Registration Number S/74662 under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
P.O. Shree Mayapur Dham, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal 741313
101. GBC Officers and Members
1. His Holiness Bhanu Swami is elected GBC Chairman.
2. His Holiness Ramai Swami is elected First Vice-Chairman.
3. His Holiness AC Bhaktivaibhava Swami is elected Second Vice-Chairman.
4. His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami is elected GBC Secretary.
5. His Holiness Kavicandra Swami is elected Special Duty Officer.
6. His Grace Hrdaya Caitanya Das is continued as Assistant GBC member.
7. His Grace Candrasekhara Das is appointed as Candidate for GBC.
8. His Grace Kaunteya Das is appointed as Candidate for GBC.
102. Sannyasa Waiting List
That the following are the candidates for sannyasa for 2007:
Acala Das 4-year waiting list
Brhad Mrdanga Das 2-year waiting list
Carudesna Das
4-year waiting list
Gaurahari Das
3-year waiting list
Jagat Guru Das 1-year waiting list
Janananda Das this year
Jaya Govinda Das 2-year waiting list
Mahadyuti Das
1-year waiting list
Makhanlal Das 2-year waiting list
Nitai Caitanya Das 3-year waiting list
Prabhodananda Saraswati Das 1-year waiting list
Purnacandra Das 1-year waiting list
Sarvaisvarya Das 1-year waiting list
Siddhartha Das
3-year waiting list
Vasudeva Das 2-year waiting list
Visuddha Sattva Das
2-year waiting list
Yadunandana Das
2-year waiting list
103. Assignments to Ministries and Standing Committees
[Action Order]
That the following shall be the ministry and standing committees and their membership assignments for 2007-08:
Ministry of Communications Minister – Anuttama Das
Ministry of Health and Welfare Minister – Prahladananda Swami
Congregational Development Ministry Minister – Jayapataka Swami
Women’s Ministry Minister – Sudharma Dasi
ISKCON Youth Ministry Minister – Manu Das
Ministry of Sannyasa Services Minister – Prahladananda Swami
Sannyasa Standing Committee: Hrdaya Caitanya Das, Sivarama Swami, Guru Prasad Swami, A.C. Bhaktivaibhava Swami, Bhakti Caitanya Swami, Prahladananda Swami
Ministry of Deity Worship Minister – Nrsimha Kavaca Das
Ministry of Book Distribution Minister – Vijaya Das
Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture Minister – Balabhadra Das
Ministry of Padayatra Minister – Lokanath Swami
Ministry of Educational Development Members: Sesa Das (Minister), Laxmimoni Dasi, Saunaka Rsi Das, Braja Bihari Das
Board of Examinations Members: Sesa Das, Laxmimoni Dasi, Saunaka Rsi Das, Braja Bihari Das
Sastric Advisory Council Members: Purnacandra Das (Chairman), Gopiparanadhana Das, Drutakarma Das, Urmila Dasi, Mukunda Datta Das
Sri Mayapur Project Development Committee Members: Chair of GBC Executive Committee (ex-officio), Badrinarayan Das, Bir Krishna Das Goswami, Jayapataka Swami, Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhakti Charu Swami, Bhakti Purusottama Swami, Praghosa Das, Ambarisa Das, Bhima Das, Gopal Bhatta Das, Anuttama Das, Radhanath Swami, Dayarama Das, Sadbhuja Das, Hari Sauri Das (non-voting)
Ministry of Justice Minister – Sesa Das
ISKCON Property Office Members: Current GBC Executive Committee, Bhaktarupa Das (Member-Secretary)
ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection Director – Tamohara Das
GBC Vaisnava Calendar Committee Members: Bhanu Swami, Markandeya Rishi Das, Bhaktarupa Das (Convener)
BBT Construction Grant Allocation Committee (BBTCG) Members: Ramai Swami, Bhanu Swami, Devamrita Swami, Current GBC Chairman, Krsna Naam Das (Secretary), Hrdaya Caitanya Das (Convener)
Guru Services Committee Members: Prahladananda Swami (Chairman), Anuttama Das, Vishakha Dasi, Virabahu Das, Ravindra Svarupa Das, Bhakti Caitanya Swami
201. GBC Budget
[Action Order]
The GBC budget for 2007/2008 is:
GBC Annual General Meeting Rs. 2,20,000
Executive Committee Travel 2,20,000
Emergencies 3,52,000
GBC Meeting Facilities 1,98,000
GBC Secretariat 2,20,000
ISKCON Resolve 4,40,000
ISKCON Database 96,800
Health & Welfare Magazine 44,000
GBC Website 66,000
Cow Protection Ministry 4,40.000
Deity Worship Ministry 4,40,000
World Holy Name Day 22,000
Total: Rs. 27,58,800
202. Appointment of Auditor
[Action Order]
Sri A. K. Shah, F.C.A., Chartered Accountant, of 125, Netaji Subhas Road, Room No. 45, Kolkata 700 001, is appointed as statutory auditor for the year 2007-2008.
