Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa – Vṛndāvan: Geopolitics is a term used to describe the causal processes involved in the interrelationships between the control of territory (land and sea), politics, economies, finances, law, etc of the world’s various nations. In the modern context however, geopolitics has come to be synonymous with Globalization.
However, there exists a dichotomy involved in the modern day geopolitical sphere where many nationalistic members of various nations see that their individual national identity or sovereignty is being ‘homogenized’ into a global system of unification, which ultimately aims to establish a centralized one world government and believe that should this state be achieved, they will stand to lose not only their national cultural heritage, but also their ethnic heritages and national identities.
On the other hand we see the globalists, who believe that the world would be better served if there was one government of single purpose to lead the world, one military to maintain the peace, one economic stratagem to streamline trade and commerce, one law to maintain law and order, one educational system to teach the peoples of the world and ultimately one religion which sees a higher power or god that supports the people to live in peace and harmony.
In the Kali yuga, the lord of this earthly world is the demon Kali. This Kali yuga, which lasts 432,000 years, commenced with the departure of Lord Kṛṣṇa some 5,000 years ago. The demon Kali is the main influential entity that rules supreme over the earthly realm for the duration of this yuga and appeared in the time of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s grandson, Mahārāja Parīkṣit’s reign on earth. After obtaining boons from Mahārāja Parīkṣit that enabled him to gain controlling influence in this yuga, he set about seizing power and control.
Kali knows full well that the only way that he can gain power and influence is to remove the loyalty of the people from the Kingly or Royal class of men and their faith in a personal God and place it on his plan. He is also well aware of the fact that in order for this to happen there needed to be radical changes made to the psychology of the people in general by disconnecting people from their cultural and ethnic heritage. This ultimately means that human society needs to be disconnected from religion.
Religion played a large role in the operation of a kingdom/nation, but it was also a very important aspect of a person’s cultural and social psyche and until the middle of last century played a vital role in the common man’s life.
Kings or Kṣatriyas in the past were protectors of Dharma and the Brahman class or the intelligent class’s role was to advise and support the Kingly class of man to rule and administer the various kingdoms under God’s law as given in the Vedic scriptures and their corollaries.
Kali knew that to remove or to debilitate the Kingly and Brahman class was vital to his agenda to rule mankind. The Brahmins, as the intelligentsia, advised on spiritual and material matters while the Kṣatriyas, by strength of arms and administrative prowess, governed the land.
Without the head (Brahmans) and arms (Kṣatriyas/Kings), human society was effectively leaderless, which afforded Kali the ability to implement his tried and tested strategies which aimed at bringing about chaos and schisms within human societies.
Kali is the great-great grandson of Lord Brahmā and the great-grandson of Adharma (Impropriety) and his wife, “Mithyā” (Falsehood). Adharma was originally created from Lord Brahmā’s back as a “Maleen Patākā” (a very dark and deadly sinful object). He is the grandson of “Dambha” (Vanity) and his sister-turned-wife, Māyā (Illusion). Kali is the son of Krodha” (Anger) his sister-turned-wife is “Hiṁsā” (Violence).
Kali has ruled in countless Kali yugas, his knowledge is vast and as he operates under a time scale far different than mankind’s he can easily see what has worked in the past and what is needed in the present.
Kali, being invisible, can enter into the ‘hearts’ of man and influence them to align them with his agenda. Similar to when he is said to have entered into the gold crown of Mahārāja Parīkṣit and influenced him to throw the serpent around the neck of the Brāhmaṇa. He is also said to have entered into Lord Śiva and caused him to write evil Scriptures. What to speak of lesser mortals. Another classic example of how Kali functions is that he assumed the body of Duryodhana, the first son of Dhritarasta.
Kali began his rule by arranging for the elimination of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, thus depriving the world of a ruler who upheld high Dharmic principles of varṇa and ashram and so these principles began to corrupt into what can be now termed a ‘classless society’.
However, the various varṇa’s and ashrams are ‘archetypal’ in essence and so the various classes of people as outlined in the Vedic knowledge are deeply ingrained in the psyche of mankind and can never be removed, they can only be temporarily covered by another system.
