South Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, and Seychelles
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Spain, Portugal
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Tamal Krishna Goswami for Bombay
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Pakistan
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Sri Lanka
Gopal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Goa, Delhi, Maharashtra (other than Bombay), Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda
co-GBC with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami for Kuruksetra
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for East Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jagadish Goswami and Bhurijan, for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami assisted by Bhaktiraghava Swami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Ravindra Swarup for Washington DC
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, and Kirghizia
GBC, assisted by Rohini Suta for Golden Circle cities (Russia), and Azerbaijan
Gour Govinda Swami:
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Orissa
Guru Prasad Swami:
GBC for Arizona, Central America, Mexico, and Trinidad
co-GBC with Virabahu for Venezuela
co-GBC with Bhaktibhusan Swami for Colombia
Harikesa Swami:
GBC — Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Yugoslavia, Lichtenstein, and Dole, France.
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Moscow and St. Petersburg
co-GBC with Hari Vilas, assisted by Rohini Suta,for Armenia
GBC, assisted by Rohini Suta for Georgia
Hari Vilas Das:
GBC — Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, North and South Yemen, Afghanistan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkino Faso, Niger, Chad, Northern California, Oregon, Jammu and Kashmir, Hardwar and Rishikesh
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman
co-GBC with Harikesa Swami, assisted by Rohini Suta,for Armenia
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Pakistan
Hrdayananda Das Goswami:
GBC for North and Central Florida
co-GBC with Loka Saksi for Brazil
Jagadisa Goswami:
co-GBC with Madhu Sevita for Italy
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami assisted by Bhakti Raghava Swami for Ontario
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Spain and Portugal
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami and Bhurijan for West Uttar Pradesh (including Vrindaban), Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh
co-GBC with Hari Vilas assisted by Bhakti Raghava Swami for Western Canada, State of Washington, and Alaska
Jayapataka Swami:
GBC for Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, Maldives, Bhutan, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
co-GBC with Virabahu for Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya
co-GBC with Prabhavisnu Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
co-GBC with Bhakti Caru Swami for West Bengal other than Calcutta and Mayapur
co-GBC with Gour Govinda Swami for Orissa
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami and Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Andhra Pradesh, except Tirupati
co-GBC with Giriraj Swami for Sri Lanka
co-GBC with Hari Vilas for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta(*)
Kavicandra Swami:
GBC — Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Israel, Cambodia, Hawaii, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Benin, Togo, Liberia, Camaroon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Zaire, Gabon, Rio Muni, Central African Republic, and Congo
co-GBC with Suhotra Swami for Indonesia
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Thailand, and Singapore
Lokasaksi Das:
co-GBC with Hrdayananda Goswami for Brazil
Madhu Sevita Das:
co-GBC with Suhotra Swami for Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Greece and Cyprus
co-GBC with Jagadisha Goswami for Italy
Mukunda Goswami:
GBC Minister of Communications
Navina Krishna Das
GBC Minister of Finance and Administration
Niranjana Swami:
GBC — New England, Festival of India, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, and Moldova
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami assisted by Bhakti Raghava Swami for Quebec and Maritime Provinces
co-GBC with Jagadisa Goswami assisted by Bhakti Raghava Swami for Ontario
co-GBC with Prabhavishnu Swami for Belarus and Latvia
co-GBC with Harikesa Swami for Moscow and St. Petersburg
GBC, assisted by Rohini Suta for Russia west of Nijney Novgorod and north of Voronesh, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg areas
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, and Kirghizia
Prabhavisnu Swami:
