Bhakta Vijay – Melbourne, Australia: Aniruddha Das, the TP of Iskcon’s Melbourne Temple is under investigation by the CPO for child abuse and sexual exploitation of girls in Melbourne Temple going back decades.
The International Child Protection team (Campakalata dasi) is conducting the investigations and flew to Australia a couple of months back to interview them. Aniruddha has been trying to keep this quiet for sometime but the complaints were laid last year and Iskcon CPO finally began the investigations this year.
The infamous Aniruddha and his wife Acintya Rupa have been known to abuse and exploit girls who come in contact with Iskcon both whilst living in the ashram and doing devotional service. Finally Iskcon’s CPO have begun investigations into these unscrupulous so-called leaders.
Details are sketchy, but it has been reported that the incidences involve rape, abuse, slavery and blackmail. For years the devotees of Iskcon Melbourne have worked to have this monster removed, but Aniruddha remains protected by another infamous dodgy leader who is prone to sexual exploits, Ramai Swami.
This news comes as it has just been reported here in Melbourne that the Catholic Church have admitted that as much as 620 children have been abused by so-called priests within their order. When will Iskcon realise that abuse and especially child abuse is criminal and hand over pedophiles such as Aniruddha to the Police.
Rid Iskcon of such low-class scum and give Iskcon back to Srila Prabhupada. Everyone must speak up so these atrocities are not dismissed and bogus so-called leaders are not able to continue to commit such acts of violence against the Vaikuntha children.
We the devotees of Iskcon Melbourne are very much disturbed and disgusted by having this man in our Temple.
Please the GBC of Iskcon, show proper justice and remove Aniruddha das.
Below is a copy of the correspondence between one of the above complainants and CPO Director
Champakalata Dāsī.
From: [Name withheld]
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 8:59 AM
To: Krsnacandra Dasa
Subject: Fwd: Re – Complaint submitted to CPO
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: CPO (Child Protection Office) <[email protected]t>
Date: Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 1:45 PM
Subject: Re – Complaint submitted to CPO
To: [Name withheld]
Dear [Name withheld],
Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I am currently in Australia and actually had the opportunity yesterday to
personally interview Aniruddha prabhu about your allegations.
I interviewed Acintya Rupa this morning.
Your servant,
Champakalata dasi
> Dear Campakalata Prabhu,
> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
> I have not heard from yourself or the CPO since submitting a complaint of
> abuse to the CPO late last year and I am wondering at what stage this is
> at?
> y.s
> [Name withheld]