301. Extra Meeting 2007
[Action Order]
A five-day meeting of the GBC will be held in New Vrindavan (West Virginia, USA) starting on Sunday morning, the 3rd of June, and ending on Thursday evening, the 7th of June, 2007.
302. Mayapur Project
[Action Order]
That the GBC accepts the SMPDC proposal for moving ahead with the Mayapur project, and requests proceeding with the construction of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium as soon as possible.
303. Vote of Thanks to Abhirama Das
The GBC would like to officially thank Abhirama Prabhu for his years of dedication to the new temple project in Mayapur. With determination, intelligence, and much personal sacrifice, Abhirama Prabhu has worked tirelessly to see Srila Prabhupada’s desire of a world-class temple and Vedic planetarium become a reality. We know that Srila Prabhupada, Sri Sri Radha-Madhava, Lord Nrisimhadeva, and the Panca-tattva will bless him for his sincere efforts.
304. Identification of Those Not Submitting Financial Statements
[Action Order]
WHEREAS ISKCON Law states that “all GBC Body members, gurus, sannyasis and international project directors are required to file annual personal financial reports to the Executive Committee of the GBC Body and, where requested, their national executive body.”
WHEREAS non-reporting by GBC and non-GBC leaders reflects poorly on the society.
Any GBC member who does not submit a personal annual financial report shall lose voting rights at the annual general meeting.
Any non-GBC sannyasi or guru who does not submit a personal annual financial report shall be named by the secretary at the annual general meeting.
The Sannyasa Minister shall contact all non-reporting sannyasis and non-GBC gurus and inform them of their end-of-year reporting duties.
305. Financial Reports of Trusts
[Action Order]
WHEREAS ISKCON Law states that “all GBC Body members, gurus, sannyasis and international project directors are required to file annual personal financial reports to the Executive Committee of the GBC Body and, where requested, their national executive body.”
AND WHEREAS, personal financial reports alone may not give a complete picture of the financial dealings of a leader.
Any ISKCON leader required to submit an annual personal financial report will include in that report a list of all trusts or other legal entities, except for ISKCON entities, for which they have some measure of direct or indirect control. Reports will include the entity’s purpose and their relationship to it.
Trusts or other legal entities whose assets come entirely from activities in householder life or family sources — for example an inheritance — need not be reported.
The GBC secretary will make the necessary adjustments to the financial reporting form.
306. German-Austrian Emergency
[Action Order]
WHEREAS the following resolution was passed by the GBC in 2005:
404. German Yatra Emergency Action
[Action Order]
Whereas the German yatra is presently facing a severe crisis, and
Whereas the leading devotees in Germany have declared a formal state of emergency and have approached the GBC Body for endorsement and support of their plans; and
Whereas this crisis was not of the German devotees’ own making but rather was mostly created by the GBC-appointed former zonal secretary; and
Whereas, in pursuance of the European RGB’s reorganization plan, Germany has agreed to become a single zone and region with Austria, which will add a further financial burden of 150,000 Euros to the German leaders’ financial obligation; therefore
It is hereby RESOLVED that:
The GBC Body, having heard the plans of the German yatra, gives its unqualified endorsement to ISKCON Germany’s “Declaration of Emergency and Solidarity Action 2005-07.”
The GBC body encourages all ISKCON preachers to visit Germany and share their spiritual values and strength with the devotees there, who are very much in need of association.
The GBC Body is encouraged by the German yatra’s plans to work unitedly to raise funds to settle the long-standing debts and obligations. ISKCON centers around the world may want to give opportunity to the German leaders to carry out fundraising programs in their local area, in coordination with existing programs.
GBC members and guests may want to express solidarity with the effort by making token financial pledges.