GBC — Australia, New Zealand, Russia east of Nijney Novgorod and south of Voronesh (except for Ural Mountain region), Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and New Caledonia
co-GBC with Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami for Burma
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Bihar, Sikkim, Nepal, Malaysia, and Tamil Nadu
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhaktiswarup Damodar Swami for Tirupati
co-GBC with Gopal Krsna Goswami for Eastern Uttar Pradesh
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami and Bhakticaru Swami for Bangladesh
co-GBC with Niranjana Swami for Belorus and Latvia
GBC, assisted by Rohini Suta for Ural Mountain Region of Russia
Ravindra Svarup:
GBC — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, and Virginia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami for Washington DC
Rohini Suta Das
Assistant GBC to Niranjana Swami for Russia west of Nijney Novgorod and north of Voronesh, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg areas
Assistant GBC to Gopal Krishna Goswami for Golden Circle Region of Russia and Azerbaijan
Assistant GBC to Harikesa Swami for Georgia
Assistant GBC to Harikesa Swami and Hari Vilas for Armenia
Assistant GBC to Prabhavishnu Swami for Ural Mountain Region of Russia
Romapada Swami:
co-GBC with Sridhara Swami for New York and New Jersey,
Sivarama Swami:
GBC — England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Ireland, Hungary
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Sridhara Swami:
GBC Minister of Life Membership
co-GBC with Romapada Swami for New York and New Jersey
Suhotra Swami:
GBC – Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Albania
co-GBC with Kavicandra Swami for Indonesia
co-GBC with Madhu Sevita for Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Greece and Cyprus
Tamal Krsna Goswami:
GBC — Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Polynesia
co-GBC with Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhurijan, and Giriraj Swami for Bombay
co-GBC for Mayapur and Calcutta (*)
Virabahu Das:
GBC for Guyana, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and balance of Caribbean except for Trinidad
co-GBC with Bhaktibhusan Swami for Southern Florida
co-GBC with Badrinarayan for Los Angeles
co-GBC with Jayapataka Swami for Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile
co-GBC with Guru Prasad Swami for Venezuela
* co-GBC’s for Mayapur and Calcutta are Jayapataka Swami, Harikesa Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Sivarama Swami, and Bhakticaru Swami
69. That the GBC Body wishes to remind ISKCON members that since 1982 ISKCON law holds that devotees in ISKCON may take initiation only from approved ISKCON gurus.
ISKCON members who, in violation of ISKCON law, take initiation from non-ISKCON gurus should, according to standard etiquette, serve within the institution of their guru and should not serve within ISKCON. (This rule does not apply to persons who were already initiated before they became ISKCON members.) Persons who have taken initiation from non-bona fide gurus should follow the injunction of Srila Jiva Goswami that such a useless guru, a family priest acting as guru, should be given up, and that the proper, bona fide guru should be accepted. [reference: S.B. 8.20.1 Purport.] )
Those who have already taken harinam or first initiation from Sripad Puri Maharaj: Asraya-tattva Das, Govindaraja Das and his wife, Laksman Das, Namahatta Das, Anadi Das, and Bhakta Tommaso may be considered exceptions subject to the following guidelines:
a. They should keep their relationship internal.
b. They should follow ISKCON laws, standards, and authorities, and not cite their guru’s statements in opposition to ISKCON standards.
70. That the GBC Chairman shall write a letter to Bhakti Tirtha Swami expressing the Body’s appreciation for his vaishnava qualities and achievements in preaching. But we regret that, for personal reasons, he has not been able to attend the GBC meetings in Mayapura. We would like to have his association and to hear his realizations.
Regular attendance is one of the prescribed duties of a GBC Member. The GBC Body feels that if he is unable to participate fully, specifically by attending the meetings, he should tender his honorable resignation from the GBC body, as several others have done. If he doesn’t resign during the year, nor attend the 1994 meeting, we may take such action as an unspoken resignation.
During this year GBC members should as far as possible visit and correspond with Bhakti Tirtha Swami and discuss with him about how he can be accountable to the GBC Body, and how he and his Godbrothers on the GBC can improve their relationships to the point where he can be brought into full participation on the Body.