Kali also is aware that his true identity, purpose and plans must be hidden behind a screen of secrecy and so knowledge of his personal form, past and activities are relatively unknown to the general public. The only culture who is aware of this agenda is the Vedic Culture as detailed in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
“Therefore, O chief amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can live permanently under the protection of your government. Sūta Gosvāmī said: Mahārāja Parīkṣit, thus being petitioned by the personality of Kali, gave him permission to reside in places where gambling, drinking, prostitution and animal slaughter were performed. The personality of Kali asked for something more, and because of his begging, the King gave him permission to live where there is gold because wherever there is gold there is also falsity, intoxication, lust, envy and enmity.”(SB.1.17.37 – 39)
As evidenced by the above description it can be inferred the demon Kali will receive the protection of the Government while being the controlling and corrupting force behind gambling, intoxication, prostitution, meat eating and gold. As Vaiṣṇava’s who are in knowledge of the personality of Kali we can clearly see his activities and plan as it unfolds throughout the centuries.
In order for Kali to assume control of the world, changes to the Kingly system began by removing the Brahminical advisory role from the Kings decision making and eventually replacing it with the Merchant or Financier class with gold being the standard of financial transactions. Kali is well aware that the Brahman or Priestly class of man was more connected to the nation’s cultural and ethnic background, while the Merchant was only connected to greed and therefore it was essential to sever the link between the Brahminical classes, successfully disconnecting the people from their ties with their cultural traditions. The introduction of Secularism has greatly decreased the relevance of the Brahminical/Priestly class and increased the influence and control of the quasi materialistic sciences within human society.
In more modern times, democracy and communism are political theories that have further systematically destroyed and dismantled the remnants of Royalty and upper classes. Although Royalty in its pure form is not present in the administration of nations, the class structure is still in existence with the difference being that in the past one was born into the various class structures according to karmic results, whereas now anyone with ambition can gain access to any class they desire.
As the Kali yuga progressed, the merchant class became more influential in the administration of countries and subsequently controlled conquest. The minister or Brahman advising the King evolved into the merchant controlling the King, to its modern day equivalent where the merchant/moneylender class evolved into the multinational financial institutions that more or less control the world’s economies and geopolitical sphere, thus rendering the Kingly or Brahman class superfluous and counterproductive.
For the sake of relevance to modern history, the following part of this paper is mainly focusing on the historic development of western society and its influence on Geopolitics from Roman times up to the present.
As the Kali yuga progressed from the various remnants of the Vedic rule, various civilizations arose known to western history; such as the Persians, Greek and Roman Empires. All of these civilizations sought world domination but maintained some semblance of the ancient Vedic Kingly system. In the last two thousand years this was further diluted with the fall of the Roman Empire which gave rise to the Feudal system and subsequently the proliferation of the merchant class in the Middle Ages.
During the latter stage of the feudal era there became a predominance of the Trader (Spice trade) Merchant class which played a large role in the complete demise of the Kingly class and the establishment of Capitalism as the prime form of socio-economic stratagem for the development of nations. Capitalism, as a socio-economic system for the control of all trade, goods and services of a country, replaced the older feudal or Kingly rule of the land in much of the known world.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, international trade became predominated by both Christian and Islamic countries which brought about certain diplomatic problems in trans-Eurasian trade. This saw the rise of the Jewish Merchant Class called the “Radhanites” who dominated trans-Eurasian trade between 500 and 1,000BC as they were seen as a neutral go-between for the Islamist and Christian empires. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radhanite
With the increasing wealth that came into the various countries also came the need of slaves in order to provide free labour to work to develop the economies and infrastructure of the various countries. Although the use of slaves domestically was a large part of human culture, during the development of the Christian and Islamic Empires, the use and commercialization of slaves became a very profitable industry. Slaves in earlier times were primarily from “Slavic” stock from which the term slave referred to.
In these times the Radhanites, being neutral, also provided Islamic slaves to the Christians and Christian slaves to the Islamists. In this way the slave trade became a vital aspect of the rise of these two respective cultures and consequently the rise in power and wealth of the Jewish Merchants.