Due to the crisis situation, the German yatra shall be exempt from GBC fees for 2005-2007, as well as past due fees since the crisis began.
That, in view of the German leaders’ willingness to accept into its zone Austria (which comes with a 150,000 Euro debt), the European RGB especially should work to find ways and means to help the German-Austria zone resolve its financial crisis.
And WHEREAS the yatra has made impressive progress in its reorganization, in solving critical problems, and in paying back half of its 1.000.000EU debts.
WHEREAS the yatra needs the emergency program to be extended until 2010 to complete repayment of another 500.000EU in debts and to further improve its organization.
WHEREAS the European GBC members have recommended that ISKCON Germany’s “Declaration of Emergency and Solidarity Action 2005-07” be extended until 2010 and that the yatra continue to be exempt of all GBC, IC, and YCF fees until 2010.
Therefore it is hereby RESOLVED:
That resolution 404 of 2005 be extended until the end of 2010 and that the yatra continue to be exempt from all GBC, IC, and YCF fees till then.
307. Tenure and Discipline of Local Officials
WHEREAS the current section 5.5 in the Law Book is unsystematically presented, disjointed and unclear,
And WHEREAS the requirements and procedures for probation, suspension and removal lack clear guidelines and procedures,
And WHEREAS the Law Book subcommittee decided that a rewrite would help to clarify and build on the already existing law book section,
That section 5.5 of the existing laws on discipline of ISKCON officials shall be repealed and replaced with the following new section:
Definition of Local ISKCON Official
The specific titles borne by ISKCON officials may possibly include “President”, “Vice-President”, “Treasurer”, “Temple Management Council Member”, “Project Director”, “Congregational Preaching Director”, etc. (Sections concerning tenure and discipline of Regional Secretaries, Gurus and GBC members are to be included in different sections.)
Leave of Absence
An ISKCON Official may be granted a leave of absence at his/her request for any of the following reasons;
Acute and unremitting health problem(s).
Compelling personal reasons.
The official seeking a leave of absence shall clearly explain in writing to his/her GBC Zonal Secretary(s) or Divisional Council the specific reasons for his/her request. A leave of absence shall not be granted for a period in excess of one year, although it may be extended.
An ISKCON Official may tender his/her resignation to their GBC Zonal Secretary(s) or Divisional Council at any time. A resignation should be submitted in writing with reasons and an effective date from which the resignation shall stand.
Resignations may be partial in nature, wherein only a portion of the responsibilities held is relinquished, such as when an official agrees to the appointment of a co-official to share the duties of office.
Disciplining Authority
There should ideally be no change of Presidents or ISKCON Leaders. If there are any difficulties there should first be an attempt to resolve it by careful mediation.
An ISKCON Official may be disciplined by any of the following;
A two-thirds majority of a Regional Governing Body or Divisional or National Council.
Three GBCs, which must include the GBC(s) of that area, or
A majority vote of the GBC Body
Depending on the severity of any improper activity, corrective steps may consist of informal discussions, written warnings or censures, or formal disciplinary measures such as placing the offending official on probation, suspension of the official’s authority, or removal of the official from the position.
The reason(s) for and the process and standards of rectification, if any, must be given in writing to the official under discipline. The disciplining body or persons must ensure that the details are entered into the relevant resolutions of the disciplining body. In the case of three GBC’s, the details shall be recorded by the GBC Secretariat.
Reasons for Discipline
An ISKCON Official may be disciplined for the following transgressions:
Misconduct and Indiscipline
Willful violation of GBC resolutions.
Vilification of ISKCON or the GBC Body.
Misconduct in office (physical assault except in self-defense, improper relationships with the opposite sex, improper sexual behavior, abusive behavior to devotees, improper dealings with external society, and so on.)
Habitually or knowingly making false charges and accusations or other consistent vaisnava-aparadhas.
Serious interference in the guru and disciple relationship.
Duplicitous or untruthful dealings (giving false promises to devotees, lying to spiritual authorities, and other serious prevarication).
Improper Discharge or Neglect of Duty
Consistent unexcused absences at Divisional Council meetings.
Consistent failure to submit prescribed monthly reports.
Consistent interference in the guru-disciple relationship or consistent disregard of the devotees’ requirement to accept a spiritual master and serve him.
Consistent or serious economic mismanagement of such a nature that it endangers the temple or preaching mission.
Serious degradation of temple standards (deity worship, cleanliness and kitchen standards, devotee morale, preaching, temple economy, etc.)