71. a. That the GBC Health and Welfare Committee advises that temples should not allow persons who are HIV positive to engage in services within our temples which involve the preparation or serving of bhoga or prasadam.
b. That the Health and Welfare Committee should produce a booklet about what AIDS is, how it is communicated, how to prevent it. This booklet should be practical and not alarmist.
c. That the GBC Body requires that, local laws permitting, all devotees living and/or serving in our temples should take an AIDS test. All new devotees, as they join, should also take an AIDS test.
72. That each GBC shall submit goals for the Centennial in the different areas of ISKCON’s Mission, along with one year goals for the coming year. Temple Presidents should also submit their goals for individual Temples.
These should be submitted to the Centennial Ministry office in New Delhi by July 15, 1993. The Centennial Ministry will compile these Centennial ISKCON Mission Goals in a booklet to be offered to Srila Prabhupada on Vyasa Puja, 1993.
73. That the Gaura Purnima class in Mayapur shall be given by three speakers: The GBC Chairman (or his deputed Executive Committee representative), a Mayapur GBC Zonal Secretary, and one other senior devotee.
74. That the sponsor of a proposal for a candidate for sannyasa should each year give a report of the candidate’s qualifications according to the GBC Rules of Order, “The Qualification for Sannyasa.” To be put on the list an initial report is required. Thereafter an annual report is also necessary.
75. The GBC Body approves the appointment of Loka Sakshi Prabhu as the Coordinator for Grhastha Advisory Services. He will be responsible to the Health and Welfare Committee Chairman, who will report on the coordinator’s progress to the GBC Body. The Coordinator’s responsibilities are:
a. To assemble materials for a grhastha ashram handbook;
b. To gather information on how marriage matches occur in different parts of the world;
c. To work out guidelines in consultation with senior grhasthas in good standing about child raising, economic security, etc. (theoretical and practical);
d. To correspond with grhasthas and managers worldwide about householder questions;
e. To tabulate the successes and failures of grassroot efforts to deal with grhastha problems now underway in different regions of the ISKCON world and make the information available to all ISKCON devotees.
76. That, in personal dealings between individual devotees and their authorities, appealing the decision of a lower authority to a higher authority for reaching a final solution is a standard principle in ISKCON. In such cases, if a devotee feels aggrieved by a decision, or the lack of a decision, of his Temple President for something which affects him in his personal spiritual life (initiation, marriage, transfer, removal, permissions, etc.) the devotee may appeal the matter to the local GBC Zonal Secretary, or an assistant of the GBC approved for this purpose. While the appeal is being considered the concerned devotee must follow the decision of the Temple President unless the GBC has given a stay order for the duration of the appeal. During an appeal, all concerned parties should be heard and the decision in the appeal shall be considered as final. If requested, decisions should be given in writing.
If the Temple President wants to appeal a matter relating to a decision of his GBC Zonal Secretary he can do so to the GBC Body, or in emergencies to the GBC Executive Committee, but while the appeal is going on he should follow the decision of the Zonal Secretary unless the Executive Committee gives a stay order from following it.
When the matter being appealed is related with something which will produce an irrevocable consequence or contravene ISKCON Law the status quo should be maintained until the appeal is decided.
77. Whereas the present system of assessing Education Fees is not equitable due to having only two fees, it is resolved that the same breakdown ratio for determining GBC fees be used for calculating Education Fees taking into account size of temples, number of devotees, third world countries, etc.
79. That the GBC approves a second year Centennial Campaign with a minimum target of US $ 120,000 for Gaurabda 508. This fund-raising campaign will consist of a combination of the following:
-Centennial Ministry Fund-Raising Campaign Tour in cooperation with local ISKCON leaders.