In the fifteenth century onwards, the slave trade shifted from slaves of Slavic origin to black slaves from Africa. The main base of the slave trade was in the Netherlands, stemming from the Dutch East India Company. The main slave traders were Jewish merchants who fled persecution from Spain during the Inquisition times and settled in the Netherlands.
The slave trade flourished in these times, gaining the Jewish Merchants involved tremendous wealth and influence. With the East India Companies (British/Dutch) involved in trade with both North and South Americas, the Jewish Merchants gained a controlling influence over all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch.http://www.blacksandjews.com/SpeakingofSlavery_Audio.html
Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.http://www.blacksandjews.com/MarcLeeRaphael.html
The formation of large Trading Companies based on the Spice Trade from India, China etc afforded these companies to become the wealthiest organizations on earth. Their combined wealth dwarfed that of the remnants of the Kingly class who now were to all extents and purposes under the control of the mercantile class and so the merchant class was in control of the socio-economic growth and development of nations annexed by the Kingly class of yesteryear.
Capitalism refined itself further with the formation of the stock market that rose out of the Dutch East India Company in 1604. The formation of the stock market brought private individuals such as landowners and small businesses into the fledgling global financial market. The merchant capitalistic ideology was now refined into what is now called modern capitalism.
Prior to Roman times, private individuals lent currency (gold / silver copper etc) to those in need. There was interest charged for borrowing money but it was not regulated as such. Most exchanges of yesteryear were of a nature that involved exchanges of goods and services and therefore did not involve an exchange of currency.
The use of currency in the non metal form has been largely replaced by paper money which is basically a construct of the financial institutions which was based on convenience in any given financial transactions.
However, as the paper money system gained prominence and the Financial Institutions and Governments no longer required gold or metals as an asset base and a medium of exchange, this new artificial wealth system grew exponentially. This adaptation of the financial system, coupled with an easily manipulated interest rate system, found financial institutions reaping in the vast majority of profits from business and commerce.
Usury is the archaic term for the charging of interest on the lending of money that is unjust or inappropriate.
Charging of interest on money loans has long since been problematic especially in the realm of ethics and religion. Dependent on ones consciousness one may see service in different ways. In the Vaiṣṇava sense, service is seen as loving exchanges between devotees where there is no indication of a transaction but an expression of service done out of love.
As this process becomes increasingly materialistic, it degrades down to not only charging for any service rendered by monetary means but the charging of interest for money borrowed.
So a person lending money to aid someone else must be seen in context and need not become an unjust system to extract extra money from a person in need. If the lender is inconvenienced by either a late payment of the loan or if they underwent some form of loss from lending the money then an extra payment is usually an acceptable practice.
However to extract undue and unnecessarily high interest from the borrower is not usually condoned within religious systems nor many of the older feudal Kingdoms. Usually gold was paid back at the exact same amount as that which was borrowed unless of course there was a late payment where a fine would be imposed.
The growth of the merchant/moneylenders was built upon the use, misuse and abuse of the interest charging system of moneylenders and so the system of charging interest was gradually introduced, making the moneylenders the international bankers of today.
Banks and other financial institutions are the most wealthiest and influential institutions in existence today.
Where there were Kings who dreamed of ruling the world there are now bankers…
The only problem with bankers and financiers ruling is that it is based on greed and they care little for the need of mankind.
With a world ruled by the merchants and moneylenders who employ usury to increase their wealth, the perfect interface with the common people in order to control them to work harder, earn more, spend more and borrow more is a complete system of well controlled Government.
Even though democracy as a political ideology has been around since the Greek times in western historical reference, it only came to prominence as an influential governmental process since the formation of the Federated State in recent times as it was very attractive to the suffering common man who had been used as an unwitting tool of the Capitalistic Merchant class for centuries.
Democracy is a political ideology that is basically an adjunct to Capitalistic thought and has been touted to promote individual participation in government. The advertising slogan “Government for the people by the people” has been the cornerstone of the success of this political ideology to date. Democracy instils the perception in the common man that they have a say in their parliamentary process and it is their birth right.
Yet simultaneously there exists the perception that the individual has no say in the determination of Governmental policy. The democratic process creates the ‘illusion’ that the members of any given society have a say in the determination of their collective futures. However in practice this is seldom the case as very few politicians have honoured their pre election promises. This assumed ‘self-determination’ of the members of the society easily lends itself to the ‘people’ granting the political leaders the authority to make policy on national and international matters.