Failing to make all necessary and prudent arrangements to defend their corporations and properties from legal liabilities.
Spiritual Discrepancy
Failure to follow strictly the rules and regulations as described in Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Philosophical deviation.
Consistently irregular attendance at the temple morning program without bona fide cause.
Failure to follow any of the four regulative principles or to regularly chant sixteen rounds of japa.
Censure is to be understood as a reprimand aimed at reformation of an official and prevention of further offending acts. It is the warning voice of pending probation or removal.
When ordering the censure, the disciplining authority must clearly spell out in writing to the disciplined official the specific actions that were irresponsible, inappropriate, or in violation of ISKCON law and why they were judged so.
Probation is an opportunity for disciplined officials to redress themselves and regain their status as ISKCON Officials in good standing.
When ordering the probation, the disciplining authority must clearly spell out in writing to the disciplined official:
The specific actions that were irresponsible, inappropriate, or in violation of ISKCON law and why they were judged so
The specific program of rectification
The specific curtailment of powers, if any
The specific prerequisites for restoration, if any
The time period of the probation, which shall be no longer than six months.
After the period of probation, the disciplining authority must decide as per one of the following:
That the official is rectified and that any restrictions imposed for the term of probation are rescinded; or
That further probation under the same or modified conditions is required to complete the rectification process; or
That the official has not been rectified and that the official be removed from the position.
In the case where there is substantial reason to believe that an ISKCON official has acted irresponsibly, inappropriately, or in violation of ISKCON law to the extent that continuation of the official in the particular position will be injurious to the properties, good name, physical assets or other resources of the society, then an official should be suspended from that position.
Suspension is to separate the official from their office so that a thorough investigation of allegations may be conducted and the suitability of the official to continue in their position is determined.
The disciplining body must conduct an immediate investigation so as to minimize disruption at the respective ISKCON centre or project. After completion of the investigation, the body shall make a determination as to the truth of the allegations and the future course of action. They may order as per one of the following:
The suspension shall be revoked and the official shall be restored to the original position; or
There shall be a probationary period with a program of rectification as described under probation above, with or without restoration of authority during the period of probation; or
It is not expected that the official can be rectified within a reasonable period of time and he or she shall be permanently removed from the position.
If an ISKCON official is under suspension he may not vote as a member of any ISKCON management body.
Under normal circumstances, an ISKCON Official will be removed from his/her position only after being put on probation and consequently unable to rectify his/her situation.
However, in urgent situations, an ISKCON Official may be removed in case of the following;
Any violation of either ISKCON, local or national laws which endangers ISKCON’s stability and security locally, nationally or internationally and which cannot wait for the usual process of probation and removal.
Severe spiritual, philosophical or moral deviation.
Rebellion against the authority of Srila Prabhupada, the GBC Body or other regional, national or local ISKCON authorities.
Incompetent management over an extended period of time, giving rise to an emergency situation.
If an ISKCON Official is disciplined by three GBCs or a National or Divisional Council, he/she shall have the right of appeal to the Regional Governing Body (if one exists in the area) or the GBC Body (if there is no Regional Governing Body in the area). If he/she is disciplined by a Regional Governing Body, he/she shall have the right of appeal to the GBC Body. Any disciplinary action taken against an ISKCON Official by any of the above-mentioned entities shall stand unless and until it is overruled by a higher body.
308. Diksa Mantra Correction
[Action Order]
WHEREAS Srila Prabhupada repeatedly stressed that the Sanskrit language in his books and other ISKCON publications should be edited in strict accordance with the standard Sanskrit grammar and usage:
WHEREAS the word “guruh” in the third of the diksa-mantras (the guru-gayatri) in ISKCON is mistakenly spelled as “guroh”, thus contradicting the standard Sanskrit grammar;
WHEREAS in all three of Srila Prabhupada’s own tape recordings of the diksa-mantras, available in the VedaBase-2003, he pronounces “guruh”;
WHEREAS the above misspelling has over the years become ISKCON’s standard;
WHEREAS authoritative scriptural references to guru-gayatri followed in the Gaudiya Vaisnava line, like Bhaktivinode Thakur’s Bhajana-rahasya and Dhyanacandra Goswami’s Gaura-govindarcana-smarana-paddhati, have the correct spelling for guruh.