-Gour Purnima ’93 Fund-raising Drive in Mayapur
81. That Jayapataka Maharaj, as Chairman of Ksetra Committee 3 as a subcommittee, will draft a paper for establishing minimum standards for Temple Presidents and their activities. This proposal, when circulated to the GBC members, can recieve suggestions from the GBC members which will in turn be analysed by the committee. The following areas should be covered:
a. Minimum spiritual standards for a being a permanent Temple President (in emergency someone may be an Acting Temple President). The GBC standards can serve as a guideline for this.
b. The degree of authority a Temple President can exert over members of a Temple. From both Temple President and devotee point of view.
c. Guidelines for Temple President’s dealings:
i. In removing a devotee from a temple.
ii. In disciplining a devotee of the temple.
iii. In engaging devotees according to nature.
iv. In investing and spending Temple’s funds.
v. In following ISKCON Laws and GBC directives.
vi. In relation to his GBC zonal secretary(s).
vii. In dealings with members of the opposite sex.
viii. In dealings with his own family affairs (if grihasta).
ix. In following local laws.
x. In dealings regarding guru disciple relationships and with guru’s whose disciples reside in temple.
xi. In all other major aspects of Temple President dealings (This is not to be confused with general advice for temple management to be covered in the Temple Administration Guidebook. These standards are more specific and regulatory in nature.)
d. The degree of material facilities a Temple President may utilize for his own family maintenance from Temple assets.
e. The procedures that must be followed to censure, place on probation, suspend or remove a Temple President.
82. A book on Sadacara should be published that establishes the basic behavior expected of an ISKCON devotee, and that targets behavior indicative of further advancement in Krsna Consciousness.
The basic theme of this book should be “trnad api sunicena” and “amanina manadena”.
The implementation of correct Vaisnava acara must be first observed within ISKCON’s leading devotees before movement-wide changes can be expected.
The Sadacara book shall be prepared by Bhakti Caru Swami and Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, and the first draft should be completed by the GBC meetings of 1994. Copies should be distributed to the GBC members for review, comments, and suggestions.
83. That ISKCON Auckland (New Varshan) is given permission to mortagage their property and take a bank loan of NZ Dollars 165,000- in order to re-develop their grihastha housing facility as per their submitted plan.
84. That the 1993-94 Annual Fee Assessment List is accepted. The budget for the year is approved as follows:
Executive Committee Expenses
and Related Travel $ 6,000
Legal Work 7,000
Executors Committee Expenses 3,500
Calendar Mailing 600
Communications Office Expenses 5,000
Meeting Costs 4,400
Current Year Surplus (9,000)
Total $ 17,500
86. That the major service of the Minister of Finance and Management, Navina Krishna Das, shall be to teach the principles and techniques of sound financial management and reporting systems, and to teach the principles and techniques of non-profit management throughout the world. He will also increase his knowledge in these professional areas for the benefit of ISKCON.
87. That ISKCON World Review shall not be permitted to carry advertising for astrological services.
89. That the Managing Board of the Bhaktivedanta Institute be reconstituted with the following members: HH Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, HG Sadaputa Das, HG Ravindra Svarupa Das, HG Rasaraja Das, HH Romapada Swami, HG Navina Krishna Das, HG Amarendra Das.
90. That all decisions in regard to satisfying the desires of Srila Prabhupada in Bhaktivedanta Institute preaching and workings shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the Bhaktivedanta Institute Board.
91. That the Bhaktivedanta Institute Board should convene its first meeting as soon as possible, with Romapada Swami as the convener. At this meeting the following issues should be addressed: election of officers, constitution and bye-Laws, agenda for the upcoming year, and preaching goals and strategies. Minutes of the meeting as well as plans for future meetings shall be sent to the GBC Chairman and BBT Secretary.
92. That the GBC Body accepts the resignation of Balavanta Prabhu. The Executive Committee shall send a letter to him expressing the deep appreciation of the Body for his years of dedicated service to Srila Prabhupada and to ISKCON. We hope for his continued association in service to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.
