Prabhupāda Says:
Similarly, a devoted disciple of the spiritual master would rather die with the spiritual master than fail to execute the spiritual master’s mission. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes down upon this earth to reestablish the principles of religion, so His representative, the spiritual master, also comes to reestablish religious principles. It is the duty of the disciples to take charge of the mission of the spiritual master and execute it properly. Otherwise the disciple should decide to die along with the spiritual master. In other words, to execute the will of the spiritual master, the disciple should be prepared to lay down his life and abandon all personal considerations. [SB.4.28.50]
Śrīla Prabhupāda describes above how the spiritual master [himself] comes to reestablish religious principles “As the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes down upon this earth to reestablish the principles of religion, so His representative, the spiritual master, also comes to reestablish religious principles” and it behooves those who have given their life over to serving His Divine Grace and would call His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda their spiritual master, to strictly continue with the mission that he has given us.
If we do not do our duty as prescribed by Śrīla Prabhupāda then surely we are to face death at the end of this life?
If we have betrayed the scared vow of dīkṣā initiation that we received upon surrendering to Śrīla Prabhupāda then what is the point of continuing by living a life of lies, deceit and betrayal?
The GBC, Rubber Stamped Guru’s of ISKCON and their disciples have betrayed Śrīla Prabhupāda and if they continue to offend the Maha Bhāgavata devotee of the Lord their only destination is hell.
Prabhupāda: Therefore you have got spiritual master. Why he is there? Therefore you have to accept spiritual master who will give you direction. You cannot do it. If you manufacture your own…, then go to hell. [SB. Lecture – Hawaii 1974]
If you manufacture your own concocted system then verily your destination is hell. You can push on with your life pretending to be a GBC member, Minister, a bona fide spiritual master or a bona fide disciple but you are rascals and number one fools for disobeying His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.
You had better heed the words of the Maha Bhāgavata devotee of the Lord above or you have not only wasted your life but you have laid your path to hell.