All official ISKCON publications and diksa-mantra sheets be corrected to conform with the proper form “guruh” in the guru-gayatri;
309. Definition of Clergy
[Action Order]
That the following Definition of Clergy is accepted for all ISKCON entities in North America:
The individual must maintain fidelity to the teachings given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and be “ordained, commissioned, or licensed” as per the procedures established for North America by the ISKCON Governing Body Commission Society, West Bengal, India.
And the individual must fulfill at least one of the following requirements:
The individual administers sacraments; or
The individual conducts worship services; or
The individual performs services in the “control, conduct, or maintenance of a religious organization” under the authority of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON); or
The individual is considered to be a spiritual leader by virtue of his or her affiliation with ISKCON.
NOTE: Initiation is necessary but not sufficient to qualify one to be considered as clergy by ISKCON entities in North America.
310. Annual World Holy Name Day
[Action Order]
WHEREAS, during the Srila Prabhupada Centennial in 1996, ISKCON celebrated World Holy Name Day by performance of harinama sankirtan in our temples, individuals’ homes, publicly, at interfaith conferences, with harinama banks of written harinama, through the distribution of literature on the subject of the holy name, and throughout the media.
WHEREAS, a World Holy Name Day was celebrated during 2004, the 108th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance, and met with much success.
WHEREAS, having a Global Coordination Team would be essential for a successful Annual World Holy Name Day observance.
Therefore it is resolved:
That World Holy Name Day is made an annual program for all ISKCON centers. Different countries or continents may modify the name to suit their needs.
The observance of World Holy Name Day is to be held in connection with the anniversary observances of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the USA on Sept. 17, 1965, to coincide with, and commemorate, his delivering the gift of the holy name to the world.
The Global Coordination Team for World Holy Name Day shall be Lokanath Swami, Janananda Das, and Ekalavya Das.
For 2007 – 2008, a budget of Rs. 22,000/- is granted for promotion and other expenses.
311. Kirtan Standards
[Action Order]
It is desirable for all ISKCON devotees to know and follow the standards of kirtana required and recommended by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON,
There are increasingly divergent styles and moods of kirtana within ISKCON’s ranks,
There are sometime disagreements as to what standards of kirtana are acceptable and what are not,
Srila Prabhupada at various times gave directives and guidelines as to what standards of kirtana he wanted and found acceptable, and what he did not,
That a committee called the ‘Kirtana Standards Committee’ [KSC] be formed, consisting of Janananda Dasa, Hari Sauri Dasa, Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Lokanatha Swami and Jagajivan Dasa, with consultation from Siva Rama Swami and Jayadvaita Swami. They shall formulate clear standards and guidelines for kirtana within ISKCON based on the statements of Srila Prabhupada. Janananda Dasa will be the coordinator of this committee.
The KSC will present their findings at the GBC AGM in Mayapur, 2008, for approval by the GBC Body.
312. Clarifying Leadership Standards
Part A. Introduction
Lord Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita:
api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak
sadhur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah
Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.
From this declaration by Lord Krishna himself, we recognize that any devotee can repent of misbehavior, become purified, and advance in Krishna consciousness. No religious institution can ever deprive a fallen soul of the merciful opportunity for full self-rectification offered by the Lord Himself.
As Lord Krishna thus cares for every individual, He also cares for society, for He personally establishes and maintains the principles necessary to protect the integrity, trustworthiness, and harmony of the social body. Following the will of Lord Krishna, ISKCON must respect the spiritual rights both of the individual and of society. Individuals must exercise their own proper rights with due regard for those of society, and society must balance its rights and needs with those of its members.
Within the spiritual society of ISKCON, the GBC must strive to balance the spiritual needs and rights of its members with those required by their society. In this matter, a restriction placed on a certain member as a social requirement cannot be taken automatically to imply a judgment on that individual’s current spiritual status. Nor does that restriction limit that devotee’s right and ability to inspire and enlighten other people with Krishna consciousness.
Moreover, a devotee does not have to hold titles such as GBC, temple president, diksa-guru, etc. in order to advance—and to help others advance—in Krishna consciousness. And at times, it is necessary to restrict access to such official positions in order to protect the reputation of Srila Prabhupada and the integrity of his society.
The GBC asks the members of ISKCON to give serious consideration to these reflections, and it begs for their understanding and cooperation as it attempts to balance the needs of individuals in ISKCON with those of ISKCON as a society.