93. [Note: The implementation of the following has been temporarily stayed by the current Chairman, Virabahu Prabhu, pending resolution of a possible conflict with existing GBC Laws 88-62 and 91-72.] Whereas members of the congregation who are not initiated need means of being recognized and feeling accepted by ISKCON; whereas other groups are giving recognition to ISKCON congregation taking advantage of our lack of giving recognition; and whereas since congregational members often take considerable time to advance in sadhana bhakti a graduated system of encouragement and recognition is needed to serve as guidelines and inspiration; therefore it is resolved that:
a. ISKCON Managers and GBC Members shall, within their area of authority, be permitted to publicly bestow acceptance and recognition to members of its congregation for devotional achievements and progress in devotional service.
b. Local temples and congregational preaching units should implement programs for aiding the congregational members to enhance their standing, and for training them to qualify for the higher levels. This should include following a recommended study course for the different levels. (Adult Education and Congregational Preaching Monitors shall recommend.)
c. Standard certificates shall be issued worldwide. (The proforma certificates shall be created and circulated by the Corresponding Secretary in consultation with the Congregational Preaching Monitor.)
d. The recognition shall be granted in any of the following categories (giving these is optional, as also the bestowal ceremony according to local time, place and circumstance):
i. Accepting Sacred Order of Lord Caitanya (Short name: Sat-sangi, or Sraddhavan)
Qualifications: Accepting the instructions or sacred order of Lord Caitanya to chant Hare Krishna (minimum one round), to worship Lord Krishna (to visit the temple or otherwise cultivate devotional service as far as possible), and to read the teachings of Lord Krishna (Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and other books of Srila Prabhupada). [Note: Since this broadly correlates with sraddha or sat-sanga stages of devotion, they can generally be called as “Satsangi” or “Sraddhavan”.]
ii. Krishna (or Gauranga) Sevak
Qualifications: Chanting a minimum of four rounds of Hare Krishna japa, refraining from meat-eating, believing in Lord Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, possessing a devotional attitude, and avoiding of grossly immoral acts (drugs, prostitution, etc.)
iii. Krishna (or Gauranga) Sadhak
Qualifications: Chanting a minimum of eight rounds of Hare Krishna japa, refraining from intoxication, meat-eating, gambling, and extra-marital sex, offering of bhoga to pictures, establishing an altar at home, and generally accepting the process of sadhana bhakti.
iv. Srila Prabhupada Asraya
Qualifications: Practicing the minimum standard of Krishna Consciousness for ISKCON members as given by Srila Prabhupada, namely chanting of minimum sixteen rounds of Hare Krishna japa, refraining from intoxication, meat-eating, gambling, and illicit sex, and generally showing a strong conviction in Krishna Consciousness.
v. Sri Guru Caran Asraya
Qualifications: Same as Srila Prabhupada Asraya, with additional faith and surrender in an authorized spiritual master coming in the disciplic succession. Must have been practicing Srila Prabhupada Asraya standard for a minimum of six months. They should pass the exam provided for in ISKCON Law.
94. That a budget of US $7,200 per year is approved for the Board of Education. This includes $3,000 for Sri Ram’s personal maintenance, $1,800 for communication and office expenses, and $2,400 for printing and distribution of the ISKCON Education Journal.
95. That the Sannyasa waiting list for 1993-94 shall be:
Mahamantra das 3 years
Hari Katha das 1 year
Prabhupada das 2 years
Mahatma das 4 years
Birsingha das 1 year
Raghubhir das 1 year
99. That the GBC Body expresses its deep appreciation for all who assisted the Body during the Annual Meeting, especially the secretarial staff, Medhavi Das, Krishna Rupa Devi Dasi, Tyaga Caitanya Das, Prem Vikash Das, Vraja Bihari Das, Brijlata Devi Dasi, and Bhakta Eckhardt. They would also like to thank Bal Gopal Devi Dasi, Rukmini Devi Dasi, Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, and their assistants who kept the GBC Members healthy and happy by providing tasty prasadam, well served.