Having the same political theoretical base, Democratic Nation States are more easily able to create political affiliations and establish interrelationships based on unilateral and multilateral agreements which serve to permanently link together various Nation States throughout the world.
In countries not under the political system of democracy and its ‘partner’ Capitalism, the system of Communism was introduced in order to control the masses. Communism was established in Russia as a so called better form of social development than Capitalism. Under Communist regimes we saw the mass killing of not only the non conformist, but also the Kingly and intellectual class in order to control the masses and socially engineer fear and impotence into the general population. Communism is another political theoretical stratagem used to control and socially engineer members of a country. In communism we see that there is very little or no illusion of self determination of the individual members of society, whose lives are more or less totally controlled by the government.
Both systems seek to control and socially engineer their populations to develop societies that are guided by neither God nor their cultural/ethnic heritage and are governed by impersonal Secular democratic political systems as opposed to the more personal Monarchical systems.
Both of these political stratagems are seen by anti globalization parties as being experiments in social engineering rather than stratagems that are designed to enhance human life.
Although as the process of globalization gains the upper hand on world economies and the manipulative power to exclude non conformist nations or countries from the perceived economic benefits of the global market forces, communistic countries have begun to adopt a more capitalistic approach to their economic development and therefore brought their respective nations into closer alignment with the Federated Nation States of the global economies and hence are now more under the control of world market forces as opposed to their individual countries economic stratagem.
This gradual homogenization process is moving rapidly forward as China is now seen as one of the world foremost leaders in the global economic sphere even though it presents itself as a Communistic Country.
The centralized control of nations was archaically termed ‘world domination’ however its modern equivalent is termed globalization. Over the last two thousand years the two main cultures to dominate the world domination stage were the Christian and Islamic Empires due to the spice trade and outright military action. However, the merchant class, due to their fiscal stratagems, brought the Jewish merchants and subsequently bankers and financiers into the world domination theatre without the need for direct military action. However, the present stratagem, although conceived of imperialistic thought, is a modified version of the militarism of yesteryear. The modern stratagem primarily uses covert so called ‘peace keeping’ military action, political, financial (capitalistic) and economic manipulation rather than ‘only’ overt military action and conquest to achieve its desired goals.
The concept of peace keeping has been perverted into keeping a ‘piece’ of another nations land, finances or political control as world powers manipulate trade and economic system in order to gain more control over less powerful nations.
Globalization with the objective of a centralized world government is now the predominating stratagem and goal of the majority of democratic nations and financial entities throughout the world.
A nation ‘State’ is the main component of the geopolitical system. A Nation State is basically the concept that a nation or country as a political entity rather than a cultural or ethnic entity. Nations States are almost always based on the political ideology of democracy. The most commonly applied concept of State is the Federated State or a country that is comprised of individual States to form a single national government. Most ‘States’ are Secular in orientation, all except the State of Israel which is based on Religion, Judaism.
The modern approach to the development or evolution of mankind is to separate politics and religion. They believe that religion (the God concept) maintains mans link with the past and is limiting, while politics links man with science and affords man unlimited access to the future.
The aim of the Secularization of the Nation State is to sever the link and dependency of the members of any given society to their traditions, history and religion. History can be taught in school but traditions and religion is a private concern and not the concern of the State.
The concept of God and Religion in the Secular State is no longer an acceptable form of evolutionary process for humanity at large and God is now seen as an impediment to independent thought. Science is the new religion for mankind in the eyes of the Secular Globalist. Liberalism and Pluralism are social engineering stratagem to better facilitate the homogenization of cultures and ethnicities to aid in social control.
Science explains away God in strictly humanistic terms where God is a function of evolutionary process. God no longer exists as a person but as an idea, abstract, having no form but is seen as the impersonal force of nature.
All media and educational systems are aimed at breaking down mans dependence on a personal God and directing it to an impersonal concept of God that sees only the process of nature or force of nature at work and the elevation of consciousness is to be able to perceive this activity of God and seek to be in tune with this process as best as one can. For this only science has the answer. Science seeks to understand the force of nature and its various manifestations of which man is but one. However mans role in this is to understand these various forces and guided by science one can achieve true harmony with God.