Part B. Positions of Leadership
Whenever the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection rules that an offense is such as to restrict a person from serving in ISKCON in positions of leadership (including but not limited to offices of GBC, minister, zonal secretary or temple officer), the restriction must include the position of initiating guru. This restriction shall apply to all previous and future decisions of the Central Office of Child Protection.
A devotee initiated by a guru subsequently affected by this resolution is considered to have been duly initiated under the authority of ISKCON and the GBC and is recognized as an ISKCON member in good standing with all the privileges of an initiate. Other questions that may arise in the application of this law should be referred to the Executive Committee of the GBC.
Part C. Apology to Dhanurdhara Swami
Dear Dhanurdhara Maharaja,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We hope that this letter finds you in good health.
The GBC Body is aware that in the course of its ecclesiastical dealings concerning past child abuse in the society, sometimes the procedures we followed were awkward and took a long time to complete. This was particularly true in your case, and we unfortunately did not always keep you abreast of the ongoing progress of those procedures.
The GBC Body is sorry for the difficulties you and your disciples, followers, and friends must have experienced because of these long and cumbersome procedures. We could have done much better, and we sincerely apologize.
We support the decision of the Office of Child Protection in your case, but our procedures should not have added to your burden.
Additionally, we remain committed to promoting healing and reconciliation for our youth, parents, and all others affected by abuse. We hope that you will continue to reach out personally to former students. We appreciate the efforts you have made in this regard, and we encourage you to continue. We are willing to work with you where appropriate.
In conclusion, we never wanted you to leave the ISKCON society. We humbly request you again to remain an active member in ISKCON. Not only are we sure that this would be the desire of Srila Prabhupada, but also that it would be the best course of action for you, your disciples, and your followers.
Your servants,
Part D. Reconciliation Initiative
[Action Order]
The ICOCP and ISKCON Resolve will develop an international plan, in consultation with a broad representation of ISKCON devotees, to address lingering issues concerning past child abuse, including failure of administrative oversight in child protection. The goal will be to promote reconciliation and healing while insuring fairness and integrity in ISKCON’s response to these issues. The plan will be ready for presentation to the GBC Body at the June meetings for ratification.
313. Apology Letter to Recipients of Compensation from the ISKCON Youth Fund
Resolved: That the following letter of apology, which is being sent to recipients of compensation from the ISKCON Youth Fund on GBC letterhead stationary, be entered into the GBC minutes book as a matter of record:
Dear [Claimant’s name]:
As Chairman of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission, I have been officially requested to personally communicate to you the GBC’s most sincere apology for the abuse and the neglect you suffered while in Gurukula.
You were a pioneer in ISKCON’s fledgling attempts to establish a Gurukula system to train our children in Krishna Consciousness. Unfortunately, you were also subjected to serious mistreatment and abuse as a result of our failure to properly implement that vision. For this we are very sorry, and we ask you to please accept our deepest and most heartfelt apology.
As members of the Governing Body Commission, past and present, we want you to know that we take full responsibility for the wrongdoings committed in the early years of the ISKCON movement. As leaders, the GBC members were entrusted with properly providing for your care. And during the time that terrible abuses were committed, the leadership of the Society failed in its responsibility to vigilantly provide for your welfare and protect you from all forms of harm and abuse. We are also aware of our failure to provide the quality of care and education that Srila Prabhupada wanted for you, and that you deserved.
We truly wish we could turn back the clock and remove the pain you underwent; but as you know, we cannot do that. We are, however, fully committed to making amends for past transgressions, and implementing safeguards against future abuse. And we will continue to improve opportunities for Krishna Conscious children today. We humbly request that you help us assure that others do not suffer the way you did by sharing your insights and invaluable experience with us.
Although this personal apology is long overdue (and in many ways inadequate) we pray that you will find it in your heart to forgive us. We offer you acknowledgment, support and friendship. We understand that we are all connected with one another, and that we cannot move forward as a Movement without you. We will do whatever is within our capacity to assist you, so please let us know how we can help.
Bhanu Swami
GBC Chairman
314. Annual General Meeting 2008
[Action Order]
The Annual General Meeting for 2008 will start on the 24th of February 2008 and end on the 5th of March.
February 19 Lord Nityananda’s Appearance
February 24 – March 5 GBC Meetings
February 26 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Appearance
March 21 Gaura Purnima /Lord Gauranga’s Abhisheka