The organized Secular Humanistic State and its subsequent centralized government under the auspices of science is the purest manifestation of God’s (the unknowable force) plan or work in nature. Existence in the modern context is broken down to ‘we are all parts in the game of God’ and the more that mankind can be encouraged into compliance, the more the individual parts can be controlled in order to create the perfect game.
The one world government system finds its infrastructural beginning with the establishment of the European Union which not only unifies Nation States with regards to political and financial systems; it has also developed international Parliamentary, Justice and Military (the adjunct N.A.T.O.) systems.
Many other countries are beginning to develop similar unions like:
Central Asian Union
Continental Union
African Union
Arab Union
Asian Union
Pacific Union
Union of South American Nations
Central Asian Free Trade Zone
The ultimate idea is that all these unions will eventually merge to form a super union, headed by a one world government. The formation of these Unions is the next stage in the realization of a one world government. Once there has been compliancy between these world unions and various contractile agreements signed then unbreakable bonds can be used to effect compliance to the globalist agenda and the infrastructural component will be complete.
Capitalism gave rise to the wealthy industrialists and heralded the introduction of the Secular educational process; both of these processes were largely instrumental in engineering the creation of the consumerist mentality within human society. To this end the Secular educative process has been voraciously developed in all countries in order to create the illusion of intelligence by the elevation of the status of the Academic speculator (Secular humanist) as opposed to the qualified Brahman or true intelligentsia who knows and accepts Vedic knowledge and is able to properly discern the difference between absolute and relative truths.
The creation of the myth that there exists a dichotomy between Secular and Non Secularisms based on the philosophic orientation of Humanistic Theory has further led to mass ambiguity within society. The impersonalistic and mechanistic Humanistic Theoretical ideology lends itself to the formation of the opinion of the Secular Humanistic educated individual that Religion is an unnecessary evolutionary adaption of mankind that has ceased to be useful in modern times.
This opinion is aided by the Darwinian Humanistic Philosophic hypothesis being taught in schools which sees mankind evolved from apes rather than being created by God. Darwinian evolutionary theory is being taught in schools as fact, yet it has not been proven to be so through vigorous scientific testing. Darwinian evolutionary theory more likely falls into the category of being a ‘philosophical treatise’ as opposed to an established scientific fact under mechanistic scientific assessment.
Humanistic Theory has yet to be proven as an axiomatic truth, yet the modern Secular Federated State has inculcated into the very fabric of human society as another form of social control being incorporated as an aspect of social engineering by the Merchant Moneylender class in order to create a society of individuals who are controlled by and conform to the system.
The creation of a unified educational curriculum which is largely urban based in orientation efficiently promotes urbanized consumerism. The urbanized individual is many times more the effective consumer than the rural individual. http://prabhupadavision.com/2010/11/community-development
Secular Humanistic education is an integral part of the system to aid in One World Government and the advancement of science. With a unified curriculum that streamlines individuals into highly specific roles within the greater Secular society which forms a unified, highly controlled self rationalizing and self justifying system.
Every facet of life is now able to be qualified, quantified, researched, modified, manipulated and ultimately controlled. This sets the stage for more or less total physical, intellectual and emotional compliance and dependence of the individual to the State.
Secular Humanistic education also functions to unify and standardize educational philosophy multilaterally. Thus creating a base line of specifically designed intelligence and general knowledge, that affords a ‘known’ and researchable psychological makeup, which readily lends itself to manipulation via the various social engineering methods that the Secular State applies to the members of any particular community in order to better facilitate social control.
Another important function of a standardized educative system is to focus the educative process to be more urban in orientation. This tends to direct and train individuals to become active members of an urban based economic process and in effect completely severs ties with the land and traditional farming techniques and lifestyles and greatly facilitates urban migration.
The nationalization and standardization of education has now produced a homogenized urban orientated society, where through the rote learning system, individuals of all classes can obtain qualifications that are not based on the person’s qualities and true intelligence but are instead based on memory recall.
Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa
( Click here to download a PDF of Geopolitics Parts 1 to 6 )